64,216 poliphiles eating salty popcorn for 8 years!
Holy fucking shit, you guys. This election has been one for the record books, I'll tell ya. No matter what happens today, something is going to make everyone have this reaction. Good or bad. Beautiful or ugly, I promise you, everyone will say it.
This election has featured small hands, pussy grabbing, riots, racism, high energy, low energy, Wikileaks, emails, the FBI, sexism, and child rape. Holy fucking shit, you guys. I ran out of popcorn.gif. You know, that list doesn't even scratch the surface, right?
Did anyone see this shit coming? I didn't. I member when this lady was the scariest thing in politics and the dumbest thing was calling Obama a Muslim. Can we just elect "that one" for a third term? Please?
So much has happened in this election it's easy for forget this nut job, that thing that happened in the U.K., those terrorists who invaded Oregon, and that guy who almost beat Clinton.
Thank fuck for /r/PoliticalHumor. Being able to laugh at this election is the only way to maintain sanity. I mean it. Some people are already in therapy because of it. And a lot of people are gonna be after their side loses tonight.
For a community that's been around for eight years, which is like 200 years in reddit time, it might seem surprising that we've never featured it here before on /r/SubredditOfTheDay. Well, there's a reason for that. The sub was on our "do not feature" list. That had nothing to do with politics. It had to do with the old mods of the sub weren't particularly proud of it. But just like what's gonna happen to America in January, the old leaders are out and there are new ones in. I spoke with them and here's what they had to say.
1. /r/PoliticalHumor has a whole new look and a new mod team. How did you become of a mod of the sub? Have there been any changes in policy since you all took over? Basically, what's new and different?
/u/AvadaKedavra03: I joined the modteam a few months ago when I noticed that the moderator who had been moderating here for years at that point needed a helping hand given the fact the entirety of the mod team was inactive. I've been subscribed here for years (it was one of my first real subscriptions!), and I have loved to endlessly browse this subreddit for hours on end, so I decided to help preserve that fun and upbeat environment for others like myself too by helping maintain it. One of the first things I addressed as a new mod was making sure the rules were clear and that content wasn't becoming to spammy (like t-shirt advertisements and blatant spam). Any suggestions would be accepted though! We're always looking to improve the community we've all built together :)
/u/HaydenSD: I became a mod to help /u/AvadaKedavra03 out. I work with him over at /r/Political_Revolution, so I wanted to see if needed any help. We are trying to be as unbiased as possible, and to let the redditors choose the quality of the content, not us. All we require is that it has some form of humor.
2. Who do you think will emerge as the next president of the United States tonight? I figure it'll be either Trump or Hillary.
/u/AvadaKedavra03: I think Hillary will win the election. Despite the fact I moderate this subreddit with a very neutral and untinted view for this election, I do feel that the polling and the statistics point towards a Hillary presidency. That being said, I predict that she'll be the victor come November 9.
/u/HaydenSD: I think that Hillary will, although with the email scandal, things could change
3. What is the funniest submission to /r/PoliticalHumor that you've seen? You may only pick one! (Also, you can explain the "why" behind your choice.)
/u/AvadaKedavra03: Man, there are sooooo many, it's hard to pick only one of them... I was browsing through some of my saved ones and I came across this one, one which I both highly respect and spent a good deal of time laughing at. Obama is a super funny guy and he adds the punchline himself, so there's no need to do anything but just to copy them word for word!
/u/HaydenSD: Probably this one, because I don't know how O'Reilly can logically can say that.
4. Would you rather fight 100 duck sized Hillarys or one horse sized Donald Trump? (Why?)
/u/AvadaKedavra03: I'd prefer to fight one horse sized Donald Trump because 100 duck sized Hillarys wouldn't quit for anything, while one horse sized Donald Trump would probably be easier to beat :P
/u/HaydenSD: Probably one horse sized Donald Trump, because something about 100 Hillary's, no matter how small, scares me.
5. By 2030, what political achievement would you hope that the U.S. would be able to accomplish?
/u/AvadaKedavra03: I'd hope that the U.S. would be able to figure out how to make the super wealthy pay their fair share and I'd hope that we'd be able to fix gerrymandering throughout our country.
6. If you could change one thing about U.S. Politics, what would it be?
/u/HaydenSD:To get money out of politics.
There is certainly going to be a lot of entertaining shit happening today. So, I hope you made popcorn.
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