

  • Last updated 4 minutes ago

Summary #

Your best, your worst and the basics.

Limited to the 1000 most recent submissions and comments.

redditor since

data available from

longest period between two consecutive posts



submission karma

from submissions

average karma per submission

than the average user

total submission karma reported by reddit

comment karma

from comments

average karma per comment

than the average user

total comment karma reported by reddit

best comment

worst comment

best submission

worst submission

Synopsis #

Accuracy or making sense not guaranteed. Results may be incorrect or misleading.

You can help by using the and feedback buttons below. Uncertain data is in orange. Follow # links for sources.

Recommendations for you #

Please earn karma responsibly.

Based on your average karma earnings.

Not enough data for recommendations.

Recommended Subreddits

Best Average Karma

Worst Average Karma

Activity Over Last 60 Days #

If not on reddit, what are we?

Darker dots mean more activity. All times in .

Activity Timeline #

Further proof that you have no life outside of reddit?

Hover over the circles for more info.

Activity by Weekday #

Have you tried /r/outside?

Hover over the bars for more info.

Activity by Time of Day #

Insomniacs of reddit, upvote!

Hover over the bars for more info. All times in .

Posts Across Topics #

Jack of all trades, master of some.

Hover over the chart for more info.

Submissions By Type and Domain #

Those who can, submit. Those who can't, lurk.

Hover over the chart for more info.

You have no submissions.

Activity Across Subreddits #

Where might /r/random take you next?

Click to zoom in. Click again to zoom out. Hover for more info. Want to help categorize subreddits?

Most Common Words #

Don't forget to use that new word you learned!

Size of a word is directly proportional to its frequency.

Showing all words. Drag slider below to exclude top words.

Corpus Statistics #

If only you had typed this much for that college essay...

Time spent calculated using average of 40 WPM.

total words in your posts

unique words

% of total words

than the average user

time spent typing posts

karma per word

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