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Blonde Discipline
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Sushuri Madonna

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 12:50 pm    Post subject: Blonde Discipline Reply with quote

A new short story has been added to the FPC site. This is actually a story that belonged in the District Governess collection but was buried in another (mostly non-Aristasian) book called The House of Correction. Actually HoC isn't a bad book. It is all girls and never indecent and pretty well written. But it isn't Aristasian. And yes I can supply copies if you really want to see it.

Anyoldways, this story, Blonde Discipline, was written to a traditional discipliny illustration, like the other DG stories, and set in Aristasia Pura.

To my mind it is one of the most charming stories I know - and then it goes all discipliny and gets a little riskay, as the girls used to say. Opinions are divided on this. Or perhaps it is just me.

I think it is a charming story and then the discipline part is dragged in by the heels backwards. It is more riskay than it should be, probably because the authoress had to write in what is shown in the illustration. It would have been a better story if it had not been a discipliny story - but that was what the market called for.

That is my opinion, but others feel it works perfectly just as it is and I am too little to understand it properly.

Well, now you can decide for yourself. It is right here:

Blonde Discipline
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Georgia B. Cobb

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:58 pm    Post subject: Blonde Discipline Reply with quote

Honored Miss Sushuri Madonna,


Sometimes a very young maid can tell when something is awry, even when older maids try to pretend nothing is wrong.

Yes, you are correct, the story, Blonde Discipline, is "risqué" i.e. "suggestive of or bordering on indelicacy or impropriety”. Yes, you are also right in feeling that it begins as a "charming" love story between one maid and another, and then that “discipline thing” is dragged in and it does not seem so charming anymore. Yes, the sweetness of the love story is “spoiled" by first, the introduction of the physical discipline of one s*x/spouse by another and second, by the "public" discussion of the "intimate" erotic emotions and physical urges between spouses.

Although the "blonde" spouse certainly had a valid point when she objected to the "brunette" spouse walking about the house (inhabited by others or subject to being seen by others) scantly clad (indecently exposed), her "solution" was quite improper (regardless of how sweetly she phrased her actions). The slave master scenario depicted in the relationship of brunette to blonde, while romanticized to the extreme (for erotic affect), was entirely wrong. And, the ultra prudish notion that spouses should not appear, even before one another, unclothed (even in intimate situations) is an inverse parody of marital privacy.

If this short piece is an example of the stories contained in the District Governess, I am glad I never read any of them. There are no redeeming factors to introducing "erotica" and "risqué" themes into a story about amity between girls or the Discipline of maids in school, society, etc. Illustrations of the sort you mentioned and the public demand for such “trash” are poor excuses for writing such a story. The suggestion of such "risqué" themes coupled with so called "discipline" are what almost turned me away completely from Aristasia. It was only when they were removed from the Aristasia websites that I felt comfortable about getting better acquainted with Aristasians. It seemed to me that such things were contrary to Deanic spiritual values.

I hope that the inclusion of this particular story is an isolated event and not a prelude to bringing back the "unseemly" themes that I objected to in the past. The other girlie girl romances depicted on the Feminine Publishing Company website do not appear to contain "risqué" themes, so far.

May Dea be with you,

Miss Georgia B. Cobb
Live Well, Laugh Always, Love Much
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Cecile Landgrebe
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I adore the story and was very happy to see it posted. It is sweet and the risqué part adds to the fun. Aristasians are not nuns. I find this story entirely acceptable.
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Lady Aquila

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have to confess I was one of those who found the story delightful at the beginning and rather wish the second part had not been written to a "formula".

I would have to say this story is on the outer edge of what an Aristasian could consider tasteful. If it had gone much further it could not have been published in Aristasia. So that is worth bearing in mind - you are unlikely ever to see anything more risqué than this. Most of The District Governess is not so risqué - though it does have a few moments.

As to honored Fräulein Landgrebe's comment that Aristasians are not nuns, clearly some are and some aren't; some find this sort of thing acceptable and some (even without being nuns) don't.

The point here is that Aristasia is, as a young friend recently said, not a club; it is a world. Not everyone has to like the same things. To say "I don't like Aristasia because Aristasia does this" is to treat a world as if it were a club. The mistake is easily made because in Telluria we are small.

Any society which has reached the stage of mass-communications (on its road down) has certain limits or parameters. It has its family-friendly and its X-rated material.

Blonde Discipline, in Aristasia, is probably about as X-rated as it gets. So if you compare it to the nastiest stuff you can see on modern Tellurian Kinema, books and other media, you can see the difference in values between the two societies.

But maybe we do need a rating system here in Aristasia-in-Telluria.
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Georgia B. Cobb

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Honored Miss Cecile Landgrebe,


My criticism of the implications of the story Blonde Discipline appear to have been misunderstood.

