f8708b No.234718
It goes without saying that we've mocked this forum through and through, but are there any specific things about it that truly push your buttons? If so, feel free to list them off here.
5329f0 No.234723
The fact that people can't stop talking about how it's a site full of autists led by someone who might as well be based on his lack of self-awareness and them not realizing it's been done to death.
8ef0b9 No.234732
For fuck sake, one Null/Kiwi thread is more than enough
df7b65 No.234779
I hate it when Kiwifags come here and make these threads to have reasons to be made at /cow/boys.
df7b65 No.234780
81c584 No.234781
>but are there any specific things about it that truly push your buttons?
That they can't stay in their containment thread
e077c1 No.234886
d8aee3 No.234890
Other than the fact that it's ran by an autistic narcissistic manchild who uses it as a means to fuffill his fantasy of power, and the atmosphere and general culture which anyone can argue is toxic, then not really much. It's an entertaining site.
The main problem is that's a descripency between the enviroment and the culture. Most of the userbase are normal people who find Chris entertaining and from looking at the CWCki to wanting to follow up with him, however, the other set of users are actively encouraged and play a role of the "internet supervillain" and/or being in a tank full of sharks which leads to drama, suspicion, interforum politics, ass-kissers, etc.
I don't hate the forum, or even hate Null, but I dislike the culture and I dislike the admin. I think KF is currently a total mess in terms of it being autists role-playing "super-secret black site of the internet", and that if anything is going to be it's downfall.
ed5a36 No.234901
This. The problems that Kiwi has aren't unique to Kiwi. I'd say about half of all forums all have issues with narcissistic soergs running it, ass-kissing admins and a userbase that seems like they want to take Westeros online.
If Kiwi wasn't about basically getting away with libel this whole time, no one would give a fuck.
312f39 No.234912
>Most of the userbase are normal people
Are you a tumblr tranny or some shit m8 ?
Normal my asshole, the retards on wrong planet are closer to normal than the average kiwi
2d74c7 No.234924
Most of the people there are fairly normal. A rough unscientific estimate being 60%, the problem is that the nature of KF attracts those who feel oustracized and isolated from society due to autism and want to be in a "super secret cyber-bullying club" and are primarily interested in playing out their power fantasies by being in a position where they're laughing at others behind a mask of anonymity instead of being the one who is laughed at. Those people tend to be the most noticible.
Quite a few people started off normal, but eventually begin to buy into the culture, which encourages people to become drama thirsty sharks.
The percentage of Kiwis who are highly autistic are the most noticible and the others slowly start to buy into the autistic culture.
e077c1 No.234931
You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded. Back to tumblr, you make Josh look slightly less inept by comparison.
64bb8d No.234975
4d4545 No.234976
Looks like someone was TRIGGERED
ca8b80 No.234986
The worst part is how the uppers in the community unknowingly encourage the behavior. Null is in a relatively rougher spot then he once was due to Vordy fucking with him. Every time some hard hitting drama hits the farms which is quite often (and they are overdue on) then absolutely everyone look like fools.
The servers are in a pretty secure place legally so I don't see some bald fucker successfully getting it down for a bit due to a host being hypersensitive but the community just eats itself.
f8708b No.234987
I think the Entersphere is the best example of this. I mean, if they just went ahead with making it a section for underaged users, they literally could have avoided the entire fallout of it.
f8708b No.234988
Shit, this was supposed to be a reply to 234986.
5329f0 No.234990
>Every time some hard hitting drama hits the farms which is quite often (and they are overdue on)
You're right. I haven't seen any major drama since Vordrak last appeared. Any bets on what's going to cause the next drama shitstorm?
$100 on Dynastia getting publicly thrown under the bus like Glaive.
2d74c7 No.234995
There's new drama weekly, if not twice a week on that board. Most leads to shit flinging from half the users on the board and is quickly forgotten about.
Most of it isn't immediately avaible to the public, but takes place in chat or on the supporters board.
5329f0 No.235002
So, basement dweller shit tsunamis over minor bullshit? Sounds fun at first, but then it gets sad when you realize there are people who can't function without dumb online drama happening frequently enough.
312f39 No.235005
> if they just went ahead with making it a section for underaged users
Nice try josh, but you shouldn't try and fuck your customer base
7a2599 No.235021
Well, a large part of the foundation is about drama, creating, observing and watching it. Drama is a large part of that behavior. Even the act of starting a thread on a lolcow and having it discovered creates drama.
People generally say that they don't like drama, but as humans then we get a thrill from being involved and participating in it. Even as passive observers, we want to know what is going on and be "out of the loop".
Because so much of the board has it's roots in drama, either from fueling or observing and it's such a large part of the forum culture there (with the sharks that eat their own mentality that is both actively and passively encouraged) then it's no surprise that it spreads to the userbase, leading to minor wars over stupid shit.
12c82d No.235026
This.A handful of long-term users who had some of the highest post counts left the board a few weeks ago because of drama.
5329f0 No.235027
What the hell happened this time?
12c82d No.235034
A few mods didn't think a user who was promoted to supervisor was fit for the position, so they took something that happened literally months ago, blew it out of proportion and started telling people to give them screen grabs of conversations. I know what it was, but its too retarded to get into. Another example of how they cause their own problems.
d8aee3 No.235039
To be fair most drama there is taken out of proportion, people exaggerate nearly any drama and want to believe whatever side or view sounds more extreme or better to their world view.
Null gets a lot of blame, has stated before on /cow/ that he likes drama, even if not consciously, definitely subconsciously encouraging that type of culture for his own entertainment.
He deals with the drama by passing on the blame to Skype groups. He has this odd resilience towards Skype groups for some odd reason.
d8aee3 No.235048
To give KF some credit of what it does do right is that the quality of the threads have always been good compared to other sites. The forum format makes it easy to follow along with lolcows you have an interest in as opposed to sites like /cow/ which is awful I'm terms of trying to follow and provide cocks on eccentric and cringy people.
However, one trend I've noticed which has occurred recently on KF is that it seems that the quality and cocks of the threads has dropped from talking and following people on the extreme end of eccentricity to the average internet weirdo. While it may just be me who has noticed that observation.
In terms of the overall attitude of the posters in those threads which may be another misobservation, it seems that there's a lot more a-logging towards cows and other members. While, I'm not offended towards a-logging, it's just cringy when trying to make a point. Considering the userbase the forum attracts (those who are prone to feel oustracized from society, and the general culture of the forum) it makes sense that members feel the need to display their perceived power
d8aee3 No.235051
Null freaked out and took away ratings in the Events And News and Deep Thoughts Board because he had a chimpout in the Election Thread about how Hilary was going to start World War III and couldn't stand people rating him dumb or autistic so he got rid of them.
312f39 No.235054
Na, you're right about the quality of those they follow, it's more like a general internet gossip site now than a lolcow site
cf7112 No.235066
>Most of the people there are fairly normal
mate, you've just confirmed that you are a kiwishill.
if you use kiwi, you are NOT normal. for example, meowthkip is a 31 year old female who bullies people online. several of the members "come out" as transgender or admit to having aspergers syndrome for positive rations. if that's "normal" to you, you must be really fucked in the head or be one of them.
5329f0 No.235068
If you talk about Kiwi, you aren't normal either. Fuck, you're not normal if you know that Kiwi Farms is actually a site that should be renamed the Funny Farms rather than a literal kiwi farm.
Also, can someone please explain further about Meowthkip? I know that….the thing has a Tumblr and started the Vade thread that opened up Null to the "possibilities" of making Kiwi more Tumblr-friendly along with acting like a Tumblrite. But, what else about Meowthkip is funny?
cf7112 No.235069
> But, what else about Meowthkip is funny?
tumblrite. was an ftm for a while until some of the higher members started ripping on trannies. this was before she was a mod. is known to do anything for positive ratings, and will not speak her mind to avoid neg ratings. avid cuckchanner since gamergate. she started cuckchanning to make herself look "cool". frequently brags about it on her tumblr. she is known to pay null money to have neg ratings removed. is 31 fucking years of age and goes on kiwi whilst bullying people. let me say that again, 31 YEARS OLD. cannibal tumblrite. bullies other tumblrites. afraid to have her tumblr rep exposed. her tumblr is popular with her shitty art. people are too fucking dense to know that she is a kiwifarmer. some of the more popular kiwis hate her. she is scared of catparty and dynastia. has a grudge against the two and some other members. always sucks up to null. she's made a fool of herself a several times on kiwi. she maye have paid null to be a mod. (catbountry.tumblr.com)
d8aee3 No.235072
My absolutely unscientific estimate of 60% of the active users being normal functiinal people is still a fairly low majority.
Keep in mind that 40% of the regular members being mentally or psychological dysfunctional is substantially drastically higher than the average population.
Saying that I estimate that 60% of the users there are fairly normal average people isn't really saying good things or shilling out Kiwi Farms. In fact, one could argue that I was doing the opposite.
5329f0 No.235073
While she does sound hilarious, it sounds more like you want to use us a personal army to settle a score with her over some dumb drama between you and her on either Tumblr or Kiwi. And that makes you a faggot.
cf7112 No.235076
> isn't really saying good things or shilling out Kiwi Farms
it is. don't try to justify it. 60% is a big number. i'm thinking more like 5%, and even that said, that 5% probably only browses or posts very rarely.
i honestly cannot see someone normal using this site. when i mean normal, i mean fucking normal. not transgender, tumblrgender, not autistic. you also have to take into account how they act. it is far from normal. most of the members lack empathy like an actual person with aspergers. they circlejerk constantly and brag about things a normal person wouldn't give a shit about. some of them lack the ability to keep thoughts to themselves, and as a result, you have plenty of people admitting to having some kind of mental disorder for epeen. encouraging someone to commit suicide is normal. i know that sounds tumblr as fuck, but it is true. as for the whole community, why obsess over one random autistic person? i know it's cc but these people make it a lifelong obsession instead of like a normal person, you'd have a laugh then leave. the problem here is that these people will not leave him alone. chris is actually less pathetic then these people. it's amazing how he's able to ignore them entirely. that makes him less autistic than most of them.
> it sounds more like you want to use us a personal army to settle a score with her
not at all. i'm stating what i know.
i have no scores to settle with her. never been in contact with her, and never will. i browse kiwi quite frequently, and whenever she's in a thread, she acts like a complete stuck up jerk. you can just see it in her posts that she's trying very hard to avoid having anything negative tossed towards her.
after all, you asked about her. i filled you in. my job is done. i have plenty of shit on other members, especially the moonboy, but if you really want to go into that, go to the josh thread. i will never create an account on it for obvious reasons. there is some good stuff on there, but the community is the shit part.
cf7112 No.235077
*is NOT normal
man, i fucked that up hard.
d8aee3 No.235163
I'm guessing this involved Chimpburgers? I don't know what happens, but honestly it's for the best because it seemed like he began getting too emotionally involved in KF and it's politics and some drama involving him was bound to happen sooner or later.
e077c1 No.235206
Well it's true, shillary is going to start WW3, possibly before the election ends, why do you think she's pushing the EVIL RUSSIA IS DOING EVERYTHING TO DESTROY MY CAMPAIGN AND IS LITERALLY HACKING THE ELECTION pls ignore all the dead people voting for me pls narrative?
ca8b80 No.235313
I swear, sometime the community is going to massively and irrevocably implode on itself in a way Null won't be able to laugh off.
12c82d No.235419
You browse frequently, let me ask you this: Who are good users? Catparty? Dynastia? Likeicare?
8dd4b2 No.235428
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Also, can someone please explain further about Meowthkip? I know that….the thing has a Tumblr and started the Vade thread that opened up Null to the "possibilities" of making Kiwi more Tumblr-friendly along with acting like a Tumblrite. But, what else about Meowthkip is funny?
Take a look at the video, that's her. Here's the post in which she admits it's her:
Skip to 3:46 to look at the shelves in her room, LOTS of plastic crap. Go to 5:20 if you want to see her face in all of its beauty.
cf7112 No.235445
those three are some of the best users on the site. mainly because they're shitposter extraordinaires, lack autism and they trigger alot of the kiwi userbase to the point of sperging out in threads resulting in negative ratings, aspergers meltdowns and null laughing like a clown on ecstasy. there's a reason why likeicare migrated from ED. it's pretty hilarious seeing these three start shit in threads and they know they will not be banned for it because null loves them and so do some of the mod team. none of the mods are allowed to ban any of them or they will get the sack. meowthkip's dream is to ban catparty/dynastia, but she knows that doing so will get her off the team. i believe that null issued a warning about these three to the staff team telling them to not ban them ever.
it's not just these three however. anominous is pretty good at stirring shit up as he does so frequently. valiant is alright despite being a tranny. the zim guy is good too. that shaner thread was art until some of the mods got all spergy and ruined it. the others? i can't be bothered. but there are some other "good" members too.
that's what the tumblrthing meowthkip looks like? holy fucking autism batman. and that's her channel too. she does sound autistic and that would explain the strong care for ratings on the site. she's got the asspie stare, collection of things autistic people like on her shelf, and slight monotoned voice what a waste of a body. she looks alright. why can't all autistic people be ugly? i thought she'd be too much of a pussy (no pun intended) to show her face as most autists are. this changes everything.
man, i genuinely feel sorry for her. instead of having a job, real fun, dating, getting laid etc, she's dedicated her life to cc, tumblr and kiwifarms. 31 years. it's too late now. all that shit on her shelf proves it.
e4a09d No.235458
Do you have any evidence of Meowthkip wanting to ban CatParty? I find this to be very interesting considering how Cat generally seems to be a very well-respected member.
