I saw him last time 4 years ago and thats when i deleted facebook aprox.
I was mad at him since he got drunk and i had to go into fight because of him for god knows which time. He found me thanks to mobile apps and sent me his photo with mutual friend drinking diet soda since i dont drink. He is good guy, stubborn but he texted me. First thing i asked him, confused how came he texted, how is his gf of 6-7 years. Guess what? You got it. She cheated.
He left for USA for "work & travel" and his local friends caught her in shopping mall. He was shocked and so im i when he told me. She wasnt even hiding and god knows for how many years with how many guys she fuc*ed.
She chased him for months back in highschool, and he barely came from States desprate and drunk. That happend couple of weeks ago and i cant believe how many times since i joined here im getting confirmation of female shit. I cant even look at them without disgust. Im in anger phase for "my ex close to unicorn" and im scared if i see her, cheated or not, i might smack her for being lying garbage. Never punched a women, but damn i can barely control myself. Im trying to focus on my road but im getting flodeed with female ugliness. Dog and escort, today is same chance she has herpes as regular girl. Snake, i mean regular snake.
[–]csehszlovakzeThe Hungarian 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)