全 102 件のコメント

[–]WylfCynical Mod[M] [スコア非表示] stickied comment (4子コメント)

Courtesy of /u/ihmhi:

Hello everyone, old and new. Please bear in mind that our rules are very much in effect here and will be stringently enforced.

I understand that tensions are going to be running high right now what with the election wrapping up. I understand that people may be wont to devolve into political discussions or outright shit-flinging.

I will say right now that you are free to say whatever you like so long as you do it civilly and do not resort to insults or harassment. Anyone who crosses a line in here is going to get a 7-day ban, minimum. Do not conflate the somewhat slower activity on here of late with a reduction in our vigilance or how much we give a shit about this community.

If you have any questions about this or other moderator stuff, you can post it as a reply to this post or message the moderators. Please do not PM moderators directly. If you want to make a reply and feel like you're not sure if it's against the rules, ask us. We won't ban or otherwise punish you for taking the time to ask us a question.

Again, please engage one another civilly and respectfully. Thank you.

[–]Divolinon [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Well, he already left reddit.

[–]Hambeggar[S] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Looks like he tweeted a link to the Twitch message after he said he was leaving Reddit.


[–]Ebola_Burrito [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I mean, the unofficial brit subreddit is still a thing. If he truly decides to leave social media(this is like the 3rd or 4th time he has done this. He will be back.) and removes his subreddit, his fans will just go back to that. Nothing will change.

[–]Hambeggar[S] [スコア非表示]  (33子コメント)

For those who can't access at work:

As unwise as it might be to express any political opinion via the internet, it can't be any more unwise than the decision America made tonight. When I came to this country a few years ago I saw a country of hope and opportunity. It was a country that was ethnically diverse, full of people with different backgrounds and different views. While there was always friction and disagreement, I never truly felt like that was something untenable, something that couldn't be overcome. I never truly felt that, when all was said and done, people wouldn't be able to put aside their differences and say "We are one country, we are Americans and we will set an example for the rest of the world". I come from a country that tends to just go with the flow. It's a country of apathy. I grew up surrounded by many people that were just content with where they were. They didn't really aspire to anything, they didn't have the motivation or desire to change things for the better, they simply put up with it. Britain is a place of clouds and rain and the people there often reflect that fact. America was a shining land of sunshine and hope. I admired it in many ways, particularly that it's people often aspired to be more than what they were. The land of opportunity isn't just a cliche, America is full of people who want to be better.

Or so I thought. Today America gave into fear. It gave in to the darkest parts of its national character. When confronted with adversity it finally broke, unable to stand up for its core values as it once did. It gave into cowardice and allowed itself to be conned by a disgusting example of a human being. America proved that it's ok being lied to as long as they're the right kind of lies. America proved that when given the chance, it will reward dishonesty and bigotry with the highest office in the land. America proved that it cares so little for the stability of the world and itself, that it will give the most important and powerful position in the world to a man that utterly lacks any of the qualifications, experience or character to deserve it. America has left the world in a state of uncertainty and fear.

I'd like to tell you that it's going to be ok. I'd like to tell you that we'll get through this and come together, begin to heal the wounds opened in the last few months. If I did though, I'd be a liar. I don't believe that, not for a second. The wounds opened in the fabric of this country may never fully heal. If we don't bleed to death from them they will leave giant, ugly scars that will endure for the rest of its days. I don't have the right to vote in this country, despite having had to earn my place here, fight for my right to live with my family in this state. I wasn't lucky enough to simply be born a citizen, so I don't get to have my say. Others have decided for me. They have decided to elect a man who will repeal the one piece of legislation that is keeping my health insurance company from dropping my coverage. America has chosen to put my life at risk, more-so than it already is. America, may have condemned me to death.

I'd like to say that I understand. I'd like to tell you that regardless of your politics, I can respect and be tolerant of you. That would also, be a lie. One of the greatest flaws of a moderate is tolerance of the intolerant. It has become very clear that extremism wins. It won tonight and as a result, it will likely rack up victory after victory from here on in. I'm fortunate to be a fairly wealthy, white male. Outside of the online hate I'll get for posting this, I'll probably be ok, assuming my health insurance company decides to keep covering my medical bills. I had faith in the people of this country. Despite the brand, I'm a pretty idealistic person, I do like to see the good in people when I can.

