Breaking: Democrats Sue Trump, State Republican Parties, and Roger Stone for Voter Intimidation Tactics

The latest set of filings from Democrats (led by Marc Elias) against, the Trump campaign, state Republican parties, and Roger Stone’s “Stop the Steal” group:

Nevada Complaint

Arizona Complaint

Pennsylvania Complaint

Ohio Complaint [corrected link]

I haven’t yet gone through each complaint in detail yet, but all seem to raise two claims, one under the Voting Rights Act and one under the Ku Klux Klan Act, aimed at preventing voter intimidation. The complaints allege that the state parties are cooperating with the Trump campaign and Stone to stir up unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud and to intimidate minority voters. This complaint comes on top of the earlier-filed complaint alleging that Trump and the RNC are violating the long-standing and soon expiring (unless extended) consent decree against the RNC.

The new complaints seek temporary restraining orders which will bar activities such as “exit polling” from the Stone people which could be used to intimidate voters.

It is not clear that a court would issue a vague order to stop “voter intimidation,” as requested in the relief in these suits (as that term would be vague and difficult to enforce). But the suits will first bring publicity to the activities, and second get these parties on record stating that they do not plan on engaging in voter intimidation, which itself could be useful in the event of problems on election day.


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