This is hilarious. I thought the title was actually commendable, and wanted to check out the comments to see what people thought of it.
They're fighting among them. It's hilarious. Check out some tidbits:
I am white and I am a nationalist. Is that still cool with you guys or should I leave?
Yeah, as a European, I'd like my country to remain ethnically homogeneous as it has been for 1500+ years (which btw means more than just European or "white") and in the same way I oppose any type of colonialism anywhere in the world. I guess this makes me a "white ethnonationalist". I don't apologize for that.
I just don't understand why people say Europe needs more diversity. There's slavs, germanic, celtic, nordic, latin...
When people talk of ethnic diversity, they only mean less white people. When is Africa, Mexico, and Israel getting diversity? It is only white countries that need "diversity".
Precisely. It's not racist to believe that all people deserve a homeland of their own. Even the various European ethnic groups.
Races getting their own homelands is really the only way to preserve the diversity of various peoples, their traditions, and cultures.
Absolutely not. Not every country is a multicultural experiment. Not every native people want to be slowly replaced by constant immigration.
England literally means 'land of the Angles'. Which is an Ethnic group.
Ethnonationalism is perfectly normal and natural, and the vast majority of countries are >named after their majority ethnic group. It is racism to demand we sacrifice our values or >be called 'racist'.
where were you when /r/the_donald cucked itself
And folks, my favorite: the_donald shows the REAL reason why most people want the wall: