I was at a club the other day and a guy came up to a girl and started hitting on her and I observed. He started talking about her boots and where she bought them and what brand they are and how much they cost for about 15 minutes. The girl sat there and humored him and acted like a fucking entitled princess and judged his performance and then ultimately rejected him. The sick thing is - that is how entitled women are, that a man assumes its his responsibility to strike up a conversation with a strange woman about an insanely retarded concept like her boots because he's trying to get laid. He knows its his responsibility as a man to initiate conversation, because if he doesn't make any effort, she won't even acknowledge he exists anyway. Why is it accepted that should a man lower himself and humiliate himself like that and then ultimately be judged by a stuck up bitch for his efforts? He's not interested in her boots , he's interested in fucking her, everyone knows that, but that type of behavior is what society considers as "normal" flirting behavior. I'd rather pay $300 to a whore than demean myself mentally by lowering myself to pretend I'm interested in the bitch's shoes, just for her fucking amusement, because I'm trying to get laid. In the end he got nothing but at least he knows where to buy a pair of ladies footwear from now.