全 111 件のコメント

[–]ZuluLemonFmr. Military 203ポイント204ポイント  (34子コメント)

Somebody brought up how Obama's executive orders were heralded by Democrats and despised by Republicans, yet now we'll see that same potential heralded by Republicans and despised by Democrats.

Some day people will look at authoritative power objectively and realize that power isn't good just because it's your own party using it. It opens the door for everything you're against when it inevitably falls into the wrong hands.

[–]RPDBF1 147ポイント148ポイント  (20子コメント)

Best line I saw "Liberals have re-discovered a love for limited government"

[–]darthvader7888 42ポイント43ポイント  (2子コメント)

Nah they'll probably just wait until 2020 to vote in their own brand of authoritarianism :(

I wouldn't be surprised if a Trump presidency created a lenin 2.0 in 2020. The same way the left created Trump. Like I seriously wouldn't be surprised if Trump's opponent in 2020 made Bernie Sanders look like Ron Paul. And won in a landslide. The authoritarian left and right feed each other. It's a vicious cycle.

[–]Ozcolllo 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

The same way the left created Trump.

I'm of the opinion that Washington, in general, created Trump.

Like I seriously wouldn't be surprised if Trump's opponent in 2020 made Bernie Sanders look like Ron Paul. And won in a landslide. The authoritarian left and right feed each other. It's a vicious cycle.

I really hope that you're wrong. I also hope that in 4 years, we can get the Libertarians on the debate stage.

[–]gustaveIebon 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I wouldn't be surprised if a Trump presidency created a lenin 2.0 in 2020.

We have no choice people, we have no choice.

[–]somanyroadsVote Gary Johnson 10ポイント11ポイント  (1子コメント)

That's the one beauty of political parties: they always expose their lack of principles differently, based on whether they are in power or not. Just the other day, Obama said Trump couldn't be trusted around the nuclear codes. Well...that's just an opinion born out of political expediency...who knows if it's true or not, it's mere perception and conjecture.

[–]bs22343 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

One day our party will have to ask itself where our lack of morals is.

I hope when we are in a position if power, we don't forget our ideals. They tend to be counter to the things that get you power

[–]kingofthefeminists 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Except that they think they lost because they weren't radical enough. The Liberals want Sanders/Warren 2020.

[–]ThatSodomiteminarchist 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Remind me to get plane tickets to somalia in 4 years.

[–]Shadowfox4532 -2ポイント-1ポイント  (1子コメント)

I think u are wrong (I'm an independent but I do strongly support several regulations and tend to lean liberal on most social issues) I am mostly upset over places that will get smaller or bigger I don't mind more government I mind the shrinking of things like the epa that I think at its core does something valuable... I think a lot of liberals feel similarly that the government is going to start doing less in ways we dislike

[–]RPDBF1 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think a lot of liberals feel similarly that the government is going to start doing less in ways we dislike

Thats my point. People only like power so as long as their team has it. The problem is the centralized power.

[–]LibertyTerpfriedmanite 17ポイント18ポイント  (2子コメント)

Absolutely. And if everyone thinks politicians are so terrible, why do they want to give those same people so much power?

I feel like libertarians' rallying cry should simply be, "Don't Trust Politicians". If you don't trust politicians AT ALL, then you will seek solutions outside of politics.

[–]TheLAriver 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Any Libertarian candidate who runs for office is a politician.

Not everyone thinks politicians are so terrible.

[–]YankeeQuebec 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't think this is a liberation only thing. The same shit is pushed by both the left and the right defening on who is in office.

Let's not pretend this wouldn't happen with a libertarian. And even so, trump is the father away of a politician than we have ever had in the white house because people wanted someone outside of politics.

[–]uswoodsman 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

I hope the day you describe comes soon. Once people start hearing this bell ring then it might actually resonate with people. I feel like now might be a great time to have that conversation. Obligatory Rand Paul quote.