8dd4b2 No.235471
>null loves them
Guy doesn't seems like to CatParty:
Not sure how does he feels about Dynastia, he clearly has a crush on Likeicare.
cf7112 No.235475
probably a publicity stunt to make the autistic ones fear him. he did it with dynastia. even tempbanned dyn at one point. if null didn't like cat, then why is he still around? catparty is one of the site's biggest shitstirrers. he causes some serious drama alot of kiwis hate him especially the tumblr variety. he's the reason why dynastia and likeicare are there in the first place.
5da4b4 No.235523
The Mr. Enter was so full of A-Logs and cartoon spergs they even had to close it. I think that was the worst part of the site. Another thing that bothers me a bit about them is how amateur they act in front of a lolcow, they should know better than weening or spilling the spaghetti in when one of those appears.
e8382d No.235537
I have to say Dyn, his posts are basically a satirical take of the culture of Kiwi Farms and he knows it.
Catparty's post lack the elequency of Dynastia's post and are entirely a pointless and easy attempt at shitposting. There are even incidences where it seems catparty had gotten triggered when he felt he hadn't had success with getting the reaction that he had hoped by compulsively following users and mass-rating them dumb, or trying to turn opinion against them by exaggerating or even lying which came off as passive aggressive. I do give him credit where credit is due in that he doesn't take KF overly seriously at times, but his posts just feel low-effort to me and he felt too emotionally involved over certain users.
Essentially anyone who doesn't take Kiwi Farms seriously is a good user, but they're rarer than not. The average user gets too emotionally involved.
e4a09d No.235539
They have their own inability to properly moderate things to blame for that.
e6b5f9 No.235571
Let's not forget the Typhoid Mary incident where a user scammed a emotionally vulnerable user who had been depressed at the time leading to a limited ability to say no and scammed them taking advantage of their genorousity and desire to help. Afterwards the scammer was congratulated and other people on that forum had laughed about the situation and that users nativity.
Although, that user was an idiot for letting themselves be scammed in the first place, the fact that that behavior is supported and encouraged and laughed about is representative of the Kiwi Farms community or lack of it.
ed5a36 No.235573
Null might actually be the one person holding any semblance of a community together.
Think about this scenario for a moment. Let's say all the jokes about Null being a pedo are not only proven true, but the police come to take him to Nigger U for a full-ride scholarship.
Who the hell is going to want to devote that much in time and resources to maintain the site? The most likely candidates would be Flowers for Sonichu and Dunsparce, but Flowers is in China kek and Dunsparce seems to have no investment aside from sperging about vidya.
On some fucked up level, we need Null.
e6b5f9 No.235574
Or the site would be better run about someone who isn't as emotionally involved in the site, throws tantrums, and use emotion as the basis for the majority of his decisions.
Either that or the site would die off, people who spend the time taking Kiwi Farms seriously would end up being more productive and accomplished in life focusing on other things, and then another site with a similar basis would pop up.
cf7112 No.235575
> Afterwards the scammer was congratulated and other people on that forum had laughed about the situation and that users nativity.
that's the aspergers of the members showing. complete lack of empathy. they treat others like objects. heartless bastards.
a normie would never do such a thing. it's sickening. of course this isn't the only time they've done something like this. this year, they literally trolled a 17 year old girl with severe depression to death and tried to justify it with a troll account coming into the thread lying that he knew her with that account trying to justify it. i'm amazed that none of them have been convicted. if hillary wins, it will be the end of kiwifarms and i don't want her to win
5da4b4 No.235576
What a bunch of scumbags.
3040cf No.235583
Part of the problem is not many people with real IT experience are interested in sites like these. The few who do are fucked up one way or another.
Could you link the thread?
e6b5f9 No.235584
It happened in a Kiwi Farms Skype group. Not in a thread, but of course it spread to the forums and was mentioned in some non-supporters threads.
e6b5f9 No.235585
if you're talking about Wildchild let me cleat up some misconceptions because you are are misunderstanding the situation, the member who got scammed was someone who pissed off a lot of users by causing drama and made almost the whole board uninamously upset. If they got scammed then it was justice for theiri behavior on the forums and I applaud the person who did it. they argued against Null, didn't fit into the social order, and weren't liked in the slightest bit.
They were autistic and retarded to get scammed in the first place, it's their own fault. There's no cure for their behavior and actions other than suicide. I say good riddance.
1aea66 No.235596
You seem like cancer and people like you are the reason Kiwi Farms is disliked here. Unless you can provide cocks on how scamming someone lead to clarify chimpout or provide cocks of any kind that shows that that user is truly as vile and evil as you claim, scamming someone just for the hell of it doesn't seem funny and is the reason your autistic hugbox is about to implode on itself.
Either provide cocks or kys because it seems to be as you claim "the only cure for autism."
I can't believe that this is a situation where /cow/ is the morally justified board and actually disgusted by Kiwi Farms.
Of course, you're probably trolling, but it's hard to tell. Kill yourself anyway. Kthx.
cf7112 No.235604
>kiwi farms defense force in this thread
that's a load of fucking shit. go away, kiwisperg.
nobody is misunderstanding the situation except you.
he doesn't have any proof. just your typical autistic kiwisperg. and the only working cure for autism is death.
b38be2 No.235606
Is there any verification for this? If this is true then Null cares less about his users than I thought. I didn't care particularly for KF threads before, but if he's trying to market a site on his resume where users scam other users, then I don't see what is going on in his head. Has Null completely just given up on all sense of morals and ethics in the board. I mean, having your users scam other users and then laugh about it is pretty shitty and a sure sign that the community is on it's way to collapsing, sooner than I thought. If there's any truth to this claim then it made me actually angry and KF is more autistic than previously comprehended.
b38be2 No.235607
To be fair, it totally seems like something the average Kiwi user would do, but that's just shitty. The community is worse than I thought.
155913 No.235613
Don't act like you're all so high and mighty because you didn't find some retard doing retarded things funny. It's funny, some retard lost money from being retarded. We have a name for people who do retarded things and suffer real life consequences. They're called lolcows. You're all just trying to find some justification for being angry at Kiwi Farms, but being retarded enough to get scammed from another autist is fucking hilarious and most of you would find it funny too. You aren't all of a sudden more ethical than we are because we laugh at retarded people doing retarded things and suffering real life consequences. It's the nature of both Kiwi Farms and /cow/, you have no right to be outraged at all and it's not our fault they got scammed. It was due to their being retarded.
155913 No.235614
They knew perfectly well that if they did retarded things then they would be laughed at. It doesn't matter if they were depressed at the time or "emotionally vulnerable", mentally ill people use up money and resources and I think that it was fair that they got scammed because it's paying the money that we would've used to support them from disability. Depression is a cop-out excuse to distract from their own retarded behavior. They were too trusting, and naive and like with chris taking advantage of the naive can be hilarious. Also, they were banned for good reason and it happened offsite. Quite honestly it is not our fault that we make fun of a member taking advantage of the mentally ill. You do the exact same thing. They were already ostracized from the community and we have no responsibility in the actions of someone else off-site. That doesn't mean that we can't find those actions funny. They knew that if they did something retarded then they would be made fun of that's what the board is all about.
ed5a36 No.235619
There's a slight difference between schadenfreude and trying to morally justify eating your own. This is what another anon was talking about when he called Kiwi a shark tank. I seriously hope that you're trolling us and it's incredibly disturbing to me that posters on a site that got delisted by Google have more of a heart than these asswipes do.
e6b5f9 No.235621
I found a few references to it on the public boards, it looks like they're trying to keep it contained.
Autphag calling the scammer a sociopath and actually having a point: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/chris-gillon-autphag-and-spergchan-sophie-y’israeli.3728/page-583#post-1726266
Flowers For Sonichu bringing it up vaguely and Jaimas saying that he wants to throw Wildchild off a bridge or something.
So, it looks like it happened and they're kind of trying to keep it contained to the Supporters boards.
e6b5f9 No.235623
I mean, Jesus Christ Autphag of all people is more ethical and less of a sociopath than the average Kiwi Farms member.
I mean, think about it Autphag..Of all people.. is less of an asshole than the average Kiwi Farms member.
8a0a4f No.235625
Can't be bothered to find the post but Chimpburgers once posed that people were weirded out by him because he was looking at pics of Chris's duck in his college class.
He always seemed spergy to me.
5329f0 No.235627
>Autphag is more ethical and less of a sociopath than the average Kiwi Farms admin
Jaimas is a furfag who writes tl;dr screeds on GamerGate and Flowers is supposedly the Conflict Moderator. The Conflict Moderator calls someone who got conned a ween. Let that settle in for a moment.
013297 No.235633
Wow. I used to think that these threads were just from people who had a grudge due to being banned. It seems I judged all of you wrong, it seems the community really is as awful as claimed. I owe all of you an apology for doubting you.
eb2578 No.235635
Seriously, no one from Kiwi Farms is disgusted by that? I mean, scamming another member and then laughing about it? Of course only a site run by Null would allow that behavior..
da90d6 No.235638
ok we have a lot about meowthkip (listed above), canine/marvin (NEET who spends his trust fund on drugs and alcohol), jaimas (takes gamergate seriously), null (has more threads here than anybody), and katsu (batshit tranny). what do we know about other staff? I'm talking about clown doll, compyrex, flowers for sonichu, surtur, anom, valiant etc?
c4e524 No.235640
Clown Doll, Surtur and Compy seem to be the only semi-normal people modding the site.
Valiant is a homely NEET from Australia who wants to be the Queen Bee of the site hence the jealousy she has for other women using the site.
Flowers for Sonichu is someone who takes drama way too seriously. Lives in China as a teacher along with being a severe alcoholic. Probably has a ton of skeletons in his closet.
Anom is Null's lawyer. Seems to go back and forth between being kind of cool and taking shit too seriously.
531710 No.235646
Jaimas' facebook
Faggot was homeless at one point, kek. This nigga needs a job.
73a999 No.235651
I was a member of the farms when it was still the cwckie forums or whatever. And I think Josh had always been awesome and is actually an inspiration, he has overcome a lot if problems and never folded, just tried harder or from another angle . He taught himself how to code
2d74c7 No.235658
Lol at all of you getting offended. Wildchild was an autistic tranny and it honestly couldn't have happened to a better person. If you find scamming an autistic tranny offensive then you need to go back to tumblr. The only thing funnier would be if it ended up broke and homeless and slowly lived a miserable broken life.
You don't understand, it was a tranny and autistic and he did it to himself with no help from kiwi farms, we just laughed at the aftermath.
>▶Anonymous 10/24/16 (Mon) 23:18:10 e6b5f9 No.235584
>It happened in a Kiwi Farms Skype group. Not in a th
c4e524 No.235659
We want to laugh at trannies, not go out of our to destroy their lives.
cf7112 No.235661
>all this kiwisperging
where is jews?
jews-kun, please rid the thread of kiwispergs. ty~
sure you do
>repeatedly gives positive ratings to people "coming out" on kiwifarms
>sucking up to meowthkip and katsu due to their positions
cf7112 No.235662
misread your post. disregard >>235661
2d74c7 No.235664
Wait, so why do people hate Wildchild again? Did they like murder your family or something? I just really don't understand what they did to actually cause so much vile pure autistic hatred. Like, I really don't understand it..
155913 No.235666
In all honesty, I don't think kiwis can provide a reason.
It's a bit like monkey see, monkey do. They see one person trying to be edgy and hating them, so they follow along without knowing why. That is one reason why the Kiwi Farms community is so dysfunctional. Users are literally (not exaggerating) unable to think for themselves.
If dear leader insults a user, then the rest follow suit. If dear leader doesn't like or feels threatened by a user (as which probably happened in this particular case) the other users followed suit. They saw dear leader and others hating on users, so they follow suit on those users without knowing why. It is quite honestly and literally Autism Extreme where you're incapable of independent thought.
c4e524 No.235668
Jaimas wants to throw it off a bridge. I never thought I'd feel sympathy for a tranny, but when it goes into wanting to murder someone because you don't like how they post, it's no wonder that Hillary can get traction for censoring the Internet.
Josh, if Kiwi gets shut down, you have no one to blame but yourself for not getting your mods under control along with everything else we can prove about you.
0049c0 No.235669
Nice trips
You are correct. Wildchild wasn't a problem user, people liked them. Null spazzes about backseat modding, but the amount of harassment a handful of people dumped on wildchild was tantamount to backseat admining, but he didn't like wildchild so he doesn't care. Its a dumb message board anyways, so no one should care, and no one lost shit when she was banned, but for null this is the only fucking thing in his life, a board that hassles people and he thinks is some grand stand for free speech. He is literally awasting what should be the most productive years of his life on this shit, but eh, its fun watching him set himself up for such a wasted failed life.
6e9c92 No.235670
I retired quietly and without scandal. I enjoyed my time on the kiwifarms management side, but I was heavily redundant and lost the passion to care about the micro details of sifting through every post.
I never got the hate or love wildchild got. He was just an annoying uppity poster who was best ignored or just banned. I realized something in life: you nip it in the bud early or it gets worse for everyone. It's not humane to have a dumb tranny who posts bullshit and uses the kiwifarms as a surrogate to real life socialization.
155913 No.235671
Let's not forget that Wildchild wants nothing to do with Kiwi Farms, cut contact with everyone there including on Skype, left all the Skype groups, yet people are still obsessed about her.
I'm not going to lie, I found her persona entertaining and I kind of liked her. She was extremely likable to a large amount of people, but hated by the rest, like hated to the extreme. I'm surprised to be honest that she managed to deal with the harassment for as long as she did to be honest.
3098ed No.235674
All this salt, and I only needed to speak my honest opinion. Hurt by the truth, Kiwis?
3098ed No.235676
Also, I love how they defend themselves by cranking up their edgyness. The Kiwis posts here read like Troper tier "I'm a secret super villain, guiz", garbage.
I bet you $20 many foxdicks have trench coats and katunuhs.
4d4545 No.235677
Don't forget that Jaimas and Smutley both encouraged a user to have cybersex with ADF and gave him pointers. It was MrCKMongler, and he took the brunt of it, but he isn't the only sped who was in on it. Knowing that Smutley and Ravenor have like 50 (no lie, they actually have bragged about this number) fake facebook accounts on ADF's friends list, I can only guess what these creeps are doing.
3098ed No.235682
It's funny they shit hard on Reddit, when the Farms have the same system of conformity to the hivemind that are the myriad of ratings they give to each other. A not so subtle way of regulate thinking by passive aggressive means. Never is the system more blatant when when of the Farms' Archons post, even the most asinine, tepid, stupid posts will get dozens of agrees, winners, etc., if the poster is Null, Dynastia, CatParty and the like.
8dd4b2 No.235697
Does anyone have any interesting stories about Asterisk? He's a huge sperg and has a lot of lolcow potential.
cf7112 No.235699
> myriad of ratings
i would say it's worse than leddit. at least 70% of the members care strongly about these pointless little ratings. as >>235666 said, if someone gets negs, all the others will follow suit due to the inability to think for themselves. you make a call out against someone on kiwi and you're not popular, you'll be a new "cow". it's pretty much part of what happened to wildchild.
the ratings are part of why the site is so popular, and null will not be removing them any time soon. autistic people love collecting pointless things, and these ratings appeal to them greatly.
i'm amazed that the asspie hasn't become a cow yet. he's almost as bad as shaner. he frequently has asspie meltdowns in threads. catparty is notorious for triggering him. have a look around kiwi. i'm pretty sure i saw two of them in a thread fighting.
8dd4b2 No.235701
3098ed No.235704
It's seems everybody is having a meltdown at that thread.
8a0a4f No.235726
I always thought Wildchild was just a gimmick invented to rile KF up. I was shocked when it turned out they were actually an autistic tranny
da90d6 No.235732
Wildchild was a garbage attention whore. Also I don't know why you're all claiming he got scammed. He gave Typhoid Mary money but then withdrew it and then blocked everyone on skype after that so he didn't actually lose any money.
bc164f No.235744
On the Typhoid-Wildchild stuff I've heard that Typhoid was banned over that, and Wildchild was a failtroll not for that incident, but because they got doxed by some train sperg they made a thread about. Dnatureofdtrain or some shit like that. They friended her on facebook under their real, actual facebook account years before the thread there was made.
21b30a No.235745
Anyone got dirt on the Dude? I know he claimed to have been in an institution, and he always loses his shit in ADF threads.
12c82d No.235746
He's on Kacey's facebook.
da90d6 No.235747
He met Anna McClerran in a mental institution
3098ed No.235749
Revisiting the Mr. Enter forum, I realized they didn't even try to make fun of him for being a dense asshole. they were angry at him because he had the wrong opinions. The pretentiousness of those cartoon spergs still oozes through the monitor.
3098ed No.235752
Why would someone lose it at an ADF thread?
21b30a No.235755
Guns and money. His little tantrums are pretty much the only reason I check that subforum.
2d74c7 No.235777
Nope, they were actually scammed. That was just something Typhoid Mary made up to avoid making Wildchild seem like the victim.
2d74c7 No.235778
If Typhoid Mary got banned over that, then they shouldn't have. Wildchild was fucking cancer and my only regret is that they didn't do it again. I honestly hope that they would honestly commit suicide so I could laugh and never have to hear about them again. Their death would be justice.
8dd4b2 No.235779
That's not exactly how I remember it. I do remember him saying that he met Anna in some kind of a psychotherapy-related context, but as far as I remember they merely went for some private psychotherapist and met each other in the waiting room or something like that. As far as I can remember none of them were institutionalized when they both met each other. I could be wrong though.
155913 No.235782
To all of you who are acting offended by Wildchild getting scammed then Wildchild tried to delete cocks, manipulated admins and was a fucking attention whore. What they deserve is a bullet to the head and to be taken out of their misery.
2d74c7 No.235787
It seems like the reasoning is that Wildchild doxed themselves and deleted their thread and then somehow that puts them on the same level as a murderer or rapist according to the average Kiwi.
From what I understand, Wildchild is literally worse than Hitler and probably even the devil because of something that is viewed as insignificant outside of the internet.
57a9a0 No.235789
>discussing along irrelevant poster who got doxed by a cow
f28fc5 No.235792
Doesn't excuse the fact that Kiwi members advocated murder in this thread towards that member, and decided to troll them by scamming them.
Even in this thread, Kiwis have come over and have decided to act bloody autistic over this user. The lack of awareness and cognitive dissonance of them trying to explain why it's okay for someone to scam another person out of money is completely relevant to this thread.
12c82d No.235793
>To all of you who are acting offended by Wildchild getting scammed
No one is offended he got scammed you raging fucking autist, we just don't care
>Wildchild tried to delete cocks
Because he's a sperg
>manipulated admins
You make it sound as though he was carrying out some long-term relationship with them to get a thread deleted, when it looks like all he did was lie to cover his ass. Again, he's a sperg
>was a fucking attention whore
So are you at this point
>What they deserve is a bullet to the head and to be taken out of their misery
Kiwi logic
3098ed No.235794
Is this some ironic "pretend to be a tryhard faggot", or Kiwis are genuinely this edgy?
2d1aac No.235796
It seems that they have gotten generally that edgy.I wish I can say it was ironic, because all signs point to it not being.
f6e5ce No.235800
ITT: Kiwis act so autistic and hateful towards a banned member they managed to make /cow/ sympathetic to an autistic tranny.
2d74c7 No.235802
Considering that Null told that user non-ironically out of anger that they should kill themselves and according to posts in other threads encouraged A-logging towards that user, it's probably not iconic and Kiwis are actually really that hateful and autistic.
If they were just acting ironically, it doesn't change the fact that there are Kiwis financially abusing other members based on the fact that users aren't liked by other users.
2d74c7 No.235803
The thing is that from my opinion is that user wasn't as awful as all the Kiwis claiming they are. They were spergy by no doubt, but not more so than other users such as TK, and/or Asterikx. That user was pretty well liked by the time I was a member, but hated by a small group of people who allegedly made up stories such as that user was responsible for kiwi Farms going offline during the whole interboard conflict with the Sociopathic community.
Without that user to defend themselves then it seems that everything spiraled out of control, other users made plans to scam them because, etc.
f6e5ce No.235806
It's all about who you know there. If you suck up to Null enough, you'd probably get away with murdering another member as long as that member is hated.
cf7112 No.235807
why do kiwispergs try to justify the murder of someone?
you people have trolled more than one person to suicide. it's just not normal. i'm just shocked that none of you have been convicted yet. it's going to hit hard one day. especially on null. are all kiwis this sick and narcissistic? i know aspergers lack empathy, but is it really this bad? are asspies really the worst people in existence? sure fucking seems that way. man, i'm so glad i'm not an autist
f6e5ce No.235809
Kiwi is a cult at this point. I think if Kiwi got the plug pulled a lot of these autists realize what they've done and either get psychiatric help or give themselves a 9mm headache.
3098ed No.235812
May I ask you what interboard conflict are you referring to?
2d74c7 No.235814
Kiwi Farms got into some conflict with a board called Sociopathic Community, a member from Sociopathic Community uploaded his penis and then reported it as Child Porn. Kiwi Farms lost their hosting.
Before Wildchild was banned, then people were claiming that Wildchild was responsible for Kiwi Farms losing it's hosting, people believed it so much that Null had to state that Wildchild had nothing to do with that incident and it was Vodrack.
73ae13 No.235816
7869f6 No.235820
>>manipulated admins
>>You make it sound as though he was carrying out some long-term relationship with them to get a thread deleted, when it looks like all he did was lie to cover his ass. Again, he's a sperg
that is exactly what he did. As well as trying to ween a cow for three whole years and failing horribly at it. Three fucking years.
because they were an unfunny tranny with a stale gimmick who nobody liked, they were an attentionwhore too and perhaps the biggest embarassment to Kiwi Farms in the history of the board. No other member failed to the extent they have.
f6e5ce No.235821
If there is any indisputable evidence that Wildchild is some kind of autistic mastermind, please present it. Otherwise, its just the latest ex-member that the Kiwis are told is worse than Hitler and it's pathetic that you're raping a dead horse.
73ae13 No.235825
Wildchild is just autistic, no mastermind. He fit in well there
177b00 No.235826
not an autistic mastermind but a failed one. From what I understand Wildchild had been unsucessfully and purposely trying to trigger Kiwi Farms for years and they even failed at that.
cf7112 No.235827
so what? that's not a legitimate excuse to justify bullying someone to death. that is not normal. it's narcissistic and you should seriously consider getting some professional help if you think it's okay to do that. yeah they're trannyscum, but they're still a human being. trannies can change and become normal again. it's happened several times. bullying them to death is only going to make them want to be a tranny for longer. man, the whole spergs treating others like objects is true.
not dynastia.
73ae13 No.235828
I think you give him too much credit. He's just a sperg
8dd4b2 No.235829
I retract my previous post, >>235747
was right. The Dude was hospitalized for psychiatric problems:
For some reason I misremembered that story as if both The Dude's and Anna's mental problems were much milder.
2d74c7 No.235830
>>Failed at trying to purposely trigger Kiwi Farms.
>>Kiwis get unbelievably triggered.
Keep telling yourself whatever you need to sleep at night, scumbag.
3098ed No.235835
Is Null still chimping out about some of his forum subjects not loving Emperor Pussy Grabber?
3098ed No.235836
I see. It's seems this Wildchild is a boogeyman Kiwis like to blame when the crops get spoiled and the water in the well gets bitter.
73ae13 No.235842
Trump supporter myself, but the idea of him chimping out over him losing makes it palpable
4709e1 No.235844
they were responsible. If not for their weening on SC then the drama wouldn't have happened and the users from SC wouldn't have come to Kiwi Farms and vodrak wouldn't have reported them to their host.. Sure wildchild wasn't the only person weening on there but he was the one most responsible.
f6e5ce No.235847
We should thank Wildchild then. No wonder why the Kiwis hate it, lol!
37f651 No.235851
I don't like kiwis very much, OP. They're too watery for my tastes and the texture of the fruit feels too rough on my tongue.
177b00 No.235852
I don't know who or what Wildchild is, but the fact that Kiwi Farms members actually scammed another member in order to troll them and then later laughed about it, has to be one of the lowest points for KF.
I don't really care if the banned user was ADF, having KF members scam other users to get a quick and easy laugh is disgusting
Goes to show that Kiwis are absolute scumbags ran by another scumbag.
cf7112 No.235854
the majority of the members have aspergers syndrome so it isn't all that surprising.
3b466b No.235868
Vordrak has nothing to do with Sociopath Community, you know this, right? Vordrak did it because of GG and he had a thread. That is one hell of a reach if you are even attempting to say that he even used that Dexter guy posting his cock on KF as a reason. Vordy's stock and trade is calling people chomos, so of course he did that with KF. Wildchild was an idiot, sperg, etc., but to blame wildchild for this sounds pretty dumb. Stop being dumb, mate.
2d74c7 No.235870
This was the post that people on KF claim lead to the SC drama, it was mainly the group of people consisting of Catparty, Smutley, and a few more originally claiming that Wildchild was responsible for it with other people jumping and following along for obvious reasons.
5f87d5 No.235875
lmao You're kidding
2d74c7 No.235876
Nope, Catparty was telling everyone in chat that Wildchild was responsible because of that post. It was part of the process of creating a witchhunt against that user.
2d74c7 No.235880
does anyone know if Vordrak still lurks these threads? imagine what he would do if he found out users were scamming other users and that kind of behavior was encouraged on Kiwi Farms null would freak out and it would provide us with lulz for their own shit behavior.
3098ed No.235881
Are Catparty and Dynastia worse sperglords than Null, but know how to cover their tracks better?
2d74c7 No.235885
how the flying fuck is that post responsible for getting Kiwi down? Why the fuck is catparty autistic enough to believe such a claim. How did he get a large part of Kiwi Farms to believe it?
