Though he acknowledged the FBI's conclusion following the new review, Trump continued to describe Clinton as a criminal in his final push before election day. He also insisted that agents at the FBI, who have reportedly clashed with leaders at the bureau over how to approach Clinton probes, will keep going after the former secretary of state.
"Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt person to seek the office of presidency of the United States. The investigations into her crimes will go on for a long, long time. The rank-and-file agents of the FBI won’t let her get away with these terrible crimes, including the deletion of 33,000 emails after receiving a Congressional subpoena," Trump said.
He then made a plea to the crowd to vote on election day.
"Hillary Clinton is guilty. She knows it. The FBI knows it. The people know it. And now it’s up to the American people to deliver justice at the ballot box on Nov. 8," he said.
Watch a clip from his Michigan rally via CNN: