全 84 件のコメント

[–]riemann1413 26ポイント27ポイント  (5子コメント)

god bless u snally i am so happy right now

such a beautiful writing style

[–]snallygaster[S] 18ポイント19ポイント  (1子コメント)

thanks :')

may /u/springs131 grace us with a visit

[–]riemann1413 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

/u/springs131 don't u hate it when you take a big ol' bite of your food, just sopping with ranch, and then tha w8r comes by at ************** THAT EXACT MOMENT ************ to ask how ur doin???????????????????????????????????????????

[–]Elmepo 4ポイント5ポイント  (2子コメント)

Where the fuck does snally even get all of this shit?

Every time I see one of these it's always at least a page worth of content and from like 5 years ago. I can't even remember what tv shows I liked 5 years ago, let alone obscure internet drama.

[–]JebusGobson 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

/u/snallygaster should literally get paid for this stuff tbh

There should be a money making opportunity in this somewhere, right? She's just too good at this.

[–]Cameleopard 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

The internet is a bit like the woods, a bountiful trove of goodies await, but you must leave the safety of your narrowly curated social media platforms and develop the knowledge to suss out succulent drama, insanity and hate. Snallygaster is your Bear Grylls, giving you a glimpse of that wild side of things while living a cozy mediated Reddit life in between posts.

[–]riemann1413[M] 20ポイント21ポイント  (21子コメント)

alright who the FUCK

downvoted a beautiful snallygaster effort thread you people literally disgust me this sub should be burned to the ground

[–]snallygaster[S] 19ポイント20ポイント  (18子コメント)

p sure there's at least a few people who reflexively downvote every post i make

[–]riemann1413 12ポイント13ポイント  (15子コメント)

i have that, but only in SRD

i hope it genuinely irritates them that every comment eventually goes positive

also i'm stickying this thread, every word of this is golden. /u/springs131 should post here.

[–]shitlordcaligula 8ポイント9ポイント  (12子コメント)

I'm mostly curious if she fits in an average booth anymore.

[–]snallygaster[S] 18ポイント19ポイント  (11子コメント)

Allegedly she's not fat, surprisingly. In fact, she fat shamed women for eating too much post-partum and keeping weight on, lol.

[–]Imgur_Lurker 10ポイント11ポイント  (7子コメント)

And since you've never been pregnant you really can't talk about what its like to gain weight while pregnant or lose it after,

God I love female dominated boards, they are even more cutting then my mainly gay korean video game boards.

No I am not mentally unstable and you are right I don't weigh 95 pounds, I even said I was 96lbs yesterday morning. I am currently 98lbs. I just weighed myself just now.

My husband would be so mad that I was so obsessed (not passionate) about this subject as well as worried about an eating disorder.

Implying no man has or will ever love her because she's nitpicky about restaurants and keeps herself good looking.

I'm actually amazed you found this stuff snally.

[–]snallygaster[S] 6ポイント7ポイント  (2子コメント)

God I love female dominated boards, they are even more cutting then my mainly gay korean video game boards.

You should check out the forum GOMI if you wanna see how far it can go. It might genuinely be the meanest place on the internet. So much jealousy, cattiness, and projection.

[–]Imgur_Lurker 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)


Oh sweet jesus I'm only on the Twitter account haven't actually checked the site out and I can already tell it's going to be more drama filled then the Gay "Post a picture of yourselves and have other nameless forum users with anime pictures who don't actually ever post their own pictures shit talk you" Official 200th thread.

I actually say "pardon" when my pets are in my way as I walk through the house

to date they have never begged pardon for jumping on a boob

publicly support Hillary and watch your site traffic drop it's this season's must-do activity


hipsters in brooklyn are already starting to say awesome things are 'so nasty'

thanks Trump I was tired of saying 'rad' ironically

I'm the only New Yorker I know who thinks pigeons are kind of amazing.

Shes naive enough to love Dirty flying rats. I'm actually in love.

I miss the days of eating dunk-a-roos for breakfast

Damn this class gap robbing me of connecting with this.

Too bad the only people who care about healthy living could afford dunk-a-roos as children, funny that.

[–]loldilawl 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

hipsters in brooklyn are already starting to say awesome things are 'so nasty' thanks Trump I was tired of saying 'rad' ironically

Did this ever actually completely stop?

[–]Akilroth234 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

Why are female dominated boards like /r/trollxchromosomes so toxic and catty? It can't just be that women are naturally like that, right?

[–]Imgur_Lurker 8ポイント9ポイント  (2子コメント)

Well I'll talk about the micro first

Women like /u/Springs1 simply hold others to the same standards they hold themselves.

The ones I know like her are usually in the Education system and if they aren't single handedly keeping their Dept. afloat they are the head Office Manager doing the same.

They are in high stress situations literally all day at work so being slightly mean for wrongs that would have huge impacts at their job is how they react to others doing wrong at their service since that's those peoples job.

Women who aren't under the same amount of pressure as her are of course offended by having people like /u/Springs1 judge them. Since they don't get Springs is just holding people to the same level she's unjustly held to at her job (Even former jobs can have this impact in personality)

It's why Springs works so hard on her weight(Another facet she is judged by likely at work or by her family) instead of just letting herself go like the women jealously criticizing her. She's actually %100 telling the truth about her weight since that's a justification for her "status" as a women.

In the Macro sense I mean obviously women boards are "Toxic and catty" since that's how women interact with each other judgmentally in life.

It's of course not natural since women are THE source of warmth and kindness in ancient society a dirty misogamist like you assumes because it's caused by the Patriarchy influencing uneducated women.

[–]FuckURedditor 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

This may be how they see themselves, but almost no one anywhere 'holds their department together all by themselves'. That's just wankery narcissists tell themselves to justify their insufferable cuntistry.

[–]shitlordcaligula 4ポイント5ポイント  (2子コメント)

hmm. she places far too much emphasis on ranch for a skinny person. something isn't right here...

[–]snallygaster[S] 9ポイント10ポイント  (1子コメント)

Her arteries are probably caked in waxy fat even if she is somehow slim.

[–]shitlordcaligula 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

We can only hope. She is a heinous person and I don't mind at all saying that she probably needs to die of a stroke in her ranch dressing.

[–]John_Ketch -1ポイント0ポイント  (1子コメント)

I do that to you, but only in the hope it will spurn you on to commit suicide.

[–]Average2520 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Me too. I fucking hate that guy. He's utterly boring.

[–]toiracse 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

what bullshit ;_;

this is why we need to bring back the guillotine.

[–]AntiLuke 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Those people are wrong and false.

[–]HollowSheep 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Sticky it, the old threads are outdated anyway and /r/Drama doesn't read posts that are too long.

[–]Prince_Kropotkin 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

don't forget to salt the ground after it's all been burned, v. important

[–]shitlordcaligula 14ポイント15ポイント  (14子コメント)

/u/springs131, food service etiquette question, if you don't mind:

Let's say it's been a crazy day. Big event in town or something. By the end of the night, we are out of ranch dressing. Is this something I should warn the customer about before they even sit down, should I mention it casually in passing, when they order, or should I try to come up with a convincing ranch substitute using mayonnaise and dry italian dressing seasoning from the kitchen?

[–]Springs131 14ポイント15ポイント  (7子コメント)

Only if they order it. Especially if it's something that comes with ranch, because that's wrong to not let someone know if they ordering something that comes with it.

[–]Magoonie 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

Let's say a customer is being really difficult, like acting like a huge asshole to you. Is it ok to cum in the Ranch Dressing (or if you are a women getting a male co-worker to cum in the dressing)?

[–]shitlordcaligula 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well hello there. Big fan.

Have you ever worked in the service industry, out of curiosity?

[–]Mournhold 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

God bless you and keep fighting the good fight!

[–]MG87 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

So how much of a fat disgusting fuck are you?

[–]Imgur_Lurker 4ポイント5ポイント  (5子コメント)

Should I try to come up with a convincing ranch substitute using mayonnaise and dry italian dressing seasoning from the kitchen?

A real server/waitperson would just make the Cooks do it.

And at this point most old hands have already accepted that no matter what you bring out for Ranch it will be "wrong" because it's higher quality then the premade garbage people like since the higher quality is just "different tasting" instead of better because you aren't using MSG

[–]wheresyourbubble 4ポイント5ポイント  (3子コメント)

I don't know why but tables that ask for extra ranch are def leaving under 6% tip. It's so frustrating, cause I keep thinking it's me and if I try harder it will break the ranch curse. But no, every time its all "third ramekin of ranch now peasant, how dare you let me eat all of my second in 2 minutes since you dropped it off"

[–]Imgur_Lurker 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

extra ranch are def leaving under 6% tip

Is...Is this the standard tip where you are?

Is this your line for someone being a mook?

It's so frustrating, cause I keep thinking it's me and if I try harder it will break the ranch curse.

Hrm, are they being charged for the extra ranch? Some places charge for it and maybe it's some kind of idiot rollover where they don't tip you because they have to pay extra other places.


They are individual-portion sized

Well no wonder they need more.

Maybe try a larger serving dish, or an actual souffle dish full of ranch if you can get away with it.

I wonder if it's some kind of feedback loop where they are upset that you aren't bringing them tons of ranch. Or Dipping vs Pouring, have you noticed the Ranch-People using it for the same food items ?

I mean it really doesn't matter because Waiting makes you hate everyone slowly like some kind of Nietzschen experiment come to life .

[–]wheresyourbubble 4ポイント5ポイント  (1子コメント)

I've been charting my tips vs sales for the last 5 months (hope to make a line graph for r/dataisbeautiful) and I average about 19% tip on bills. So no that's not normal.

I'm not allowed to bring more ranch unless asked and I can only bring out single servings at a time. We are a small high end restaurant that makes our ranch in house, owners aren't cool with extra product leaving kitchen unless it's specifically asked for.

I wasn't sure if me feeling like the extra ranch people were always the crap tippers started the trend cause I was giving of a bad vibe or was valid so I've started a new spread sheet, only a month in but can report back. I just know that every time I hear "more ranch" I end up spending way more energy making them less annoyed then the 5 surrounding tables happy for 1/3 of the money.

[–]loldilawl 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

The single serving thing might be pissing them off a bit

[–]brandstone 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

The trick for the premade taste is to add sugar.

[–]LesmothianCustom Flair 17ポイント18ポイント  (0子コメント)

it is unknown as to when springs1 sprung


Remember your /r/drama ABCs:

**A****** lways
***B*** e
upvoting /u/snallygaster posts

[–]StratoDaster 13ポイント14ポイント  (0子コメント)

"The Dance of the Ranch Maiden." sounds like the title of an indie western film

[–]DornishRedViperQueen Dickshamer 6ポイント7ポイント  (5子コメント)

Holy shit, I remember coming across her livejournal a few years ago, but I had no idea she was so infamous. One can never forget her abuse of asterisks. How do you find all this? It's like you're an internet archaeologist.

[–]snallygaster[S] 8ポイント9ポイント  (4子コメント)

Holy shit, I remember coming across her livejournal a few years ago, but I had no idea she was so infamous.

Apparently she's even a long-running inside joke in many of the random ass communities she's invaded. Including a men's shaving forum she posted a screed in, jesus.

How do you find all this?

I found a discussion about her while browsing through /r/blogsnark for dramu, then remembered the SRD thread, which I'd seen when it was posted. From there it was super easy to find the rest just because there's so much of it. :p

[–]HollowSheep 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

/r/blogsnark and GOMI are pretty funny. Thanks for making me aware of them.

[–]delta-TL 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

I just heard of her for the first time last night through a comment on Off The Menu, which led me down the rabbit hole. I couldn't believe it when I saw this sticky today! What a weird coincidence.

[–]glmox 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

springs1 is a national treasure and i hope she never dies

[–]MG87 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Its a miracle the fat fuck is still alive.

