Request Thread
I'm looking for a translated doujin about a dark skinned loli who is the daughter of a yakuza boss that forces some pleb into anal while they are in a hot tub.
Also general request thread!
You sure it was a hot tub? I remember one like that but it was in a public bath.
I'm looking for a doujin where some loli is worried about a fat guy, maybe brother, and helps him get into shape with all kinds of lewd stuff.
It's not that one, but the story is very similar. I remember it as having multiple "scenes". One of them was her sitting on top of him while he tried to do situps, and she might have been wearing a school swimsuit.
In the end he does get fit as well.
O Great detective,
I'm looking for a tankoubon. The story starts from a man accompany his sister playing in the river with her friend, her friend was more developed and aroused the brother.
She noticed that and seduce him, later on they had sex in his van, maybe smoke after they done.
The little sister recognize the smell on her friend simmiliar to the van or the brother. Later she comes to her brother and ask him to stop doing her friend and do her instead.
Pic somewhat remind me of it
Hi I am looking for a loli doujin where a girl and friend are outside the parents room. One girl is fapping and the other girl joins in and they end up playing around. The end of the comic is a picture the mom/dad give to the kids of them cuddling after falling asleep naked that night. Thanks
[Yukino Yukikaze] Under Nine [biribiri]
[Youkai Ankake] Mitsudomoe (Partial)(ENG) =LWB=
YESS! I should ask here sooner.
Thank you!
Do you know if there's more ? I only have these pics but it seems they're part of a series.
I'm looking for a painted picture off a fat guy, maybe a priest (can't remember) fucking a loli from behind. She was in a habit, I think, and they were in a church, with stained glass windows. Thanks.
I'm looking for a specific doijin.
At first it starts off with a bunch of lolis going to the redlight district and showing their cunts to adult men in order to take them to a motel and fuck. Then it cuts to some lolis being sex trained, some lolis in stockings giving footjobs in a classroom, one loli getting fucked in public without giving attention, and some other lolis getting fucked on camera or something. This doesn't really make much sense in terms of story but if anyone can remember something, please help me out
I'm looking for whatever this is from.
Looking for the "Dance in the Vampire Bund" doujinshi "Tweet of Beehive" in the original, untranslated Japanese.
I'm looking for a working torrent/download of Amami-K's Loli Douga 3, where this picture's from. With my limited skills, I've only found one non-working torrent, unfortunately.
Other Loli Dougas are welcome as well. They're really good.
[Nishi Iori] Lil' Sluts Academy
>>37416 this one isn't actually hentai
(C82) [bakadomo. (Ryuunosuke)] My Companion Became a Cat (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) [English] [Yuri-ism]
torrent there only lists 3 seeds and its stalled for me, you might have to archive download it
I'll be around a while longer to see if I can fill some of the other requests that have been piling up in here.
I forgot to mention, not just 3, but the CG sets for Loli Douga 1-9 are on ExH as well.
The Mega download link worked perfectly for me, thank you so much! I can't believe I didn't even consider looking for the sets on sadpanda.
many thanks my friend
I'm well aware it's not H, but thanks for clarifying. I really only need two pages from it because of an art project that I'm working on.
Thanks for the link, though I'm not sure how to buy it since I can't read Japanese… :/
No one can help me out? It's not even a doujin, just a picture. But it was my main fappage when I just needed to pull out my phone at work. It's important.
File: 1457463901876.jpg (443.69 KB, 701x1024, 701:1024, d93182feab582b80beb99f2660….jpg)

they don't seem to be part of a series, but there's a link right to the source which can easily get you everything else the artist has posted there.
is it pic related?
That's it! I guess I described it wrong, but that's the one, thank you!
I'm either looking for a rip of all the pics in Unteralterbach, or the password to the download there of on lah
Anyone got the translated works of Machida Hiraku?
the entire UAB CG set is here:
there aren't very many, so:
[Machida Hiraku] Tanpopo no Matsuri | Dandelion Festival Ch.01-03 [English] [SaHa]
[Machida Hiraku] What Kind Of Person Are You? [English]
[Machida Hiraku] Which Color Are You? [English]
[Machida Hiraku] MATCHLIGHT -Hello Kitty- (COMIC LO 2014-03) [English] {Statistically NP}
as an aside to everyone who looks at this thread, learning to get past sadpanda will remove the need for 90% of the requests for manga/doujins/CGs that you might make.
Looking for a Hijab wearing Loli comic where she fucks some photographer or journalist in a war torn area. Don't quite remember well.
Are you that loli guy who cant get into the Panda and considers tsumino and hbrowse valid alternatives
[ShindoL] Senjou no Hana | Flower on the Battlefield
Seeing as 90% of doujin sites upload the exact same shit most can be a valid alternative.
just going by the numbers:
Exhentai: 341377 galleries, 73330 tagged lolicon
Nhentai: 154964 galleries, 37256 tagged lolicon
Tsumino: 18417 galleries, 4436 tagged lolicon
TheDoujin: 15766 galleries, 2695 tagged lolicon
Hbrowse: 7604 galleries, 660 tagged lolicon
Except almost all of them besides panda downscale, and even the largest (nhentai) only just mirrors from panda (and only galleries the owners approve of are added anyway, I'm pretty sure regular users can't add to nhentai at all)
Tsumino is even worse than the rest due to being run by malware-writers-for-hire.
Sites other than panda are only good for getting the Wani content that's been DMCA'd there. (for people into loli, that's basically irrelevant, only 2 or 3 artists with most of the work still there)
>tags mean shit
Exhentai is padded by lots of non doujin galleries and real porn. Never even heard of those last 3. Nhentai mirrors all the doujins, the only thing that maters. If one only want to go to ex just for loli then nhentai will have all the same loli doujins but not all the shit image galliers, CG game image packs and western cuck shit.
you're mostly right about what content they both have, but there are still a few things that perfectly fit your criteria and still aren't on nhentai like
it also doesn't change that everything on nhentai is downscaled or that nhentai will never have anything unique due to simply being a mirror. the only valid reason to use nhentai is laziness, period.
the last 3 sites are mentioned because regardless of what you've heard of, those are the 3 "alternatives" that people present alongside Ex and N most often. Puririn was another, but it's now defunct.
I'm aware. That's because the owner said he doesn't like toddlercon. That's why I said 90% the same not 100%
I'm looking for a doujin where the little sister gets fucked a lot by the bigger sister (she's a futa who can't control her urges). The little sister meets a boy who moves next door. He has an incest relationship with his mother. Just before the little sister and the boy fuck, the big sister fucks his ass and turns him gay. The boy then proceeds to get fucked by the futa gym teacher at school after wearing a girls swimsuit for gym. The girl runs away because she can never fuck the boy. In the end, the little sister and the boy fuck. Has anyone seen this manga?
This is /loli/ not cuck/fag central.
[Kamirenjaku Sanpei] Tonari no Sperm-san Ch.0-7+Epilogue [ENG]
fuck off
After you, head to either /cuck/, or some homo broad.
there's no cucking or male on male in that book, there is, however, loli
back to /b/ with you, shitposter
>no male on male
actually there's 2 or 3 pages of it, dickgirl on male is also pretty gay
Getting ass fuck into being gay which cucks you from a loli is definitely faggotry and cuck shit. You are the halfchan fag here, you're the faggot wanting to be ass fuck by cocks and want to pretend you're not a massive faggot.
Anyone know where is this from?
[Seihoukei] Chicchai ga Ippai! [English] [biribiri]
It's from one of the bonus pages at the end, but there's at least one standing blowjob scene in the chapters proper.
I saw a comic of a girl at a nude beach here a bit ago but can't find it again. Any help?
There's this doujin I have been looking for off and on for about a year or 2 now. I found it on a booru site.
The basic gist is this:
Guy in park (smoking?), sees girl on either monkey bars or slide(offers her candy?)
Either way, they end up in an apartment room and he ends up raping her. He records the whole thing while she cried for her mom the whole time.
Then either reviewed the footage while she she war crying and put her back at the park. Not entirely sure.
Unfortunately, this is all I remember. If I see a picture of it, I'll remember.
A prostitution doujin with a loli in thighhighs and a bikini. I think she was black-haired, and she looked serious or a bit angry. Sorry for the vague description.
