When I was thinking about getting it on ps4 I thought $40 was a good price for the game, but then I found out that it was $60 on console, because they know that they can get away with having it higher for no reason. That's kinda shitty but whatever.
Then once I build my PC all my friends are playing it so I am thinking of getting it. I am also looking at 21:9 monitors but I find that the game doesn't support it. They announce support so I wait to see. Then I see that the support is just cropped 16:9, not vision added to the sides. That's bullshit, intentional or not its stupid. They call that support even though it gives me a headache. Apparently they don't want the fov going over 103... For what reason I can't even tell. The game also doesn't support 4:3, and cuts 16:10.
From what i hear they say that 21:9 would give a competitive advantage, but they also support 144Hz monitors which arguably give more of an advantage, higher resolutions at 16:9, and other similar benefits. While they're at it, lock everyone at the same exact fov, (the one thing csgo needs to get over) same DPI, same 16:9 1080p resolution, cap framerate to 60, and any other number of things.
Its just so unbelievably stupid. If they had it from the start then nobody would have even cared that a percent of players can actually use the hardware that they paid for, but now some don't want it because they are scared of being at such a nonexistent disadvantage. It makes sense why, but the devs are being so shortsighted. I can only see ultrawide monitors becoming more prevalent in the future. Why would a dev want to limit what their game can run with? Its easy to say... But I'd want my games to be able to last for as long as possible, and that means planning for the future.
And while I'm mad, Blizzard, don't try and tell me that your game is competitive enough for shit like some extra pixels to matter.
And a little extra complaining: the characters are cool sometimes, but also stupid sometimes. Let's see: you got PharAh, ZaryA, SymmetrA, D. vA, AnA, and when I heard the name SombrA I almost didn't believe my ears.
The stereotypes on some aren't really classic, so they just feel a bit boring.
D. Va is a xx--pro gamer--xX from esports land
Reaper isn't seriously made but still... come on
Winston is the requisite animal but look he has glasses hahahahahahahahahahaha
Widowmaker - we need a sniper
Ana - idk make another sniper I guess
Tracer - can teleport, has automatic pistols, quirky personality
Sombra - can teleport, has automatic pistol, quirky personalirt
Junkrat - the joker
Barik - dwarf engineer what more
Mei - we need someone who is thicc
Roadhog - MORE THICC
Soldier 76 - "I am the default character, boring and probably a clone judging by the name"
Lucio - we forgot the black guy make him a DJ
McCree - we forgot the white guy make him a cowboy
Hanzo - weeb
Genji - max weeb and is that ninja
Bastion - we need a robot we're running out of ideas(and so am I)
Pharah - rocket jumping but not
Symmetra - (Indian tech support joke)
Mercy - actually pretty fun to play
Zenyatta - you can tell that he's forgettable because he's the last one I picked(unless I forgot someone else)
Also my username doesn't fit in battle.neet so I don't know whether to do knightluna or lunaaire, cut my life into pieces. I also got turned off from hearthstone so idk really has nothing to do with this. Sounds really salty but for real I DIDNT WANT TO PLAY ANYWAYS. meh its OK but not the best but blizz ainnt taking my shit I'm just gonna play r6 where you could say stupid shit about the characters too except lord chanka {-}7 but at least it IS COMPETITIVE MAYBE SOMTIEMS AND SUPPORTS ULTRAWIDE and is FUN for the whole family
Everyone else likes them but I don't. Maybe if I just start calling them Activision-blizzard every
single time it'll get funny
Don't worry, I'm OK. No really
[–]Darkpoulay [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)