
Presidential Results

Image: Hillary Clinton
270 TO WIN
Hillary Clinton 59,445,467 votes
Donald Trump 59,251,810 votes
Image: Donald Trump
Projected Winner
13 votesSquare sizecorresponds toelectoral votes.
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
Not decided
State Electoral votes % In Clinton Trump
AL 9 99% 34.6% 62.9%
AK 3 73% 37.6% 53%
AZ 11 73% 45.4% 49.6%
AR 6 99% 33.8% 60.4%
CA 55 68% 61.4% 33.3%
CO 9 85% 47% 44.8%
CT 7 94% 54% 41.6%
DE 3 99% 53.4% 41.9%
DC 3 81% 92.8% 4.1%
FL 29 98% 47.8% 49.1%
GA 16 92% 45.5% 51.4%
HI 4 90% 62.3% 30.1%
ID 4 98% 27.6% 59%
IL 20 96% 55.4% 39.4%
IN 11 97% 37.9% 57.2%
IA 6 99% 42.3% 51.7%
KS 6 95% 36.1% 57.2%
KY 8 99% 32.7% 62.5%
LA 8 99% 38.4% 58.1%
ME 4 96% 48% 45%
MD 10 87% 60.5% 35.3%
MA 11 99% 60.8% 33.5%
MI 16 95% 47.3% 47.6%
MN 10 99% 46.8% 45.4%
MS 6 93% 39.8% 58.2%
MO 10 94% 38% 57.1%
MT 3 90% 35.5% 57.2%
NE 5 97% 34% 60.3%
NV 6 98% 47.9% 45.5%
NH 4 98% 47.5% 47.4%
NJ 14 93% 54.9% 41.9%
NM 5 95% 48.3% 40%
NY 29 93% 58.7% 37.5%
NC 15 98% 46.7% 50.5%
ND 3 99% 27.8% 64.1%
OH 18 94% 43.5% 52.1%
OK 7 99% 28.9% 65.3%
OR 7 80% 51.8% 41.1%
PA 20 97% 47.7% 48.8%
RI 4 93% 54.9% 40.3%
SC 9 94% 40% 55.6%
SD 3 99% 31.7% 61.5%
TN 11 99% 34.9% 61.1%
TX 38 99% 43.5% 52.5%
UT 6 75% 28.4% 45.8%
VT 3 92% 61.1% 32.6%
VA 13 96% 49.8% 45%
WA 12 60% 56.3% 37.8%
WV 5 95% 26.5% 68.7%
WI 10 95% 46.9% 47.9%
WY 3 99% 22.5% 70.1%

Exit polls:


A profile of key demographics in the 2016 vote.

Exit polls:


Gender Male 48 % of voters Trump +12 415341
Female 52 % Clinton +12 544221
Age 18-29 19 % of voters Clinton +18 553752
30-44 25 % Clinton +8 504242
45-64 40 % Trump +9 445321
65 or over 15 % Trump +8 455310
Age 18-44 44 % of voters Clinton +12 524052
45+ 56 % Trump +9 445321
Race White 70 % of voters Trump +21 375831
Black 12 % Clinton +80 88822
Hispanic/Latino 11 % Clinton +36 652932
Asian 4 % Clinton +36 652942
Other 3 % Clinton +19 563722
Gender by race White men 34 % of voters Trump +32 316341
White women 37 % Trump +10 435321
Black men 5 % Clinton +67 801333
Black women 7 % Clinton +90 94411
Latino men 5 % Clinton +29 623322
Latino women 6 % Clinton +42 682632
All other races 6 % Clinton +29 613232
Which best describes your education? High school or less 18 % of voters Trump +6 455121
Some college/assoc. degree 32 % Trump +9 435231
College graduate 32 % Clinton +4 494532
Postgraduate study 18 % Clinton +21 583721
College education College graduate 50 % of voters Clinton +9 524331
No college degree 50 % Trump +8 445231
Education by race White college graduates 37 % of voters Trump +4 454931
White no college degree 34 % Trump +39 286731
Non White college graduates 13 % Clinton +48 712323
Non White no college degree 16 % Clinton +55 752021
2015 total family income: Under $30,000 17 % of voters Clinton +12 534131
$30,000 - $49,999 19 % Clinton +9 514242
$50,000 - $99,999 31 % Trump +4 465021
$100,000 - $199,999 24 % Trump +1 474821
$200,000 - $249,999 4 % Trump +1 484920
$250,000 or more 6 % Trump +2 464830
No matter how you voted today, do you usually think of yourself as a: Democrat 37 % of voters Clinton +80 89911
Republican 33 % Trump +83 79020
Independent or something else 31 % Trump +6 424862
Party by gender Democratic men 14 % of voters Clinton +77 871021
Democratic women 23 % Clinton +82 90811
Republican men 17 % Trump +84 69020
Republican women 16 % Trump +81 88920
Independent men 17 % Trump +14 375173
Independent women 14 % Clinton +4 474352
On most political matters, do you consider yourself: Liberal 26 % of voters Clinton +74 841032
Moderate 39 % Clinton +11 524141
Conservative 35 % Trump +66 158120
Are you currently married? Yes 58 % of voters Trump +10 435321
No 42 % Clinton +17 553842
Gender by marital status Married men 29 % of voters Trump +21 375831
Married women 30 % Clinton +2 494721
Non-married men 19 % Clinton +1 464553
Non-married women 23 % Clinton +29 623331
White evangelical or white born-again Christians White evangelical or white born-again Christian 26 % of voters Trump +65 168120
All others 74 % Clinton +24 593532
Religion Protestant or other Christian 52 % of voters Trump +19 395820
Catholic 23 % Trump +7 455221
Jewish 3 % Clinton +47 712432
Something else 8 % Clinton +33 622943
None 15 % Clinton +42 682642
How often do you attend religious services? Once a week or more 33 % of voters Trump +16 405620
A few times a month 16 % Trump +3 464911
A few times a year 29 % Clinton +1 484741
Never 22 % Clinton +31 623142
Does anyone in your household belong to a labor union? Yes 18 % of voters Clinton +8 514341
No 82 % Trump +3 464931
Have you ever served in the U.S. military? Yes 13 % of voters Trump +27 346141
No 87 % Clinton +5 504531
Were you born a U.S. citizen? Yes 91 % of voters Trump +5 455031
No 9 % Clinton +33 643131
Is this the first time you have ever voted? Yes 10 % of voters Clinton +16 564021
No 90 % Tie 474731
When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the presidential election? In the last few days 8 % of voters Trump +2 444662
In the last week 6 % Trump +12 385093
In October 12 % Trump +14 375162
In September 13 % Trump +4 465041
Before that 60 % Clinton +7 524520
When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the presidential election? In the last week 13 % of voters Trump +5 424772
Before that 85 % Clinton +2 494731
When did you finally decide for whom to vote in the presidential election? In the last month 26 % of voters Trump +10 394962
Before that 73 % Clinton +5 514620
Which best describes your vote for president today? I strongly favor my candidate 41 % of voters Clinton +11 534222
I like my candidate but with reservations 32 % Trump +1 484920