If that is true then Kiwi farms is more autistic than anyone can comprehend; Seriously. Someone needs to force Kiwis to go outside and lumberjack their internet for good.
f6d767 No.235887
Because he's CatParty. That's how they can believe it along with the lynch mob culture they have.
f6d767 No.235890
Wildchild shouldn't have gotten involved but claiming that it posting on (another) site for sociopaths is what summoned Vordrak to Kiwi and got it shut down is pants-on-head retarded.
Let's put it this way: If someone gets banned from there, don't believe a damn word the Kiwi Cult says unless they have irrefutable evidence.
2d74c7 No.235891
Wildchild wasn't the only one shitposting there, Dynastia, ADK, and like 5 other Kiwis.
99703d No.235903
You guys do know that you're defending Wildchild of all people? Fucking Wildchild piece of shit. Wildchild was by far the most annoying user on that board and the biggest piece of shit autistic trash who failed at everything and failed at life. It makes sense that they would ween massively and end up taking Kiwi Farms off of their hosting in the process. They weened a cow for 3 whole years and got doxxed in the process. Fuck you.
Wildchild purposely triggered Kiwi Farms and they knew it. They were vile, malicious, and tried to manipulate the users into getting triggered, but failed. They got a lot of leeway because they manipulated Null and the admins. It's a good thing Null caught onto their shit. Being scammed was what they deserved. But it happened offsite and most of the users had nothing to do with it. Did some of us laugh about it and make fun of them, yes? But did most of us scam them? No.
They were a piece of shit for getting scammed too.
99703d No.235905
Theres also no proof that they were scammed. I have even heard some some users that Wildchild were the ones trying to scam Typhoid Mary and then lied about it. If typhoid mary got scammed then he shouldn't have been banned. End of story.
cf7112 No.235912
>>But did most of us
already knew you were a kiwisperg by your writing style and autistic justifications, but this confirms it.
stop trollshielding. /cow/ is not going to listen to a kiwisperg. dunsparce? is that you? just fuck off back to kiwi. there are no ratings here for you to care about. if what you are saying is true, you got a taste of your own medicine. how does it feel? getting fucked over by a tranny? hahahaha… man you kiwispergs are pathetic
177b00 No.235915
It happened offsite in a skype group. Null can't control what people do in a skype group which is why he's been saying that they're cancer for years, but no, people won't listen and then shit like this happens and he has to hear about it. We didn't get a taste of any medicine, they failed at everything they tried to do and failed massively and it all came crashing down. They never triggered any of us and none of us got overly offended by him. He failed at that too.
cf7112 No.235921
>We didn't get a taste of any medicine
sure, sure. you're here complaining about it on a site that isn't kiwi. that means wildchild did trigger you asspies after all. yet you are still trying to justify it. still trying to justify that you're not angry when it's clearly obvious that all the kiwispergs in this thread have had their jimmies rustled by some /cow/boys and wildchild themself.
what point won't you autistic fucks understand? i'll say it again: stop trollshielding. go back to kiwi and complain about it. you'll get asspats because each and everyone of you is the same. you all share one mind.
8646b2 No.235922
I will not rest until Null and Adam Wan are brought to justice for their child molesting.
bb7c49 No.235927
You know what, if people on Kiwi Farms acted like that, then I could understand why Wildchild deleted their dox. I would delete my dox too in that instance if it got out.. You people are fucking insane..
e4a09d No.235930
Well this thread went downhill pretty fast.
9ff3d2 No.235931
Au contraire, this thread started out shit and got interesting.
bb7c49 No.235933
ITT: Kiwispergs prove their autism by un-ironically supporting financial abuse and advocating for murder. This thread has to be singlehandledly the most autistic thing I have read in my life.
bb7c49 No.235937
You know what. Wildchild is my hero. I don't care if she's a tranny. She ended up massively triggering Kiwispergs, not just 1 or 2, but all of them like 30 different times while she was a member and is is continuing to trigger them massively without doing anything over 3 months after she was banned. Has there ever been a lolcow, or even another member that has been able to accomplish what Wildchild has been able to do without trying and is able to continue doing without doing anything at all?
3ce4a2 No.235939
Okay, here is what happened.
Wildchild either had a psychotic break or (more likely) faked a psychotic break in a skype group. They were saying they had to go to some order of the hermetic whatever, which is actually a facebook group they are a part of. They were asked to leave the groups because people felt they were faking for attention. Typhoid Mary (Natalie Durcain, Neph, etc.) got Wildchild to give them like $700 in private, then reversed it, then had them send it to some other thing that won't let people cancel payments. Natalie then brought wildchild into a group and started ripping wildchild apart for cancelling payment, but then admitted what happened. It was absolutely retarded, so then Natalie was booted as well.
I'm not going to say that Wildchild deserved it, but I don't think I can say that I feel sorry for Wildchild, all things considered.
Wildchild was retarded and showed their true stripes when they got doxed by a cow and didn't take it in stride. No one would have even noticed, the cow was boring anyways, and even if people did notice, its not like there was anything interesting in Wildchild's past to grip onto. They fucked up in how they handled it and really fucked up by deleting thread and posts, then flipping out in the second thread on the cow.
I dug the gimmick, it was funny, but it did wear thin after a while. Null actually did handle Wildchild incredibly fairly to be completely honest, he didn't ban or really restrict the person's account until the end and wasn't a dick to Wildchild. Someone was faking as Wildchild and making feedbacks posing as Wildchild and Null nutted up on them, but eh, that was understandable to tell them to fuck off when he thought it was Wildchild.
All this stuff about Sociopath Community and "weening a cow for three years" is either someone not knowing what a ween really is or someone trying to get a rise. The Sociopath Community nonsense was just interboard skirmish at the same time vordy attacked. No one caused it, to my knowledge. Wildchild didn't ween the cow for 3 years, either, they had the cow on their friends list and just thought to make a thread one day because they thought they were a cow. They didn't troll the cow at all, just had them on their list because they shared a community.
All that said, it does seem Wildchild got what was coming to them because they knew they were rattling cages and that they got negative attention. They also fucked up and handled it poorly. They ALSO gave money to a known scammer. I don't think people saying "good" are in the wrong, Wildchild earned their smack on the ass for that. NEVER give money to someone you only know from the internet, especially when they are a known scammer. Scammers scam, it is what they do, and Null has zero responsibility for anything that happens offsite and shouldn't ever be compelled to moderate disputes or behavior offsite, especially between two banned users.
cf7112 No.235940
the fact that all the kiwispergs have flocked to this thread to trollshield has proved this for sure. heck, just look at >>235939 sperging out his lies. the shit that he believes because he's too busy sucking on catparty's dick.
>he's still going
>he is still trying to justify this
stop sperging, you fucking retard. just stop. this is honestly one of the most fucking autistic posts i've ever seen in my whole life. he just doesn't get it does he? go back to kiwi. you will never get to /cow/ let alone anyone. you are far too autistic to even live on this planet.
bb7c49 No.235941
So, do people who are faking psychotic breaks usually give people $700? It seems like Psychotic behavior to me to give $700 to a known scammer, yet they were accused of faking it? Something here either doesn't seem right, or that must have been a desperate ploy for attention.
Not saying they didn't deserve it, because fuck the mentally ill. But, I heard people saying that Typhoid Mary wasn't banned til after she scammed whoever?
Didn't Null regularly tell Wildchild to kill himself at the end?
b30cf1 No.235942
So, do people who are faking psychotic breaks usually give people $700? It seems like Psychotic behavior to me to give $700 to a known scammer, yet they were accused of faking it? Something here either doesn't seem right, or that must have been a desperate ploy for attention. I mean, sure, fuck the mentally ill, but according to people in this thread, and your posts, you basically tell someone having a psychotic episode to fuck off and accuse them of faking, let them get scammed, laugh about it, and then make excuses for your behavior. That sounds to me like just being a plain dick.
Didn't Null regularly and publicly tell Wildchild to kill himself? That isn't considered being a dick? Also, other people here have said that Typhoid Mary was banned for scamming Wildchild, the fact they were banned for scamming Willdchild means they weren't banned while it went on.
The cognitive dissonance is amazing, how you all are still defending this is beyond me.
b30cf1 No.235943
Sorry, /cow/ was lagging and not updating so accidentally double posted.
b30cf1 No.235945
The fuck that you kiwi sociopaths jumped on to taking advantage of someone having a psychotic episode, and then trying to explain your actions by making constant excuses. "Oh they manipulated everyone." "They deserved to get scammed." "They were an attention whore."
We honestly can't believe any lies you kiwifucks say.
b30cf1 No.235949
oh wow. I don't even know what to say to all these excuses. First it's "They deserved to get scammed because they manipulated everyone."
To "that user had a psychotic break, so we accused them of faking and took advantage of someone who was (faking) a psychotic episode, but they deserved it because of reasons which are too autistic for the normal person to understand."
Jesus Christ. Kiwi Farms really has corrupted you from all normal socialization.
3098ed No.235950
The cool and detached facade Kiwis were so proud is beginning to fall. Obviously the sole mention of this Wildchild makes you guys anxious enough to justify yourselves in every post. Something went wrong, but you won't admit it.
cf7112 No.235951
like i said earlier, it's their aspergers talking. i am so fucking glad to be a normie
aspergers is quickly becoming an epidemic. scientists need to develop an actual cure and they need to do it fast. i don't want my kids becoming like these… things..
b30cf1 No.235955
Wow.. I don't even know what to say to this post. You actually just somehow dug yourself into an even deeper hole by trying to justify yourself. How do you guys fuck up so much and think your explanations are socially acceptable?
All I can say is that you guys are scumbags.Let's face it, if /cow/ finds your behavior reprehensible, then you guys are scumbags. I can't say I have ever hated Kiwi Farms, but after this thread then I certainly do.
8b40cf No.235958
Is this trolling? Assuming this isn't trolling..
This is one of the absolute biggest fuck up I've seen anyone make in an attempt to seriously explain shitty behavior. The others being in this thread. I don't even know what to say..
You seriously tried to explain your behavior but came out looking like a shittier person. Do you even think before you post something?
This has to be a troll..
cf7112 No.235959
>This has to be a troll..
no. that really is how the mind of a kiwisperg thinks. he isn't trolling. there's too much effortspergery in his post. just makes it even more pathetic.
i swear. it's hands down the most autistic thing i have ever read. i swear the prick that posted that is dunsparce.
2d74c7 No.235964
Oh wow…
I have no words. I really have no words. The utter autism and lack of empathy in this post is baffling.
2d74c7 No.235973
To anyone still on Kiwi Farms who may be reading this. This is not a normal thought process.
Get out of Kiwi Farms now, stop being dragged into the autistic hivemind. If you start rationalizing the behavior of your forum like this, then you need to stop posting and go outside.
I mean this as non-negatively and non-biased as possible. Being dragged into that mindset and starting to think like this isn't healthy, for you or anyone else. Dealing with this sort of attitude, everyday, multiple times a day will normalize this behavior and cause you to think like this.
This way of thinking IS NOT normal, or healthy. Kiwi Farms isn't normal or healthy.
I ask all of you to seriously consider quitting after seeing this type of behavior on this thread, or at the least take a break when you start to sense yourself thinking like this.
2d74c7 No.235979
Also, I don't mean this negatively at all, but I sincerely and strongly advise any Kiwi who has posted in this thread and has tried to explain the behavior of KF to seek mental help.
Mental illness is no joke, and nearly every explanation I've seen is displaying signs of disordered thought such as apathy caused by severe depression. I advise all of you to seek a mental health professional who can better help you, because you sure aren't getting it on Kiwi Farms.
I mean that in all seriousness, concern and mean no insult. Please seek professional help if you are from Kiwi Farms and have posted an explanation in this thread.
cf7112 No.235987
i'm backing this anon. good posts dude.
kiwispergs, please take this gentleman's advice. you may have aspergers, but you can control it to an extent and not be part of the hivemind. if you stop going to kiwi, it will die eventually. you will feel better and be a better person.
c701ae No.235991
c701ae No.235998
Brandobaris, is that you?
3098ed No.236007
Oh boy, we should talk about that guy some of these days.
2d74c7 No.236010
This thread has been absolutely great and probably one of the best threads on /cow/ thus far. Thank you for making my night.
c701ae No.236011
Forum drama isn't something Kiwi Farms invented you dipshit. You seriously think that explaining drama about a semi-popular forum is now a sign of mental illness? Jesus fucking Christ you are salty.
I also love how you claim to be better than the "kiwi freaks" yet you hang around on 8chan, another site full of salty autists who trollshield their way to oblivion.
2d74c7 No.236018
>> You seriously think that explaining drama about a semi-popular forum is now a sign of mental illness?
With the way you explained it.. Yes, I definitely do.
2d74c7 No.236030
i think most of you have already proven how we're overall better people, morally and ethically, just based on the posts of people who have come here from KF. we don't need to claim that we're better than you because it's more or less a given just by looking at this thread.
2d74c7 No.236032
Dude, you do realize that you managed to make an extremely salty post accusing one of the least salty posts ever posted on /cow/, respectfully and rightfully requesting people to seek professional help?
That is called projection, and it means that something in that post hit a nerve and rings true, but your consciousness isn't able to admit it, so feelings such as anger that you have in yourself get misdirected towards others. You need help.
