My fellow Americans voted for a man who advocated for torture.
My fellow Americans voted for a man who said we should kill innocent women and children
My fellow Americans voted for a man who attacked a gold star family
My fellow Americans voted for a man who was caught admitting sexual assault. Then was accused of said sexual assault by 12 women, then my fellow Americans made it blatantly clear how prevalent rape culture was in America by calling these poor women liars.
My fellow Americans voted for man who's running mate is so anti LGBT it's horrifying.
My fellow Americans voted for a man who's campaign chief is a white nationalist.
My fellow Americans voted for a man who called Mexicans rapists and murderers.
My fellow Americans voted for a man who's going to court for racketeering charges at the end of November.
My fellow Americans voted for a man who doesn't make his products in America, and uses Chinese steel.
My fellow Americans voted for a man who violated the Cuban embargo.
My fellow Americans voted for a man who spouts out lies and supports propaganda. He tries to de-legitimize protesters by saying we're paid. We are not paid.
My fellow Americans voted for a man who has stated he would like to violate most of the bill of rights & the 14th amendment.
The Americans who voted for this man have nothing in common with me. They share none of the morals I was raised with, and they don't have the love of our rights and freedoms I expect to see from a fellow American. I have a standard. I will not lower it because others have decided to debase themselves. I refuse to normalize disgusting behavior from our president elect. I will hold Trump voters responsible for their actions which hurt their fellow Americans so much.
The black people in my neighborhood are terrified that white supremacist are going to start lynching people soon.
The Muslims in my neighborhood, who are also black, are terrified they will be put on a national registry.
The LGBT folks in my neighborhood are terrified that they'll lose their rights, and one gay couple is terrified they'll have their adopted child taken away from them.
The women in my neighborhood are in shock that people defended sexual assault. The sexual assault victims in my neighborhood are going through post traumatic stress disorder because of this.
My whole entire neighborhood is suffering because Trump supporters voted for Trump because of, or in spite of all the facts I listed.
Now my fellow Americans bemoan being judged harshly for their choice, like they are the victim in all of this.
I have nothing in common with these people. I expected them to be better than this. I had faith in them. I believed that we wouldn't chose a man who grabbed women by the pussy.
The white working class have no excuse. Hillary Clinton's plans were much better for the working poor than Trump will be. Trickle down economics didn't work in the 80s and it won't work today. The coal workers were lied to, we all knew you were being lied to before the election.
The white working class were screwed by a Republican controlled Congress who did nothing for 8 years. Then they voted the very people who screwed them over into power. The logic doesn't make any sense.
My fellow Americans hurt me. Hurt my people in my neighborhood. They hurt people all over the United States of America.
Most of all they hurt our national security. They put American lives at risk, and I will judge them accordingly.