32 years old and I'm still learning how naive I can be. I no longer feel as if I'm surrounded by people I can trust, brothers and sisters in a country I was on the path to becoming a citizen of. I feel as if I'm surrounded now, by enemies. Whatever I thought this country was, whatever I believed it represented, was simply nothing more than my own foolish and unrealistic desire to believe that the majority of people are at their core, good.

Everything is not going to be ok. I can't reassure you that it will be, because I'd be lying to you. I don't believe that. I can't offer you comfort if you're scared. So am I and what I see in our future is darkness.

It's done. Congratulations to the winner. Truly, you made America Hate Again.

[–]jittyot [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

Im waiting for everyone to calm down, so much overreaction in one night

[–]MercWithaMouse [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Regardless of what trump does or doesn't do, the simple fact that he won makes a powerful statement about the American people. Its not a statement i want to be associated with.

[–]anlumo [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The statement would have been the same if he narrowly lost.

[–]Diggasson [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Boogie has the most level-headed reaction on Twitter I think. Genna Bain were also pretty cool about it which is funny when you see how TB reacted.

[–]Shamalamadindong [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Well i mean... his life is literally on the line.

[–]runetrantor [スコア非表示]  (23子コメント)

Kind of dramatic, but I guess I see why many as worried.

But I must admit, looking at the internet, it sounds like Trump had already voiced desires for a dictatorship or mass purges.
Was he friendly and civic to everyone? FAR from it, but seriously, it sounds like Hitler just got elected from what I hear around the internet.

As a foreigner latino that was not liking either side, I am holding judgement until I see how the leads.
And this is coming from a Venezuelan, I KNOW shitty governments.

Now to sleep and regret posting this tomorrow when I am called all names in the book, despite being neutral. (Though I do hope to be proven wrong, this sub tends to be rather calm as opposed to many others)

[–]Hambeggar[S] [スコア非表示]  (9子コメント)

I feel like even after all the crap Trump said, it was just that, it's all talk.

He may have said all that garbage just to get himself elected (pandering to what people want to hear) and then actually just be a "normal" president.

[–]QWieke [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Except there are a bunch of people who voted for him. Trump may not be the problem. But the people who voted on him, the people who heard all the horrid nonsense that man spouted and though he'd be a great president, those people are still a problem.

[–]runetrantor [スコア非表示]  (7子コメント)

That's something I feel is going to happen too.
There's a quote from him from the 90s where he outright says that you can get elected by talking crazy or something.

Election talk is meaningless in my eyes, politicians will say anything to pander.
What actions they take in office will shine brighter.

Hell, even Chavez talked a lot of shit that never happened. Going by his speeches, we would have gone to war with the USA and several other countries.
He did fuck us over, but I trust the US democratic system is strong enough to stop such people from seizing power as such, so I am not worried WWIII is coming just yet.

[–]Ice_Cold345 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Yeah, he basically gamed the system perfectly and said what a lot of people wanted to hear. He got what he wanted with a victory, so we will see what he actually will do with it.

[–]Hambeggar[S] [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

On the topic of Venezuela. If I understood your earlier comment, you're a Venezuelan who now resides in the USA or a Venezuelan taking interest in the election?

[–]runetrantor [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Venezuelan in Venezuela.
I do hope to move someday, and USA is my preferred goal.

I took interest in the election mostly because I wanted to see the ending of what I have been force feed for over a year.
But I do find the whole thing fascinating. I dont remember any true election in my country, so seeing how it swings back and forth, and how easy it is to win or lose, is very interesting.

Here it's silence for 4 hours and then the head of the Voting Council comes out and says who won with how many votes. Never such a 'drip feed' as this.

[–]Hambeggar[S] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Sorry to hear that, man. I have an aunt who lives in Caracas that we don't really speak to all that often. But from what we've read, it's hell in Venezuela right now.

Is the food shortages as bad as they say or has it gotten better now?