I was not criticizing the existence of erotic feelings or the adoration of the beloved in relations between sweethearts and spouses. I am a Tellurian maid who was married once. I understand what it means to be courted and wed.

I was not condoning the erroneous Victorian attitude that erotic desire between courting couples or married maids is wrong or shameful. Such desires are normal in both relationships.

I was not saying that the only form of amity between maids should be that felt or expressed by those maids who have chosen/been called to either the life of a lay single maid (spinster) or the holy orders of a nun.

What I was criticizing was first, the "physical abuse" of one spouse by another "in the name of love and discipline", and second the "yielding acceptance" by the victim of said abuse in the name of "abject adoration" of the beloved.

My final criticism was that the beautiful and private, intimate affairs of couples are cheapened by public display. Certain portions of this story border on soft "pornography". That is why it is "risque".

May Dea be with you,

Miss Georgia B. Cobb
Live Well, Laugh Always, Love Much
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Lady Aquila

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My intention was not really to take sides on the issue of this story. I do not personally consider the discipline aspect "abusive" - it was a certain "magic" that took place between this particular couple. As such no one outside the couple really has any right to question it (unless, of course, one of those concerned felt the need to ask for help, which is clearly not the case).

You may reply that if it is private perhaps one should not make a story of it, and I might tend to agree. Then again, others might say that it is perfectly legitimate to examine recondite areas of human emotion in literature.

I am not really trying to assert one point of view or another - it is clear that several exist.

What I am saying is that this is a discussion that - at least for Aristasians - takes place within Aristasia. It is not a discussion about whether Aristasia itself is "good" or "bad".

Every world has its parameters and its differences of opinion, and many Aristasians would be as strongly critical of Blonde Discipline as you are, while others clearly find it entirely acceptable, if a little risqué.

Of course as a non-Aristasian this may seem to you to be a debate about whether "Aristasia" is acceptable or not. But for we who are Aristasians, this is our Motherland.

If a kinema that you do not like appears in America, you do not, I imagine, say something like:

'The suggestion of such "risqué" themes coupled with so called "discipline" are what almost turned me away completely from America.'

But you do use exactly those words about my Motherland.

That is really the point that matters to me.
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Georgia B. Cobb

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Honored Lady Aquilla,


I do apologize for causing offense to you or other Aristasians or for seeming to cast aspersions on the Aristasian Homeland. That was not my intent. I have found the Aristasians with whom I have conversed to be most genteel maidens as well as full of fun. The accounts of the Aristasian culture and home world which I have read, whether in fiction or serious discussion, speak to me of a delightful and very cultured place to live.

My only reason for criticizing this particular short story was to speak out against what I felt was contrary to the spirit of Aristasian Religion, i.e. the Deanic Faith. Perhaps I have misunderstood what is considered acceptable and not acceptable between sweethearts and spouses in Aristasia.

In the Religious Tradition in which I was raised, it would not be considered appropriate for one spouse to whip another spouse, in fun or in earnest. Stories which placed such "discipline" in a positive light would be considered examples of behavior contrary to the values of my spiritual tradition, not just something private between consenting spouses.

Yes, I do find so called discipline scenarios and risque descriptions in romantic stories to be offensive. Yes, I would say they were contrary to the family values of the founding mothers of Americans as well. Yes, I would say that if an organization claiming to represent Americans made a point of promoting such behavior that it would turn me away from associating with those Americans who did so. Yes, I am an American lady who is proud of Americans when they behave well and ashamed of them when they behave badly.

On the whole, I have not observed Aristasian maids behaving badly. The serious regard of Aristasians for true discipline and respect for all those in authority (from Dea down through the golden chain of command) is to be commended. This is one of the virtues which drew me to keep company with Aristasians. I have also enjoyed reading about all the very innocent, feminine, girly girly fun enjoyed by Aristasians. Though I am a mature maid in age, I am still a young girl at heart. It is so refreshing to find maids who understand what being feminine is all about and value it as a treasure.

Finally, Yes, I am a maid who has read romance novels which have on occasion contained portions that bordered on the risque as a part of the plot. I understand why the author included these scenes. However, they still make me uncomfortable.

Yes, I thought the devotion between the brunette and the blond in the story Blonde Discipline was so very sweet. I did enjoy most of the story, I was only saddened that the "discipliney thing" as Miss Sushuri Madonna put it got in the way of the tender plot.

May Dea held us all to understand one another,

Miss Georgia B. Cobb
Live Well, Laugh Always, Love Much
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White Roses

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We were reminded of a line in the introduction to a 1950s song that makes fun of the explosion of public impropriety in that decade (very mild, of course, in the light of what came later). Commenting on what people say in public these days, the singer said:

"People say things in public that they would never dream of saying in private."