[–]HollowSheep 6ポイント7ポイント  (10子コメント)

I'm mostly sad for Karen, who didn't deserve a tip for:

Just look this picture above as to HOW MUCH VALUABLE TIME THIS SERVER WASTED.  This server wrote "Thank You!", Circled their name, Drew a smiley face, Drew waves, and Wrote "Happy Holidays!"

[–]snallygaster[S] 10ポイント11ポイント  (9子コメント)

Same, she tried to put a nice little friendly touch to her service and ended up getting screwed. It can't be easy serving springs1 either; she probably had to work really hard.

[–]HollowSheep 4ポイント5ポイント  (7子コメント)

She also likes to argue about how one should drive: http://drivingpetpeeves.blogspot.com

But servers are her main obsession.

[–]snallygaster[S] 7ポイント8ポイント  (3子コメント)

great find, can't believe i missed that. how the hell is this woman married??

[–]HollowSheep 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

Dunno, maybe her husband told her to rant on the Internet instead of bothering him.

[–]FuckURedditor 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

She claims to weigh less than 100 lbs. She acts like this and nobody has murdered her.

I'd wager she's hot.

[–]PolishPugLady 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

That's over 300 lbs in the real world.

[–]LesmothianCustom Flair 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

This is, if anything, even more incredible.

I have had drivers where I honked on them for blocking a lane to get into a different lane and they flipped me off. Can you believe that? THEY KNOW THEY WERE IN THE WRONG, BEING RUDE BLOCKING TRAFFIC AND NOT FOLLOWING THE LAW, as well as being SO SELFISH just thinking about THEMSELVES ONLY, NOT THE REST OF THE LINE OF PEOPLE, YET, THEY FLIPPED ME OFF. I don’t get that? WHY? If you know you were wrong, WHY would you act like you were in the right to do such a thing? Those times I am thinking about, a simple small u-turn and they could have easily been back to where they were at, but NO, SELFISH PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD ONLY THINK OF THEIR OWN TIME ONLY!!

[–]geraldo42Some SRSter alt 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I mean that seems like a pretty reasonable complaint to be honest. Though I've noticed that a lot of the time the people doing the honking have terrible situational awareness and they don't notice that there's a fucking child in the street (or whatever) and that's why I'm stopped.

[–]theyellowbridge 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Why would it be a joke? Inconsideration of LAWS and people's feelings and time is a JOKE to you? Seriously, you need some feelings in you then UNCARING BITCH, FUCK YOU!


[–]Forseti69 7ポイント8ポイント  (5子コメント)

Wait, are these all from the same person? Who the fuck has all the time to create all these different blogs on different blog platforms?

[–]Springs131 12ポイント13ポイント  (4子コメント)

A person that has no kids, DUHH! I do work, do my housework and everything, still have time to write stuff. It depends on how you want to spend your time also. Remember, I don't cook, so that's lots of chores I don't have like a lot of dirty dishes, time to cook, and dirtying more towels when you cook as well. Also, more time at the store to buy ingredients if I cooked.

[–]Forseti69 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

A person that has no kids, DUHH!

You haven't figured out the value of child labor.

I do work, do my housework and everything, still have time to write stuff.

You haven't figure out the value of immigrant labor.

It depends on how you want to spend your time also.

I don't like to do chores, but when I blog, I at least choose a single unified platform, and post consistently, instead of spewing on the intarwebs.

Remember, I don't cook, so that's lots of chores I don't have

I'll try to. It's hard with the drugs and shitposting.

like a lot of dirty dishes,

Chinet. If you don't feel like putting the trash at the curb or composting, you can burn it to keep you warm.

time to cook,

We've already established you like to eat out. Immigrants can cook well. If they're illegal, you can threaten them with deportation to make them work harder and more error free!

and dirtying more towels when you cook as well.

I don't expect you to make cheese.

Also, more time at the store to buy ingredients if I cooked.

Just imagine the time you would save if you hired someone to chew your food!

