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[–]Kanye_BenoitSteiner Mark -10 points-9 points-8 points  (11 children)
He has seen it. He's already tweeted about it (positively) asking people to link matches of Summer's that he can show vince.
Mick Foley is a man with rape in his soul. Rape lies deep within Foley's heart. Even some of the worst rapists in history have tried to compensate and hide their crimes with overly passionate 'support' of women.
Very credible rumours have strengthened over the past few years to suggest that Mick Foley raped a woman, or perhaps even women, and, especially with his daughter wanting to get into the wrestling business, he's worried someone will treat Noelle the way he treated other women. Mick Foley is trying to atone for his guilty rape conscience. He overcompensates with slobbering love and praise and supposed care for the women. There is no doubt that Mick Foley will eventually be Benoit-ed from WWE history once a woman comes forward.
He "white knights" as an alibi to make it seem like he cares about women to have a safety net to immediately shut down detractors.
[–]TweetsInCommentsBot 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
I am impressed with @RealSummerWWE's passionate fans. I have some viewing to do.

I need 4 or 5 key matches that I can bring to Mr McMahon. Links or dates of shows would be appreciated. Thanks. https://twitter.com/nayxomi/status/787552050578010112

@GabeEd8th - can you suggest some of her greatest matches for me to review? https://twitter.com/gabeed8th/status/787542330836258816

This message was created by a bot
[–]GeorgeTheMarkRaw Is Jericho 6 points7 points8 points  (1 child)
I was about to ask how this garbage was so highly upvoted, then I saw you'd edited the post a minute ago so I can kind of connect the dots in my head.
[–]Kanye_BenoitSteiner Mark 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
That was to fix a typo. I linked my comment to squaredcirclejerk and they brigaded it with up votes agains my will
[–]barry_jivei don't know shit 2 points3 points4 points  (4 children)
Any chance you can lend some credibility to this?
[–]scarface11790 -1 points0 points1 point  (2 children)
If you scroll down a bit you can see that this is dude's second attempt at making an entirely baseless accusation. He provides no proof then whines when no one believes him.
[–]Kanye_BenoitSteiner Mark -1 points0 points1 point  (1 child)
I linked to the MP3 file then got down voted despite MELTZER blatantly saying what I'm saying. If people just down vote the truth, why should I post it or leave it up?
[–]scarface11790 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
He literally just said foley was creepy that's not even close to the same thing as calling him a rapist.
[–]Kanye_BenoitSteiner Mark -2 points-1 points0 points  (0 children)
Drama79 gilded me if that helps
[–]methodicalmikeYou don't get to win! 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
That wasnt the issue. I dont care about what was actually said between them. Mick spoke PRIVATELY with someone and then they posted the convo to twitter for likes.
[–]WhateverJoelGrammatically Superior 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
Holy fuck dude, you can't just say shit like that on the internet.
This is just slander and libel with zero facts to your comment.
[–]Kanye_BenoitSteiner Mark 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Whatever, Joel.

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