Previous thread: >>4392858Read the OP and FAQ newfriends! It'll save you time. Discord: entire board dedicated to h-audio: (check the sticky there as well)>How do I find h-audio?DLSite. Japanese site ( English site ( Not all works on the Jap site are on the English site.Each work has a product code attached. RJXXXXXX for the Japanese site, REXXXXXX for the English site, and RGXXXXXX is a circle's code. TIP: Use the RJ product code (if using the English site, simply replace the RE with RJ) to search for a work on Google, the Baidu folder, Perfect Dark, and other sites.>Where do I search for h-audio?1) Google, mostly. Also try: of fake sites! If it needs a premium account, it's likely fake.2) BAIDUWe have TWO baidu folders, the new one and the old one. to access the folders and help in the next post.)An anon made a full listing of the old folder - Perfect DarkIt's a Japanese P2P File Sharing Tool. Here's a handy guide. at the FAQ (link in the next post) for a solution to port forwarding issues4) ANON COLLECTION SHARING LINKS and Mediafire contents + links from previous threads: | Nyaa contents: SFTP SERVERCandy and /koe/ has made a storage server dedicated to upload and download voice works.Scroll down a bit more for more information regarding about that.6) /koe/ IRC bot: xdcc.kasumi.moeTutorial on how to use it:
>CHECK THIS FAQ:>Baidu troubles?- Does the file have a password? Try the universal PW: bdtrysb- How to access the Baidu folder? Check out the picture for more information.- You need a Baidu, Weibo or QQ account in order to download files that are larger than 200+MB.- The easiest way to login into Baidu is to use SMS. Click on the phone icon top right of the login screen.- Don't have access to a phone or problems receiving the SMS? Try using a Online SMS Receiver.- Downloading things from Baidu are usually slow, but using download managers such as JDownloader2,IDM, Free Download Manager etc. will significantly increase the download speed than normal.>Common ero Jap words>HVDB (Hentai Voice Database)>ASMR YouTube/NicoNico Channels: (some Touhou/IS character specific audio) (user doing ASMR)>Amateur clips, requests/submissions a guide on how to dl from koe, check the FAQ>Short guide:Pink button = female voices, blue button = male voices, green button = "couples" voices, (couples doing stuff).すべて lists all tracks in the category.エロ声 restricts it to erotic voices, moans etc., sometimes in a made-up situation.オナ声 has their voices during masturbation.その他 is the 'others' category, usually just has talking.>Magnet links of an anon's archive of the girls' submissions section in koe-koe:オナ声/ona (2.6GB) magnet:?xt=urn:btih:BIOFTBNLVJYPCZTIEBTYBW5WKUX2NSI5&dn=koe-koe%20onaエロ声/ero (2.1GB) magnet:?xt=urn:btih:PD65QVOL2Y2HEUECHTGGLVLMVF5QGYK3&dn=koe-koe%20ero>For male voices: (few links here)
>SFTP SERVER, BACKUP/PRIVATE SERVER FOR DOWNLOADING/UPLOADING WORKSCandy and /koe/ guy has made a storage server dedicated to backup/upload voice works within' it. The storage space for the server is currently 512 GB big and requires a sFTP client in order to connect and download/upload (such as FileZilla, WinSCP etc.). Downloaders are able to just connect and download. As for uploaders who wish to contribute something... get a IRC client, connect to the channel and ask for permission. Candy and /koe/ guy will be sitting there and talk with you. This is to prevent from random people to just join and fill the server up with random crap.You can also visit in order to check if a certain voice work has been uploaded or not. If you wanna check a full listing of what's been uploaded, connect to the sFTP instead or search "RJ" at for most of the DLSite's stuff. All informations regarding about what username, password, host address etc. and how to get permission to upload stuff, can be found at the FAQ page. Click on the image in order to see the url for the FAQ. If you got any questions, feel free to ask.
