There’s a cold darkness every man encounters in his life. Do you know this feeling my brother? I feel it too. It comes to us as a gapping chasm; it whispers through us like a howling wind: “You are on your own”. It’s the nauseating side-effect of that bitter red pill when you see the world through clear eyes for the first time and find that your are disposable, fending off a default hostility from society so long as you make yourself useful. We are beset by the unspeakable horror of realizing no women has truly loved or ever will. The vastness of this void can cause any man to contemplate suicide but I believe there is another way.
Man has always been drawn to the wilderness; there is inside us a deep desire to explore and discover; to learn and create; to reach the Final Frontier, to quote the cliché, and “boldly go where no man has gone before”. We are aptly suited for this task: that rugged self-assuredness which has stereotyped masculinity since time immemorial in the knowledge that the cavalry isn’t coming; that sink or swim reality which drives man to face the wilderness and conquer it. So much so that it also drives exploration of the inner-world; the need to figure out nature, to dive deeper into the structure or existence and extrapolate therefrom all the knowledge with which Man has built civilization. All the scientists, all the philosophers, all the builders, all the pioneer, all the explores are all motivated by the same compulsion: the will to find out.
And that is why MGTOW is the message of optimism for we say: “Do not despair Brother!” Marginalized on the outskirts of society, it is the ex-centric who embarks on a voyage of discovery: the adventure of Being; that is what the wilderness offers, not fear and loneliness, but endless opportunity because every cast-away is an explorer and explorer is in fact a cast-away. Have courage my Brother! Face your journey with bold curiosity you wanderer of wonder and energize your fear into excitement, for the undiscovered country is the empire of the soul.
Incredible short piece. It provides the needed motivation while it simultaneously painted the purpose of this unique journey of a mgtow. Dope lol.
Yes, it is hard after the red pill. Especially if you’re married, like myself. However the red pill rage is just a stage. If this stage is worked through, and the red pill digested, there come a whole new kind of freedom. To quote Paul Proteus, “freedom ‘from’, to freedom ‘to'”.
The worst part, for me, in digesting the Red Pill is the realization that everything I had been taught to believe were universal truisms about what it meant to be a man are now proven to be universal lies. In ancient times the same DNA programing of my ancestors that courses through my being was true. From its inception so called civilized society, be it organized around Egyptian Pharaohs, Roman emperors, crusading Popes, kings and queens of yore, nation states of the Renaissance, the rise of the political class, to its current incarnation of world wide financial elites has turned the truth of a man’s ancient DNA against him so as to exploit him for their greed of the time. The historical ruling elites knew it was in their best interest to keep the common man their voluntary servant by letting him have enough crumbs to fill his belly and maintain his delusions of respect. That doctrine of benign tyranny died with the passing of the WWII generation from power. The unbridled greed and self-centeredness of the baby boom generation was loosed upon the world with the presidency of Bill Clinton. The financial elite and feminist united to exploit their common target – ordinary men. Today, 1/17/16, millions of ordinary men throughout the world have awakened to the tyranny of the new reality under the yoke of debt imposed by the financial overlords and female nature amok with the law backing them up. Fighting this tyranny is futile. The only answer for the common man is to go his own way. To do so, he must reject the universal lies and his ancient DNA programming, leaving a massive void in his soul and creating a maelstrom in his mind. What do I do now? Do I have a purpose anymore? How do I get out of this mess? I struggle with this everyday. Some days I curse the Red Pill. Others, I sing its praises for setting me free. The Red Pill is really a vaccine against lies. Once vaccinated, a man can’t go back. Let’s see what the morning Sun has to illuminate for this ordinary man. Cheers to all.
Fuck! I wish I could change all the typos!
That’s a brilliant article. Will need to build inner strength to do as it suggests, but that’s my goal. And yes there is light at the end of the tunnel
If this was penned 4 years ago I’d persuade you to youtubing it, not nowadays tho.
A great piece, well done max
That was beautiful
Thanks, i needed to hear this right now