I dislike the other candidates 25 % Trump +12 395152
Which ONE of these four issues is the most important facing the country? Foreign policy 13 % of voters Clinton +26 603431
Immigration 13 % Trump +32 326421
The economy 52 % Clinton +10 524241
Terrorism 18 % Trump +18 395721
Which ONE of these four candidate qualities mattered most in deciding how you voted for president? Cares about people like me 15 % of voters Clinton +23 583533
Can bring needed change 39 % Trump +69 148321
Has the right experience 21 % Clinton +82 90811
Has good judgment 20 % Clinton +40 662661
Should most illegal immigrants working in the United States be: Offered a chance to apply for legal status 70 % of voters Clinton +26 603441
Deported to the country they came from 25 % Trump +70 148420
How do you feel about building a wall along the entire U.S. border with Mexico? Support 41 % of voters Trump +76 108621
Oppose 54 % Clinton +59 761741
Overall, would you say trade with other countries: Creates more U.S. jobs 38 % of voters Clinton +24 593541
Takes away U.S. jobs 42 % Trump +34 316521
Has no effect on U.S. jobs 11 % Clinton +33 633033
In the fight against ISIS, is the U.S. doing: Very well 6 % of voters Clinton +74 851131
Somewhat well 36 % Clinton +46 702431
Somewhat badly 28 % Trump +19 375651
Very badly 24 % Trump +74 118531
In deciding your vote for president, were appointments to the Supreme Court: The most important factor 21 % of voters Trump +15 415620
An important factor 48 % Clinton +1 484721
A minor factor 14 % Clinton +9 504143
Not a factor at all 14 % Clinton +16 553942
Do you think the country's criminal justice system: Treats all people fairly 43 % of voters Trump +51 237420
Treats blacks unfairly 48 % Clinton +49 712242
Do you think the 2010 federal health care law, also known as Obamacare: Did not go far enough 30 % of voters Clinton +60 781822
Was about right 18 % Clinton +72 821052
Went too far 47 % Trump +70 138331
Which best describes your feelings about the way the federal government is working? Enthusiastic 5 % of voters Clinton +58 782010
Satisfied, but not enthusiastic 24 % Clinton +55 752031
Dissatisfied, but not angry 46 % Trump +4 454932
Angry 23 % Trump +59 187732
Which best describes your feelings about the way the federal government is working? Enthusiastic or satisfied 29 % of voters Clinton +56 762031
Dissatisfied or angry 69 % Trump +22 365832
Which is closer to your view: Government should do more to solve problems 45 % of voters Clinton +52 742222
Government is doing too many things better left to businesses and individuals 50 % Trump +52 217341
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president? Strongly approve 33 % of voters Clinton +90 94410
Somewhat approve 20 % Clinton +48 692172
Somewhat disapprove 12 % Trump +62 147671
Strongly disapprove 33 % Trump +92 39510
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president? Approve 53 % of voters Clinton +74 841031
Disapprove 45 % Trump +84 69031
Should the next president: Continue Barack Obama's policies 28 % of voters Clinton +86 91531
Change to more conservative policies 48 % Trump +70 138331
Change to more liberal policies 17 % Clinton +47 702324
Is your opinion of Hillary Clinton: Favorable 44 % of voters Clinton +92 95310
Unfavorable 54 % Trump +71 118251
Is your opinion of Donald Trump: Favorable 38 % of voters Trump +91 49500
Unfavorable 60 % Clinton +62 771551
Do you have a favorable opinion of ... Both 2 % of voters Not enough data ----
Only Clinton 41 % Clinton +97 98110
Only Trump 36 % Trump +97 19800
Neither 18 % Trump +20 2949153
Do you think Hillary Clinton is honest and trustworthy? Yes 36 % of voters Clinton +90 94411
No 61 % Trump +53 207342
Do you think Donald Trump is honest and trustworthy? Yes 33 % of voters Trump +89 59400
No 63 % Clinton +50 712142
Do you think the presidential candidates are honest and trustworthy? Both 2 % of voters Not enough data ----
Only Clinton 34 % Clinton +95 96111
Only Trump 31 % Trump +97 19800
Neither 29 % Trump +5 404574
Do you think Hillary Clinton is qualified to serve as president? Yes 52 % of voters Clinton +77 86932
No 47 % Trump +85 59031
Do you think Donald Trump is qualified to serve as president? Yes 38 % of voters Trump +90 49410
