/r/squaredcirlce moderators have removed a post (archive) that had 16 links related to proving that a particular user had been spamming a "mick foley rapist" accusation for 9+ months.
This user's posts eventually gained so much steam that a wrestling journalist had to publicly tweet about the issue to deny that it happened.
Then, mods removed comments that implicated them in the scheme. They censored comments to protect themselves, because it was revealed that they are directly responsible for allowing and encouraging this user/these users to accuse Mick Foley of rape for an entire year.
The mods are aware of the user because many of his comments/posts have been removed (by mods) but not deleted (by the user).
Link to my comment page
A post such as this one is removed.
As per my comment page (click context), the post says:
I spent 30 minutes collecting the links and making the post.
VapeFiction spent 9 months making these posts, and the mods spent 9 months doing nothing about it.
The post also does not violate rules of the subreddit.
[Meta] posts
Posts or submissions about the community itself are allowed as long as they follow the general rules of Squared Circle.
Meanwhile, the topic at hand (and the user responsible, and the mods for encouraging the posting) has violated this rule:
No Fake News
/r/SquaredCircle has a very strict policy towards troll rumors (fake injury reports, releases, etc.) and those responsible for posting them are subject to being banned.