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submitted by SatiricProtest2
Fuck the satire, I m going on a rant. I m rarely on Reddit anymore since this place has become a cesspool of Nazi fucktard and Shit eating faux Progressive. This whole site and tha admin deserve each other for being the worst the humanity can be just without breaking laws.
Fuck Bernie Sanders the do nothing piece of shit politician that pretends to be a liberal when he is nothing more than a pathetic tool living off the taxer payer dime. He has done shit in the YEARS that he has been in office. Oh fucking great job, you gave the same stump speech you gave 2 years about about the rich people. What the fuck have you done to fight this problem? Introduce a bill? fuck no, you are to fucking stupid to do that. The best you ever done was rename fucking post offices. Hell you couldnt try to even put something together for a rider for a bill that could possibly do something about this HUGE problem Americas faces but no you couldnt even do that. Fuck the republican try to live up to their beliefs, by horribly attaching abortion banning amendment every chance they get on practically every must pass legislation. Do they succeed? Fuck No, but they try, which is more than I can say for the piece shit that is Bernie Sanders. Your a fucking waste of space, a do nothing that got people behind him because he presented himself as a further left from Hillary. The reality is that you are nothing but a conartist politically no better than Trump. Bernie, the Sanctorum of 2016, portrayed yourself as anti-establishment when you been in government service for years making 6 figures using your political clout to help your wife get high paying jobs. You say your open and honest but refused to release your tax returns and at the first sign of losing you claim the system is rigged against you. Hint, its not. You ran as an independent your whole time in government service then all of sudden you expect the Democratic party to kiss your ass, fuck that and eat shit. You should be kiss their ass for even accepting you and helping you keep your 1% lifestyle. Bernie your not worthy to eat from my toilet, especially after you could not even lead your supporters. They are no better than the Alt-Right.
Fuck Bernie's supporters and the Alt-Left. I m not white, I m not a fucking low-infomation voter. If anything Bernie's suppoters are the fucking idiots. Do they even know what amendments are on their ballots today? Do they even know that their are even amendments besides WEED on thier ballot? And Fuck Legalization of Weed. The Alt-Left and pro-Weed groups, single issue voters, that only care about politics when it comes to marijuana. Fuck that, I will vote it down every single time it comes up. I dont give a shit about what pro arguments about it. Your attitudes have turned me off from not caring to FUCK YOU. As I grow older, the more I fucking hate pro-weed people. Oh man its just like drinking, regulate and tax, fuck no. I fucking want harder laws against alcoholics, there were too many crashes by drunks were I lived, many survied thanks to car safety laws, but those fucktards would do it again. Worst of all I bet those of you smoking nothing ever happened, you get caught by your parents or school and get ground or something. While people I knew would get arrested. The best way to not get arrested was to NOT SMOKE POT. But you smoke so much now you think that this one time is going to do you in, well fucktards you have a choice NOT TO DO IT, like many other people around me, who knew better than break the law to give cops or authorities a reason to arrest you. So FUCK YOU because you been able to get away breaking the law with barely a consequences while if there is 1 little slip up there is a risk of being shot. Yeah if it legalized we be better off, BULL FUCKING SHIT, it wont solve shit. I would have had to still bust my ass. I didnt drink so I could work 3 jobs. You think I would have timed to fucking smoke? HELL NO. Besides I had better things to spend my money on. A fucking piece of prime rib was more rewarding when I finally stopped working 3 jobs and got off the McDonald's dollar menu. You shit stains dont know how fucking lucky you have it to be able to live a life that carefree. One fucking mistake and it could have been over, I wouldnt be living successful life and I know I got lucky. Worst you continue to rub it my face saying that their is nothing wrong when I know that I faultered 1 time, legal or not, I wouldnt be where I am today. So FUCK YOU.
But the Worst of fucking thing about Bernie Supporters are the fucking idiots that think they are progressive because Weed, Gay Marriage, and free college. Everything else they were Conserverative. The racist rhetoric that went on proved that you shitards didnt care about multiple issues that plague our country. The Free College was the epitome of the selfish white middle class cause. Their are High School students who are barely learning enough to get into college. They are shooting for being some assisstant manager hopefully at some successful chain restaurant, hotel, store, and etc. If they are lucky they would get a trade apprenticeship. If they are really lucky they are hoping to get a scholarship to a college sport then play pro. Other join the military. Many of them dont even think of college as option, free or not because they have already counted themselves out because it is simply not an option no matter how much you think it is. As I said, I got lucky, and never would have realized this myself until I met these people. Never had all the advantages others have and even if it was free, what college would have accepted them? They were smart enough to know they werent smart enought to get in college so they didnt bother to even try in High School. Meanwhile the fucktards are singing We Will Overcome? Overcome What? You go to a good school distict or went to private school, and what their are no fucking jobs for you besides flipping burgers, well welcome to fucking life. Maybe if you stopped smoking all that fucking weed you would have had more ambition to move your way up or put that college degree to use. You were dealt a bad hand, like many other people, yet many find a way to make it and your college educated mind should too. Yeah college students going into debt needs to be address but fucking free college was not the answer you selfish entitiled pricks.
The armchair political revolution is a fucking joke. Its great that you have some left issues that you want to address but you dont understand politics. The worst thing about these Fox Progressives is that they believe politics and life is an all or nothing zero-sum game; Hint, its not. You win some, you lose some, or you win a little and lose a little, that is life. You didnt get your 1st choice college, go to your second, it still has your major. Didnt get your dream job but got a lower position in a different company, what going to quit and give up? Politics is no different you dont get everything you want on your first shot worst of all even though you are right, the public would hate it. And in a democracy they would vote you out. If America Politics was a sports, you could lead in goals, assists, and many other metrics in the game, but the winner is determine by the fans vote. Which is fucking stupid but thats how current american politics works. She has a great track record but I dont blame Hillary for running more right than left, because more people from the right vote than the left. Yeah she could run more left, if the left actually voted.
I have a ton more to rant about but I dont have the space or time. I like that their only 2 parties to choose from and that the elections are so long. I got to see Bernie's character as the time and stress of the primaries drove on. I didnt care about him in the begining but by the end, I saw him for the shit stain he was. A pathietic human unfit to lead and only is capable of repeating himself over and over again like a Parrot. And after seeing the numbnut show with the other parties I m happy their only 2 parties in an election. They say all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing but evil can also succeed if good men to never agree how to fight it. Samantha Bee did a great segment on Maine's personal trump because the liberal split their vote allowing evil to win. In the end, this forces the voters to choose to do nothing or agree on a course of action.
all 13 comments
[–]DebasherI AM CLIN-TON. AS OVERLORD, ALL WILL KNEEL TREMBLING BEFORE ME. 26 points27 points28 points  (1 child)
Wew lad
[–]noelsusmanGluten free healing crystals saved my dog 9 points10 points11 points  (0 children)
This election man...
[–]pussygrab 16 points17 points18 points  (0 children)
You forgot to fuck Julian Assange, the lefty/alt-right Russian.
[–]FadeToDankness 11 points12 points13 points  (0 children)
Have fun being on the wrong side of history OP. We all know the superdelegates don't vote until November 28th.

