1000 Culture Empty
2000 Economy Empty
3000 Environment Empty
4000 Government Empty
5000 Immigration Empty
6000 Indigenous Peoples Empty
7000 Security Empty
4100 Government Access to Information
Access to Information
In progress Inprogress
4101 Government Access to Information
Amend the Access to Information Act so that all government data and information is made open by default in digital formats.
In progress Inprogress
4104 Government Access to Information
Create a central, no-fee portal for personal information requests.
4105 Government Access to Information
Create a common, quarterly, and more detailed parliamentary expense report.
4102 Government Access to Information
Eliminate all fees associated with the Access to Information process except for the initial $5 filing fee.
In progress Inprogress
4103 Government Access to Information
Improve open data accessibility.
Not started Notstarted
4106 Government Access to Information
Release key information that informs decision-making and devote a fixed percentage of program funds to experimenting with new approaches to existing problems.
5100 Immigration Aid
Not started Notstarted
5101 Immigration Aid
Refocus development assistance on helping the poorest and most vulnerable, with a focus on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health.
1100 Culture Arts
In progress Inprogress
1101 Culture Arts
Double funding in Canada Council for the Arts to $360 million each year (from its current 2015 yearly budget of $180 million).
1102 Culture Arts
Increase funding for Telefilm Canada and the National Film Board with a new investment totalling $25 million each year.
In progress Inprogress
1103 Culture Arts
Restore the Promart and Trade Routes international cultural promotion programs and increase their funding to $25 million each year.
Not started Notstarted
1104 Culture Arts
Review the Copyright Act of 2012 to better understand its impacts on the arts and culture sector.
7100 Security Bill C-51 C51 Bill51 Bill 51
Bill C-51
Not started Notstarted
7108 Security Bill C-51 C51 Bill51 Bill 51
Create the Office of the Community Outreach and Counter-radicalization Coordinator.
Not started Notstarted
7105 Security Bill C-51 C51 Bill51 Bill 51
Define “terrorist propaganda” more clearly.
Not started Notstarted
7103 Security Bill C-51 C51 Bill51 Bill 51
Ensure that Canadians are not limited from lawful protests and advocacy.
Not started Notstarted
7102 Security Bill C-51 C51 Bill51 Bill 51
Establish an all-party national security oversight committee.
Not started Notstarted
7101 Security Bill C-51 C51 Bill51 Bill 51
Guarantee that all Canadian Security Intelligence Service warrants respect the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Not started Notstarted
7106 Security Bill C-51 C51 Bill51 Bill 51
Limit Communications Security Establishment’s powers by requiring a warrant to engage in the surveillance of Canadians.
Not started Notstarted
7107 Security Bill C-51 C51 Bill51 Bill 51
Require a statutory review of the full Anti-Terrorism Act after 3 years.
Not started Notstarted
7104 Security Bill C-51 C51 Bill51 Bill 51
Require that government review all appeals by Canadians on the no-fly list.
2700 Economy Budget
Not started Notstarted
4803 Economy Budget
Ensure accounting consistency among the Estimates and the Public Accounts.
Not started Notstarted
2708 Economy Budget
Lower the federal debt-to-GDP ratio to 27% for 2019/2020.
Not started Notstarted
2707 Economy Budget
Lower the federal debt-to-GDP ratio to 28% for 2018/2019.
Not started Notstarted
2706 Economy Budget
Lower the federal debt-to-GDP ratio to 29% for 2017/2018.
Not started Notstarted
2705 Economy Budget
Lower the federal debt-to-GDP ratio to 30% for 2016/2017.
Not started Notstarted
2704 Economy Budget
Lower the federal debt-to-GDP ratio to 31% for 2015/2016.
Not started Notstarted
4801 Economy Budget
Provide costing analysis for each government bill.
2711 Economy Budget
Reduce the advertising budget of the government of Canada and the use of external consultants.
Not started Notstarted
4802 Economy Budget
Restore the requirement that the government’s borrowing plans receive Parliament’s pre-approval.
Not started Notstarted
2702 Economy Budget
Return to a balanced budget in 2019.