3098ed No.236033
I don't know who is trolling who anymore.
b03f78 No.236034
Look at how you faggots are whining for Wildchild, someone who you never even heard of before today. For months that autist littered the board with their shit. They were banned from chat for posting autism stickers, they deleted a thread to protect their own ass, they stirred shit up acting like they were retarded when they were really a dramaqueen who wanted to take down as many people when they fell as they possibly could. Why in hell should anyone feel sorry for someone who comes in with baggage and throws crap all around and makes things shitty? Who cares about the fucking autist? You certainly shouldn't.
The reason you all care about Wildchild right now is because he got under the Kiwi's skin and he makes for a good talking point to motivate autists who don't value the concept of context that like to post here and think they are better than Kiwi Farms. Fuck you.
2d74c7 No.236035
Wow, just when I literally thought Kiwis couldn't get any lower. They manage to reach new levels of autism..
They get literally mad by the mere mention of Wildchild. We found their Kryptonite.
2d74c7 No.236036
Yet, users from your forum have come here in droves trying to rationalize how scamming a member because of how their actions on the internet upset your sensitive nature and caused over-stimulation, and even rationalizing and advocating murder because of someone's actions on an internet board. Also, you all have proven yourselves to be chronic liars and have been caught in plenty of lies just in this forum.
They actually haven't provided sensible or reasonable lies for why a user should be murdered and have their life ruined. When called out on their shit then they throw a hissyfit.
Nothing Wildchild has even been accused of has been severe enough to promote such an extreme and severe reaction.
Not to mention that all of you come here trying to explain and rationalize, but end up being obliterated in the process. You can't morally and ethically explain your behavior so your arguments devolve into hissyfits and toddler tantrums.
2d7ac6 No.236037
That's not how autism works
2d7ac6 No.236038
That's not how autism works
2d74c7 No.236042
Look kiwispergs, just go back to your hugbox where you can continue to convince yourself with grossly exaggerated versions of the truth, and turn everyone else around you into mini-autistic clones who are incapable of sharing independent thought and punishing those who don't agree with your world view. You aren't going to win here, in fact you're already losing pretty drastically.
b03f78 No.236043
And you haven't given an argument for why you should care. They were an annoyance and the annoyance came back and bit them on the ass. What happened was good in a way because they taught our spergs how to be less spergs. And it worked.
Wildchild taught people not to make yourself the center of attention or else you will be embarrassed and get fucked with.
Wildchild taught people not to be a ween because sometimes the cow can bite back and if it does then you become a cow too.
Wildchild taught us not to give money to a known con artist because YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN TO GIVE MONEY TO A KNOWN CON ARTIST.
Wildchild taught us not to flip out if we get doxed because Streisand effect.
Everything that happened is a cautionary tale and it is a good thing that it happened and better that it happened to such an insufferable sperg.
I don't know how much more simple to make it for you, but there you have it. Stop being autistic and see things how they are not how you want them to be.
For the record, we have been laughing at you autistic faggots on and off in chat literally all day because you are defending the most autistic person ever.
2d74c7 No.236044
And we have been rightfully laughing at your autism and chimpouts in here, and how you try desperately to justify your autism, getting noticeably and unbelievably angry when faced with criticism.
2d74c7 No.236045
Jesus fucking Christ. Take a deep breath and calm down.
2d74c7 No.236046
Sorry I mistagged >>236036
2d74c7 No.236047
Null is chimping out in a kiwi thread again?
c4a09a No.236048
Looks like it. He does that a lot.
2d74c7 No.236049
2d74c7 No.236050
So, how do you explain that a lot of users, from your forum, have come in here trying to justify how it would be acceptable trying to purposely ruin that users life? Let me get this straight? You honestly believe and sincerely agree that user should be murdered or driven to suicide based on posts they made on an internet forum?
2d74c7 No.236051
ca4440 No.236063
Fucking hell, this is the worst kiwi thread yet.
Can you fucking spastics at least try and be entertaining ?
Or failing that kill yourselves in a humorous and drastic fashion ?
5329f0 No.236064
>Talks about Wildchild and the Streisand Effect
>Doesn't realize that continuing to talk about Wildchild isn't going to kill the thread, but in fact is making it stronger due to the fact no one knew who the fuck Wildchild was 48 hours ago
What is the Streisand Effect, Alex?
5329f0 No.236065
ca4440 No.236066
Hey JEWS, if you wordfilter wildchild to I eat cock in the next hour I'll post the conversation between josh and glaive where he talks about losing his virginity at great length
81c584 No.236068
I think FFS and Surtur are pretty normal and seemingly well-adjusted people as far as their personal lives go. Dunno about anyone else.
ca8b80 No.236082
Sutur is a wiccian.
5329f0 No.236087
Chris is better at negotiating than you are.
104cfc No.236093
cf7112 No.236107
fucking kiwispergs in complete utter denial.
YOU are the fucking autist here fam. treating others like objects. you sick empathyless fuck.
cb5789 No.236109
Giving Null $20 bux was the worst decision in my life.
I honestly, truthfully thought I could find a community in KF, as I heard stories from users in the past meeting wives, gfs, longtime friends but online and offline through there and I enjoyed some of the posters from 2013-14.
But it's changed so much. Every group of KFers I tried to be apart of was about being le epic troll and trying to dox any new member or initiate them in likie it was a gang. The paranoia was ridiculous.
I honestly blame Dynastia and SC for causing this rampant group of cannibalism and just bad moderators and adminship. I miss Glaive.
cb5789 No.236110
Giving Null $20 bux was the worst decision in my life.
I honestly, truthfully thought I could find a community in KF, as I heard stories from users in the past meeting wives, gfs, longtime friends but online and offline through there and I enjoyed some of the posters from 2013-14.
But it's changed so much. Every group of KFers I tried to be apart of was about being le epic troll and trying to dox any new member or initiate them in likie it was a gang. The paranoia was ridiculous.
I honestly blame Dynastia and SC for causing this rampant group of cannibalism and just bad moderators and adminship. I miss Glaive.
9ff3d2 No.236112
Eh, you learned not to try and find friends in a nest of vipers or give Null money. There were some good posters, but they grew up and moved on or Null gave them the boot.
FWIW, I did the same thing. Since then, I got psychiatric help and got over my addiction issues. Life is far better now than it was when I was on there.
It gets better and not everyone who is on Kiwi is completely irredeemable. They're just stuck in a cult and being part of a cult causes people to do things they would never do otherwise.
2d74c7 No.236114
Wow.. What shitheads.
ca8b80 No.236116
There really is a near hivemind in the way that the 'farms operates.
2d74c7 No.236122
You literally manage to make yourself look even worse by trying to make yourself look better? What makes you think that the posts you make are a good idea? Did you even read them before posting?
cf7112 No.236127
>your autism, getting noticeably and unbelievably angry when faced with criticism.
more confirmation that most of the members at kiwi are actual asspies.
it's a known fact that asspies cannot and will not accept any form of criticism. at this very moment, b03f78 and the other kiwis in this thread are having autism meltdowns.
e4a09d No.236129
What is even happening in this fucking thread.
81c584 No.236130
>Every group of KFers I tried to be apart of
That's a big mistake, especially if you mean the off-site groups / chats.
The cattiness increases by tenfold when you separate people into groups where they can talk shit about the people in other groups.
Never consider Kiwis your friends unless they prove it by sticking up for you after it has become the unpopular thing to do so(and by that point you've already exiled yourself from the forum so it doesn't matter)
What happens when people get cozy and think the other guys are cool with you is they open up and then embarrassing things like people hitting on each other, other people getting jealous and starting to throw accusations starts materializing and the groups just tear themselves apart.
>just bad moderators and adminship
Do you think staff encourages this sort of behavior or just doesn't deal with this enough ?
2d74c7 No.236131
Kiwis come in and try to explain how advocating for murder for banned members and scamming them is morally okay, and completely acceptable, end up having a chimpout.
d22576 No.236139
Josh likes it when users don't get comfortable and settle in, so he often overrides mod decisions or tells them to leave things alone in private when actions are taken in opposition to userbase cannibalism.
c701ae No.236141
FYI the posts sperging about Wildchild saying that she was the worst member on the farms are probably Wildchild herself. No one except Wildchild herself cares about her.
c701ae No.236143
Literally no one on KF cares about Wildchild anymore. Saying that the staff of KF has a huge grudge against her is an outright lie.
9ff3d2 No.236144
If I haven't seen how long Kiwis talk about people who've been banned, I'd believe you.
Unfortunately, all you people live for is drama because you are mostly autistic NEETs with nothing going for them.
037270 No.236145
Yet, people from Kiwi are still coming in droves and complaining about her. While the average member may not have a grudge, there seems to be a subset of people on your board who do, or who are trying to carry out the drama.
c701ae No.236146
Yeah, some of the members there are a bit paranoid over banned users.
However, there's banned members like Peppy and Bertram who constantly use sock accounts and mindlessly shitpost even when it's completely off-topic.
That can be a bit of a problem TBH.
ad5954 No.236147
After reading completely autistic explanations like >>235939 >>236034 ,>>236043, I have to conclude that Kiwis still have a sore spot when it comes to Wildchild.
ad5954 No.236148
After reading completely autistic explanations like >>235939 >>236034 ,>>236043, I have to conclude that Kiwis still have a sore spot when it comes to Wildchild.
ad5954 No.236150
>>Acts autistic over a banned member.
>>Proceeds by blaming that member.
>>235836 definitely rings true here. You made yourself look autistic, so you blamed it on the person you got autistic about.
817b65 No.236156
People can't trust anything Kiwifags say over a banned member. They try to normalize their behavior by giving any excuse they can think of as well as exaggerating, or even straight up lying. I'm guessing that more than a few Kiwifags feel strongly enough about that member to the point of getting another member another to scam them and then laughing about it.
817b65 No.236157
People can't trust anything Kiwifags say over a banned member. They try to normalize their behavior by giving any excuse they can think of as well as exaggerating, or even straight up lying. I'm guessing that more than a few Kiwifags feel strongly enough about that member to the point of getting another member another to scam them and then laughing about it.
e76b6e No.236163
I found it interesting that there are some on kiwifarms that are seemingly untouchable to the mods despite what they do or say. One rule for some, and another rule for others.
The fact there appears to be a small group of people that cheer on internet sociopaths is surprising, I had no idea CatParty had such a history. Or a following I thought he was just a dick.
I think there is a group that basically wants to transform kiwifarms into SA 2.0 / Helldump 2.0. They appear to be the most vocal, the most active. They sit around on KF and actually have discussions every day in chat and post messages on each others profile pages regularly, and even decide to make threads about themselves. Many of them pay money to the site for the "perks" and some of them also have a paid account on SA. Their special little "in group". They belong.
Many appear to have no shred of remorse or empathy for others, often suggesting without outright admitting trolling their targets on their own for the lulz, and you often find them attempting to trollshield people within their own perceived group. Especially if they view the opponent as an "outsider". It reminds me of the de-humanization tactics that often are thrown around in SJW bullying. And they often parrot articles or statistics verbatim without applying critical thought or comparing conflicting sources.
I do wonder sometimes what Nulls actual view on the mini-SA. I wonder if he cares? I wonder if he is just naive? Maybe the money coming in is all that really matters.
cf7112 No.236168
just a friendly reminder that >>236146
>>236143 is >>236011
change your IP address next time if you're going to trollshield the spergfarms, faggot.
judging from what's been going on in this thread including you, wildchild sure is still triggering you kiwispergs.
3098ed No.236171
>Kiwis still sperging over Wildchild.
The cherry on top is that we don't have to do anything for them to keep bringing it up.
3098ed No.236172
Judging by kiwis reaction, I dare to say there is more to Wildchild's story than we currently know.
4d4545 No.236177
Fuck you for even assuming that Wildchild Triggered us. We are not Fucking Triggered. Wildchild was an unfunny annoying sperg and our reaction is in response to that.
Fuck all of you who assume otherwise.
Seriously, Fuck you.
4d4545 No.236178
Fuck you for even assuming that Wildchild Triggered us. We are not Fucking Triggered. Wildchild was an unfunny annoying sperg and our reaction is in response to that.
Fuck all of you who assume otherwise.
Seriously, Fuck you.
9ff3d2 No.236179
Good fucking God, the CuK was less transparent about how anally aggravated they were. Keep coming here and keep making asses of yourselves. It's the best entertainment we've had since Nate Spergwood.
08b647 No.236182
I don't know what to say, we had ask all f you nicely to stop defending Wildchild, we had provided reasons. Wildchild is not someone you want to be defending, but all of you are too fucking autistic to realize.
You're the autistic ones if you even slightly defend Wildchild, and as long as you continue to defend them, we'll continue to laugh at all of you on Kiwi Farms.
You say that we're all triggered, but you must be super fucking triggered to resort to defending the BIGGEST FUCKING AUTISTIC SPERG in order to get back at us and to show us.
e4a09d No.236183
Jesus, stop chimping about Wildchild already. You've ruined the thread.
cf7112 No.236186
the salt is showing..
the salt is showing on all you kiwispergs.
leave now before you embarrass yourselves any further. btw, thanks for the laugh.
none of us are defending wildchild, you fucking asspie. we're pointing out that what you kiwispergs did to "deal" with them was unacceptable and unhuman, and that you are being triggered to shit by wildchild, and that's undeniable. you're salting up like crazy.
e76b6e No.236190
>Wildchild was an unfunny annoying sperg and our reaction is in response to that.