[–]Sofaboy90 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

when he talks shit about people like the german chancelor merkel or how he doesnt believe in climate change, is that election talk as well?

because those a things in my opinion where he doesnt really gain anything from it, i think hes saying there he hes actually believing, doesnt mean that applies to everything but i think it does most likely apply to things he doesnt benefit from saying.

perhaps he will change his tax plans since everybody called it completely trash, that would be one step in the right direction

[–]Symb0lic [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

He did fuck us over, but I trust the US democratic system is strong enough to stop such people from seizing power as such, so I am not worried WWIII is coming just yet.

Sorry, but the Democratic party fucked themselves over this time, not Trump. A Bernie/Trump face-off would of been historic, but Clinton stole it from Bernie. Trump wants a good relationship with Russia... Hillary is the one pushing for WW3 by meddling in Russian/Syrian affairs. How did that work out for Iraq?

[–]Karabanera [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

NEVER go to the internet to see, what's right and wrong, what's true and false. Internet is a shitshow and you should treat it as such. Make your own opinions based on actual facts instead of delusional people.

[–]Hambeggar[S] [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

But how does one get or distinguish actual facts when the internet is the easiest means of obtaining information these days?

[–]Gammro [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

In general for judging information for trustworthiness and credibility: Look for sources. Diverse sources that aren't copied from each other. If you can, look for sources saying the opposite.

Also Facebook is not a news source, single posts on there are almost guaranteed to be wrong. Same with unsourced reddit comments. You wouldn't trust the weirdo you never met on the street for information, and you shouldn't on the internet.

It's a lot of work and I've often took information for truth while it in fact wasn't, so it's not a 100% success guarantee.

[–]fr00bl3t [スコア非表示]  (9子コメント)

Look at his experience.

[–]treefitty350 [スコア非表示]  (6子コメント)

Experience means less than nothing. Presidents have been terrible before, and believe it or not, Trump is the very first one to not have any military or political experience.

[–]fr00bl3t [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)

I think we agree here that trump has zero political experience.

[–]treefitty350 [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

I don't agree at all. He's spent millions of his own dollars playing the game well before attempting any presidential run. He supported the Clintons for decades, not to mention owning a multi billion dollar corporation. He's spent a lot of time sticking his finger in politics.

[–]fr00bl3t [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Yes but not running a country.

[–]treefitty350 [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Nobody has experience running a country before they become president.

[–]anlumo [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Being the spouse of a president might be the closest you can get, though.

[–]runetrantor [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

As I said, I am willing to wait and see.

From what I have seen, he may suck at leading, but I feel he may be good at finding people that can do the big parts of the job, to delegate.
That can sometimes be better imo, to assign the work to people with the expertise needed.
After all, most politicians have no degrees in economy and such and yet they handle it.

[–]ClutchHunter [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The list of people he's surrounded himself with so far is the most worrying part in my opinion.

[–]Makropony [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Holy mother of overreaction, Jesus Christ, he's talking as if Hitler just got elected. Yeah, I get the part about health insurance, but everything else... also in classic TB style he says something then contradicts himself: "America may have condemned me to death!" Next paragraph: "I'll probably be okay though".

Hopefully he'll calm down and rationalise a bit.

[–]Symb0lic [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Man, I really love the guy, like, agree with TB 95% of the time on most issues, and agree 99% of the time with gaming, but his definitely jumping the gun a bit here. if he wasn't wealthy, I don't think he'd be singing the same tune in regards to health-care. Hillary was going to increase health-costs (I don't know who he voted) which would of fucked the average american even more, raise taxes, start a war with Russia/Syria. How is that in his best interest? She's completely in the globalists pockets. Her experience means nothing IMO. She has done nothing really positive in her 30 years in government.

Can you really blame people for feeling fear? Look at what is happening in Europe and the refugee crisis. Racial tensions have maybe been the worst they've ever been also since Black Lives Matter (George Soros funded, who also funds Clinton).

Couple also with all the SJW's that people are just sick and tired of now, GamerGate happening, it's no wonder why people are saying fuck you to the left now. Alternate media also crushed mainstream media on ratings for the elections as well.

