全 58 件のコメント

[–]Wolfgangeth[S] [スコア非表示]  (13子コメント)

For those who don't wanna click the link:

As unwise as it might be to express any political opinion via the internet, it can't be any more unwise than the decision America made tonight. When I came to this country a few years ago I saw a country of hope and opportunity. It was a country that was ethnically diverse, full of people with different backgrounds and different views. While there was always friction and disagreement, I never truly felt like that was something untenable, something that couldn't be overcome. I never truly felt that, when all was said and done, people wouldn't be able to put aside their differences and say "We are one country, we are Americans and we will set an example for the rest of the world". I come from a country that tends to just go with the flow. It's a country of apathy. I grew up surrounded by many people that were just content with where they were. They didn't really aspire to anything, they didn't have the motivation or desire to change things for the better, they simply put up with it. Britain is a place of clouds and rain and the people there often reflect that fact. America was a shining land of sunshine and hope. I admired it in many ways, particularly that it's people often aspired to be more than what they were. The land of opportunity isn't just a cliche, America is full of people who want to be better.

Or so I thought. Today America gave into fear. It gave in to the darkest parts of its national character. When confronted with adversity it finally broke, unable to stand up for its core values as it once did. It gave into cowardice and allowed itself to be conned by a disgusting example of a human being. America proved that it's ok being lied to as long as they're the right kind of lies. America proved that when given the chance, it will reward dishonesty and bigotry with the highest office in the land. America proved that it cares so little for the stability of the world and itself, that it will give the most important and powerful position in the world to a man that utterly lacks any of the qualifications, experience or character to deserve it. America has left the world in a state of uncertainty and fear.

I'd like to tell you that it's going to be ok. I'd like to tell you that we'll get through this and come together, begin to heal the wounds opened in the last few months. If I did though, I'd be a liar. I don't believe that, not for a second. The wounds opened in the fabric of this country may never fully heal. If we don't bleed to death from them they will leave giant, ugly scars that will endure for the rest of its days. I don't have the right to vote in this country, despite having had to earn my place here, fight for my right to live with my family in this state. I wasn't lucky enough to simply be born a citizen, so I don't get to have my say. Others have decided for me. They have decided to elect a man who will repeal the one piece of legislation that is keeping my health insurance company from dropping my coverage. America has chosen to put my life at risk, more-so than it already is. America, may have condemned me to death.

I'd like to say that I understand. I'd like to tell you that regardless of your politics, I can respect and be tolerant of you. That would also, be a lie. One of the greatest flaws of a moderate is tolerance of the intolerant. It has become very clear that extremism wins. It won tonight and as a result, it will likely rack up victory after victory from here on in. I'm fortunate to be a fairly wealthy, white male. Outside of the online hate I'll get for posting this, I'll probably be ok, assuming my health insurance company decides to keep covering my medical bills. I had faith in the people of this country. Despite the brand, I'm a pretty idealistic person, I do like to see the good in people when I can.

32 years old and I'm still learning how naive I can be. I no longer feel as if I'm surrounded by people I can trust, brothers and sisters in a country I was on the path to becoming a citizen of. I feel as if I'm surrounded now, by enemies. Whatever I thought this country was, whatever I believed it represented, was simply nothing more than my own foolish and unrealistic desire to believe that the majority of people are at their core, good.

Everything is not going to be ok. I can't reassure you that it will be, because I'd be lying to you. I don't believe that. I can't offer you comfort if you're scared. So am I and what I see in our future is darkness.

It's done. Congratulations to the winner. Truly, you made America Hate Again.

EDIT: Formatting

[–]Blitztavia [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Two more posts

As adorable as it is that some people think I'm just over-reacting, go tell that to the millions of people, including myself who have now been put at serious risk because you elected a candidate that has explicitly said he will repeal the one piece of legislation that prevents health insurance companies from dropping people on a whim. How selfish it is of me to be a bit concerned about my ability to continue living, get the treatments I need to best take the small, but real chance that I actually survive the next 2 years and don't succumb to this disease.

A lot of Youtubers, streamers etc are going to be assuring you over the next few days that they don't hate you and they welcome you if you voted for Trump. Be certain of this. I don't share that opinion. Even if I ignored every other awful thing about Donald Trump, his climate change denial, his racism, his complete lack of self control, his wilful ignorance, his terrible public behavior, his sexism, the fact that he's going on trial for literal child rape... the fact that you by voting this man into office have put my life at even greater risk gives me every fucking right to dislike you. This should be, one would think, quite understandable particularly to those who voted for this man based on their love for their 2nd amendment rights. Unfortunately, the right to bear arms to defend myself won't help me against the machinations of Donald Trump. Who will defend me and millions of other people in this country from the mercies of health insurance companies? Not the electorate, that's for sure.