No 60 % Clinton +57 751842
Do you think the presidential candidates are qualified to serve as president? Both 5 % of voters Trump +48 227061
Only Clinton 46 % Clinton +91 93222
Only Trump 33 % Trump +98 1990-
Neither 14 % Trump +54 1569113
Do you think Hillary Clinton has the temperament to serve effectively as president? Yes 55 % of voters Clinton +69 821322
No 43 % Trump +84 58932
Do you think Donald Trump has the temperament to serve effectively as president? Yes 35 % of voters Trump +89 59410
No 63 % Clinton +52 722042
Do you think the presidential candidates have the temperament to serve effectively as president? Both 6 % of voters Trump +58 197730
Only Clinton 49 % Clinton +85 90522
Only Trump 29 % Trump +96 2980-
Neither 14 % Trump +59 127195
If Hillary Clinton is elected president, would you feel: Excited 17 % of voters Clinton +97 98101
Optimistic 27 % Clinton +87 92520
Concerned 24 % Trump +52 187082
Scared 29 % Trump +92 19531
If Hillary Clinton is elected president, would you feel: Excited or optimistic 44 % of voters Clinton +91 94311
Concerned or scared 53 % Trump +75 98451
If Donald Trump is elected president, would you feel: Excited 13 % of voters Trump +95 29710
Optimistic 27 % Trump +93 39610
Concerned 20 % Clinton +20 543472
Scared 36 % Clinton +89 92231
Does Hillary Clinton's use of private email while secretary of state bother you: A lot 45 % of voters Trump +80 78731
Some 17 % Clinton +42 682641
Not much 17 % Clinton +81 88721
Not at all 19 % Clinton +87 92511
Does Donald Trump's treatment of women bother you: A lot 50 % of voters Clinton +72 831131
Some 20 % Trump +56 197532
Not much 13 % Trump +80 88821
Not at all 16 % Trump +77 108721
Who would better handle the economy? Hillary Clinton 46 % of voters Clinton +94 96121
Donald Trump 49 % Trump +91 39420
Who would better handle foreign policy? Hillary Clinton 52 % of voters Clinton +79 86741
Donald Trump 43 % Trump +94 29610
Regardless of how you voted today, who would be a better commander in chief? Hillary Clinton 49 % of voters Clinton +92 94221
Donald Trump 46 % Trump +94 19620
Is your opinion of the Democratic Party: Favorable 47 % of voters Clinton +80 88821
Unfavorable 49 % Trump +76 98541
Is your opinion of the Republican Party: Favorable 40 % of voters Trump +75 118620
Unfavorable 55 % Clinton +53 732042
Do you think the condition of the nation's economy is: Excellent 3 % of voters Clinton +67 83161-
Good 33 % Clinton +57 761921
Not so good 41 % Trump +16 395531
Poor 21 % Trump +64 157932
Compared to four years ago, is your family's financial situation: Better today 31 % of voters Clinton +48 722430
Worse today 27 % Trump +59 197821
About the same 41 % Tie 464651
Do you think things in this country today are: Generally going in the right direction 33 % of voters Clinton +82 90811
Seriously off on the wrong track 62 % Trump +44 256931
Do you expect life for the next generation of Americans to be: Better than life today 37 % of voters Clinton +21 593821
Worse than life today 34 % Trump +32 316332
About the same 24 % Clinton +15 543951
How confident are you that votes in your state will be counted accurately? Very confident 47 % of voters Clinton +40 682821
Somewhat confident 37 % Trump +29 336231
Not very confident 11 % Trump +44 256911
Not at all confident 5 % Trump +32 265855
Are you gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender? Yes 5 % of voters Clinton +64 781434
No 95 % Trump +1 474831
In your vote for president, how would you rate the importance of the presidential debates? The most important factor 26 % of voters Clinton +4 514710
An important factor 38 % Clinton +4 504631
A minor factor 19 % Trump +23 376021
Not a factor at all 11 % Trump +9 425141
In your vote for president, how would you rate the importance of the presidential debates? Factor 82 % of voters Trump +3 475020
Not a factor 11 % Trump +9 425141
In today's election for U.S. House of Representatives, did you just vote for: Democrat 49 % of voters Clinton +83 89621
Republican 49 % Trump +82 78930
Population City over 50,000 34 % of voters Clinton +24 593531
Suburbs 49 % Trump +5 455031
Small city and Rural 17 % Trump +28 346231