[–]T0J0 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

TB didnt vote because he couldnt vote, if you read what he put up he says the onus is on the american people for choosing for him the candidate that will take his health assurance away, he explains that without ACA he and his family cant afford the cost of his potentially curable(There was a development that means its curable within the next 2 years) cancer, i think he can handle if the costs go up a bit, but theres no way for him to afford it if his insurance company drops him completely(Which ACA prevents btw). So I dont hink TB jumped the gun, Trump has stated and his VP has stated that ACA is out the door under their presidency The man's life is literally at stake here.

[–]Dillidoo [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Much more reasons than just giving into bigotry and racist, its the result of rising inequality and a range of reasons. It boiled down to voting for a turd sandwich and a giant douche. Such a silly statement to be honest.

[–]MastaFryGuy [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)

I always find it annoying when celebrities, or anyone really, says " we dont care who you vote for, just vote!" Then turns around and writes a big diatribe about how we were wrong to vote the way we did. Plus from some of Gena's tweets, she made it seem like he gave her shit for voting for Johnson.

Still like TB and I guess he's upset but then don't bother Indian giving support for democracy if you cant stomach the outcome

[–]MercWithaMouse [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Did TB ever make a political statement before this one? I'm not arguing just fact checking here

[–]DarkChaplain [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

On the podcast from monday (VoD is up) he said that "if you are able to vote, please do that. We're not going to tell you who to vote for" and all that.

[–]Caliburn0 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Except this isn't true democracy. It's a competition of money and fame. I don't think TB has ever said he doesn't care who we vote for. I think he always cared. Hillary may have been bad, (or maybe not), but Trump is... not qualified. It's that simple. He shouldn't have been a candidate.

[–]Sofaboy90 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

that bothers me as well. i can completely understand if you just didnt vote at all this election. there is no right choice, even gary johnson isnt that great.

you could make a case for not wanting to vote somebody you dont trust in leading the country, which in this case is all choices this election.

i can also understand the people saying "vote the lesser evil" which people would imply you to vote for hillary because people who vote trump dont see trump as a lesser evil, they see him as good man who will change this country to make it "great again".

i wouldve loved to see bernie as a president, he was the only candidate id feel comfortable voting for as president but hey, im a german, lets hope this wont affect me too much

[–]Peyton76 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Funny to see his earlier tweet about getting the election over with so 'we can stop being colossal fuccbois to each other'. Then with the result he immediately lashes out at others.

[–]Ihmhi[M] [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Update from TB #2, electric boogaloo.

One final thing before Cris realizes what I'm doing and disconnects my Twitch account from Twitter. I hope the media takes a good long look at itself and realizes just how badly it fucked up during this election. If I can agree with Trump on one thing its this, the media is untrustworthy and this time it seems, the chickens have come home to roost. Its various biases have meddled with the political process so much and for what? Ratings, god-money. Regardless of your political views and orientation you have every right to be furious with the clown-fiesta that is the media, whether mainstream or "alternative".

I hope, perhaps foolishly that they will take a long, hard look at themselves and realize that it is their job to hold the administration to account, inform the public and present the facts without bias or spin. It is not to attempt to shape and control public perception. Politics has never been more dishonest and the media has done nothing but enable that and cheer it on from the sidelines, all while feigning a paper-thin concern that is fooling nobody.

I want to be wrong. I really do. I want to believe that the Trump we saw speak tonight is actually the Trump we're going to get. But one speech does not undo months of bullshit. The media may have manipulated many things, but his shitty Twitter account is not one of them. After all, he "tells it like it is"... right?

I probably won't be around to see what happens by the time his term is over, but if I am, it'll be in spite of him. There's a bit of motivation to keep fighting.... outlive Trump.

[–]Hambeggar[S] [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I think it'll be better if you guys edited the sticky comment (EDIT: It has since been unstickied) here or reply to that instead to keep them all in one place?

[–]Ihmhi [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I thought that, but I figured it would be better to give people seperate comments to respond to as they are individual posts so as to avoid confusion.