[–]ChillPenguinXdon't do unto others what you wouldn't want done unto you 5ポイント6ポイント  (5子コメント)

Republicans sure didn't seem to mind when Bush used it.

[–]FelshatnerPro Liberty 3ポイント4ポイント  (4子コメント)

Obama's use of executive order was even worse, but every recent president has certainly abused it.

[–]SentrySappinMahSpyFilthy Statist 4ポイント5ポイント  (3子コメント)

The quantity of Obama's XOs wasn't worse. Obama 256. Bush 291.

Neither had as many as Reagan or Clinton.


[–]Banecn 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

How many of Obama's executive orders were shot down in the courts as opposed to the Bush, Reagan, Clinton? Just curious.

[–]FelshatnerPro Liberty 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I meant worse as in the things Obama used it for and his reasoning for skipping the usual process, not in raw quantity.

[–]biglineman 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Same thing happened with filibusters.

[–]RocGooseCustom 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Dick Cheney was a proponent of the imperial executive and worked to expand the president's powers while VP. This of course backfired when he and Bush were succeeded by Democrats. Obviously the Dems wouldn't want to reduce the power of the office and now they are being succeeded by Republicans.

It's almost as if nobody can see 4-8 years into the future.

[–]snidecomment69Individual>Government 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I have made this point endlessly to all of my Obama-bot friends. Now that their worst nightmares have come true I have actually had a few contact me to tell me I was right to be concerned. My great fear is that now that Trump is in, it is only going to worsen this tribalistic team-mentality we have going in America. I wish we could go back to the good old days when everyone had a healthy distrust of government.

[–]pitgoat 43ポイント44ポイント  (7子コメント)

As a progressive who typically lurks here, this is a message that everyone should be able to get behind. Over the last 3 presidencies, the power of executive order and the president's ability to declare war without congressional permission have gone too far.

[–]SentrySappinMahSpyFilthy Statist 15ポイント16ポイント  (2子コメント)

Both Bush and Obama issued fewer executive orders than Reagan or Clinton.


[–]Okichah 29ポイント30ポイント  (0子コメント)

Not all executive orders are equal.

[–]zonky85 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

That doesn't sound progressive... Not even a little bit.

[–]MiniEquineAnarcho-Populist 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

And why not? "Progressive" isn't just some buzzword. It doesn't necessarily mean hoping for authoritative mandates from the executive branch that fit your ideals. The term you are thinking about is "Regressive".

[–]DaYoopervoluntaryist 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It doesn't necessarily mean hoping for authoritative mandates from the executive branch that fit your ideals.

It sure seems to by those who call themselves progressives.

[–]LNhart 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Not Progressive, but progressive.

Limiting the power of government is a form of progress. Even though it might not be the kind of progress that most leftists/progressives usually want, I think it's great if some of them do.

[–]bhknb 25ポイント26ポイント  (1子コメント)

When people say things like "He/She is the President of all of us" I want to slap that person and remind them that it is the office of the president of the United States government. They are not some holy pope in communion with a deity in order to inform of us of our obligations and duties to that deity. The POTUS is nothing more than an elected bureaucrat. The top bureaucrat of the US government.

If you think a bureaucrat is above you, then you need to rethink your existence. Just don't include me in that claim.

[–]Troppin 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah, I hate when they are called our "leader". So, they are the President of the Executive Branch. That's a neat job, but they ain't my leader.

[–]JoNightshade 52ポイント53ポイント  (6子コメント)

This is actually the silver lining I'm hoping for - I don't think even the Republicans in the house and senate trust Trump. Perhaps scaling back the executive powers could be a uniting bi-partisan goal.

Hey, a girl can dream, right?

[–]YMDBass 5ポイント6ポイント  (2子コメント)

BINGO. I've said this all along. Congress will oppose trump on the crazy stuff he said he'd do and for the first time in years, their will be unified backlash to Executive order. I still don't think Trump will be a great president, BUT, if he goes through with only 3 things he talked about on the campaign trail, he COULD be the most tolerable president in decades. Those 3 things are 1)Audit the Fed, 2)Term Limits, and 3)use more diplomacy instead of bombs. If he does just those 3 things, his presidency could be tolerable.