And it is true that among all the Aristasians we have met, we have never met one that would discuss the things Blonde Discipline discusses. Our conversation is much more proper than that!

We are pleased to tell you that the Feminine Publishing Co. has now instituted a system of Advisory Notices, which we hope will help to clarify the situation and satisfy both those who favor and those who dislike this kind of material.

Learn more about the new Advisory System here.
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Adele Poppy

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 11:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rayati darlings! I happen to have two cents to add to this discussion.

Far from being considered "contrary to Deanic spiritual values" the acceptance of physical chastisement in fact is one of the teachings in the Filianic Sutra "The Heart of Water," as is submission to the legitimate authority of a Mistress in Thame. Yielding to discipline, whether or not it is corporal, is expected of every maid and in no way is it regarded as yielding to "abuse."

It is a well-known phenomenon that there is often a certain...well, frisson associated with such submission. And while that is certainly not shocking, it occasionally may be the subject of suggestive stories, kinnies or songs that the more delicate blonde sensibility may wish to avoid, just as she would avoid anything she found compromising or injurious to her innocence and purity.

Personally, as a blonde and a practicing Deanist, I find nothing in the least reprehensible about this sweet and slightly comical little story. It is a tiny bit racy, true, but not at all harmful--to me. It is one of my favorites in the Aristasian oeuvre, really, and I'd LOVE to see more stories like it if SOMEONE can be convinced to take up her quill and write them!
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Georgia B. Cobb

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Honored Miss Adele Poppy,

Thank you for stating clearly the Aristasian position. In principle it makes sense. In practice it is not that simple.

Unfortunately, because I was raised to respect those in authority over me, in my youth, I was the yielding "victim' of physical "abuse" under the guise of "loving discipline". Therefore I view the practice of corporal punishment as an effective disciplinary tool with extreme skepticism.

As for the punishment of the "brunette spouse by the blonde spouse, I am confused. What authority did the blonde have to "forbid" something her "brunette" did? Is the blonde always the mistress of the house in an Aristasian Family? Is the brunette always in total subjection to her blonde spouse? In Aristasia, is a simple disagreement, over walking around ones own abode in an undressed state, considered such a severe sign of disrespect for authority, that it warrants beating someone to the point of severe pain and tears?. This is what I do not understand. This was the basis of my criticism of the story. I admit that Aristasian ways are foreign to me and therefore I may have seen harm where no harm was intended.

May Dea be with you,

Miss Georgia B. Cobb
Live Well, Laugh Always, Love Much
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Minami Kohime

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I wanted to add my two cents as well, being a teenie almost to become a grown up (at least in age).

In fact, I only wished to share my view over the story. It was very lovely in the beginning, but, of course, from my teenaged viewpoint the second part was not easy to understand, but I must admit I saw no aggression or abuse in the fact that a blonde was disciplining her loved one.

After all, in a marriage, I understand that there is a mutual agreement for love and absolute trust. No wife could never wish to harm nor humiliate her spouse, especially when she is such an adorable and "super" blonde. It would be unthinkable by aristasian standards (although I could not really understand the reason why the scene unravelled the way it did).

I may not feel really at ease with risqué material (as I have proven myself now, so I shall avoid it in the future - thank you for adopting a rating system!), but I did not feel offended by the story. Those are the ways of grown-ups, and I believe the devotion and respect between the two maids shown in it was beautiful.
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Mengxia Yu
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Georgia B. Cobb wrote:
In principle it makes sense. In practice it is not that simple.

I would just like to add a note too. It is that simple--in Aristasia. Discipline and punishment are given with love; there is no doubt about it. Of course, in Telluria corporeal punishment can and often is abused just like everything else.

I have never experienced a whipping or caning, but I have been made to do pushups and exercises to the point of tears. I have been made to run until I was far past the point of tears, even until I passed out. (These were not for discipline or punishment, but simply part of the weekly regimen at gymnastics.) It wasn't fun, but I didn't feel resentful or abused because it was, indeed, done out of loving authority. It made me stronger.

That is one of the reasons we do not object to such things in stories. In Aristasia, things like corporeal punishment are never abused in real life, and abuse of them in fiction is rare. (Exceptions like The Feminine Regime are usually exaggerated against the authoress's preference to attract the attention of the Pit, not Aristasians.)

I am a rather sensitive blonde, but I did not find the story extremely risque--probably because the brunette does not intend to be risque with her clothing. She is simply careless. Since that carelessness makes another uncomfortable, it needs to be rectified.
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Georgia B. Cobb

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Honored Mengxia Yu,

I have not had the opportunity to experience Aristasian discipline of the exalted kind to which you refer. I have submitted to normal, rigorous discipline without resentment.