More from Decision 2016

Election Day Live

Clinton to Address New York Crowd Momentarily

How to Talk to Your Kids About Election Results

It's the morning after Election Day, Donald Trump is the U.S. President-elect, and as President Obama promised, the sun has indeed risen.

But in the wake of many controversial and vitriolic soundbites from the campaigns over the past year, parents all over social media are genuinely asking, "What do I say to my kids this morning?"

TODAY Tastemaker and child development expert offers a plan for how to address the election with children this morning, particularly if parents are disappointed themselves. Read here.

Alastair Jamieson

Newspaper Calls Election for Clinton in Echo of Truman Blunder

Donald Trump's election victory was a surprise to many people around the world — not least to the readers of a Turkish newspaper that mistakenly called the result for Hillary Clinton early Wednesday.

Tabloid Posta printed the headline "CLINTON PRESIDENT" on its front page, over the sub-heading "The polls weren't wrong" and a picture of the Democratic nominee smiling.

The "Dewey Defeats Truman" moment came as Turkish newspapers were going to print at about 2 a.m. Wednesday local time (6 p.m. ET Tuesday).

It echoed the Chicago Daily Tribune's 1948 front page headline "DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN" which incorrectly suggested President Harry Truman had lost.

Posta's front page was shared on social media in Turkey. "Hang on to a fantasy," quipped Twitter user Aslihan Tumer.

Alastair Jamieson

President-elect Trump Tweets on 'Beautiful and Important' Election Victory

Donald Trump sent his first tweet as president-elect early Wednesday, promising that Americans would "come together as never before."

Trump's Twitter biography was also updated overnight to reflect the surprise election result.

Alexander Smith

Trump's White House Win Was Foreshadowed by 'Brexit': Expert

While Donald Trump's presidential victory left pundits and pollsters flabbergasted, some experts have suggested that the foreshocks of this political earthquake were apparent months ago, thousands of miles across the Atlantic.

Just like the U.S. race, Britain's "Brexit" referendum saw voters reject an establishment campaign that for months had led in the polls.

What tripped up the pollsters during the U.K. vote was an unexpectedly high turnout among white working-class voters. Many people within this demographic said they were angry with a complacent political establishment for putting a project of globalization and immigration ahead of their communities.

Although hows and whys of the U.S. presidential vote will be analyzed for months, the NBC News Exit Poll suggested these same grievances formed some of the main drivers of Hillary Clinton's crushing loss.

"Undeniably Brexit was a foreshadowing of what happened in the U.S. last night," Ben Page, chief executive of British pollster IPSOS Mori, told NBC News on Wednesday.

It was not the first time these parallels have been drawn, with Michael Moore among the commentators predicting the forces of Brexit would secure a Trump victory.

On Wednesday this prediction was realized. According to the exit poll, white voters without a college degree broke for Trump by a huge 30 points in the Rust Belt swing states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin. This demographic was underrepresented by pollsters because they haven't voted in such large numbers before.

Although the parallels are clear, the bigger picture is likely more nuanced, according to Page.

"The simple narrative is that this vote is the revenge of the white working class, but it's a bit more complicated than that," he explained. "It's clearly part of the story but it's not exhaustive. For example, it looks like more Hispanics voted for Trump than voted for [2012 Republican nominee Mitt] Romney, so we need to look at the whole picture."

President Obama Called Donald Trump After Upset Victory

President Barack Obama tried to reach Donald Trump just as Republican winner was taking his victory lap, the Republican's campaign said.

"He called when Mr. Trump was on stage," campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told NBC News.

Obama and his wife Michelle had aggressively campaigned for Hillary Clinton in the final days before the election, holding rallies in a number of key battleground states where the Democratic nominee was eventually unable to hold.

The out-going president addressed Clinton supporters in Michigan, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania in the final election sprint. But ultimately results in those states were either carried by Trump or are still too close to call.

Donald Trump Wins the Presidency

Trump: 'I Just Received a Call From Secretary Clinton'

Donald Trump tells the crowd Hillary Clinton called him to concede.

Republicans Maintain Control of the U.S. Senate

Clinton Won't Speak Tonight

Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta appeared at the Javits Center in New York and said every vote should be counted and campaign will have more later today. Clinton not speaking tonight.

"We're not going to have anything more to say tonight," Podesta told the crowd still waiting for results to come in after 2 a.m. ET.