2701 Economy Budget
Run short-term deficits of less than $10 billion in each of the next
two fiscal years (2016 and 2017).
2703 Economy Budget
The 2016 middle class tax cut combined with the new 33% tax bracket will be revenue neutral.
1200 Culture CBC/Radio-Canada
Not started Notstarted
1202 Culture CBC/Radio-Canada
Ensure the CBC/Radio-Canada Board of Directors appointments are merit-based and independent.
In progress Inprogress
1201 Culture CBC/Radio-Canada
Reverse $150 million cuts in new annual funding for CBC/Radio-Canada.
3100 Environment Clean Tech
Clean Tech
Not started Notstarted
3107 Environment Clean Tech
Add electric vehicle charging stations at federal parking lots.
Not started Notstarted
3110 Environment Clean Tech
Develop a Canadian Energy Strategy to protect Canada’s energy security.
In progress Inprogress
3109 Environment Clean Tech
Establish Canada Research Chairs in sustainable technology.
In progress Inprogress
3105 Environment Clean Tech
Increase government use of clean technologies.
In progress Inprogress
3101 Environment Clean Tech
Invest $100 million more each year in clean technology producers.
In progress Inprogress
3102 Environment Clean Tech
Invest $200 million more each year to support innovation and the use of clean technologies in our natural resource sectors, including the forestry, fisheries, mining, energy, and agricultural sectors.
Not started Notstarted
3103 Environment Clean Tech
Issue Green Bonds to fund clean tech projects.
In progress Inprogress
3104 Environment Clean Tech
Make Canada the world’s most competitive tax jurisdiction for investments in clean tech.
Not started Notstarted
3108 Environment Clean Tech
Rapidly expand the federal fleet of electric vehicles.
Not started Notstarted
3106 Environment Clean Tech
Train trade officials and lead trade missions focused on clean technology.
3200 Environment Climate Change
Climate Change
In progress Inprogress
3204 Environment Climate Change
Cancel Northern Gateway Pipeline.
In progress Inprogress
3201 Environment Climate Change
Create a new Low Carbon Economy Trust.
In progress Inprogress
3206 Environment Climate Change
Modernize the National Energy Board, ensuring that its composition reflects regional views and has sufficient expertise in fields like environmental science, community development, and Indigenous traditional knowledge.
3202 Environment Climate Change
Phase out subsidies for the fossil fuel industry.
3207 Environment Climate Change
Re-do the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline expansion review.
In progress Inprogress
3205 Environment Climate Change
Review Canada’s environmental assessment processes and introduce new and fair processes.
Not started Notstarted
3203 Environment Climate Change
Work with the United States and Mexico to develop a North American clean energy and environmental agreement.
7200 Security Domestic Security
Domestic Security
In progress Inprogress
7202 Security Domestic Security
Implement a federal gender violence strategy.
In progress Inprogress
7201 Security Domestic Security
Lift the Mexican visa requirement for travelers.
Not started Notstarted
7203 Security Domestic Security
Offer a $300,000 compensation benefit to families of disabled or deceased firefighters, police officers, and paramedics.
Not started Notstarted
7206 Security Domestic Security
Repeal Bill C-36.
In progress Inprogress
7205 Security Domestic Security
Repeal provision of Bill C-24 stating that Canadian citizenship can be revoked after being convicted of treason or of an act of terrorism in Canada or abroad.
7204 Security Domestic Security
Restore funding for Canada’s four heavy urban search and rescue teams.
6100 Indigenous Peoples Education
In progress Inprogress
6102 Indigenous Peoples Education
Invest $300 million in additional annual funding for the First Nations education system for kindergarten through grade 12 programs.
6104 Indigenous Peoples Education
Invest $50 million in additional annual funding to the Post-Secondary Student Support Program.
In progress Inprogress
6103 Indigenous Peoples Education
Invest $500 million over 2015 to 2018 for building and refurbishing First Nations schools.
6101 Indigenous Peoples Education
Provide new funding to help Indigenous communities promote and preserve Indigenous languages and cultures.
4200 Government Elections
In progress Inprogress
4202 Government Elections
Ban partisan government ads.