[–]Poropopper 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

The people will also protest.

[–]YMDBass 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Leftists will protest, but what else is new, they protest everything. These protesters have no one to blame but themselves because they helped nominate a war mongering, big government, criminal.

[–]mobyhead1 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Maybe he'll be their frankensteinian monster. Maybe he won't be extreme enough for them.

[–]berlinbrownRonPaulLibertarian 6ポイント7ポイント  (7子コメント)


So the big push for eight years. Obamacare, Obamacare, Obamacare. Trump said he would repeal it in a day. Gone.

Why even put our faith in such a system to begin with. Reduce taxes, lower the size and scope of government.

How do you guys want to reduce the power of the executive branch? I say, starve the beast, cut taxes, reduce federal government budgets. You could enact more laws, but those will be repealed and it still puts power in Congress.

[–]ChowdahAccountantLibahtarian 2ポイント3ポイント  (3子コメント)

So the big push for eight years. Obamacare, Obamacare, Obamacare. Trump said he would repeal it in a day. Gone.

Well technically it takes 218 representatives, 51 senators, and a president to repeal Obamacare. He can't do that single handedly.

[–]algag 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

60 senators to break the filibuster

[–]kormer 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

ACA was passed via budget reconciliation and has already been repealed and vetoed once via the same process. The filibuster could stop a replacement bill from being passed though.

[–]mindless_gibberish 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

No, based on my Facebook feed, he now has God-like powers over all our lives.

[–]the_ancient1geolibertarian 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

How do you guys want to reduce the power of the executive branch?

Repealing Administrative Law, and Statues that transfer power from Congress to Agencies.

Laws that say "Agency will enact rules for X" This gives the executive Defacto Legislative Power, and should IMO be considered unconstitutional but sadly the US Supreme court disagrees

You could enact more laws, but those will be repealed and it still puts power in Congress.

The Powers of Congress are limited by Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution, Sadly these limitations have been interpeated to mean something entirely diftferent. Limiting the power of congress will require the state governments to grow some balls, get off the Federal Government extortion tit (created by the 16th amendment) and use their collective power to amend the constitution to reign in the power of congress and restore the proper limits to that power

[–]kormer 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'd add vacating the Chevron decision and moving matters of law either to the courts or to congress.

[–]winowmak3rSTOP SHOOTING OUR DOGS! 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I say, starve the beast, cut taxes, reduce federal government budgets.

Righto. The only real power Congress still has is the power of the purse.

[–]LNhart 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

I have already seen a bunch of "Trump is now in charge of drones, the NSA, nukes and all tons of terrible things".

Yeah no shit he is. Obama had 8 years to get rid of it, but you didn't care, because you trust Obama. If a powerful government is okay as long as the person you like is in charge ... phew, you are flying close to the sun.

[–]logicalthinker1libertarian conservative 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

ding ding ding. You can't corrupt power that doesn't exist.

[–]TreeLax 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

I just saved a few thousand dollars in health insurance by switching to Trump. 15 minutes at the polls. MAGA

[–]OceanOG 7ポイント8ポイント  (16子コメント)

Who's life has been destroyed so far?

[–]AnCapGamer[S] 11ポイント12ポイント  (14子コメント)

No one's so far, but a lot of people on the left (not so much commentators, but individual posters on Facebook, for example) are expressing a LOT of frustration and anger and claiming things about how this is the end of LGBT rights forever or how blacks might as well commit mass suicide right now... Stuff like that.

[–]Snoodbird 14ポイント15ポイント  (9子コメント)

Does anyone know where these sentiments are coming from? I know Pence has some pretty fucked up views on LGBT stuff but has Trump said anything even remotely related to gays at all? I don't even remember a single story of him saying anything about them at all, nevermind saying he plans to implement some sort of anti-LGBT policy? The same with blacks.