Wonder if theres any place to get the Ashinoie doujins of Schierke from Berserk. I think they are vol 19 and 20, aka some of the most elusive doujins not yet found.
[Shiwasu no okina] Nudist beach ni syuugaku ryokoude
Have a loli character if that what you mean
"vague" is putting it lightly.
Forgive me if this sounds ignorant, but I don't know where else to ask -
I'm looking for any stuff from the artist Temon. All I can find is a set on a premium download site, and what images are cached on search engines from his old Hentai Foundry pages. I know it's not manga-style loli, but I'm at a loss…
you're in luck, theres an image set of his stuff on panda:
Ok, I'm not hip…how do I get past the panda?
It's 2016 dammit…
Clear cookies, log into g.e, THEN go to Ex…
If the conventional method of logging in and then visiting with a fresh cookie doesn't work, someone has posted a rather technical method here >>37109
Either way, you're doing yourself an immense disservice by being into loli but not having Ex access. Nhentai might have most of the manga that's on Ex (downscaled), but it's lacking toddler and some others, and has basically none of the non-manga material, like the image set you requested.
Even further luck.
Here's his Pixiv:
He updates fairly often.
I'm requesting a booru for hentai videos and torrents.
I know it doesn't exist but I might as well ask anyways. Or any place with really good search settings.
Does anyone have chapter 1 of Kawady MAX's Sexually Tortured Girls/ Grievously Wounded Girls? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
I've seen the other 15 chapters, but I'd rather not read them until I've read the beginning. Why would every chapter but the first be uploaded?
Chapter 1 is (based on the cover and the release date of the other chapters) in this issue of Comic Mate which isn't on panda and I can't find anywhere else either. So, unless someone scans it or its somehow still sold somewhere, you may be out of luck.
Get the cuck outta here, fag
Jesus christ, anon
Well, if that's true that really sucks. I mean, every chapter but the first is scanned? What a load of shit.
Thanks for searching, though.
Looking for the doujin where the daughter goes to her sleeping father to wake him up to go to the amusement park but the dad ends up snuggling her and taking off her shorts
thats all i remember, didnt read all of it.
I'm looking for a flash arquive that used to be on /flash where a loli do a legjob on a guy on the bed, and then he cums on her face and she's become a little confuse about it all.
I'm not sure, first she blowjobs him? I'm desperate at this point guys
does anyone have a dl for this game? The only one I found was on an old ass forum
/r/-ing a bottomless and/or pantsless edit, preferably on model.
I've always wondered what she's saying in these. Can someone translate them? Thanks.
Looking for a photo of a loli lying on her side with her shirt open with her nipples showing. The pic had a white background and it looked sorta like a crayon/colored pencil drawing. It's low-res from what I remember seeing.
Im looking for a story where a guy goes into the mountains to train with a martial arts master.
But it turns out that master is a little girl
She ends up mollesting him more then training him
Can't find it anymore been looking for sooo long
Pls help thx y'all
Rings a bell.
I think you're looking for
>Apprentice to a _ Year-Old Slut!
by Satsuki Itsuka
That's the one I was looking for ~
Ty so very much :3
I know very little moon but a lot of what's on those pages that I can read is typical hentai-tier dialogue such as "Kirby-san, t-that's no good" or "Is that enough yet?", or various moans and such.
>"Kirby-san, that's no good"
Heh, getting a bit curious there, huh? Thanks for the effort, that's cute.
Could someone PLEASE translate this? It's a cute comic about a loli vampire getting found by 3 guys while she's asleep, and they proceed to rape her. At least, it appears that way, though the subtitle is Little Nymphomaniac Vampress.
The chapter where the standing blowjob starts is here, if anyone's too lazy to look. Page 194
I'm looking for a very specific image, one with a girl rubbing herself against those kind of handrail, the point of view is under her, is something similar to this
Hey, I'm looking for a specific manga. It was about a loli that would take like 3 hours to walk from her house to the school that was 10 blocks away because in the way she would stop at different shops and get fucked by the owners.
Is it any of these?
It is the first one, thank you!
If anyone can find a download link for this i'd greatly appreciate it.