In progress Inprogress
4201 Government Elections
End first-past-the-post voting system and explore alternative options.
Not started Notstarted
4210 Government Elections
Ensure that all Canadians have a right to vote, no matter where they live.
Not started Notstarted
4209 Government Elections
Establish an independent commission to organize leaders’ debates.
Not started Notstarted
4204 Government Elections
Increase election fraud penalties.
Not started Notstarted
4205 Government Elections
Provide Elections Canada with the resources it needs to investigate voter fraud and suppression, illegal financing, and other matters that threaten the integrity of the electoral process.
Not started Notstarted
4206 Government Elections
Restore the independence of the Commissioner of Canada Elections so that they are freely able to prosecute electoral violations.
Not started Notstarted
4203 Government Elections
Restore the voter identification card as an acceptable form of identification.
Not started Notstarted
4208 Government Elections
Review the limits on how much political parties can spend during elections, and ensure that spending between elections is subject to limits.
Not started Notstarted
4207 Government Elections
Scrap Bill C-50 (Citizen Voting Act).
2200 Economy Families
Not started Notstarted
2202 Economy Families
Allow parents to receive benefits in smaller blocks of time over a period of up to 18 months.
Not started Notstarted
2203 Economy Families
Allow parents to take longer parental leaves of up to 18 months with lower benefits.
Not started Notstarted
2205 Economy Families
Amend the Canada Labour Code to provide federally regulated employees with the right to make a formal request to their employer for more flexible working conditions.
Not started Notstarted
2213 Economy Families
Consult with provinces, territories and other stakeholders to introduce a National Disabilities Act.
In progress Inprogress
2211 Economy Families
Develop a new National Early Learning and Child Care Framework to deliver affordable, high-quality, flexible, and inclusive child care for Canadian families - this work will begin in the first 100 days of a Liberal government and is to be funded through investments in social infrastructure.
In progress Inprogress
2215 Economy Families
Establish a Pan-Canadian collaboration on health innovation.
2217 Economy Families
Immediately start to invest $3 billion over the next four years to deliver better home care services (including in-home caregivers, financial support for family care, and palliative care).
In progress Inprogress
2214 Economy Families
Improve access and reduce the cost of prescription medications.
In progress Inprogress
2207 Economy Families
Increase funding to the Public Health Agency of Canada by $15 million in 2016-2017.
2210 Economy Families
Increase investments in the Nutrition North program by $40 million over 4 years.
In progress Inprogress
2201 Economy Families
Increase the Guaranteed Income Supplement for single low-income seniors by 10%.
2209 Economy Families
Increase the Northern Residents Deduction residency component by 33% (to a maximum of $22 per day).
Not started Notstarted
2216 Economy Families
Increase the availability of high-quality mental health services for Canadians.
2104 Economy Families
Introduce a new Canada Child Benefit which will be tax-free, tied to income, and delivered monthly.
2208 Economy Families
Introduce a new Teacher and Early Childhood Educator School Supply Tax Benefit for the purchase of up to $1,000 worth of school supplies each year.
Not started Notstarted
2212 Economy Families
Make it easier and more affordable to hire caregivers.
2204 Economy Families
Make the Compassionate Care Benefit more flexible so that those who care for seriously ill family members can access six months of benefits.
5400 Immigration Family Reunification
Family Reunification
Not started Notstarted
5402 Immigration Family Reunification
Double the budget for processing family class sponsorship to reduce wait times (which are currently at four years for parent and grandparent applications).
Not started Notstarted
5403 Immigration Family Reunification
Give additional points under the Express Entry system and restore the maximum age for dependents to 22 (from 19).
Not started Notstarted
5404 Immigration Family Reunification
Grant immediate permanent residency to new spouses entering Canada, eliminating the two-year waiting period.
5401 Immigration Family Reunification
Immediately double the number of applications allowed for parents and grandparents to 10,000 each year.
4800 Government Foreign Affairs
Foreign Affairs
In progress Inprogress
4804 Government Foreign Affairs
Normalize relations with Iran.
7300 Security Guns
In progress Inprogress
7309 Security Guns
Canada will become a party to the international Arms Trade Treaty.
