全 8 件のコメント

[–]BluepillProfessorMarried-MRP MODERATOR 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ouch for the reminder.

Turd Flinging Monkey's "She'll Never Love You" explains this in more detail for those who care to follow the rabbit down the hole. Everybody else, don't forget to read the TRP sidebar on Men and women in love.

[–]spexerMRP APPROVED 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

Women love how you make them feel


And some people would see this as a problem to bemoan... However it can also be seen as an opportunity.

Create the feelz. Don't worry about the "love".

[–]RP_SuitScholar[S] 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's a feature, not a bug!

[–]armwithnutrition 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

In this context, however, it does seem to be an "us" situation, right?
Had it been something more specific to you, would she say "God, I love you"?
Do you, in contrast, look at something that entails the both of you creating something, and think "God, I love you" about her?
I'm not disagreeing with this female psychology at all, I'm just trying to understand if your (and my) approach might be even a little skewed.

[–]RP_SuitScholar[S] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

If I am misunderstanding your question with my answer just let me know. My wife says I love YOU to me all the time, but the reality is she means she loves US. Her saying "US" while looking at our pics amid social validation via Facebook was her muttering to herself what she actually loves. It was a rare glimpse into her internal dialogue as she did not say it to me, just stated her thoughts out loud.

I think men on the other hand can look at the relationship and say "I love us" but still have a distinct unconditional love for their woman. This is why AFC are so destroyed by infidelity, he will stay with a cheating whore because he loves HER so damn much. She isn't her actions, she is his perfect Madonna and her actions be damned because she is his soulmate. Women tend to stay with a man because of the relationship (yes he beats me but what would our church/friends/family think).

It's also not to say she doesn't love, but as Rollo points out, they just don't love the way we do.

[–]ScurvemuchMRP APPROVED [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Her: " Why are all the female robots there for sex? Like , they should have more features"

Me: " It's what the customers want. Apparently Even the female ones. "

[–]PineleroMarried [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Westworld is awesome by the way! I have to send the kids out when watching it.

A more interesting HBO series is "Divorce". This is a show about feminine primacy in entertainment and current culture, as it's just divorce porn for women. For RP guys, it's a good test of how much BP BS you can spot, and how many preparing for divorce mistakes one AFC can make.

[–]RuleZeroDADMRP APPROVED [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The pilot episode for "Divorce" for me, would have been the last if in that situation.

She asks for divorce after her idiot friend shoots her husband "on accident." Goes off to fuck her side guy granola professor, who immediately removes her as a plate when he finds out she's trying to exit with him as support.

Bitch then says request for divorce was emotional backlash due to traumatic event of shooting, and fucks AFC same day as professor. AFC finds out, then changes locks to house and agrees divorce is needed. Rest of series is divorce porn for women as SJP uses typical fem badgering to break down and mock AFC's frame.

And I thought "Girls" sucked. I could almost smell the characters through the screen in that farce of a program.