[Ooyamada Mangetsu] Minna no Mimi-chan | Everyone's Mimi-chan (COMIC LO 2011-02) [English] [LWB + LoliLoli Hunters]
i'm looking for a manga about idol company
chapter 2 is translated, i've search chapter1 but it's not translated at that time.
the story is about the producer/worker in the middle of his work, then some idol approach him and thanking for the good work,
the man also want to reward the girl, and she ask for sex. (gosh' they seems pretty casual about that)
the man said that they should not do that, but the girl say that he already slept with other idol (maybe from chapter1) and its not fair. she manage to convince him anyway
i think it's not really a loli manga, but please help if you know
This is a really vague description, because 'idol' manga is way more common than you're probably thinking. Between just Idolmaster and Love Live there are more than 4000 different doujin on panda. Do you have part of the name? Artist? Is it a commercially-published manga with original characters, rather than a parody?
/r/ing anything X-ray related!
i think it's original story, then again i dont follow every idol anime/manga, and contain "idol" in the title; "something-something idol"
i have tried to search in sad panda, but with so many result and my lack of search skill, i figure to just asking if somebody else who might know or have superior search skill
I'm looking for a manga. The story was pretty simple: Guy goes to his gf's house (or maybe he was already there), and the gf wasn't there (or she had to leave). He ended up having sex with his gf's loli sister.
I'm looking for shirokurokiiro 2.7. Can someone teach me where can I find it?
Looking for a doujin on loli/toddlercon of two girls in swimsuits playing by a small inflatable kiddie pool and a brother comes by…
I have two requests because I'm greedy.
1) It's about a loli that needs to get a haircut but she's afraid her mom will fuck it up so she goes to a barber. Some elements of bondage are in the story with the barber strapping the loli to the chair with a sheet before hooking her legs into the arm rests. He proceeds to shave her and finishes off with a little bit of anal.
All I remember is that the artist is called Minion. (I think?) Can't remember anything else.
2) About a loli in the cinema with her dad.(?) Stranger starts touching her causing her to urinate, father takes her to the toilet, stranger goes in incognito, rape, creampie.
There was a hentai mango where lolis were some sort of pest, and poachers went around catching lolis and raping them. Anyone familiar with it?
okay let me try again
looking for sauce on this, thank you very much
[Tanabe Kyou] Himo Loli
I forget which chapter
Can we get a link to this?
File: 1465579674688.jpg (359.14 KB, 1110x1600, 111:160, [biribiri] Sho-Chu-Rock2 0….jpg)

If you want something similar, try [Bar Peachpit] Sho-Chu-Rock 2 - pic related
(its like 140 page story - you can get it on sadpanda)
Oh wow.
It's been a long, long time since I read that. Never finished it iirc.
Thank you, anon.
Too generic self insert garbage with worthless whores.
There was a doujin about a rich blind loli in love with her butler. Don't remember much anything, but I believe she's blonde or light brown.
I'm looking for young emily from dishonored
Does anyone know the source of a manga about a trash can girl? Pic related, one of the pages, if i remember correctly.
Its [Dr. VERMILION (Petenshi)] Dream Dust Box!
Sadpanda link here ->
pic related
Could a charitative soul please enlighten me as to the identity and procedence of this pint-sized succubus?
Chitose from Yuru Yuri, looks like.
found it myself,
just in case somebody interested
[Sabano Niwatori] All Idols #5 (COMIC RiN 2011-11)
i'm looking for a specific manga
the story is about a young man who used to play with kids, if i remember correctly it's a soccer team.
he got close to one of them and one time he invite her to play to his home
that time he still think she's a boy because of short hair, the man conflicted because he got aroused by a boy, later they do some anal,
later on he found that the kid is a girl, she always change her clothes with other boys because there's a weird man loitering around girls bathroom
the title is something like barely safe, or barely cross the line, i'm not really sure
I've been looking for this one with hidden sex, I think in one scene the guy is meeting her parents and they're both secretly doing lewd stuff the whole time. The parents end up almost noticing I think. Saw it years ago but lost track of it.
File: 1466417612164.jpg (606.29 KB, 1200x1055, 240:211, 6c999adf8787e81bc332da0bf8….jpg)

Was wondering what this is from, tried searching for it multiple times and got nothing, hopefully someone here has seen it
It's [Maeshima Ryou]…
Found it! >>40284
Thanks so much, damn this is gonna be good…
Some artists I can ID just by looking at it.
