Hey guys. Long story short - I left university in 2008 just as the UK economy went tits up. I studied Applied Psychology (initially the plan was to become a Clinical Psychologist/Psychiatrist). I ended up working for two years as a painter and decorator (loved it) but I'm tall and my back started to go funny so I stopped.
In 2010/11 I became a Data Analyst and have been in this career until around a month ago. I lived in London but it's very expensive and even on a good salary (around 70k in $ terms) I was struggling. I was also tired of 1) the urban environment, 2) the corporate environment.
So far I have:
1)Moved to a new area and cut my costs by 60%.
2)Started paying off my debt (3k in an overdraft)
3)Started working 40 hours a week in a shop literally five minutes around the corner.
4)????? (This is where I need advice)
What kind of training would be a good bet for a man who can no longer stomach an office environment but who would still like to make a good amount of money? I'm open to anything really I like work as long as it's productive and worthwhile. I just find myself at a lose as to WHAT I should re-train to be doing, which isn't like me but there you go.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
TL:DR - What fucking training should I do?
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