The only fears I understand are immigrants, muslims, and women with regards to abortion, although I think those are all way overblown too.

[–]systemshock869 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

Man about 60% of the shit flying around about Trump is complete assumption and conjecture based on viral SJW outrage. "Trump can't be trusted with nuclear codes" is a perfect example.

Hillary Clinton has a 30 year record of being self-serving, war mongering, treasonous, murderous, etc? Well Trump grabs women by the pussy, he probably doesn't pay taxes and I'm going to cut my wrists if he's president! Fingers in ears lalalala

[–]awake4o4 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

i mean, he did get in bed with the religious right after he won the primary and promised them the best conservative supreme court. if i was lgbt i suppose i'd be a little worried. doubt we'll see any help coming to their aid specifically from the presidential level which means no progress for them during a trump presidency.

[–]ifisa 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

The only thing directly relating Trump and LGBT views that I'm aware of is him holding up a LGBT flag in (I want to say) Colorado. Pence has the religious right views on homosexuality, but Trump has already publicly disagreed with him on a bunch of stuff so I don't think it informs his stance.

[–]redvblue23 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Trump has pledged to sign a piece of legislation that allows discrimination against gays, says he will overturn the gay marriage ruling, and says he has always believed marriage should be between a man and woman.

So I guess the flag thing worked.

Pence also believes in gay conversion therapy.

[–]USmellFunny 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Progressive propaganda Facebook pages. Occupy Democrats, The Other 98%, Being Liberal, etc. They are trying to make it look like he's also homophobic, I occasionally visit those pages to laugh but they actually do claim that he will reduce Gay rights, women's rights and turn around civil rights...

[–]winowmak3rSTOP SHOOTING OUR DOGS! 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

No different than when Obama was elected and all the nutcases were on about how he was going to become a dictator, was the anti-Christ, etc, etc. When Obama won it was the right telling us that this was it, it's the end of the US, we're all fucked. When Trump won, it's the liberals telling us that this is it, it's all over.

The pendulum swings.

[–]redvblue23 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Or you know, people just look at what he has already pledged to do.

[–]LNhart 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Honestly Trump hasn't really said anything on LGBT rights, so I wouldn't panic in that department. We just need to hope that Pence doesn't influence him too much there.

I can understand blacks freaking out. Trumps "law and order" and pro-Police talk does not make me confident that he'd improve the criminal system one bit. I mean I personally think BLM sometimes goes a little far, but Trumps message has basically been "if the police shoots a person the police was right to do so" and "we just need to be tougher on crime". Not great. Not great at all.

[–]redvblue23 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Honestly Trump hasn't really said anything on LGBT rights, so I wouldn't panic in that department.

Yes he has. Repeatedly.


He's also said he would overturn the gay marriage ruling by appointing SC justices to do so.

[–]DrSandbags 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's not about whether the premises are true, it's about convincing people who think the premises are true that the logical conclusion is to reduce the power of the executive.

"If you think X, then you can join me in agreeing that Y must be true."

[–]BravoBuzzard 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)


I've been telling people this all day!!

[–]BeerOtter 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

This seems like an idea that should have been clearer weeks ago.

[–]Paco_SmithereensPost-Malthusian Anarcho-Mercantilist (DeLeonist) 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Only meme-type thing I will have upvoted in 2016.

It's not deep.

It's actually fairly simple.

But it bears repeating.

[–]somanyroadsVote Gary Johnson 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Very appropriate...I'm fed up with my liberal friends who are melting down from this election: it's every 4 years, folks, get use to it! People you don't like win sometimes...and for good reasons. Just because YOU aren't feel the pain of our weak economy doesn't mean it isn't real.

Trump was a reaction to failed promises, and Hillary could only promise more of that same. Americans decided against more of the same...we obviously want change at any cost at this point. I hope we get good change, but now I know that starts with you and I, not just put political leaders. Democracy isn't every 4 years...it's every day. Stay engaged, everybody.

