I work for one of the largest Cannabis production companies in the US/Colorado in their Research and Development department.
I was working for this company's leading competitor at the time I was offered my current job, and was on track to making a decent income and having a fulfilling job, but I've been wanting to get into the R&D side of the industry so I took this position when it was offered 10 months ago.
The position was a nice change of pace and was what I was really looking for in a job... at first. Lately I have been getting literally zero instruction or direction from my boss, and have realized he doesn't really have any expectations for me.
I'm at the point now that I'm getting paid a salary to sit at home and reddit all day long. I'll email/text/call my boss with requests for instruction/direction and won't get a response for a week or more most of the time.
It was a pretty sweet deal for the first couple of months that this went on, but now I'm actually starting to feel unfulfilled and want to start looking for a different job, because there is no way I will be able to earn a raise at this job if they don't expect me to even show up.
My problem is that I signed a 12 month non-compete agreement with them when I first started. I was ok with it at the time because I felt like if I was going to be doing R&D, I was going to be learning something from it too and growing my career potential, but now I realize they basically just snatched me away from their competitor and now are paying me a "retainer salary" to keep my non-compete agreement active, and keep me from leaving to go work for a competitor. I've already had several better job offers since, but have turned them down because I felt like I'd be sued if I left to get a job where I actually do something and had potential to advance.
Do non-compete agreements hold any water if you're not actually doing anything productive for the company, or does the actual work you do not matter?
TL;DR Get payed to do nothing, so that I don't work for a competitor, but signed a non-compete agreement and feel stuck.
[–]AIDS_Pizza 296ポイント297ポイント298ポイント (15子コメント)
[–]OnanHighFive 78ポイント79ポイント80ポイント (13子コメント)
[–]Versuno[S] 27ポイント28ポイント29ポイント (12子コメント)
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[–]OnanHighFive 5ポイント6ポイント7ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]Versuno[S] 13ポイント14ポイント15ポイント (7子コメント)
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[–]Versuno[S] 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (5子コメント)
[–]awesomesauce_factory 5ポイント6ポイント7ポイント (2子コメント)
[–]Versuno[S] 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (1子コメント)
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