[–]Imgur_Lurker 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

What is the perfect serving device for Ranch in your opinion and does it change depending on what food it is being paired with?

[–]MG87 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Is that because no one wants to fuck you?

[–]Springs131 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

No, it's because I LOVE MY FREEDOM. I don't quite understand how ANYONE could want kids? YUK!! To not be able to sleep, have sex, eat, or just do whatever the hell you want to WHEN you want to SUCKS and we all have to do that at times when we have work or something we have to get done. WHO wants a crying baby in their face? Seriously. Also, I find it VERY BORING to spend time with kids. It's just ***BORING AS FUCK*****!

Who would also want to spend money on a kid when they can spend money on THEMSELVES??? Anyone that has kids is weird to me to want that intentionally to have crap to go through. I NEVER, EVER, EVER want kids, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER! There's SOOO MANY MORE FUN things to do in life and that is sure not one of them.

[–]serialflamingo 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Oh my god snally, this is your best work to date.

/u/springs131, you are a beautiful weirdo

[–]dis_is_my_account 2ポイント3ポイント  (4子コメント)

Btw what is our food of choice here at /r/Drama? SRD has popcorn but I'd like to be a little more healthy. Could we have a nice salad with fresh herbs and spices as our food?

[–]CaptainMemer 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

Popcorn is pretty healthy.

[–]dis_is_my_account 4ポイント5ポイント  (1子コメント)

Hmm I guess you're right. It would have to be air popped. Not anything those fat fucks over at SRD eat. They smother that shit in butter and salt and I don't want to live that unhealthy lifestyle.

[–]itoucheditforacookie 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Maybe air popped with Tajín sprinkled on

[–]Forseti69 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I used to like ranch dressing too. THEN I **********GREW UP********

[–]slickknave 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

For anyone not from the midwest, the joke goes:

How do you get a midwestern white girl to suck your dick?

Dip it in ranch.

[–]theyellowbridge 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

/u/snallygaster you put together some of the best effort posts on this sub and I adore you for it.

[–]SnapshillBotbite my shiny metal ass 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I know now I'll never have any flair again and I've come to terms with that.


  1. This Post - 1, 2, 3, 4

  2. came to the attention - 1, 2, 3

  3. subredditdrama - 1, 2, 3, 4

  4. advice and critique - 1, 2, 3

  5. Never ASSUME that somebody wants an... - 1, 2, 3

  6. Don't draw nice messages on the che... - 1, 2, Error

  7. NEVER ask if a customer wants their... - 1, 2, 3

  8. Bring condiments out ahead of time. - 1, 2, Error

  9. Don't make small talk before everyo... - 1, 2, 3

  10. Include everything pictured on the ... - 1, 2, Error

  11. Bring drinks that aren't from the b... - 1, 2, 3

  12. Never bring ANY FOOD OR DRINKS to t... - 1, 2, 3

  13. hit - 1, 2, 3

  14. pieces - 1, 2, 3

  15. blogs - 1, 2, 3

  16. many - 1, 2, Error

  17. MANY - 1, 2, 3

  18. arguments - 1, 2, 3

  19. mockery - 1, 2, Error

  20. some - 1, 2, 3

  21. fanfiction - 1, 2, Error

  22. translator - 1, 2, 3

  23. whenever - 1, 2, 3, 4

  24. wherever - 1, 2, Error

  25. regardless - 1, 2, Error

  26. of - 1, 2, 3

  27. the - 1, 2, 3

  28. venue - 1, 2, 3

  29. mentions - 1, 2, 3

  30. frequently - 1, 2, 3

  31. their - 1, 2, 3

  32. attacks - 1, 2, 3

  33. tirelessly powers on - 1, 2, 3, 4

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

[–]Forseti69 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

Did springs1 die or something, because I was expecting an aggravated post about how servers suck around 2015...

[–]othersideofthestreet 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

She is now u/springs131 and has commented on this thread!

[–]Forseti69 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah, I saw that. Did you offer her some Hidden Valley?