What's that American motto? Every man is entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Guess what, the first one is a bit fucking tricky when some orange-haired troll takes away your health insurance.

You voted for hate. Don't be surprised when you get a little bit of hate back. You reap what you sow. Some people say its time to come together and begin the healing process because we are all Americans. You might be, I'm not. I actually do get to say, this is not my president and have it be without a doubt true.

One final thing before Cris realizes what I'm doing and disconnects my Twitch account from Twitter. I hope the media takes a good long look at itself and realizes just how badly it fucked up during this election. If I can agree with Trump on one thing its this, the media is untrustworthy and this time it seems, the chickens have come home to roost. Its various biases have meddled with the political process so much and for what? Ratings, god-money. Regardless of your political views and orientation you have every right to be furious with the clown-fiesta that is the media, whether mainstream or "alternative".

I hope, perhaps foolishly that they will take a long, hard look at themselves and realize that it is their job to hold the administration to account, inform the public and present the facts without bias or spin. It is not to attempt to shape and control public perception. Politics has never been more dishonest and the media has done nothing but enable that and cheer it on from the sidelines, all while feigning a paper-thin concern that is fooling nobody.

I want to be wrong. I really do. I want to believe that the Trump we saw speak tonight is actually the Trump we're going to get. But one speech does not undo months of bullshit. The media may have manipulated many things, but his shitty Twitter account is not one of them. After all, he "tells it like it is"... right?

I probably won't be around to see what happens by the time his term is over, but if I am, it'll be in spite of him. There's a bit of motivation to keep fighting.... outlive Trump.

[–]OpiumHerz [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Thanks for the post. I couldn't open that page at my work PC because my Flash player is totally fucked up and was curious what he wrote.

[–]Wolfgangeth[S] [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Yeah I realized since it was a Twitch link, some might have problems.

[–]GeminiJ13 [スコア非表示]  (8子コメント)

This rant is too over the top and way too soon. I'm very surprised by this from someone whom I've come to know as a very level headed person. I'm disappointed with TB right now.

[–]tielknight [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)

You're disappointed that someone with cancer is acting irrational because they think they will lose their coverage?

[–]gathayah [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I'm on mobile so I can't grab the link right just now, but Genna tweeted that she voted for the green party candidate and TB told her that she was responsible for "Hitler" getting elected. I can't speak to the OP of the original comment, but I'm not disappointed in TB for being worried about his health coverage and acting irrational - I'm disappointed because some of the things he's saying are hurtful.

[–]tielknight [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Fair enough and yeah he shouldn't be taking it out on others(especially Genna).

[–]pm_me_your_furnaces [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

[–]tielknight [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I know that and you know that but he seemingly doesn't know that. The only bit he seems to know is that he will repeal Obamacare and nothing further.

Without the rest of the information that is horrifying to someone in his position.

[–]pm_me_your_furnaces [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

True, tb should google his information before condeming a presidential candidate and his supporters

[–]Pallid85 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

He's got caught up in the heated atmosphere, couldn't keep his usual level headedness.

[–]vileguynsj [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

It's not at all too soon. We've had the better part of 2 years to accept Trump's gradual ascension into power. The results of this election may be a surprise, but not an unpredictable one. Anyone who's analyzed Trump's character and come to the conclusion that he's a hateful moronic bigot doesn't have to take long to then dislike the people who have elected said person despite his character (or more tragically, because of it).

[–]1080Pizza [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

They have decided to elect a man who will repeal the one piece of legislation that is keeping my health insurance company from dropping my coverage. America has chosen to put my life at risk, more-so than it already is. America, may have condemned me to death.


[–]darkrage6 [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

I'm not as upset as I thought I would be, I feel a strange sense of calm, and i'm not sure why.

I'm still optimistic despite what happened, i'm hoping that the faithless electors will decide not to cast their ballots for Trump on December 19th:http://www.miamiherald.com/opinion/op-ed/article113171073.html

[–]Wolfgangeth[S] [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I get what you mean. I'm just sitting here kinda numb to what's actually happened.

It's something I really can't fathom.

[–]Ardailec [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

It's that feeling of having it finally being over. That final you were studying for the past months, the medical tests you had for that strange swelling, You have that answer that you were waiting on, whether directly or indirectly.

