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[–]Kanye_Benoit -7 points-6 points-5 points  (0 children)
Still waiting for you to explain how I'm a troll account or are you going to do what you always do and ignore this question because you know you have no proof?
[–]Kanye_Benoit -5 points-4 points-3 points  (0 children)
I didn't do that randomly. There's a direct relation to Fiddle Hands Foley pretending to care about women and the fact he raped women in the 90s
[–]Kanye_Benoit -8 points-7 points-6 points  (0 children)
Every single time I get a reply from Drama79 it's simply him saying "Kanye is a troll" and nothing more. He hides in his little safe space squaredcirclejerk to be safe from people who disagree with him
Fun fact: drama 79 thinks the best physique possible without steroids is cm punk's physique. this is the the type of idiocy you are all blindly believing
[–]Kanye_Benoit 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
Nice! Thanks for all of these summaries by the way. Are these issues you have personally or you get them from online? Do you plan to go until you run out, or get bored, or reach a new era (e.g. 2001 end of Attitude Era)?
[–]Kanye_Benoit -8 points-7 points-6 points  (0 children)
Dude, you trolled me forever
What? Now you have a burden of proof to answer. You can't just randomly accuse someone of trolling to discredit their opinions.
when I make up wrestling shit on the internet because I'm bored
I'm not making shit up. I'm sharing information I have previously heard and read.
[–]Kanye_Benoit -24 points-23 points-22 points  (0 children)
He has seen it. He's already tweeted about it (positively) asking people to link matches of Summer's that he can show vince.
Mick Foley is a man with rape in his soul. Rape lies deep within Foley's heart. Even some of the worst rapists in history have tried to compensate and hide their crimes with overly passionate 'support' of women.
Very credible rumours have strengthened over the past few years to suggest that Mick Foley raped a woman, or perhaps even women, and, especially with his daughter wanting to get into the wrestling business, he's worried someone will treat Noelle the way he treated other women. Mick Foley is trying to atone for his guilty rape conscience. He overcompensates with slobbering love and praise and supposed care for the women. There is no doubt that Mick Foley will eventually be Benoit-ed from WWE history once a woman comes forward.
He "white knights" as an alibi to make it seem like he cares about women to have a safety net to immediately shut down detractors.
[–]Kanye_Benoit[S] -1 points0 points1 point  (0 children)
Your second sentence: good point, my apologises. I saw lots of claims and posted it, thinking it would be newsworthy or insightful to people. I should've properly assessed it.
[–]Kanye_Benoit -39 points-38 points-37 points  (0 children)
No I'm not. I just have an opinion you all disagree with. I've hated Foley for years, I've hated his character(s), his shitty TV shows, his fanbase, etc. Just because I'm in a 1% doesn't make me a troll.
But you're a /r/squaredcirclejerk poster so I'm not surprised you think people who disagree with you = troll.
[–]Kanye_Benoit[S] -3 points-2 points-1 points  (0 children)
I thought it was legitimate. I'm a white boy and I made a mistake. Deal with it.
What do you mean? I don't need a reason to post here.
[–]Kanye_Benoit[S] -4 points-3 points-2 points  (0 children)
I completely agree. Apparently /u/Snerkie thinks that if you dislike Benoit and you think his crimes overwhelm his career, you're a "troll" and "looking for outrage". He's just the exact type of person I was talking about.
[–]Kanye_Benoit -16 points-15 points-14 points  (0 children)
Rape lies deep within Foley's heart. Even some of the worst rapists in history have tried to compensate and hide their crimes with overly passionate 'support' of women.
[–]Kanye_Benoit[S] -2 points-1 points0 points  (0 children)
Wtf? You just making bullshit up? Yeah I posted a couple posts about rape/assault/murder/drug scandals/etc in wrestling. I'm interested in that. I also make posts like these
dae people who are disagree with me or talk about serious issues = troll?
[–]Kanye_Benoit -58 points-57 points-56 points  (0 children)
white knighting those same decisions
Very credible rumours have strengthened over the past few years to suggest that Mick Foley raped a woman, or perhaps even women, and, especially with his daughter wanting to get into the wrestling business, he's worried someone will treat Noelle the way he treated other women. Mick Foley is trying to atone for his guilty rape conscience. He overcompensates with slobbering love and praise and supposed care for the women. There is no doubt that Mick Foley will eventually be Benoit-ed from WWE history once a woman comes forward.
He "white knights" as an alibi to make it seem like he cares about women to have a safety net to immediately shut down detractors.
[–]Kanye_Benoit[S] -4 points-3 points-2 points  (0 children)
You're blocked by TJ Perkins? You probably said that men don't have advantages over women! LOL!
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