全 1 件のコメント

[–]oldredder 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)


Feminism doesn't even matter.

What matters is you just let loose a mad bull around a china shop full of nitroglycerin.

This is mass stupidity beyond all previous known stupidity planet-wide.

Trump will kill us all.

Americans, apparently, are so low IQ none are qualified to be MGTOW. Every single MGTOW American here seems to be celebrating deep-throating cock from Donald Dump, having your laws, freedom and lives raped for eternity.

You are bluepill slave-cucks. A disgrace to MGTOW.

Donald Trump is the biggest threat ever to MGTOW. He will take our money. He will cut off our safe passage planet-wide to better legal jurisdictions. He will mandate execution of most of us.

He is literally the Devil.

You are all disgraces.