I think it's called Catharsis, or some variation of it. For better or worse, this civil war is finally over and all we can do is just move forward.

[–]ZymosisTheAlien [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

TB is just being a human. With emotions. I support his decision to post these.

[–]NoVeMoRe [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)

Man, what a tragic day and election outcome... is it too soon for the 9/11 jokes for those of us living outside the US?

I guess we better just all hope that Trump fucks up as little as possible in the years to come and that he doesn't leave the country as a wholly devastated fuckhole when he hands over the office to the next poor soul in line.

Trumps rather poor personality aside it's worrying to see a new president being so uneducated on and opposed to science as a whole, especially when it comes to things like climate change his presidency could have a devastatingly negative outcome for all the future generations to come.

[–][deleted] [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

He'll get to name Supreme Court justices, which may erase a lot of the progress made over the years towards equality and rights.

[–]Solidus_edge [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

He gets to nominate supreme court justices. He doesn't appoint them. I'm not even American and I know that.

[–]Mats-Postironic [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

He'll nominate, and with reps controlling the other governing bodies, they'll be appointed.

[–]vashlion [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

One thing I learned tonight was American's know fuck all about the countries around them(i.e. let immigrate to canada, not easy) and even their own country. They are definitely too sheltered.

[–]getoutofheretaffer [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I wonder what will happen to gay marriage. With Pence at his side, I'm not optimistic.

[–]feralandroid [スコア非表示]  (25子コメント)

I basically posted this in the other thread but feel its worth repeating.

I generally quite like TB, even if I seriously disagree with him regarding the US election. It frustrates me that people like TB believe the only reason someone voted for Trump was out of racism, sexism, or bigotry. No, none of those reason's had a thing for me voting for Trump. And I believe that's true for many people in swing states... who like me 4 and 8 years ago massively supported Barack Obama.

It's sad to me we can't have level headed discussions about these topics. Now we are in the wake of the results and more than any time it is important people on both sides be kind and understanding of each other. Stop spreading fear that frankly has no base in reality and not shut people out because of differing views.

[–]Wolfgangeth[S] [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I agree with you, but I think that pendulum oughta swing both ways.

Hearing some of the things people are saying about Clinton borders on the level of what people are saying about Trump.

I'm not expressing my beliefs here (as it's pointless, really), but this was a campaign that focused on fearmongering from both sides and repeated attempts at character assassination. "He's racist" "She's a criminal" bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.

I'm just sad that this is what politics is today.

[–]Tomhap [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The ludicrous part to me is that whoever comes out best gets to run the country.

[–]SammiRei [スコア非表示]  (15子コメント)

It was the same in the U.K. for the brexit vote: everyone got accused of voting for racist reasons, even though for a lot of people, that wasn't the intention.

[–]Globscho [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

If you look at what happend in the UK in the last month you have to admid a lot of people take the brexit as a ligitimation for beeing open racist.

But this is my opinion as a German and with our history I have to say I am really thin skinned when it comes to things like this

[–]SammiRei [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

As much as I would wish to claim otherwise, I can't. You are right, there are those who have used the vote to justify (in their minds) some pretty distasteful opinions.

[–]McTalos [スコア非表示]  (11子コメント)

The difference here is Trump is openly racist. You can't say you don't support that, and then vote for him anyway. Brexit was an entirely different movement. While there was an official" leave campaign, you weren't voting for them, you were voting for the outcome.

[–]pm_me_your_furnaces [スコア非表示]  (10子コメント)

Trump isent racist wtf mate

[–]McTalos [スコア非表示]  (9子コメント)

I hope that's a joke. It's not very funny if it is

[–]pm_me_your_furnaces [スコア非表示]  (8子コメント)

You have no source for that, you are just spamming slander

[–]McTalos [スコア非表示]  (7子コメント)

Hmmm I guess calling mexican rapists, wanting to close boarders to just muslims and calling POC uneducated and violent isn't racist then...funny that. And spamming would suggest I've posted the same thing more than once...which I haven't.

[–]pm_me_your_furnaces [スコア非表示]  (6子コメント)

Calling a few mexicans rapist.

Closing the borders to Muslims until we find a way to screen out terrorists, islam is a religion not a race.


[–]McTalos [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)


Still Xenophobic. Equally as bad

People Of Colour.

[–]pm_me_your_furnaces [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

If i said "some danes are rapists" (i am a dane). AM i then racist?

Some poc are ofc violent and uneducated, thats a fact.

