Trump won't become king just because he is president (assuming that happens, which I lean towards it being laughable). But if he did, he can't just go above the law. Checks and balances exist in our system to the point of fault occasionally. If trump were to actually attempt to attempt to enact any of HIS personal policies, the gridlock would keep him from doing any of it.
I think the benefit would be in people seeing that their "god emperor" didn't do crap. Seeing that the impossible promises that he makes can't really be fulfilled, and that more concrete, wide change is needed for the nation to move in a direction (hopefully not a bigoted, racist one).
No, I am not a trump supporter. I'm not a Hillary supporter, either. If I was going to vote for one, it would be for her. But I won't, because I refuse to vote out of fear or apathy.
Give me anything. Give me a direction other than fucking people my age over even further (I'm 20 now and work a full time office job, but god do I just feel hopeless to escape the terrible wave of anxiety and depression that I've had to deal with).
I hope that this helps explain this way of thinking to you. I am not looking for "the end times". I'm looking for people to collectively come together and put their foot down....and I honestly don't know if that can happen until things are bad enough that no one can deny it anymore.