@MartinShkreli @TheRevBobLevy @pattonoswalt @amyschumer @billmaher @lenadunham @Jason Hey Hollywood. Remember.... #Boycottpic.twitter.com/BwlHlA8HZS
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@MartinShkreli release those albums NOW - さらに表示
@MartinShkreli@pattonoswalt@amyschumer@billmaher@lenadunham@Jason man, i hope they stick by their word -
@MartinShkreli@pattonoswalt@amyschumer@billmaher@lenadunham@Jason Set up a Kickstarter to pay for their air fares. -
@MartinShkreli@pattonoswalt@amyschumer@billmaher@lenadunham@Jason ABSOLUTE MADMAN!!!! - さらに表示
@MartinShkreli@pattonoswalt@amyschumer@billmaher@lenadunham@Jason dont forget George Stephanopolous and his wife. Oh, and Miley Cyrus. -
@MartinShkreli@pattonoswalt@amyschumer@billmaher@lenadunham@Jason Based Shkreli Please buy 4chan off Hiro after the party ok?pic.twitter.com/v5G9cyGbAg -
@MartinShkreli@CantStopTheDon Get packing people. Flights leave on the hour every hour! -
@MartinShkreli@pattonoswalt@amyschumer@billmaher@lenadunham@Jason lol re-followed for that one, Shkreli -
@MartinShkreli@pattonoswalt@amyschumer@billmaher@lenadunham@Jason Yes, lol! Also let me get that unreleased music son!