It's like you guys don't even realize you are doing the exact same thing right now by going all over the net like some sort of kiwifarms castle defender.
The salt.
5bd1a7 No.236202
You all know nothing about the situation and are defending the wrong person. you all should all join us with laughing at them.
Wildchild got more than a few chances, and we would treat any other user the same as we treated it. They are responsible for the criticism they received from the forums by their own choices.
If you ween a lolcow for three fucking years and get doxed then we'll laugh at you. They deserve no sympathy for what they have done.
You're honestly criticizing the way we treat banned members, when they were the ones whos action got themselves banned. Holy fuck you all are retarded.
5bd1a7 No.236203
You all know nothing about the situation and are defending the wrong person. you all should all join us with laughing at them.
Wildchild got more than a few chances, and we would treat any other user the same as we treated it. They are responsible for the criticism they received from the forums by their own choices.
If you ween a lolcow for three fucking years and get doxed then we'll laugh at you. They deserve no sympathy for what they have done.
You're honestly criticizing the way we treat banned members, when they were the ones whos action got themselves banned. Holy fuck you all are retarded.
e76b6e No.236220
>and we would treat any other user the same as we treated it.
5329f0 No.236229
Blame the victim much? Tranny? Sure. Stupid? Definitely. Deserved to be ripped off and ostracized? Jesus fucking Christ, what the hell is wrong with you people?
3098ed No.236236
You are 200% TRIGGERED, mon ami.
e077c1 No.236240
You doublepost like a fag and your shit's all retarded.
3098ed No.236241
What's with all the double posting?
e077c1 No.236242
Cuckmonkey probably broke the site again. Maybe a check on >>>/sudo/ will bring some light, or just some brit/pol/ weeb spamming the board to cry about the filenames.
e077c1 No.236246
Cuckmonkey is fucking retarded. Now your post will automatically be posted when you get prompted for the unnecessary captcha that should be removed, but it will also post the attempt that got stopped by the captcha!
d8aee3 No.236252
I can't believe how sensitive you guys here are considering that you do the same exact shit we do, I think that you're all just looking for a reason to white knight. I'll tell you something because you can't get it through your heads.
You have sympathy for the wrong person. People who get banned from Kiwi Farms are extreme autists, they can't function anywhere. Wildchild is no exception.
You have literally have no leverage trying to defend for someone is is a shit flinging Autist who brings nothing but shit to the board. You all must be half as retarded ad they are thinking it's reasonable.
d8aee3 No.236253
I can't believe how sensitive you guys here are considering that you do the same exact shit we do, I think that you're all just looking for a reason to white knight. I'll tell you something because you can't get it through your heads.
You have sympathy for the wrong person. People who get banned from Kiwi Farms are extreme autists, they can't function anywhere. Wildchild is no exception.
You have literally have no leverage trying to defend for someone is is a shit flinging Autist who brings nothing but shit to the board. You all must be half as retarded ad they are thinking it's reasonable.
5329f0 No.236256
Okay, if I have sympathy for the wrong person, who should I have sympathy for then? Here's the thing. Remember that guy who scammed Chris of $30? Remember how he was (rightly) scolded for that bullshit? You're celebrating someone getting bilked for 17-24 times that amount depending on if the numbers are right.
5329f0 No.236257
*Depending on which numbers are right.
d8aee3 No.236264
Two completely different incidences. One was a lolcow and one was just an Autist who nobody liked.
Why should Null be responsible for trying to manage something that a user does to another banned user. Typhoid Mary got money out of it but was banned too, but he was the one who received money.
People cared about Chris enough to complain, nobody cared about Wildchild, so therefore people were resonably more offended by one situation and cared less about the other. How can you retarded cucks not see that?
5329f0 No.236265
>How can you retarded cucks not see that?
Because we're not hypocritical backstabbing autists like you.
ca8b80 No.236266
The people both attacking and defending Wildchild are wonderful. You people keep it up.
e76b6e No.236267
fight fight fight
e76b6e No.236268
fight fight fight
f40389 No.236270
This site proves that the autists on KF truely aren't capable of empathy. Fuck them. Fuck them with a knife.
9c2444 No.236273
#JusticeForWildchild #FreeMyNigga
e077c1 No.236278
>how many people like a person determines if it's ok or alog to scam someone out of money
4d88e8 No.236289
Kiwis get mighty defensive in this thread when it comes to Wildchild, not to mention that they get more triggered than a circumcision debate thread when that user is mentioned.
It makes you wonder what happened.
2f45c5 No.236293
Nice victim blaming, must I remind you that you're the ones who thought it would be funny to scam someone out of money for your own amusements and then try desperately to make any excuse you could come up with to cover your tracks? Your community is awful and full of shitty people.
The fact that you are even trying to justify scamming someone, and the way you're doing it is actually sickening.
The fact that members of your community scammed another member, most likely with encouragement, and then laughed about the situation. How do you even try to justify that?
I've seen criticism towards Wildchild, a lot of criticism from your community, but none of Typhoid Mary. In fact, some comments have even supported their behavior. What the flying fuck is wrong with your community?
ca8b80 No.236295
Once someone is seen as unfavorable by the community, they will do everything in their power to attack them.
See also: Glaive.
e76b6e No.236297
Whats considered unfavourable?
877b4b No.236298
What do you mean? Someone who Null doesn't like or views as a threat, or someone who is unpopular among the group of 4 or 5 people who hang out in chat and bitching about other members.
WC was actually pretty well liked, but with her banned then she became an absolute leper after the people who disliked Wildchild threatened those who liked Wildchild with being banned, and turning everyone against them with aspects such as Null prohibiting people from using their correct pronouns immediately after they were banned. Staff who referred to them as "she" immediately began referring to them as "he".
I figure and would bet that turning the forum against that specific member is what lead to them being scammed and the forum allowing and laughing about it.
e76b6e No.236299
But wait how is someone a "threat" to null and his cronies? It's just a stupid site archiving idiocy.
ca8b80 No.236301
Null is very petty
877b4b No.236302
I have no idea. Who knows what goes on through Null's head. You'll need to ask someone who was involved with the scamming or has access to the supporter's board which I don't because I never paid the $20. Null is a very paranoid person, and I have no clue what went on during that time.I just know what the culture is like.
877b4b No.236303
My guess is that it undermined his perception of having power, causing him to sperg out and scam this member to teach them a lesson.
59605e No.236306
It's not complicated.
josh is basically still the fat unpopular kid he was at school, desperate to be one of the cool kids.
Imagine that same fat kid being given even a tiny bit of power, albeit over a forum full of retards and you have present day josh.
That's without even going into the fact that he has failed miserably at everything he has tried in his life
3098fe No.236307
Ask them why they get so defensive and angry whenever the name Wildchild is brought up. The only way they could have such an extreme reaction is if they're hiding something and keeping the involvement of the scamming contained.
e76b6e No.236308
for a bunch of supposed super trolls they sure are a bunch of touchy weenies
3098fe No.236309
You aren't just dealing with a message board. You're dealing with a board ran by narcissist with the mind and emotional maturity of an awkward teenaged boy. Along that you have people trying to and do anything they can to asskiss and members who are easily manipulated by the culture due to low-self esteem.
The fact that they've explained themselves the way they have in this board, proves that the people there aren't normal.
0dabd7 No.236310
Not to mention the fact that they've gotten back at banned members by scamming them and rationalize that it's okay because they're banned is disgusting by itself.
d09554 No.236312
Getting away from this attitude was a terrible idea. This post is from 2014 and the last sentence in particular is prophetic as shit.
ebadd5 No.236314
Totally agree. There's not much help for the Farms when the culture encourages members to ween and scam members, especially banned ones as well as cows.
I fucking hate scammers. The fact that the Kiwi Farms members most likely encouraged members to scam banned members, and then laughed about it in order for Kiwi Farm cred makes me actually angry. The fact that they diminished all responsibility onto the person who got scammed is shittier.
If stuff like that is happening on the farms, I can't wait til the day when they begin to implode. Null ruined KF, and made it into a shitty toxic place that I can barely comprehend.
ebadd5 No.236315
Their behavior on here is just absolutely vile and repulsive too. I'm glad I never made an account and I never will.
ac55a8 No.236318
You know, I have to wonder what low Kiwi is going to stoop to next? Are they going to start contacting the family/employer(yeah, unlikely as hell a Kiwi has a job, but just roll with it) when a member gets banned and harass that person there?
On a normal site, when a person is banned they don't bring it up or if they do it's a week at the absolute most. The fact that you all want to perpetuate drama for months or even years afterwards tells me the Kiwis either need to get laid or at the very least, go outside.
cfd204 No.236320
if they found out the information then I wouldn't put it past them.
also, considering that members are constantly trying to dox other members to use as leverage against them if they find something.
they've contacted the employer of lolcows, and have gotten cows fired.
Kiwi members would contact an employer of another member in a heart beat if they either think it will be funny, or they can use it to blackmail or extort another member.
cfd204 No.236321
if they found out the information then I wouldn't put it past them.
also, considering that members are constantly trying to dox other members to use as leverage against them if they find something.
they've contacted the employer of lolcows, and have gotten cows fired.
Kiwi members would contact an employer of another member in a heart beat if they either think it will be funny, or they can use it to blackmail or extort another member.
e76b6e No.236323
>epic ween troll
Wow thats so accurate
919f50 No.236324
Members there are treated the same as lolcows, the only exception is that you apperently can and are actively encouraged to scam other members.
I suppose if someone scammed someone like catparty then Kiwi Farms members would be in an uproar, which just shows the double standard.
3441a9 No.236329
if you fucking snitch to Vordrak or i even think you're going to then it means war. we'll laugh at you publicly and spam your shitty little imageboard off the face of the earth so it won't even be recognizable. Null or kiwi farms shit his pants and did nothing wrong and you are all autistic. I swear, I'll gather every fucking kiwi member to defend against baseless slander.
You have no proof about what occured and the only reason you find a member being scammed offensive is because you're so autistic that you're literally looking for any reason you can to be offended.
all of you are worse than SJWs.
e077c1 No.236334
ooooo, what a scary threat, better not tell someone that you're being a faggot, you might backtrace the IPs through a GUI you wrote in visual basic, the consequences will never be the same!
1afd01 No.236335
Sweet lord, please let this be a real post. PLEASE be a real post.
8e13f7 No.236337
you'll find out once the time comes. the other kwis won't stand for it. I've been a kiwi member for a few weeks and you guys seem pretty dumb, we already laugh at you.
8e13f7 No.236338
you'll find out once the time comes. the other kwis won't stand for it. I've been a kiwi member for a few weeks and you guys seem pretty dumb, we already laugh at you.
3098ed No.236343
You need to post the Seal pasta, little buddy.
8dd4b2 No.236348
Take a look at Asterisk's new avatar:
Is this Asterisk's attempt at self-deprecating humor or did Null alter his avatar because Asterisk was making fun of Trump one too many times?
1b0c09 No.236351
Judging by a member saying they helped make his avatar and Null's history of passive-aggressive bullshit, I'd say the latter.
8abd69 No.236367
Wildchild was the best thing ever. He was fucking great at triggering spergs and apparently still is half a year later. I miss him :(
8dd4b2 No.236370
03b233 No.236372
It was funny when Jan edited Rueben Baron's (the guy that got absolutely clowned by Jace for 40 minutes) words and avatar because he was a total moralfag/ween but just doing that to someone because they disagree with you is petty as shit.
3098ed No.236373
Null's petty tyrant fantasies are really unsettling. It doesn't help he has a court of sycophants telling him how wonderful he is. Is this continues, the Farms will soon ruled as arbitrarily as Neogaf.
That would be really ironic.
517f73 No.236410
In a very very slight bit of fairness towards Null and his mods, that situation is common across the Internet (including Neogaf as you've mentioned). The best thing to keep in mind is that right now is their peak And considering Vordrak's autistic crusade, even that has probably passed and that it's all downhill from here unless they realize just how pointless it all is. I mean, Josh put running Kiwi on his resume while trashing his previous employer ffs. His life is over and only him and his inner circle don't know it.
e76b6e No.236421
> Null or kiwi farms shit his pants and shit his pants and did nothing wrong
we dindu nuthin!
d22576 No.236423
It's extremely petty, but Asterisk doesn't help himself by being a total hand-flapping chimp with a lame sense of humor. That combination does poorly on the internet.
c701ae No.236442
Some users on KF like Jewelsmakerguy and Lucky Wildcard only seem to post on threads that are centered on lower-functioning autists instead of actually funny lolcows like Vordrak and Atlantid.
Those two users are prime examples of trollshielding towards actual retards to make themselves seem less autistic by comparison.
24745a No.236455
Incredible post. I'm emailing Vordrak as I write this.
12c82d No.236506
Those are some pretty tame users to call out.
Also, Vordrak and Atlantid aren't funny. No one cared about their threads until they showed up.
12c82d No.236507
Those are some pretty tame users to call out.
Also, Vordrak and Atlantid aren't funny. No one cared about their threads until they showed up.
