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Trump supporters launch #TrumpCup as a protest against Starbucks

By Alex Leininger, CNN
Updated 1659 GMT (0059 HKT) November 18, 2016
#TrumpCup is a movement against Starbucks due to their alleged discrimination.
#TrumpCup is a movement against Starbucks due to their alleged discrimination.

Story highlights

  • #TrumpCup calls on supporters to ask for their drink under Trump's name
  • The protest comes after a Miami man claims to have been refused service
(CNN)Trump supporters have started asking for their Starbucks drinks under Trump's name as a movement against the coffee giant.
After a viral video showing a Trump supporter yelling at a barista gained traction on Wednesday, other supporters have banded together to protest what they view as political and anti-white discrimination.
    The man in the video told the Miami Herald that he was racially discriminated against and that the barista wouldn't serve him because she knew he was a Trump supporter.
    #trump supporter in #miami @Starbucks attacks & threatens patrons & staff bc coffee took too long, blames anti-white "discrimination"
    — jorge de cardenas (@Jbdcl) November 16, 2016
    The hashtag #TrumpCup isn't new, but blew up after a Twitter user posted instructions to followers Friday morning. The hashtag had over 12,000 tweets as of 10 a.m. Friday.
    Operation #TrumpCup

    1) Go to Starbucks & tell them your name is Trump

    2) If they refuse take video

    Pls share & spread the word
    — Baked Alaska™ (@bakedalaska) November 18, 2016
    The protest is an attempt to make Starbucks baristas yell Trump's name and write it on their coffee cups, as is the company's mandate.
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    Some supporters claim to have been refused a #TrumpCup and see it as a breach of their rights.
    My 8 year old after being refused a #TrumpCup

    "This violates article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child!"

    We all clapped
    — Chicago Joe (@adudeinaplace2) November 18, 2016
    Refuses to write Trump on a cup.

    Demands Christians to bake cakes for homosexuals.

    Lib Logic.#TrumpCup
    — Deplorable Josh (@JoshNoneYaBiz) November 18, 2016
    But others find the protest counterintuitive, as the plan relies on giving Starbucks money in the first place.
    Instead of asking for a #TrumpCup just boycott #Starbucks. Companies ONLY get the message when it hurts their wallet$.
    — ♥Deplorable in Pink♥ (@pink_lady56) November 18, 2016
    Why are you giving @Starbucks your money and support? You are only attacking the worker #TrumpCup
    — ViperZ28 (@viperz28) November 18, 2016
    This all comes after the controversy that plagued Starbucks last year as they introduced a plain red holiday cup that was markedly different from Christmas cups in the past. Joshua Feuerstein, a former pastor, called the new cups a "war on Christmas" in a video posted to Facebook.
    But many social media users find the Starbucks protests old and tiresome.
    Why are conservatives always flipping out over @Starbucks cups every year? 😂 #TrumpCup
    — Ambi Naidu (@ambirox) November 18, 2016
    I assume that #TrumpCup is going to be another "Holiday Cup" debacle based off a satire tweet
    — Dream (@Hugcatsplzthx) November 18, 2016
    Some even call out the logic of the movement with a good-natured slight at Starbucks.
    I'm unclear on what happened, but this should have been NBD. who cares what name they write? They never get them right anyway #TrumpCup
    — Tracy Singer (@lasinger711) November 18, 2016
    If all the Trumpsters use the same name at Starbucks they'll get their orders mixed up. They did not think this through #TrumpCup
    — Seth Pajak Ⓥ (@SethP23) November 18, 2016
    CNN's calls to Starbucks were not immediately returned.
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