7307 Security Guns
Immediately implement the imported gun marking regulations.
Not started Notstarted
7308 Security Guns
Invest in technologies to enhance border guards’ ability to detect and halt illegal guns from the United States entering into Canada.
Not started Notstarted
7303 Security Guns
Modify the membership of the Canadian Firearms Advisory Committee to include knowledgeable law enforcement officers, public health advocates, representatives from women’s groups, and members of the legal community.
7302 Security Guns
Provide $100 million each year to the provinces and territories to support guns and gangs police task forces.
Not started Notstarted
7301 Security Guns
Repeal changes made by Bill C-42 allowing restricted firearms to be freely transported without a permit.
Not started Notstarted
7304 Security Guns
Require enhanced background checks for anyone seeking to purchase a handgun or other restricted firearm.
Not started Notstarted
7306 Security Guns
Require firearms vendors to keep records of all firearms inventory and sales.
Not started Notstarted
7305 Security Guns
Require purchasers of firearms to show a license when they buy a gun, and require all sellers of firearms to confirm that the license is valid before completing the sale.
2300 Economy Investments
Not started Notstarted
2311 Economy Investments
Invest $160 million in an Agri-Food Value Added Investment Fund over four years.
In progress Inprogress
2302 Economy Investments
Invest $20 billion more in social infrastructure over next 10 years.
In progress Inprogress
2309 Economy Investments
Invest $200 million each year in a new Innovation Agenda.
2303 Economy Investments
Invest $6 billion more in green infrastructure over next four years.
2310 Economy Investments
Invest an additional $100 million each year in the Industrial Research Assistance Program.
Not started Notstarted
2312 Economy Investments
Invest an additional $100 million in agricultural research over four years.
2308 Economy Investments
Invest an additional $775 million per year for job and skills training.
In progress Inprogress
2313 Economy Investments
Invest an additional $80 million in the Canadian Food Inspection Agency over four years.
In progress Inprogress
2304 Economy Investments
Make the New Building Canada Fund more focused on providing investments in public transit, social infrastructure, and green infrastructure.
Not started Notstarted
2305 Economy Investments
Make the the New Building Canada Fund more transparent by providing clearer project criteria and faster approval processes.
Not started Notstarted
2307 Economy Investments
Provide loan guarantees and small capital contributions to provinces and municipalities through the Canada Infrastructure Bank.
In progress Inprogress
2301 Economy Investments
Quadruple federal investment in public transit over next 10 years.
In progress Inprogress
2314 Economy Investments
Reverse plan to charge tolls to drivers using Montreal’s new Champlain Bridge.
2306 Economy Investments
Transfer uncommitted federal infrastructure funds to municipalities, through a temporary top-up of the Gas Tax Fund.
2400 Economy Lower Incomes
Lower Incomes
In progress Inprogress
2409 Economy Lower Incomes
Ensure that no graduate with student loans is required to make any repayment until they are earning an income of at least $25,000 per year.
In progress Inprogress
2410 Economy Lower Incomes
Invest $25 million per year in the Youth Service Program.
2406 Economy Lower Incomes
Invest $300 million more in the Youth Employment Strategy to create 40,000 youth jobs - including 5,000 youth green jobs - each year for the next 3 years.
2407 Economy Lower Incomes
Invest $40 million each year to help employers create more co-op placements for students in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and business programs.
2408 Economy Lower Incomes
Meet with the provinces and develop a plan to fund a gradual enhancement of the CPP’s defined benefit plan.
2404 Economy Lower Incomes
Provide direct help to students from low- and middle-income families to help them pay for their education and ensure that debt loads are manageable by increasing the maximum Canada Student Grant to $3,000/year for full-time students and to $1,800/year for part-time students.
In progress Inprogress
2206 Economy Lower Incomes
Reduce the Employment Insurance benefits waiting period to one week (from two).
Not started Notstarted
2402 Economy Lower Incomes
Remove GST on new capital investments in affordable rental housing.
In progress Inprogress
2401 Economy Lower Incomes
Restore the eligibility age for Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement to 65.
In progress Inprogress
2403 Economy Lower Incomes
Review escalating home prices in high-priced markets.
