It seems that all people are going on about on liberal and left-wing subs is how we need to move to the left and further distance ourselves from rust belt voters and now abandon women and minorities and somehow everyone will love us for it.
And people aren't even thinking about 2018 where we are likely to lose ground in both chambers since Dems turnout poorly in midterms and this next batch of Senate races contains lots of the seats with more precarious Dem senators.
My theory is the far-left will ignore 2018 until it's too late, let a right wing supermajority take over and then in 2020 will try to hijack the party again and then either get a worse candidate nominated or spend the cycle sabotaging the candidate at which point Trump gets his mandate.
I think I'm at the point where I just am going to retreat into my life and hope things don't get so bad as to personally effect me. Because the progressives have killed any hope for this country and we are staring down decades of Fascism now that has a free pass to entrench for the next four (and likely 8) years.