[–]Ihmhi[M] [スコア非表示]  (9子コメント)

Edit: Also, we'll be trying to contain all of this stuff to the two existing threads for the moment. Please don't make new ones.

Edit #2: Whoops, accidentally stickied this comment when I didn't mean to. I've undone that, apologies.

TB posted a follow-up.

As adorable as it is that some people think I'm just over-reacting, go tell that to the millions of people, including myself who have now been put at serious risk because you elected a candidate that has explicitly said he will repeal the one piece of legislation that prevents health insurance companies from dropping people on a whim. How selfish it is of me to be a bit concerned about my ability to continue living, get the treatments I need to best take the small, but real chance that I actually survive the next 2 years and don't succumb to this disease.

A lot of Youtubers, streamers etc are going to be assuring you over the next few days that they don't hate you and they welcome you if you voted for Trump. Be certain of this. I don't share that opinion. Even if I ignored every other awful thing about Donald Trump, his climate change denial, his racism, his complete lack of self control, his wilful ignorance, his terrible public behavior, his sexism, the fact that he's going on trial for literal child rape... the fact that you by voting this man into office have put my life at even greater risk gives me every fucking right to dislike you. This should be, one would think, quite understandable particularly to those who voted for this man based on their love for their 2nd amendment rights. Unfortunately, the right to bear arms to defend myself won't help me against the machinations of Donald Trump. Who will defend me and millions of other people in this country from the mercies of health insurance companies? Not the electorate, that's for sure.

What's that American motto? Every man is entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Guess what, the first one is a bit fucking tricky when some orange-haired troll takes away your health insurance.

You voted for hate. Don't be surprised when you get a little bit of hate back. You reap what you sow. Some people say its time to come together and begin the healing process because we are all Americans. You might be, I'm not. I actually do get to say, this is not my president and have it be without a doubt true.

[–]BraveDude8_1 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

As adorable as it is that some people think I'm just over-reacting, go tell that to the millions of people, including myself who have now been put at serious risk because you elected a candidate that has explicitly said he will repeal the one piece of legislation that prevents health insurance companies from dropping people on a whim.

For some context, Trump isn't cackling madly as he hits the "discriminate against people who don't look like me" button, Healthcare anti-discrimination laws got passed in the same bill as the ACA.

[–]Hambeggar[S] [スコア非表示]  (6子コメント)

Some people say its time to come together and begin the healing process because we are all Americans.

I wonder if that's a shot against this.


[–]Lancair77 [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)

I know she voted 3rd party, but other than one tweet by her I don't see any evidence that there is any bad blood between them. At least I hope not.

[–]Hambeggar[S] [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

The only "bad" tweet is this one which I assume is what you're referring to. Yeah besides making TB not looking so good, it doesn't seem like an issue that wouldn't be resolved fairly quickly.

[–]Lancair77 [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

You're right, that's the one. Hope they're alright and she was joking.

[–]relmz32 [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

it does not sound like a joke, especially with his pages of follow-up about how he hates anyone who let Trump get elected.

It worries me.

[–]WylfCynical Mod [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

As I wrote in the other thread, fights happen sometimes, even in relationships. Especially when it comes to stuff like politics. Sometimes you say things you don't mean to, because you're angry at the time you're saying them. Everyone has moments like that.

They're both adults and I'm sure they'll make up after they both calmed down.

[–]relmz32 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Ahh! what'd I do? Oh, ok, not banned.

Yeah, you are correct. I'm not worried about them per se, it just caught me off guard.

[–]Symb0lic [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

his sexism, the fact that he's going on trial for literal child rape

Wasn't this case dropped? Has TB even read some of the WikiLeaks that came out or checked out any of the research people have done on the Clintons? I'm fucking surprised if he blindly voted for her with no research done at all.

[–]yonan82 [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

This post feels like TBs infamous something awful post. Full of righteous indignation that people don't believe in god in that case, and didn't vote for Hillary in this case. The only "win" would have been Bernie (or the impossible third party), everything else was a loss and the democrats made sure that Bernie couldn't happen. Raging against Hillary or Trump is completely missing the problem. I'd say I hoped for better from TB but we follow him for his video game analysis not his political punditry.

"You can't tolerate the intolerant" is an excellent justification to be intolerant too.

Disclaimer: Aussie.

[–]Hambeggar[S] [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I'd say I hoped for better from TB but we follow him for his video game analysis not his political punditry.

Exactly, love him for his gaming videos but treat him as a Joe Blow in everything else.

[–]KfcManager0 [スコア非表示]  (8子コメント)

But there's nothing here about the vile woman who won't even face her supporters, the people who made her campaign possible to begin with. There are two sides to every story.

[–]runetrantor [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Even if I was not pro Hillary (Or Pro Trump), I am really shocked she did that.

After so much debating of how Trump would handle his potential loss. She then goes and does something that had been done by Trump everyone would have called him a sore loser and such?

I really expected the long time politician Hillary to come forth and call for peace and unity.
Specially after such an election that divided their country so massively.

[–]DarkChaplain [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Instead we had a great, reasoned speech by Trump in which he called the political race to be too vitriolic and asked Hillary voters back to the table to help steer him in the right direction. It was a mature speech, whereas Hillary just disappointed with her absence.

[–]ClutchHunter [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

And the one who, arguably via some degree of corruption, took out a Democratic candidate who would have wiped the floor with Trump.

Whoever the fuck thought picking Hillary over Bernie was a good idea needs a smack across the back of the head.

[–]Hambeggar[S] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

EDIT: This is my opinion, of course I can't know what TB thinks directly I can only guess at how a person would rationalise.

I don't think he supports Hillary in that he thinks she is good. I think he was just vehemently against Trump and thus supported Hillary.

Before people say, "but just because he dislikes Trump doesn't mean he supports Hillary". It has to. The only way to directly not have had Trump was to vote for Hillary.

[–]BraveDude8_1 [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Wait, what happened? Did she not hold a concession speech or something?

Ninja edit: wow. http://deadline.com/2016/11/hillary-clinton-no-speech-john-podesta-2016-presidential-election-1201851415/

[–]ZorbaTHut [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

There's some belief that Hillary is sick - like, really sick. She cut down on campaigning a lot in the last week or two. For whatever reason, she seems to be doing the absolute minimum of public speaking.

[–]terminal157 [スコア非表示]  (10子コメント)

I wonder if TB (and people making similar statements) will admit to overreacting when things eventually turn out to be fine and the sky doesn't fall. A lot of people on the left are behaving exactly like the silliest people on the right did when Obama was elected. The left was rightfully merciless in making fun of them.

[–]DragonPup [スコア非表示]  (8子コメント)

Trump had pledged to get rid of the ACA which protects TB from losing his insurance while he's being treated for cancer. Once Trump is in office, there is an extremely real chance of that happening which will fuck over not just TB but millions of Americans.

I think the guy fighting cancer and staring at losing his insurance has a right to be very concerned.

[–]mara5a [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

That's interesting, from what I've heard it was ACA fucking everybody over. Price of insurance skyrocketed for "average Joe" since ACA was enabled.

[–]Shamalamadindong [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

In reality, not significantly more than it would have regardless of any new healthcare legislation.

[–]DragonPup [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Prices increase because the cost passed onto insurance companies increase. The hard reality no politician wants to say outloud is until we price control the service (ie, hospitals, doctors, drugs, etc) the price will always creep up.

[–]Dillidoo [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

But didnt he say he was putting in a better system? obviously he might just be talking bullshit. He might appeal the aca but may implement a better system?

[–]DragonPup [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

What better system? He has no plan other than letting insurance companies hole up in states with the worst consumer protection laws and force themselves into any other state.

[–]Dillidoo [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

I never said he had one only that it was mentioned numerous times

[–]DragonPup [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Congressional Republicans have tries over 40 repeal attempts with nothing to replace with. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see they have no intention of replacing it.

[–]Dillidoo [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

considering I am not american I dont expect to know that type of information

[–]cirk2 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The problem is in TB's case the fear of the repealing of the universal health care is one of his declared targets. So if it stays active it isn't because of Trump but because he got blockaded by the opposition. This isn't some elaborated "Obama will enact communism and America will fall" doomsaying, it's the direct consequence of trumps positon.

[–]CouldNotBother [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Seems like democracy is not your thing then, farewell.

[–]Mintykanesh [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I do find it funny that Trump supporters, who are constantly going on about not being politically correct and speaking their mind, are now chastising him for doing exactly that. This entire election has been an embarrassment.

[–]relmz32 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Considering I had a similar (albeit private) breakdown when it became clear that the primary candidates for the two major parties was going to be Hillary vs Trump, I can understand the emotional explosion.

[–]guaranteed_replies [スコア非表示]  (6子コメント)

Looks like he swallowed the propaganda. Really sad, but not unexpected.

[–]dannaz423 [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)

Yes I do find it a bit odd that a legal immigrant would be so against Trump especially one that believes so much in the American dream as TB seems too. Hillary didn't represent those values at all, but Trump definitely did. I can see his concern with health insurance though.

[–]ClutchHunter [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Disclaimer: I'm British and I think that both candidates were comically poor.

Isolationism is very much the antithesis of how most people would picture the "American dream". And you won't get many points for the inevitable policies to follow, such as:

  • Undoing your start towards universal healthcare
  • Outlawing abortion
  • Denying climate change
  • Teaching children that evolution/science is bullshit
  • Lower taxes for the rich (proven in studies and common sense as something that will not work)

But then, with Hillary you had someone who was clearly about as much a part of the status quo as is possible. A career politician who by my reckoning did not actually give a fuck about those she represents.

Really, just... ugh. Poor all around. Bernie would have provided real progressive change, in my opinion.

[–]Drdres [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

This is the thing, you either have more of the same, which is basically just ''okay''. Or you have CHANGE, it's just that the change comes in a very fucked up and backwards way.

[–]Demgar [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Because he's unfit to be president. He doesn't have the demeanor. He's goes on midnight twitter rants against comedians, he gropes women and laughs about it, he's trying to publicly shame the parents of dead soldiers because of their religion. On and on and on. He says so much nonsense, it's impossible to catalogue it. What the actual fuck?

How about diplomatic ties? No world leader (outside of other racists like Le Pen, or "watch it burn" Putin) will give him the time of day. How's he going to handle the next international incident? Probably start a war by saying something stupid, refusing to back down, and making it about his own ego.

How about policy? Climate change denial. Dark ages medical care. Religious zealotry. Xenophobia.

[–]treefitty350 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

"The demeanor?" There have been presidents with "the demeanor" that have been terrible in the past.

[–]dannaz423 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Most of what you said is just emotionally charged crap, look at what the other reply to my comment was if you want to learn how to write something worthwhile.

[–][削除されました]  (4子コメント)


    [–]WylfCynical Mod[M] [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

    Removed rule 5, permanent ban.

    [–]tholt212 [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

    as someone who's going through a rather...rough patch right now due to their own homosexuality, seeing things like this, even though I don't know what he said, makes me feel welcomed in a place like this when I don't even feel welcome in my own home.

    Thank you. I know I sound dramatic. But thank you.

    [–]Ihmhi[M] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

    All he did was insult TB. No hate otherwise, just an FYI.

    [–]WylfCynical Mod[M] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

    You're very welcome. And no worries, you'll always be welcome here. As long as you stick to the rules, that is :P

    [–]artisticMink [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

    It's not really a problem that Trump won. I don't think he's dangerous or anything. Far, far more horrible is how he won this election. With fearmongering and flat out lies about himself, the country he lives in and global events.

    We living in an post-facts age where only 'what i feel' counts, not what you can reasearch from observation and data mining. This is what is truly horrifing

    [–]DarkChaplain [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

    I don't see how this is any different with Hillary. She's been pushing the feelings angle just as much, lied even about little things that were easily debunked, and has been rigging the system even against those who should have been her political allies. She went out of her way to insult what now appear to be over 25% of US citizens as "deplorables". Can't see how that went wrong...

    [–]Rondaru [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

    Maybe true - but at least she didn't associate that by race or religion. You don't know if she really meant you, if you voted for Trump. But if you're a muslim, you damn well know that Trump meant you.