We get it. Reddit is, primarily, a business. The sub was bringing in a lot of traffic and making you a shit-ton of money. This is why you have let their blatant disregard for the rules fly for so long.
The election is over. The membership will start to drop off soon. Now more than ever it's time to send a message to the loyal redditors that this will once again be a place of decent content. The longer it stays, the more lasting damage you're doing to the community. We can still go back.
We know this is what you want. You banned fatpeoplehate, coontown and even Zoe Quinn related controversy.
It's time for the hate-group to be taken down. And if they go, we go.
[–]Masscrash1 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)