More from r/Enough_Sanders_Spam

submitted by blurrywhirl
submitted by blurrywhirl
submitted by blurrywhirl

Comments, continued...

[–]Bernies_Lakehouseneeds paint, send $27 donations 11 points12 points13 points  (0 children)
As someone who isn't white, does it bother you that the predominately white Bernie bros have taken up marijuana as their pet cause, only because it has effected them and they didn't give a shit about incarceration rates as to marijuana and how it effects people of color? From the local pro MJ lobby in my community, it seems like they are bro-gressive type racists.
[–]johnnyfog 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
The frustrating part of this election, by far, was the constant brigading by obsessives who spend their days combing reddit like a fine tooth comb.. Not just on this, but on other issues too.
Want to remain in the EU? Get ready for a shitstorm of leavers making fun of "remoaners". It's been 20 years, maybe Lockheed doesn't deserve another cash infusion for the F-22.... cue some armchair generals from r/military to sneer at civilians who don't understand the concept of deterrence or "teething problems".
It goes on and on.
[–]ThreeDeep1998 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
May I buy you dinner? Do tendies sound good? You're my hero
[–]ADF01FALKENNetflix and $hill 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
Thank you so much for saying this. It enrages me to no end when /r/hillaryclinton makes us suck up to Sanders in the name of "party unity" or whatever. It's like they just up and forgot the whole thing, or decided that we needed to shamelessly grovel at the feet of Sandernistas to win their favor. If they're too dumb or too stuck up to vote for Clinton of their own volition, even for no other reason than to save the Republic from a fascist sex offender, then screw 'em.
[–]comradebillyboy 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Two xanax and a double shot of Scotch whiskey will help you calm down.
[–]Mayor_of_tittycity 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
I like the cut of your jib.
[–]asurjco comment score below threshold-9 points-8 points-7 points  (1 child)
Then delete your account and stop coming here you idiot.
[–]JiggumbobI specialize in Corporatist Warmongering. 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Take your own advice, asshole.
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