Ok, before I say anything, I want to say that my wish is not to offend or belittle anyone in anyway whatsoever. I see everyone here as my brother and sister. And with that, I'll begin...

I've been seeing a lot of negativity since yesterday due to the perception that we were supposed to ascend. I want to put it in that first, this was just one way of interpreting 2012. The future is never set and stone, so many things come into play. I do know, however, that all things begin from within, and if we wish to see results externally, we first make the changes internally. For a shift to happen, we must first shift our personal egos and paradigms. A shift also takes time to happen. A good way I heard someone put it was, Did man evolve overnight? No! That would be silly. :) Everything takes times, and whether we are going to be 5th dimensional or what... who knows. We can't dedicate ourselves completely to one possibility. In fact, I feel like this frame of mind makes it even less likely for such an event to happen. What if we don't return home? Then it is what it is. I personally believe in interdimensional travel, but I feel that we personally have to make it happen. Did Yeshua sit around and wait for a ray of light to carry him into the cosmos? Did Buddha? No...

The most I can think of is that we are here to do a job, and just because one day passes, and a new one comes, doesn't mean we are done working. Like I said before, this isn't meant to hurt anyone, but I actually feel it's a little selfish to just want to get up and leave. So we didn't ascend... I think that's great! To me, this means I can help the world even further than before. To me, this shows me all the opportunity I have, and it has also shown me all that I have already done.A quote from the Buddha says, "I look not at what I have already finished, but what remains to be finished." We shouldn't be saying, "Well, look... I did my job, this and this, and this and that..." No, we should be looking at the future with optimism. Don't get me wrong, maybe I am a little dissapointed nothing big happened, but I'm not going to let that completely ruin who I am or my purpose for being here. Yes, I wish to return home... so much that my heart aches, but when I remind myself of all the beautiful things in this world... it becomes my home. We are living here, on planet Earth, and brothers and sisters... this is our home too! No matter what lifetimes we had before now, we are children of this planet. I do still believe I will be able to return to where I came from somedayeven if it will take a lot of work and time. Though in the meantime, my focus is on transmitting my positive energy to the planet, and taking action to make good things happen. I mean, a very important prayer that Yeshua taught us involved creating heaven on earthBut we must lead this act. I think that when we start focusing and acting upon what we came here to do, then all the changes will come naturally. Humanity is ready for these positive changes, I believe in them... and I believe in myself. ^_^

Celebrate! Everyone, this is the beginning of a new era. If Dec. 21st had come and we all went home, who would lead the world into the Golden Age, or Kali Yuga, or whatever. We are all here! And we must all work together to bring the change this world must see, so complaining about how we didn't get to go home isn't going to do anything. We can't start pretending that we aren't the ones in control of change... because we are. It begins with those people who will take those first steps to really make a difference. I am a starseed, and I am proud to aid humanity and facilitate my energy. (I SERIOUSLY can't wait for Spring though... I just don't do well in Winter. -_-) Hahaha... Love, light, and Namaste.

Tags: a, are, being, change, leaders, love, meaning, of, starseed, the, More…we

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Very true. Apt post at the exact time. Namaste and thanks for sharing it with all of us.

Perfect vision. Let us move ahead together. I have to chuckle inside myself for those who look for a particular date to matter when time is an illusion (even when I do it myself sometimes)!

I know! Right? Hahaha XD

Ray/Azadrana/Raj'vaun said:

Perfect vision. Let us move ahead together. I have to chuckle inside myself for those who look for a particular date to matter when time is an illusion (even when I do it myself sometimes)!

You're welcome! Thanks for reading!

Tej said:

Very true. Apt post at the exact time. Namaste and thanks for sharing it with all of us.

I love your positive outlook at this time :) 

I knew a lot of people were going to be freaked out over all of this--- but I kinda was hoping they would so people would calm down and we can get over 2012 being this weird fad society is going though--- even though I am realizing now I am going to miss it. It made me feel a bit more accepted and not so much like the odd duck. I felt less alien in a cold world :( 

I need to go on a spiritual journey to meet more spiritual people :)

  Very good points and I really like the part about being able to help everyone regardless of who we are/where we came from.  Many times the fact we are all in human bodies and are all brothers/sisters gets lost along the way.  So often I see it pointed out that what "they" do is so bad and horrible.  The thing is we all came here with missions to share our lives with and help "them".

  There is more to come, and I have felt an improvement in who I am that happened yesterday.  Beyond that I think that all of us were an integral part in all the things that did NOT happen.  I took part in multiple Gaia meditations and so did so many others, to not think that did anything positive goes against why we were doing it.  Nobody can say there wasn't the possibility of horrible natural disasters, war breaking out and mass acts of violence.  The big picture sure looks wonderful from where I am, I hope everyone shares your sentiments too.

  Love and positive energy in our moving forward!


Exactly! ^_^ I myself, have felt a shift inside. And on that morning I felt I was in a very loving state of being. I was feeling vibrations everywhere, lol. We definitely made a differene and are constantly continuing to do so. ^_^

T B M said:

  Very good points and I really like the part about being able to help everyone regardless of who we are/where we came from.  Many times the fact we are all in human bodies and are all brothers/sisters gets lost along the way.  So often I see it pointed out that what "they" do is so bad and horrible.  The thing is we all came here with missions to share our lives with and help "them".

  There is more to come, and I have felt an improvement in who I am that happened yesterday.  Beyond that I think that all of us were an integral part in all the things that did NOT happen.  I took part in multiple Gaia meditations and so did so many others, to not think that did anything positive goes against why we were doing it.  Nobody can say there wasn't the possibility of horrible natural disasters, war breaking out and mass acts of violence.  The big picture sure looks wonderful from where I am, I hope everyone shares your sentiments too.

  Love and positive energy in our moving forward!


I can completely relate. :)

Kendra said:

I love your positive outlook at this time :) 

I knew a lot of people were going to be freaked out over all of this--- but I kinda was hoping they would so people would calm down and we can get over 2012 being this weird fad society is going though--- even though I am realizing now I am going to miss it. It made me feel a bit more accepted and not so much like the odd duck. I felt less alien in a cold world :( 

I need to go on a spiritual journey to meet more spiritual people :)

Like they always say "Rome wasn't built in a day" haha we still have lots of work to do. Not sure why people are being so negative :/ its not what we need at this time. I don't know why so many people thought that since they were a starseed that they would get a free pass and just leave Earth. No, we are the light bearers. We came here to help humanity elevate its consciousness. If we all just disappeared from view then who would be the guides? People will get over this and continue to spread love and light. Namaste

I very much agree with this post. I believe 2012 is more so a season that would take time than a specific date and time where half the people who are awake rise and the other half don't. What I've noticed is many people are either staying asleep or beginning to wake up, find the answers to who they are from within and relying less on the outside to define their purpose. I felt a shift that day and I know many others have as well, but I believe there gonna be more in months to come :)

A great post...and like Tej said,an apt post at the exact time :)

Ascension is not an ego trip. It is a spiritual awakening that happens over time. Physical changes happen individually and at will, not on a mass scale, at least here they do. Too much time is spent figuring out the physical changes when we should just be living in the moment and greatful we are here at all as there are much worse things and situations we could all be stuck in. Whether we like it or not, we are not in a reality where we have total control. It is time to share our spirituality with the whole planet, wake up and get to know yourself so you can get to know others for who we really are and start to manifest our own changes as is what divinity would only ask of us.



If ISN has helped you on your path to awakening and greater understanding...please consider a donation of your choice. Namaste

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