Badcademics Association Member
A space to discuss how we are all our own people making our own way, and expensive red wine is just better.
Submission Rules:
We are not lower-effort SRS. Low hanging fruit is banned from this subreddit, because if we need a reminder on how Reddit is racist/sexist/homophobic/whatever, we can subscribe to SRS. Exemptions will be made if it's a firedrops-like submission (like this) and high quality, but you need to message moderators first.
Do not post links to white supremacist websites and blogs, "Fundies Say the Darndest Things", TRP and its network of subreddits/websites, AVFM, MR and related, anything related to GamerGate, and Chimpire subreddits. We know those are bad, so posting links to those sites will be considered karma-grabbing and not allowed. Again, see the first point.
Submissions here need at least one sentence to establish relevance to social science. This needs to be done within an hour of submission, otherwise it will be taken down. We're not looking for something like the infamous R5 explanations on /r/badhistory, but a sentence explaining why you submitted your post here and discussing relevance would be nice.
Private messages - including moderation messages - need to be cleared by a human moderator prior to submission.
All rules are to be interpreted within the subreddit's culture and enforced through ostracization.
Which social science? What does social science mean philosophically?
Survival International on Pinker, Chagnon and Diamond.
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