Hello Gentlemen. I stumbled upon a video by Sandman on YouTube that made a very simple but effective point. I get the feeling that most of you already know this so this is more of a spread-the-knowledge post for those who don't. He basically discussed the idea of avoiding men liking women's selfies and posts on social media outright. No more contribution whatsoever.
Women are by nature narcissistic and driven by their egos so liking their posts gives them actual validation. I've witness this myself in person with some ex-female friends who have bragged about getting "80 likes" on one photo and called one or two of the men thirsty. You could see the beaming expression on her face as the validation rolled in. I've also witnessed women get mad and delete photos after not reaching their arbitrary "like" quota by a certain time.
I haven't quite given that much thought, but Sandman rekindled it for me. So for men and new mgtow who don't already know this, stop liking women's selfies. Stop liking their posts. Stop liking their pictures and whatever other crap they put up. You are only giving them unnecessary ego strokes that have literal real world influence on their narcissism. If we all collectively pull back and refrain from liking their shit, they will become miserable with no effort or thought on your part.
[–]good_man_gone 4ポイント5ポイント6ポイント (0子コメント)