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[–]VapeFiction 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
this is strange on a number of levels
[–]VapeFiction -2 points-1 points0 points  (0 children)
please for the love of god delete your account. I don't want another single soul thinking you are me. this is a fucking embarrassment
[–]VapeFiction 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
oh good god almighty this is absolutely not me. if you check my post history you'll see I am easing up on my stance on foley because of how crazy I realized I look. this is most likely /u/kayne_benoit who has been riding my coattails and inadvertently making me realize how shitty I look when I make baseless (though logical) accusations
[–]VapeFiction 9 points10 points11 points  (0 children)
I was very tempted to write "thank god your father is dead so he doesn't have to see this sad sack moaning on here" but I feared I would actually get downvoted so hard that my phone melts
[–]VapeFiction -2 points-1 points0 points  (0 children)
thanks for the hardcore and insightful Intel, be sure to report to meltzer ASAP with your hot skewp
[–]VapeFiction 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
I am always so positive about wrestling and work hard to find the good in anything while everyone here mopes and whines and cries that The Product doesn't match up to their fan fiction
but this match truly and properly let me down in ways I cannot excuse. what a full and thorough disappointment from top to bottom after a build that had me shitting
[–]VapeFiction 6 points7 points8 points  (0 children)
me. I truly do not know why
when I was born my parents resented me on impact. I was a mistake, a fact they routinely remind me of to this day (I am 30 and still live with them because of abuse warping my nog). they have treated me poorly my entire life and convinced everyone else in my family that I am a monster, an outcast
I was confined to the basement from the start. there are certain rooms in the house I am not allowed in. I have a list of ten rules I've had to abide by for as long as I can remember, rules as crazy as telling me what I can and cannot talk to my own parents about. there is a rewards system where I am basically given money and privileges if I stay out of their hair enough
but my parents have literally tortured me for stepping out of line too much. I am given meals separate from everyone else. there have been days, weeks, or even months where they cut the power to the basement as punishment. I have shit in a bucket more times than I am proud to admit. I mean I sneak out all the time and have had jobs and friends and stuff here and there, I still managed to go to school and all that (not college though), but they make me feel worthless and treat my sister like gold
my life is hard and troublesome and I want to die every day. and they have broken me to the point that I cannot hold a job or a friendship because I have no idea how much of their hatred of me is justified. I have no idea how much of myself I can give to others. I go all out or clam up. I lash out online because it is the only place I have power. I am a disaster
[–]VapeFiction 6 points7 points8 points  (0 children)
not a cartoon character or even an actual character that has any true known traits. you literally just wanted to get upvoted by referencing it's always sunny
[–]VapeFiction 15 points16 points17 points  (0 children)
I cannot cannot cannot cannot fucking stand quote threads. I literally become blind with rage when it happens
the fuck
we get it, you also watch it's always sunny. no need to recreate an entire scene. especially if people are trying to actually discuss what makes a show good or whatever - quoting it is not a conversation
the only thing worse is when people write their OWN dialog for a show. it always goes like this:
loser 1: [tells story]
loser 2: oh wow, that's like a scene from seinfeld
loser 3: [65,000 word scene written out that shows they don't actually get how the show is written but knows catch phrases and general dialog patterns] [+9,877, 6x gilded]
loser 4: oh my god that is perfect. have you ever considered a career in writing? you should submit that to someone, seriously. it is that good
fuck this site, good god
[–]VapeFiction 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
you make a good point. although the stuff about moolah is based on actual stories from people in the pro wrestling industry. no one has ever made proper claims of foley raping, though many HAVE commented on how he gets about women, including daniel bryan. but still. the moolah shit is actual stories from actual people who knew her - there are zero stories of foley even inappropriately touching anyone, though I wouldn't be shocked if one came out eventually
[–]VapeFiction 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
seeing someone else spout the same nonsense as me makes me realize how absurd I look and makes me question publicly making very damning accusations based on my (admittedly outstanding) judgment and nothing else. I don't necessarily deny anything i said but you are making me realize how warped and mad I look spouting this probably true stuff
[–]VapeFiction 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
first of all how dare you
second of all my posts are of top quality and far exceed the quality of 95% of the content on this site
[–]VapeFiction 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
I would like to formally distance myself from you and am working on rescinding my opinions on foley. you are a nutter
[–]VapeFiction -8 points-7 points-6 points  (0 children)
oh man. I call mick a rapist all the time but even I won't admit there are any actual rumors of actual rape. he just seems rapey and is super weird about women which leads me to believe it. like aside from you most people think I am insane when I say it
and honestly seeing it come from someone else makes me rethink my position entirely, and how bad it looks. I mean I still think he's got some sexual assault flavored skellingtons in his closet but god damn this is making me rethink my position and downgrade it to just "creepy about women and likely sniffs seats"
[–]VapeFiction 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
this is my comment and in it I say "allegedly." I say that because I have only heard rumors that he is one, I have yet to see any actual confirmation. I mean his face tells me there's a strong chance but I don't actually know for sure
so today you did not learn he is an mra, although considering we just spoke on our feelings about foley you are probably also like me in that this fact would certainly be concerning. but me mentioning rumors is in no way confirmation of that piece of information
and on that note, reddit is not the best place to bring up that concern anyway since most people on this site think men's rights activism is legit and that straight white men are an oppressed group. I mean look at the amount of threads you can find on stephanie emasculating men and needing comeuppance. look at the way any thread about a woman wrestler has at least a few comments about whether or not they would fuck the woman in question. this sub, while not overtly sexist like a lot of reddit, is riddled with the same casual sexism and "what about the men" attitude as the rest of reddit
[–]VapeFiction 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
as someone who routinely shits on foley on this sub,
did I for a second deny that I feel that way? my allegations are on record
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