And some are fantastic people, that is not racist

[–]Tomhap [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

And now these people feel like the 'other side' is accusing them thus making them unlikely to ever sympathise with that POV

[–]getoutofheretaffer [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

You were (rightfully) mad at the system, so you threw the first rock you found without any consideration about who might get hit.

[–]Lancair77 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

It's not that people think racism, etc. is the only reason people voted for Trump. It's that so many people voted for him despite these significant and documented character flaws.

[–]AulisVaara [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

The hatred that Trump's opponents ascribe to to Trump supporters they spew themselves. Just look at how they destroyed Trump's star because they disagree with him. They are little children throwing a tantrum, and as such cannot be taken seriously.

Furthermore, calling people racists, sexist s and bigots doesn't solve any problems and has even made the words lose all meaning. This very act of trying to socially ostracize these people means they feel attacked and they fought back. Not by destruction of public property, not even by arguing with you, but by voting.

They were tired of the political bullshit, they were tired of being called stupid and evil, and they fought back the best way they could. We should applaud them, because they did their democratic duty very well.

And you know what? Trump's speech actually fills me with a little bit of hope. That he will not do poorly, that he really will reinvigorate a declining western world. Of course, we'll have to see if he actually lives up to his speech.

[–][deleted] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Trump is openly bigoted and people still voted him in. I can't see how any sane person is at all optimistic unless you support that awful behaviour.

[–]OpiumHerz [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

It's sad to me we can't have level headed discussions about these topics.

The one thing where apparently the whole world goes totally apeshit are poltiics and religion. Which is why I usually, unless I know the people somewhat, stay just completely away from these topics online. Just not worth it. At some point it just ends in idiotic shouting and nothing is won.

[–]Globscho [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

You might want to keep in mind the situation of TB and what Trump and his stand on health care might mean to him.

I still don't get how it is possible for a country like the US to be so bad at social and medical politics.

[–]GeminiJ13 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I support your post and what it had to say.

[–]jackaline [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

I'd suggest that perhaps Trump can become the first president to be impeached, but let's be realistic..

[–]-Desultor [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Yeah, let's be realistic, Trump will never ever be the first first president to be impeached. Because the first impeached U.S. president was Andrew Johnson, who was impeached in 1868.

[–]spiritbearr [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Then you still get Pence who is a hard right Conservative who might ease up on Privatization but will still be able to name a Supreme Court Judge to drive America back to the past.

[–]Hans_Power [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

First Brexit then this shit! I gotta say, though, I've never been happier to be german. Although I'm a bit worried how this will affect germany in the longrun.

Personally I blame any kind of extremism for this outcome. The hard left (and yes, I count people like Anita Sarkeesian) alienated and scared away many moderates by being intellectually dishonest and nitpicky about every minor mishap and making some up if those weren't enough and thus drove people who could have been their ally into the opposite camp or into staying at home. And the hard right will just do what they always did, especially if you drive people into their ranks. Extreme actions will always breed extreme counter reactions and I believe that this happened during this election campaign.

I'm more convinced than ever that if you want to change anything towards social justice and the better of mankind you'll have to be very careful and methodical, honest and most important of all, don't exclude people for minor differences of opinion - they will just feel betrayed and wonder off in the opposite direction where you want them least. Instead let "intrusive" be more than just a buzzword.

@TB: I hope you come out of this unharmed and can continue your way towards fighting cancer! I hope I'll reach a point in my life where I can be at least of some help!

[–]Gorantharon [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

First Brexit then this shit! I gotta say, though, I've never been happier to be german. Although I'm a bit worried how this will affect germany in the longrun.

We've got the same problems. There's a large group of people who, similar to a large group of Trump supporters, have been ignored and belittled for a long time now. We don't live in the 90s anymore where the Neonazis were easy to make fun of, we live in a time where even the educated have a lot of people who openly fear immigrants and harbor nationalistic tendencies.

The media has actively forstered fronts in the discussions, where moderation could have taken a lot of force out of the right wing idiologies and when a very few politicians actually tried to bridge gaps and just find out why we have that right turn. Those politicians got attacked in return, by their peers and the media. Just for trying to communicate, not even agreeing in the slightest.

At least we don't have a Trump and for now an election campaign on that level would ruin your chances, but we're not on a good way.

[–]Solidus_edge [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Don't worry guys, I'm sure Trump won't stop Hillary from deporting child refugees back to war-torn countries and drone-bombing brown people. Your shitty country will continue as normal.