89d631 No.236512
>I honestly, truthfully thought I could find a community in KF, as I heard stories from users in the past meeting wives, gfs, longtime friends but online and offline through there
You deserved losing 20 dollars for being this retarded.
ca419c No.236597
Hi it's Dynastia here please pm me on Kiwi Farms so I know who you are and can add you to the Kiwi Farms War Room secret forums.
You seem like a pretty cool guy too, pm me who you are on Kiwi Farms and I'll let you into the secret forums as well.
59605e No.236609
If you're Dynastia then what fursuit was I wearing last time we fucked ?
81c584 No.236620
>Some users on KF like Jewelsmakerguy and Lucky Wildcard only seem to post on threads that are centered on lower-functioning autists instead of actually funny lolcows like Vordrak and Atlantid.
So what you're saying is that you're so much better than those guys for stalking higher-quality retards than they do?
>Those two users are prime examples of trollshielding towards actual retards to make themselves seem less autistic by comparison.
My irony meter broke. I can only assume that you're joking (and it was a good joke).
0329c2 No.236623
7ad1d1 No.236701
Hi! I'm Wildchild!
I have to be honest with you all. It feels kind of good knowing that my name still solicits so much emotion out of current members. There were people on the site that liked me and there were people on the site who disliked me. In retrospect, I can see why I was disliked, my approach was to never get angry at cows or other users who tried trolling me. I had a pretty shitty ending, mainly because of my own doing, but there are actually a lot of great people on the site. Since leaving, I feel a lot happier. I am still in contact with a lot of people, I have moved out of my house and am living alone, and I have made a lot of new friends IRL. I was in a bad place and by being banned I am now in a better one.
To those who are seriously posting hatred towards me in this thread my only suggestion is that you let it go. I never hurt anyone, I was always friendly with fellow users, and the only people who think you aren't embarrassing and just laughable are the same people who unabashedly kiss Null's ass. I don't even have anything against Null himself. He just wants to run his forum and grow it. He banned me, but my life is better since. /cow/, KF isn't a bad place, there are just some people there who misunderstand themselves as being significantly better than the people featured, when most people who are discussed now are basically just people they disagree with and discussing Brianna Wu or Dobson like they are Chris or Phil is rather dumb.
Thanks for the laughs guys.
0dabd7 No.236704
Go fuck yourself you tranny faggot. You ruined KF, were unfunny and should just kill yourself.
cf7112 No.236707
>You ruined KF
no. kiwifarms ruined themselves.
not even real.
i pity the fuckheads like >>236704
who fall for the bait. this wildchild pasta was used in the kiwi farms general #2 6 months ago.
96797a No.236728
Wow. Worst thread ever.
Fuckin sage.
96797a No.236729
Wow. Worst thread ever.
Fuckin sage.
96797a No.236730
Wow. Worst thread ever.
Fuckin sage.
96797a No.236731
Wow. Worst thread ever.
Fuckin sage.
55c5b1 No.236734
475f88 No.236735
All drama focused communities are like this. People who want to gossip are feminine in nature so you're going to get feminine communities. Fake smile, dog pile the right people or get dog piled yourself.
96797a No.236791
Yeah 8ch fucked my shit up.
(Polite sage)
3abd26 No.236903
Looks like Flowers For Sonichu got demoted from being an admin for pissing off Null.
6f7727 No.236907
How did he piss Null off? Being more popular than him?
bbb634 No.236909
Hey look, it's that vore commission Null got for that creepy chick.
What a loser
d9a371 No.236923
This. The prime directive exists for a reason. What makes cows fascinating is they generally act like morons without a ton of autists trying to put obstacles in the way. Chris Chandler is ridiculous because of how absurd his whole life has been, not just because he got tricked a couple times. That being said, if you interact with a cow by playing the cow's game well, some interesting things can happen.
The art of trolling is to coax an absurd character trait to light. No one would treat a liquid version of themselves seriously, but Chris did. That's why Liquid Chris is genius. Nate Spergwood's game is to show up on a forum and lose his mind, which he did here. Interacting well with cows is a matter of taste.
On the other hand, scamming and physical aggravation would even annoy normies (so there is nothing to be learned by doing it) and on top of that the cow might just disappear. This is not enlightening and it is often a lose lose. The kiwifarms weening is tasteless and threatens to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
da90d6 No.236971
From what I can tell, this. Classic lolcow behavior, neverer learning from past mistakes. Now the only neurotypical mod left is Compyrex
1b011e No.236972
Is it true Null deadmined Flowers for Sonichu for unfeaturing ADF threads and making fun of Trump?
da90d6 No.236973
When I asked him about it on Skype a couple days ago, he wasn't even aware that he was demoted and was really confused because Null hadn't even warned him about it.
8cac0d No.236975
Dynastia is really quite annoying these days. Always trying to start shit.
8cac0d No.236976
Null is finally going mad with power.
Something Awful is brewing in the Kiwi Farms, and it will blow up sooner.
5329f0 No.236984
As much as I'd love to see Kiwi blow up, I don't think that's going to happen for at least 2 years. Could the community shrink drastically before then? I'm sure it could and from what I've seen it's starting to happen.
Not because of Null, but because the times are changing and lolcows don't have nearly the same draw they used to. And the people who are currently interested in lolcows are getting older and most are going to lose interest in all the drama that surrounds Kiwi.
It'll be like what Encyclopedia Dramatica is now. A site that's kept chugging along by a few diehards who use it to enact petty revenge and raise personal armies.
8cac0d No.236985
I think I overdid the dramatism. The Farms may end with a whimper, as you say. But there's the possibility Null prefers his site to go with one big spergtastic bang. He has demonstrated he posses a knack for the operatic. If Null sees his site, his empire going down, he may will go the Sardanapalus way..
2d74c7 No.236989
If or when Trump loses, then there's probably going to be another bloodletting, because Null will be hearing about how Trump lost for about a year, just based on his reactions towards Trump.
5329f0 No.236991
Hillary's got the electoral math, fortunately. Josh is going to chimp out about why the electoral college is bad just like the Democrats did in 2000.
Either way, I think he's setting up Flowers to be banned. It's right out of the same playbook he used to ban Glaive. Flowers may take drama too seriously, but even he doesn't deserve the Glaive treatment.
df1e36 No.236992
>Null is finally going mad with power
You haven't been there long have you ?
8cac0d No.236994
I know he was always a control freak, but these days he seems unhinged. Some time ago, at least he tried to appear detached from the subjects the Farms touched, now he seems immersed in the drama, becoming involved and spilling the spaghetti in front of all the users.
df1e36 No.236996
3 years ago he used to have a regular cry in chat about how he has no friends and why don't girls like him, real wizard tier shit.
I'll admit, he did seem to have it together for a while, he stopped that shit a bit but with someone as fucked up as him it's just a matter of time before he loses it again
ebadd5 No.237016
With the nature and notoriety of Kiwi Farms, it will always have new members. (Most of the people who browse Kiwi Farms don't participate but are lurkers).
However, what will happen with all the drama and has is that current and respected members will begin to leave one by one, due to being sick of drama, and the community gets chipped away little by little.
e08b1a No.237031
>Flowers may take drama too seriously, but even he doesn't deserve the Glaive treatment.
I hope he'll be back on moderation staff in a not-too-distant future. The problem is that he might feel too insulted to talk it over calmly with Null which might complicate things.
67ed87 No.237035
It's hard to talk about things calmly with Null and he's generally not receptive to being calm.
He'll be like "Fuck you you subhuman piece of shit, stop treating me like a child, you're lucky I didn't ban you straight up when you did (extremely exaggerated and misconstrued version of whatever FFS did) REEEEEEEEEE!!!"
The only way he has changed his mind on things is when other members have called him out and verbally protested, and even then he'll still be gunning for FFS and whoever protested.
b61f03 No.237038
Josh is still chimping in the election thread, he also did some powerleveling:
>I grew up in the most Republican and the most religious county in the entire state of Florida and it seriously harmed my ability to socialize.
Though to be fair we already knew Josh can't socialize well.
dd2563 No.237040
>Bitches about being surrounded by Republicans
>Would let Trump grab him by the boipussy and fuck him in the ass if he could.
af4000 No.237047
Null is never going to address anyone calmly because he has an army of sycophants to tell him how great he is. He's pretty much like any other involved head of a site, but he gets special notice due to the subject matter his site covers.
If Null were to run, say, a car repair website and behaved the way he does, we'd say he's just another power-hungry autist. What makes Null funny is that if anyone ought to know how not to react to people trying to fuck with you online, it ought to be the person who runs a site dedicated to mocking people who can't handle trolling.
Also, gotta love how his avatar is now Caesar from New Vegas because he behaves just like that character but without any of the intelligence or leadership skills.
4e0908 No.237063
It's incredible how salty Null and his buttbuddy Dynastia get when someone doesn't agree with them. Worse, they try to hide it through a "too cool for school attitude", but the results are the same, thread locked and a passive aggressive "I don't care this much about your stupid opinion you double meanie!" from Null the Ist.
Funny, they are the ones talking endlessly about how everyone else is a thin skinned wimp.
ca8b80 No.237079
That's nice, Dyn.
Anyone know the details about Flowers getting de-modded?
eed69e No.237085
Seriously, you people need to calm down about Null. He's an edgelord idiot with no education and a lack of understanding about the world and how it works. He isn't the second coming of Hitler for letting people post embarrassing things about people or putting people in a false light by telling half-truths on his small-ass message board. Any wrong-doing is done by users, he isn't their parent.
Dynastia is funny to a point and actually an interesting person to talk to. His problem is that he has grown accustomed to speaking more than listening, which means he is at a point where he is less troll and more friend to the community. He is literally harmless and only acts out at users as a cautionary tale about protecting your dox, not getting a big head and maintaining the homeostasis. The problem of him being more comfortable with the community has sort of affected the final part a bit, as alt-right retards showing all of the most pervasive and negative parts of Null's personality are now abound the board.
Anyhow, Null and Dynastia aren't as bad as you people say or as good as Kiwi Farms says. Both sides should chill the fuck out.
He was featuring TrippinKahlua threads and not admining the board, leaving for days/weeks at a time. No real drama. He lasted exactly a year though, to the day.
eed69e No.237088
Cuck Norris has pretty much taken over for Dynastia. He keeps users in line and makes sure that chat and threads don't become a hug box. Cuck should be a moderator.
eed69e No.237089
Sorry for doubleposting
3b466b No.237095
You are aware that Cuck Norris is a pretty big sperg himself who's whole gimmick is getting overly angry in chat and hanging onto every word of Null, Catparty, etc without question, correct? He's like the awkward little brother who hangs on to every word of his older brother and begins to copy his manerisms in a cringy way in order to fit into the group and be thought of as cool by his brother's older friends.
I mean, not as big as a sperg as a lot of the other users on KF,
3b466b No.237096
I just remember Cuck Norris being made fun of a lot by other people on KF for getting a little too angry and emotional in chat, that was kind of his gimmick on the forums.
I wouldn't think he's someone who would make a good moderator considering even people like Dynastia said he was kind of a sperg who needs to calm down when he wasn't online.
ca8b80 No.237097
Doesn't flowers live in China?
af4000 No.237118
He does. If anything, him getting shitcanned would be a mercy kill at this point. If Null really wanted to punish a mod, he'd de-mod them and keep them around so that the other autists can take out their anger on them.
But, Null doesn't exactly have a ton of foresight if he honestly treats /cow/ like Kiwi's Australia (no pun intended.)
96797a No.237132
Since he's more subject to public ridicule these days he keeps his cry sessions to private skype calls and so his chimpouts are more angry/whiney than sad in tone. Temper tantrums while holding back the tears, in other words.
He claims that if Trump loses he'll leave the country, that "I've dissapeared into Asia before, and I can do it again" like he's the Col. Kurtz of autism or some shit.
96797a No.237133
Basically he revealed that his political views are based on mommy issues and being bullied as a child.
34b87b No.237137
This is pretty stupid. It isn't like he's gonna get 5-10 years experience in the 3rd world and go back to the US and be a desired commodity. He will just become another Asian codemonkey and trying to get into the US. He's basically making it even harder on himself. He should just go to trade school to become a plumber or some shit. Not even kidding, plumbers make good money. It is hard to do well as a coder without strong skill and a whole list of intangibles Null couldn't fake in an interview.
Also, his "resume" sucks and no one is going to piece through a while webpage with logos and shit all over it unless they were hiring for an upper level position. He needs a traditional resume with one page, a lot of white space and a link to projects he has completed.
34b87b No.237138
Hey Pepsi-Cola, just because Cuck cucked you, doesn't mean you need to be a literal autist and come to /cow/ to complain. Dynastia has never complained about Cuck.
af4000 No.237139
But being a plumber is HARD WORK!! And hard work is for filthy plebs and not intellectually superior and accomplished people like Joshua Moon.
4e0908 No.237142
Can someone explain Null that whoever puppet wins, the current status quo won't change a bit.
af4000 No.237171
He's as drunk on Trump-Aid as Chris is drunk on Clinton-Aid. It's no use man. He's already lost touch with reality as he thinks nothing bad could possibly happen by featuring threads that have the subject's dox in the first post. You'd think a guy who is already in a shitload of legal trouble would fold, but Josh thinks Kiwi is the Alamo.
