全 7 件のコメント

[–]sadbasturd99 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

Since I am usually the opposite of everyone here I will post my story as well. Last ex was so concerned that I was leaving her. She was shattered, said she was going to kill herself etc. But in a few days she found a taller better looking richer man.

Of course this didn't stop her from fucking me a few times while she was going out with him lol. When I finally moved far away from her she said I "used her". Keep in mind I was about 36 and she was about 46. You can't use a 46 year old woman lol.

[–]fantasmas05[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Oh boy, the hamster never dies! These women will convince themselves of whatever they have to so they can sleep at night. I've learned in the last 2 years that women will never take responsibility for anything they do and it's pointless to try and point it out to them.

A lady from my work had an affair for 2 years. Not a 1 night stand. 2 fucking years. Eventually she was caught and he divorced her. Her hamstering is unbelievable. She actually tries to convince people that she is the victim in all of it because her husband "neglected" her which drove her to cheat. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

[–]sadbasturd99 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

This reminds me of something else she said. I was going to be in her State several years ago, and I asked her if she wanted to see me. She laughed and said she couldn't, I say "why not", she says something like "I know you wont respect the vows of marriage". So me meeting her and fucking her would have nothing to do with her at all lol.

[–]NameOfAction 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

Had a gf for couple years. Generally a lying bitch, didnt treat me well, and tbh I was a little bitch at the time.

I had to move 200 miles away for unrelated reasons. I wanted her to come but she didnt. Said she'd work on getting up here to be with me.

Tried the long distance thing. It didn't work out.

2 yrs later I get a text from her "I told you Id move to X. Im working here now"

I responded "fuck off, forget you knew me."

She says "wheres all this anger comming from? Its been years"

I didnt answer. Not getting sucked back into that crazy again.

Few months later I saw her on the local hiking trail. I was with a younger, prettier, larger breasted woman. We made eye contact. She didn't say a word and neither did I.

[–]fantasmas05[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Oh that's lovely! about 10 years ago in my BP days, I dated a nutjob who took me ages to get over. I finally met someone, a younger, prettier blonde with a cute face. I never spoke about my ex to her.

One night we were out at the bars and my ex was there. My new gf and her friends randomly started talking shit about my ex, her looks and her outfit. They didn't know who she was. It was glorious. And I received dagger stares all night.

[–]Happen_On_A_Ciggy 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

I was a "beta orbiter"/side dude to an ex that was married for 5 or 6 years. She would cheat on him with me.

Me sticking around her was due to my boozen/depression.

I would ask her why she kept me around and it was "to help me get better.".. i was afraid of being alone at the time. I would always get angry at her after hanging out with her, cause she never loved me.

I call that period of time in my life jail time. Now I'm a free man.

So yeah long story short quit the booze and started exercising. Now I'm a glorious light force of love that will spread across this vast world. And also fuck bitches when pussy get's thrown at me.