mick foley is a fucking creep with women and no amount of work with rainn is going to stop that. his books make him come across as amazingly creepy and bryan himself even referenced it on the draft
look at this picture
foley looks like he is about to finish in his outfit. he looks alarmingly happy. and sasha and bayley legit are both making the 😁 emoji face. like they are putting on a smile to be nice but they are visibly uncomfortable
now look at this next picture
micks face says one of two things. 1) he is so fucking horny he is about to burst, or 2) he was just about to put sasha in the back of his van and have his way with her
now look at sashas face. she is putting on the fakest smile she can muster while her body language indicates she is getting as close to Steph and far away from foley as possible. and sweet stephanie is clinging onto sasha for dear life, as if to protect her, her face clearly saying "it's okay sasha, just take the picture and I'll get you as far away from him as possible. trust me, I know this guy"
tell me I am wrong and I will show you a buffoon (you)
keep foley away from women, including his own daughter. I assure you behind closed doors he says things about her that would make trump wince