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Kenneth P. Vogel
Just to give you an idea of how prepared the Trump campaign is: A Fla. GOTV vendor sent out an email TODAY trying to hire Trump canvassers.
J. P. Gownder 19 時間
And yet he's so close. What. The. Heck.
FYI: there are signs on light poles in Broward looking for people to work against
Lida Piompino 19 時間
Unfortunately, he is ahead in Florida...
John Nowicki 18 時間
Let alone the fact even if they hire today paid canvassers are worth crap.
MomsThoughts™ 18 時間
Monmouth Cty NJ sent out email today looking to hire ppl to canvas for HRC. 😕
Heide Kolb 18 時間
the sad thing is that Trump just might win FL anyway
BradyLand 18 時間
And yet he will still win.
I'm With Her 14 時間
I housed HRC canvassers in my Florida home back in JUNE.
Bob J. Satawake 14 時間
DC Dude 14 時間
Probably more effective than Project ORCA.
Gannon Long 12 時間
Think the DSCC et al pulled ads in knowing their field advantage was prodigious?
Kenneth P. Vogel 12 時間
or that it was a lost cause
Gannon Long 12 時間
Certainly seems lost now