7400 Security Marijuana Bhang Brownies Cannabis Doobie Grass Hemp Herb Joint Pétard Pot Stoned Weed Space Cake
In progress Inprogress
7405 Security Marijuana Bhang Brownies Cannabis Doobie Grass Hemp Herb Joint Pétard Pot Stoned Weed Space Cake
Create a federal/provincial/territorial task force to design a new system of marijuana sales and distribution.
Not started Notstarted
7403 Security Marijuana Bhang Brownies Cannabis Doobie Grass Hemp Herb Joint Pétard Pot Stoned Weed Space Cake
Create new, stronger laws to punish more severely those who operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of marijuana.
Not started Notstarted
7402 Security Marijuana Bhang Brownies Cannabis Doobie Grass Hemp Herb Joint Pétard Pot Stoned Weed Space Cake
Create new, stronger laws to punish more severely those who provide marijuana to minors.
Not started Notstarted
7404 Security Marijuana Bhang Brownies Cannabis Doobie Grass Hemp Herb Joint Pétard Pot Stoned Weed Space Cake
Create new, stronger laws to punish more severely those who sell marijuana outside of the new regulatory framework.
In progress Inprogress
7401 Security Marijuana Bhang Brownies Cannabis Doobie Grass Hemp Herb Joint Pétard Pot Stoned Weed Space Cake
Legalize marijuana by removing marijuana consumption and incidental possession from the Criminal Code.
7500 Security Military
Not started Notstarted
7504 Security Military
Build icebreakers, supply ships, Arctic and offshore patrol ships, surface combatants, and other resources required by the Navy.
7503 Security Military
Do not buy the F-35s, and immediately launch an open and transparent competition and reduce the procurement budget to replace the current CF-18s.
7501 Security Military
End Operation IMPACT (airstrikes against ISIS targets by Canadian CF-18s in Syria and Iraq).
Not started Notstarted
7507 Security Military
Implement the recommendations made in the Canadian Forces’ Report on Transformation on how to build a more efficient military.
7505 Security Military
Maintain current National Defence spending levels, including planned increases.
7502 Security Military
Maintain participation in NATO Operations REASSURANCE (Eastern Europe) and UNIFIER (Ukraine).
Not started Notstarted
7506 Security Military
Prioritize assistance for civilian police training operations, particularly Francophone officers.
6200 Indigenous Peoples Métis
6204 Indigenous Peoples Métis
Develop a Métis Economic Development Strategy with $25 million funding over five years.
Not started Notstarted
6201 Indigenous Peoples Métis
Establish a federal claims process that recognizes Métis self-government and resolves outstanding claims.
Not started Notstarted
6202 Indigenous Peoples Métis
Make permanent the funding available to provincial Métis communities for Métis identification and registration.
Not started Notstarted
6203 Indigenous Peoples Métis
Review existing federal programs and services available to the Métis Nation to identify gaps and areas for improvement.
3300 Environment National Parks
National Parks
Not started Notstarted
3302 Environment National Parks
Beginning in 2018, admission for children under 18 will be free, and any adult who has become a Canadian citizen in the previous 12 months will be given one year’s free admission.
In progress Inprogress
3306 Environment National Parks
Create the country’s first urban National Park (Rouge National Park).
3304 Environment National Parks
Expand the Learn to Camp program.
In progress Inprogress
3301 Environment National Parks
In 2017, admission for all visitors to National Parks will be free.
In progress Inprogress
3303 Environment National Parks
Invest $25 million each year to develop Canada’s National Parks system.
Not started Notstarted
3305 Environment National Parks
Restore Parks Canada funding by reversing $25 million cuts.
1300 Culture Official Languages
Official Languages
In progress Inprogress
1303 Culture Official Languages
Ensure judicial appointments to the Supreme Court are functionally bilingual.
Not started Notstarted
1301 Culture Official Languages
Establish a free online service for learning and retaining English and French as second languages.
In progress Inprogress
1302 Culture Official Languages
Reinstate the Court Challenges Program of Canada.