[–]PopeJamal 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

If you live in the US and you think having the wrong person in office can ruin your life, you don't really have a tight grip on reality. All this doom and gloom from both sides needs to stop. Obama didn't round up NRA members and put them in camps and Trump won't be rounding up feminists and putting them in sandwich making camps.

Jesus Christ people chill out, all this exaggeration and fear mongering is LITERALLY part of the problem that got him elected in the first place. Stop being afraid and actually do something besides posting on the internet if you're so worried. But shit like this isn't helping anyone.

[–]parkoworkVote for Nobody 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

MMMM sandwich making camps.... MMMMM.

I agree, maybe it's a good thing all these states are decriminalizing weed. Sounds like a bunch of folks need a brownie or something.

[–]slack_jawed_twit 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Or maybe you're too much of a pussy to deal.

[–]SystemOutInitiateLie 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

or that you're a whiney little bitch when things dont go your way

[–]wiseracer 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Single person? Maybe we should take an "intro to political science" class and realize a single person can't do anything.

It takes a bunch of people to fuck up things like, for example Obama super majority that infected us with Obamacare. You know, let's approve it then we can read it? That took hundreds of assholes who want to put a gun to your head to buy their friend's insurance.

I guess this is the long-game result of liberals destroying our education system. Everybody is so fucking stupid.

[–]TinFinJin 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

who's life is destroyed?

[–]winowmak3rSTOP SHOOTING OUR DOGS! 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Do you always take stuff like this this literally?

[–]-Master-Builder- 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Or maybe you're too fragile?

[–]rookm 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hey! Trump has a PEN and a PHONE!

[–]sherms89 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Did you not wake up today

[–]DSkooms 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Somehow people will still overlook this..

[–]Mastodon9Anti-Collectivist 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

No! See if we just get the right person in next time if will totally be different and it will all work according to plan! Yes, we've been saying this for a few decades now but we just have to find the perfect candidate for the first time and then several more times after that until the end of time!

[–]Dravous 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

this is EXACTLY the right time to make that case, and I feel like the right mostly voted for Trump just to stop Hillary so it's probably not a hard sell to them right now..but I doubt the left will be responsive to it.

the left's platform doesn't really work without strong, authoritarian, centralized government. they have to be in charge of everything. if they give up on that....well they'd basically be us.

[–]J0kerr 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Been saying that for 15 years....only NOW does the Left agree with me. Fuck me right?

[–]JackBond1234 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yet I was just told that "small government principles don't work in one of the largest economies in the world."

Sigh. No lessons learned.

[–]theshed44 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Trump isn't even president yet and hasn't destroyed anyone's life. Get out of the picket line and do something productive

[–]captmotorcycle 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

But, it can't destroy your life.

[–]bierluvre 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Best one I've seen yet!

[–]BlingBlingBlingo 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Concentrating power in one place makes it easier for people to manipulate it? What!?

[–]thajuggla 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Don't bother with former Dems. The Libertarians picked the worst candidate, and thanks to that, he tried to rope a dope a bunch of socialists to become Libertarians.

A proper pick may have netted ten plus, but nope, had to pick a gun hater, and an idiot who's only issue was "pot man." He looked like a fool on several occasions.

It didn't work out too well. 2 percent, thanks to you all picking a loser, you got 2 percent in most states. No funding again.

Libertarians took the perfect time to become a third party, and squandered it with these two losers.

[–]BrStFr 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

What a fantastic post...

[–]mindless_gibberish 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

1000x YES

I have been saying this for years. I get tired of being right all the time yet still regarded as an idiot. Oh well.

[–]kpmac92 -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Th executive definitely has too much power, but in this case this isn't entirely fair. Trump is president with a Republican controlled House and Senate. This would not be so bad if the Democrats had taken congress.

[–]ivanoski-007 -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

hmm another useless sub, blocked

[–]Bigbadbuck -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Most people are concerned with the clean sweep Republicans got

[–]mobyhead1 -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I've long thought this one is always appropriate.