The only example of Aristasian discipline in Telluria that I have heard about is that carried out by Miss Martindale. She admitted to spanking her maids. The examples I saw of this in a video showed her spanking her maids for absolutely nothing. A simple reprimand would have been quite as effective. I think it is an insult to spank an adult, ever.

Children are spanked (not beaten) because they have not yet developed the capacity to understand other means of discipline. Grown maidens should not be treated as if they are children. This is one of the areas in which I disagree with Aristasians. Treating adults as if they are children is insulting to their dignity and their intelligence.

You said "the brunette does not intend to be risque with her clothing. She is simply careless. Since that carelessness makes another uncomfortable, it needs to be rectified."

I would agree that carelessness which makes another person uncomfortable does need to be rectified. However, beating the other person with a whip is totally out of proportion to the offense committed. It is not just.

Also, the titillating way the discipline was discussed, the description of the tool the blonde used and where she may have obtained it, seem very close to the Tellurian "kinky", "slave master sex toy spanking/whipping scenarios I have heard about. Too close for comfort, regardless of the supposed difference between Aristasian and Tellurian "spanking".

What bothers me most about the story is the sweetness with which the blonde insists upon the form of discipline and the loving resignation with which the brunette accepts the discipline, not only the beating but the complete authority from that moment onward of the blonde to do anything she pleases with her brunette. I am sorry, but I cannot accept this scenario as a healthy relationship between spouses. The characters in the story appear be besotted with one another as many lovers are. However, I think the brunet is getting a raw deal (though she would probably disagree).

The risque portion of the story is not so much in the unclothed state of the brunette as in for example: the description of how her feminine body parts and those of her blond felt in the tense moments surrounding the reprimand. Perhaps you noticed this but it was too uncomfortable to mention.

I do apologize for taking up so much of the forums space and time on this one issue. It is a very sensitive subject with me. I admit that I am not an Aristasian, and that the Aristasian understanding of discipline is one of the reasons why I am not.

Perhaps it wold be better if I left the forum altogether. I joined because I wished to talk with other Deanist and Traditionalists about our mutual faith. It may be that the cultural and age differences between us are too great.

May Dea be with you all

Miss Georgia B. Cobb
Live Well, Laugh Always, Love Much
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Adele Poppy

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 4:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dear and most honored Miss Cobb,

Please rest assured that the age differences, for some of us at least, are not quite as great as you may believe. And please don't think you must leave the discussion. I assure you we enjoy it very much!

As to the issue of treating grown maids as children: Yes, we do. We are grateful for the chance to BE our Mother's children, and that is reflected in the care we take of one another, and, yes, even in the discipline that we may be called upon to endure for the sake of maintaining that innocence.

As Miss Martindale writes in "The District Governess" (and as reported in the Encyclopaedia Aristasiana):

"As the title "Governess" implies. Aristasian subjects are, in certain respects, treated throughout life as children in the great family of the Empress. The captured law-breaker in Aristasia feels more like a child outside the headmistress's study than an adult trapped by the pitiless machine of the State. There is never absent an understanding on all sides that punishment is given with love and for the true good of the culprit, to bring her back into grace and restore her to the heart of the Familia. Although the true dignity of an Aristasian is far greater than that of a person in a degenerate land (as may be seen by the unfailing neatness of dress of even the lowliest subject), her consciousness of herself as a child, makes her more supple and yielding in the hands of public discipline. She has not built her persona upon a hard and brittle "personal independence" which must be stripped and crushed by the punishing State, reducing her almost to the level of nonentity. Rather she can be corrected as a child is corrected:— sometimes severely but with love and with her own tearful acceptance. It is an act which unites her rather than severing her from the whole, which leaves her neither broken nor bitter, but at peace, and happier than before. pp. 21-22."
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Splendid Contributor

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rayati, all:

I will preface my remarks with the caveat that I am a new student of Aristasian philosopy.

As Yu-chei and Miss Poppy have pointed out, the object of discpline is one of spiritual purification, of submission to the Golden Order. However, now that I have finally dove into reading the Feminine Universe, I recall Miss Trent stating that a disciplinary relationship between a maid and her mistress is one of mutual consent. It is my understanding that such practices are not imposed by a brunette upon her blonde, or vice versa, without the complicity of both maids. This to me seems to be a key point. Not all maids choose this path, and I don't think all of Aristasia should be unfairly criticized.

This is my two cents worth. Any further explanation from one of my more knowledgeable and esteemed countrymaids would be most appreciated.

In amity,
Jullianna Juliesse
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