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White students chant “Build the wall’ while Latino students break down in tears (VIDEO)

Middle school students in Detroit, Michigan were recently caught on video chanting “Build the wall!” at a group of crying Latino students.

The video was captured at Royal Oak Middle School (ROMS), which is in Royal Oak — a suburb of Detroit. The video, which was posted by Dee Perez-Scott on Facebook, has already accumulated 3 million views and been shared over 81,000 times in 20 hours as of this writing.

“The taunts, the “Build that Wall” with such bullying power and hate from children to children,” Perez-Scott wrote. “Just Horrifying!”

A public statement issued by Royal Oak Schools superintendent Shawn Lewis-Lakin stated that his schools were “committed to providing a safe, secure, and supportive learning environment for all students.”

“We are working with our students to help them understand the impact of their words and actions on others in their school community,” the statement continued. “Our school district and each building in it works every day to be a welcoming community for all, inclusive and caring, where all students know they are valued, safe and supported.

Lewis-Lakin added that local law enforcement officers are standing by ready to respond to any acts of violence that may occur. Local police say they’re on alert.

“We are aware of the video and are monitoring comments on it as it gets shared,” said Royal Oak Police Department Lt. Keith Spencer to the Detroit News.

Watch the video of the bullying incident below:

This happened today at Royal Oak Middle School in Royal Oak Michigan. It is so sad. Latino children were crying.

Posted by Dee Perez-Scott on Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Zach Cartwright is an activist and author from Richmond, Virginia. He enjoys writing about politics, government, and the media. Send him an email at [email protected], and follow his work on the Public Banking Institute blog.

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