965494 No.237182
Of course he he has, but with Dynastia, it wasn't really a complaint, but more of a quick "Lol, yeah I agree, he's definitely a sperg."
995c2a No.237185
Vordy dropped an article about Josh losing Google Ads a week or so ago.
Josh and Dyn immediately sperged about how this was proof of their victory over Vordrak on Kiwi Farms. Vordy estimated that the lost income was about $5K but Josh claims it was lower.
Josh noticeably kept quiet about this for a couple of weeks until Vordy's article. Dood's shit is getting rekt.
4e0908 No.237187
Vordrak vs. Null, truly a battle of spergLORDS.
df1e36 No.237188
Battle ?
vordrak has taken away all josh's income from the site and made them move domains
What exactly has josh achieved against vordrak ?
965494 No.237190
Dude, Philosophy Zombie, a 16 year old Asian girl, has made fun of Cuck Norris numerous times. X_x
995c2a No.237191
>> 237188
In fact things are so one sided, Vordrak has actively had to tone things down and ask his army of victims to avoid crimes against Null. He even deleted dox other people posted.
Kiwi Farms is getting rekt in legal and proper ways so probably not worth committing any crimes to get at them.
de3e8a No.237210
Cuck Norris ass-kisses a lot, and wouldn't be a good moderator because you need some balance between playing Politics and going along with Null, and disobeying him when he does something utterly embarassing or nonsensical.
Cuck Norris wouldn't be able to say no to Null and would go along with his other word, also because he hangs on to the every word of people like Smutley, and Catparty, he wouldn't be able to resist believing and following everyone single one of their suggestions and there would be an imbalance of power.
He would basically be a moderator servents to a small group of members consisting of the regulars in chat (Catparty, Smutley, etc) and ban or do whatever they wanted him to do.
Cuck Norris wouldn't be a popular mid amongst the users and he would break fast.
34b87b No.237216
You're literally autistic aren't you?
Cuck tells Null to his face when he acts like a sped. What don't you get about that? He is just respectful to Null because KF is Null's board. If you faggots don't like it, just don't read it.
Smutley and Catparty are funny. Dynastia is funny. Most other people in chat aren't. Only like 5 people on that board aren't autistic, don't blame him for that.
What's your point?
24745a No.237225
96797a No.237246
I think first step toward getting serious about his life is to stop with the half-baked ideas and go to adult education classes and then get a GED. Because along the lines of your post, he's not talented enough to do well or even get by with what he has, hence his continued NEETdom.
d8aee3 No.237248
Yeah, and Cuck Norris is autistic enough to go to /cow/ knowing perfectly well that Null is on here socking more than his own board, and try to campaign for why he should be a moderator.
965494 No.237262
Well, now that Null knows that you post on /cow/, he's probably not going to make you a mod..
bdc8d1 No.237283
Lol I don't even want to be staff you retards.
8d7bba No.237344
Holy shit, Cuck Norris pulled himself away from chat for more than 2 minutes. Catparty, Null, Dynastia and all the girls/trannies must have logged off.
c701ae No.237349
AnOminous just resigned as staff because he was tired of Null's bullshit.
d22576 No.237354
Smutley has already been modded to replace him. Was there a post by AnOminous, or was it handled via PM?
4e0908 No.237356
Really? Any link? AnOminous was the least person I expected to be tired of Null's shenanigans.
c701ae No.237357
6e9c92 No.237359
Damn, a staff member retiring each month. Shit should be interesting in how the community changes.
89caa8 No.237360
LMAO, what is funny about this is that half the mods and all of the managers except Dunsparce hate null. Like Compy doesn't respect him at all. Surtur has called him every name in the book. FFS was actually fair in how he would talk about Null. Now Null is stocking up on asskissers. He might as well make Cuck, Cat and Dyn as well and drive away everyone else. People think that if Dyn was a manager he would dox people via email, but Dyn doesn't even need manager power to do that. He just has to ask a manager or Null or Null just gave him the power to anyways. Dyn apparently can read Talk To Staff as he has posted on people's profile what they had asked in Talk To Staff in the past.
What a shitshow.
be9c40 No.237361
And he was one of the relatively sane mods too. And now someone who stalks ADF obsessively replaced him. Kiwi has always been a toxic autistic mess, but it's just gotten dramatically worse since Infinity Next failed. Compound that with the increasing inability for Null to keep the finances afloat and Enig's prediction that shit will start falling apart in winter of 2016-17 even more weight.
5329f0 No.237382
18533a No.237402
Woah, wait really?
What creepy girl? I'm new to the thread apologies in advance
fdd4dd No.237428
Also Null literally said, "
I do what it takes to keep the ship floating. It's worked so far." when called out over deadmining FFS without notifying him first.
Really makes you think :^)
d2cdfd No.237434
Let's not forget that Mr. Enter has admitted in some IRC chat that he paid Nool $600 to fund his Infinity Never just to get him to take down his subforum too.
ab3d93 No.237452
Read the post right after that…Null then threadbans him in retaliation.
b57674 No.237460
It'll go full circle and end up with Hyperion and CatParty reinstated again. Brooklynbailiff will come back from retirement and Fatman announces he's active again on youtube.
fe6ff9 No.237461
Now what will Null do without his pretend lawyer?
Stocking, a Blockland user. You can read all about it on Null's ED page.
c5f1a9 No.237490
in all honesty the site is OK, clunky at times. they are great for long term tracking cows that /cow/ or ED stopped paying attention too.
Null is a jackass, but I don't have to deal with him and don't have to trust him to read his site.
Now for reasons not to like Kiwifarms:
1) They are trying too hard to be EDF2, without the tight knit jovial nature of ED.
2) Mods are dramatic as fuck.
3) Mods are butthurt faggots who cry the moment they get their pussies hurt.
4) Null loves sycophants to the point of his detriment.
5) They thread ban past the point of quality control
6) Troll sheilding people they like.
7) Null can't integrate his unique product with likeminded sites like ED or 8chan or 4chan because he can't learn to play nice with anyone else.
8) The interface is clunky as fuck and shit on mobile.
9) The Ebegging and pet projects Null pushes all the time is annoying as fuck. It's no wonder all his other sites fail within a couple months. His email site doesn't fucking work.
I enjoy kiwi farms, but I'm also kinda ashamed to admit it and would never admit it publicly. It's not as RAW as 8chan, not as popular as 4chan, not as tight knit and dedicated to quality as ED. It's good for keeping track of favorite lolcows that got too old and stale for everyone else.
c5f1a9 No.237494
Actually here is a better analogy.
ED is that awesome house party that happens every month. They may not have a party EVERY DAY, but when they do you look forward to it and know all riff raff will be kicked and a cold beer, what ever drugs you want, good people and fun times are waiting for you. Everytime they do something you WANT to be there.
8chan is that stoner house everyone is in and out of. Might be a good day there, might not be, but you know the home owner and he's a pretty cool guy and you will have unforgetable times if you just hang around long enough just bring your own stash and don't expect everyone to let you drink all their beer.
4chan is block party hosted by your radio station. It's got tons of people and some livations but security shuts shit down when fun is just starting. Also eventually it gets too crowded and full of retards so you stop having a good time and leave.
Kiwifarms is like a shitty frat house that throws parties every week. Owners are douches, the people that come in and out are douches, the party is overhyped, and the owners like to pretend to be badasses to show off to people who don't even care who they are and only act nice to them cause they own the house. But you don't go there for the party, you go there cause there are free booze and drugs there.
c701ae No.237500
I think one of the major problems of Kiwi Farms is that the site is simply too overstaffed. There's eleven mods, three managers, and one admin. When AnOminous resigned, Null shouldn't have promoted Smutley because there wasn't a need for another fucking mod.
Null should also demote mods that do jack shit and only moderate once in a while.
b57674 No.237510
>one admin
Null's an admin too.
Before the newest admins (but after Glaive's de-admining) they had 2 admins, Null and KatsuKitty and that worked just fine, even with both of them working full time.
96797a No.237606
What ever happened with KatsuKitty?
df1e36 No.237611
Josh let him go because his aids went full blown
b58e01 No.237663
two reasons for that:
1. Null's ambition to be an encyclopedia of retards, with a thread for everyone who has ever roused a sensible chuckle online
2. His autistic userbase baiting retards to the boards, which is only sometimes discouraged. Plenty of people do it regardless.
The site is essentially going to be an internet tranny hook-up app because every single fucking one is going to have a thread there.
So yeah, they constantly have people finding their own threads or being lead to them and freaking out and sperging all over the place. And Null's dreams of the latest repository for CWC's followers/stalkers means staffing the fuck up to deal with them all.
da90d6 No.237693
Still an admin, but a hiiden one like null because he's too autistic to deal with other people but allegedly can program.
8ef412 No.237713
I got banned during the Cwcki Forums days. I shot the admin an email asking if I could come back, and I didn't even get a response.
8ef412 No.237714
>the entire fallout
That reminds me, why DID they close the Mr. Enter subforum?
8ef412 No.237718
Wait a minute, does Kiwi Farms still have a "no doxing" rule, or did that leave with Champthom?
5329f0 No.237719
For the best really. The place has become even more of a cesspool and Null is acting like nothing bad will happen even though Vordrak the Barbarian has and is continuing to wreck Null's shit.
8ef412 No.237720
Are we any better?
..No really, are we? I used to think /cow/ was more dangerous than Kiwi Farms, but it's starting to seem like the tables have turned.
5329f0 No.237721
Left with champthom at least if you're Dynastia: http://archive.is/JsLjA
Josh actually wanted to make Kiwi more like /cow/ since at least 2014 when Deagle Nation was drawing in more people to the site. People tried to tell him it was a bad idea to do so based on looking at the fucking history of what happens to people who run /cow/ (with the exception of JEWS, it's not good) and that it would make the site even more cannibalistic.
I think we all know how much Josh listened to these warnings.
c54066 No.237729
How can Josh expect KiwiFarms to be taken seriously when he can't even implement rules fairly and gives his ass-kissers a free pass.
39ee6d No.237907
There's a difference. For me /cow/ has always been about watching lolcows, except for some notables like Peter Coffin. I like watching lolcows from a distance. I get that most people here aren't looking for e-fame or relationships. We just have a common interest.
KF is now sadly a vehicle for trollshielders to dox easy targets and their families for points and their increasing aim seems to be to provoke a suicide. That's not funny. It's weird and ghoulish but the forum lacks the leadership to tell them when they've crossed the line, because most of them don't get it.
No they've got a leader who is so emotionally immature that he struggles to understand why running said website hasn't had a net positive impact on his life, and serioisly can't comprehend why he is targeted by unstable people hinself. Not a clue. Adding to this - he's purging his political enemies and his candidate of choice is about to get whalloped, so right now is currently the most pleasant and easy to deal with he'll ever be. Wednesday will be a blast.
Then you throw in their post response system, which just reinforces their worst habits. Repeatedly telling some kid with low social skills that he is a "winner" for a-logging some tranny about her cooking is just going to isolate that kid further.
IMO with no income the whole thing will implode when a lawyer inevitably bankrupts Null and who would seriously want to take over without some huge changes?
2f78ad No.237911
Kiwi farms these days always makes me think of that old Simpsons episode where bart teaches martin to be cool.
There's a scene where martin goes "the thrill of pushing a boy into the girls toilets, the joy that it isn't me"
That's kiwi farms.
e6b5f9 No.237925
At this point, we definitely are. We don't encourage members to scam other members for a quick laugh, or aim to drive lolcows to suicide.
ca8b80 No.237928
It's funny. I remember when then-789chan had threads on the then-cwcki forums, making fun of them for being hugboxy spergs.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
5329f0 No.237945
Fuck, I wish Kiwi would go back to being what it was in 2012 or even 2014. It was still massively autistic, but at least you could tell it wasn't a vehicle for one manchild thinking it would propel him to the top.
You didn't have the people sperging about eating their own. Hell, they banned people if they were talked about here. Remember Mew?
It's like looking back 10 years and remembering how we all thought nothing could ever get worse than furries. 10 years later and furries look almost tame. The whole goddamn Internet has turned into an inmate-run insane asylum and Kiwi is a perfect example of this happening.
64bb8d No.237947
>Remember Mew?
Who the fuck is Mew? Pic related?
ca8b80 No.237963
A massive autist who took down the site once because of circlejerky nepotism
64bb8d No.237965
Did he had a Mew as avatar by any chance? Considering his name
a00a7c No.237975
Of course he did. He was another run-of-the-mill autist. The reason that he got brought up was that it's a good way to comment on the current state of the Farms by comparing how they treated Mew in 2012 when we talked about him (he's an embarrassment, ban him and let us never speak of this again) to Wildchild in 2016 when we talked about it (SHE'S AN EVIL TRANNY WHO IS WORSE THAN HITLER WHO DESERVED TO BE SCAMMED!!!! HOW DARE YOU HAVE SYMPATHY WITH HER!!! REEEEEEEEEE!!!!!) One kind of makes sense if a bit autistic and the other is the batshit insanity resulting from Null needing an external enemy to have hatred projected on so they don't turn on him and that behavior is the dictionary definition of trollshielding.