Such as that one - pretty distinctive.
The eyes were a dead giveaway.
Anyone know where this is from or the artist name?
Artist is atte7kusa, text is an edited panel of
Thanks, the time has come to fap.
File: 1468939246127.jpg (35.93 KB, 352x499, 352:499, 51dtbwnLY9L._SX350_BO1,204….jpg)

It doesn't seem to have been scanned and uploaded anywhere that I can see. It's also not actually full-blown porn, if you didn't already know.
/r/ing hi-res/full pics of the pics in >>34084
Hi, im looking for a picture of a girl ridding a toy on a guy's leg. There is also a horse head on the guy's leg (pic related). Thanks.
I'm looking for a doujinshi/manga about a guy who is watching a man and his daughter fucking in an onsen.
I'm looking for a doujin where a guy visits a public bath and finds a loli servicing a bunch of old men. Eventually it's his turn and he ends up in a threesome.
Thanks in advance!
i'm looking for a manga title, i think it's not a hentai
the setting is switching between real world and mmorpg, first the protagonist play as generic warrior, then comes his colleague playing as cute loli (or chibi) elf, but she is actually assasin and her lvl is higher than the protagonist, and then loli mage comes and so on
anybody know the comic where theres a girl and her two older brothers that end up getting a new step-sister, and while shes sleeping they creep in and start checking her out? starts with the girl not being able to help herself and she goes down on the sleeping girl. DESPERATE to know the name
Any doujin with a solid and lengthy story?
Looking for a doujin!
I can somewhat recall a few points!
>gym class outside
>Girl needs to pee
>Runs to bathroom, doesn't make it
>Others see this and grabbing ensues
>They drag her to a wall of water taps, there is one upside down.
>Strip her and force her onto it.
That's a softcharm manga.
You can find it around under the title of E-G-Town - Kodomotachi no Machi.
need an artist name on this asap. please help.
I'm not sure if this thread is still open but I'd like to request Katie Kazoo in the pose on the right taking her pants off and showing her panties; something really frilly and girly.
I'm looking for any pictures of Veruca Salt from Charlie & the Chocolate Factory (the Johhny Depp version ONLY, not the original Gene Wilder version).
Requesting artist or name of this series. Thank you in advance.
Not quite what I was expecting but cool. Thanks.
I remember reading this story where a loli seduces a shota, with a later sex scene involving her dressed in a latex suit she got from her dad before he was thrown in jail. The suit has vagina clamps that keep her pussy spread. I can't find it anywhere
According to where I spend far too much of my time, the artist name is Kikurage from the "Crayon Arts" circle. Not sure if there's a series name, none appears to be tagged on any of these.
>>49232 I already found the artist, first I use conversion to romaji (kikurage), but searching through doesn't throw me any result, then I used description tags and I found exactly what you are saying me.
>>46589 ?
I'm looking for a manga where a guy called a callgirl service for young women and the girl that came by was a loli. They had sex and after she left a fiew days later he got blackmailed with explicit pictures of them doing it. Can somebode please help me.
Not an specific request, more of a question.
Is there an specific name for the genre of having sex with lolis without them knowing? I don't mean that they are sleeping, unconscious or drugged. I mean like passing it as a game, a massage, a medical examination or something.
Name or anything on this one?
Reminds me of "魔立ロリサキュバス妖魔園" except without the succubus-loli theme.
[Maka Fushigi] Hoshiimo | Horny Little Sister [English] [Kusanyagi]
[Yoshino] Tuberose no Yuuwaku | Tuberose Temptation (Hanairo Shoujo) [English] [Rin]
[Maeshima Ryo] Yumeiro Hanjuku Tamago chapter 2 - Pool at Home (English) [Fuwafuwaru!]
There's no tag for it on any site I'm aware of, so I don't think it has a proper name. If I had to make one up on the spot, 'taking advantage of innocence' maybe?
Based on the toddler, sounds like Tetsu - Let's Go to the Pool
Check /agdg/, there's a thread for it there. It's still being developed but there are versions out. He has variables for anal/vaginal tightness, it's pretty amusing.