4300 Government Parliament
Not started Notstarted
4307 Government Parliament
Change the House of Commons Standing Orders to end practice of using inappropriate omnibus bills to reduce scrutiny of legislative measures.
In progress Inprogress
4306 Government Parliament
Do not use prorogation to avoid difficult political circumstances.
Not started Notstarted
4302 Government Parliament
Empower the Speaker to challenge and sanction Members during Question Period, and allow more time for questions and answers.
4303 Government Parliament
For members of the Liberal Caucus, all votes will be free votes except those that implement the Liberal platform, traditional confidence matters, and those that address the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
In progress Inprogress
4301 Government Parliament
Introduce a Prime Minister’s Question Period.
In progress Inprogress
4305 Government Parliament
Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries may not be, or stand in for, voting members on committees.
Not started Notstarted
4304 Government Parliament
Parliamentary committees will be given more resources to acquire independent, expert analysis of proposed legislation.
5200 Immigration Refugees
Not started Notstarted
5204 Immigration Refugees
Appoint individuals with appropriate subject-matter expertise to Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Board.
5202 Immigration Refugees
Provide $100 million by April 2016 to the UN High Commission of Refugees.
5205 Immigration Refugees
Provide a right to appeal refugee decisions for citizens coming from Designated Countries of Origin.
5203 Immigration Refugees
Restore the Interim Federal Health Program that provides limited and temporary health benefits to refugees and refugee claimants.
5201 Immigration Refugees
Welcome 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2015.
4400 Government Science
Not started Notstarted
4406 Government Science
Bring in tougher regulations to eliminate trans fats and to reduce salt in processed foods.
Not started Notstarted
4402 Government Science
Consolidate government science so that it is easily available to the public at-large through a central portal.
In progress Inprogress
4401 Government Science
Create the post of Chief Science Officer.
4404 Government Science
End MSM blood donation ban.
In progress Inprogress
4407 Government Science
Improve food labels to give more information on added sugars and artificial dyes in processed foods.
In progress Inprogress
4405 Government Science
Introduce new restrictions on the commercial marketing of unhealthy food and beverages to children (similar to those existing in Québec).
In progress Inprogress
4409 Government Science
Introduce plain packaging requirements for tobacco products, similar to those in Australia and the United Kingdom.
4403 Government Science
Revoke rules and regulations that muzzle government scientists and allow them to speak freely about their work (with only limited and publicly stated exceptions).
In progress Inprogress
4408 Government Science
Work with the professional medical community and relevant stakeholders to establish professional protocols in relation to decriminalizing medically-assisted death.
4500 Government Senate
4501 Government Senate
Create a new, non-partisan, merit-based process to advise the Prime Minister on Senate appointments.
4600 Government Service Quality
Service Quality
Not started Notstarted
4602 Government Service Quality
Create individualized secure accounts for those who want to access all of their government benefits and review key documents.
Not started Notstarted
4603 Government Service Quality
Create new performance standards for services offered by the federal government, including streamlining applications, reducing wait times, and money-back guarantees.
In progress Inprogress
4601 Government Service Quality
Revert plan to end Canada Post door-to-door mail delivery.
6300 Indigenous Peoples Social Issues
Social Issues
Not started Notstarted
6301 Indigenous Peoples Social Issues
Enact the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
In progress Inprogress
6305 Indigenous Peoples Social Issues
Ensure clean water availability on 93 communities on reserves currently affected by poor water quality.
6307 Indigenous Peoples Social Issues
Ensure every new policy and law would meet with the principles of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
In progress Inprogress
6308 Indigenous Peoples Social Issues
Fund the Freedom Road project for Shoal Lake 40 First Nation.
6309 Indigenous Peoples Social Issues
Guarantee that First Nation communities have a veto over natural resource development in their territories.
6310 Indigenous Peoples Social Issues
Immediately lift the two percent cap on funding for First Nations programs.
Not started Notstarted
6303 Indigenous Peoples Social Issues
Implement the objectives of the Kelowna Accord.
6302 Indigenous Peoples Social Issues
Launch a national public inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls in Canada.
Not started Notstarted
6306 Indigenous Peoples Social Issues
Review, repeal and amend all existing laws that do not respect Indigenous rights or that were passed without proper consultation.
In progress Inprogress
6304 Indigenous Peoples Social Issues
The Prime Minister will meet with First Nations, Métis Nation, and Inuit leaders at least once every year.
4700 Government Statscan
In progress Inprogress
4702 Government Statscan
Make Statistics Canada fully independent.
4701 Government Statscan
Restore mandatory long-form census.
5300 Immigration Students and Workers
Students and Workers
In progress Inprogress
5301 Immigration Students and Workers
Give international students and temporary residents credit for time already spent in Canada.
Not started Notstarted
5302 Immigration Students and Workers
Make it more affordable to send money overseas.
2100 Economy Taxes
2103 Economy Taxes
Cancel family income splitting.
2101 Economy Taxes
Cut the middle income tax bracket to 20.5% (from 22%).
2102 Economy Taxes
Introduce a new tax bracket of 33% for individuals earning more than $200,000.
2106 Economy Taxes
Offer a 12-month break on Employment Insurance premiums to encourage companies to hire young people by waiving employer premiums for all those between the ages of 18 and 24 who are hired into a permanent position in 2016, 2017, or 2018.
In progress Inprogress
2709 Economy Taxes
Reduce the Employment Insurance premium rate (per $100 of insurable earnings) from $1.88 to $1.65.
2105 Economy Taxes
Reduce the small business tax rate to 9% (from 11%).
2107 Economy Taxes
Set a cap on how much can be claimed through the stock option deduction on annual stock option gains higher than $100,000.
2600 Economy Unions
2602 Economy Unions
Reinstate the tax credit for contributions made to labour-sponsored funds.
In progress Inprogress
2601 Economy Unions
Repeal Bills C-377 and C-525.
7600 Security Veterans
7612 Security Veterans
Cover the cost of four years of post-secondary education for every veteran who wants one.
7611 Security Veterans
Double funding to the Last Post Fund.
Not started Notstarted
7610 Security Veterans
Eliminate the marriage after 60 clause.
In progress Inprogress
7607 Security Veterans
Hire 400 new service delivery staff.
In progress Inprogress
7602 Security Veterans
Increase the value of the disability award.
Not started Notstarted
7609 Security Veterans
Increase the veteran survivor’s pension amount from 50% to 70%.
In progress Inprogress
7603 Security Veterans
Invest $25 million each year to expand access to the Permanent Impairment Allowance.
In progress Inprogress
7604 Security Veterans
Invest $40 million each year to provide injured veterans with 90% of their pre-release salary with inflation indexation.
7605 Security Veterans
Invest $80 million every year to create a new Veterans Education Benefit.
7601 Security Veterans
Re-establish lifelong pensions as an option for injured veterans.
In progress Inprogress
7606 Security Veterans
Re-open the nine Veterans Affairs service offices.
Not started Notstarted
7608 Security Veterans
Spend $20 million to create two new centres of excellence in veterans’ care.
3400 Environment Water
In progress Inprogress
3401 Environment Water
Follow recommendations of the Cohen Commission on restoring sockeye salmon stocks in the Fraser River.
Not started Notstarted
3403 Environment Water
Increase the amount of Canada’s marine and coastal areas that are protected to 5% by 2017 and 10% by 2020.
In progress Inprogress
3405 Environment Water
Re-open the Maritime Rescue Sub-centre in St. John’s and the Kitsilano Coast Guard Base in Vancouver.
3402 Environment Water
Restore $1.5 million in annual federal funding for freshwater research.
3404 Environment Water
Restore $40 million funding for federal ocean science and monitoring programs.
4900 Government Women and Youth
Women and Youth
4904 Government Women and Youth
Create a Prime Minister’s Youth Advisory Council, consisting of young Canadians aged 16-24, to provide non-partisan advice to the Prime Minister on issues the country is facing.
Not started Notstarted
4902 Government Women and Youth
Ensure gender-based impact analysis in Cabinet decision-making.
4901 Government Women and Youth
Include an equal number of women and men in the Cabinet.
Not started Notstarted
4903 Government Women and Youth
Register young Canadians to vote as a part of their high school or CEGEP curriculum.