RJ185287:!ONgwyAZa!uKQaYIqHMxsL7mPGPqQKjxAtCaT0xo6nmjSIzYPnHCsRJ185264:!KU5XARpS!msPLY0w5UeSW56CChH6INNaKF1QbhXSbgLd8L2eZkIoRJ184814:!eJhEkYSA!vU95sflNmYEbBzQ4LvNNSXPmUPBuj4VGJdj7hicVdGgRJ184892:!3Ew3VDIJ!cYDGhwBFwsVdqA7rKItAqarXFJdsjZdyRujNg9RVMI8RJ184847:!wloTiLQB!0S8TB7ECnK_niy6S8zpBDDwGvPNWy3hBqpYtAHUgiOURJ185583:!N84GkKTA!NtBHJrIe6PU59NSZWkrCJW9J0nVpvPNxX9egfIO2XzQRJ184761:!tlJhnZyC!SAjlfVyD4eOjBMSsXru_mieMaQMrf-HFfqELrih_kK0RJ184398:!jJhnXDgQ!1xatSSOsF13f_8HsQlG1-sgndWuPXW92vFd56XZvH0QRJ137774:!E0shHQpT!xqVgmWOjEmcDJrxQvnog9enEtuRUSWYUruSHc-ilh-ERJ184331:!FldzhRoL!P0t0W3LP66whiOvBoHGTzdUS9y_mIyxmZFYx_oxyjv8RJ073828:!3kd1BRzK!B721RFFyDCE-MBtdBfDXh11MA2x36lwEMatwExoU6Sk (Pass: bdtrysb)RJ070609:!bosV1C7Z!txzcahh8ICGXLXHLgUqMc3nUCxOfqsGxOEjPhYM7aI0 (Pass: bdtrysb)RJ184995:!J5ginaib!1d5Ns_JUGPjqHFD2yFc4_-gCk8tvf7g3I0XBT0NnZzcRJ185424:!xNUHRZoD!WPN1joPbNZgCDLTy_ww4ISq3kQK4evsKTfpO_KiOXbcRJ185582:!N8ZlmRRY!-nMOCK7_dEvD23MOY9hAU0iyDd7ZZTfzUkLLLglhNHsRJ172679:!XpIgwK6C!m_mW07c4zCxd3gTY8v08JbuoSEb-CrvgwU6AAhPdsIwRJ185801:!5g1R3BTS!ln_w6HJz_6np6Yd8xN3oXSsP9p4PFr6LFWSmVv7BK2ERJ185254:!psx2BIoA!6gbMC0qsVjiFcQd4zq3S56MMTWaebEp4v-m39w46NoQRJ185631:!Ax40kS5A!VjFMXfGCyHPGjSrNN80xfXm6h4_NI9bi9BhfhR5K1kIRJ185801:!ssxR1SBL!4pNeRw3VO9hj39Zc_FbAaL1FEc3FTydlx57W1nAFiJgRJ185634:!dspWCA5Q!BC1dPi36uVLBv7yNYTqvxiNcILa1_cm5Z2OGqcNb4mcRJ142737:!Oh1F3Lbb!o7JQvyd_GVik9Jx48b8enbXCisbbiDXenuHmYY2BMPM
RJ150440:!3882XYaZ!Trjso6_T0GqJSuKhFUqCAqFbsC1KaqAJz1al2_7qNuoRJ143092:!uxEjQTLS!RK62A8mckMxvKEUIQucYkB6cdHGvnT3rtpY4SmczxIsRJ136651:!bpFhhCgJ!2Uu9wGSSpueukbCeRMxY2XLxcmzeYRL3EUSkkkUoF2MRJ185758:!udYgjarL!cigQl4KwHJH3qDVa3TZ6jVPyXz73Bvg1lgyRZODaMnARJ176066:!AsIHEYoD!MvWlC4fdi40-YZ-6kGaKzg>Updated / New:Ayaka folder:!v80AlayL!ayole-xAQ3IhSFs4PK5mygKanoko folder:!asdUWTiR!WCHgenm0MnXKGRe6kSRB_gVoice Anon's folder 3:!ZwYGjYJI!3J0GvNpWoXdiop6gcO9fuQ>Other folders (Not updated):Natsuki folder:!U8wA0aCY!e0q0M89gcvHiBiJQAzEMzwristorante Dreaming House series:!6U5TVRjD!WR48_0a_TXVfq5wF1PCZzg"Motherly Love" folder:!aUsxDDCT!V_HMe-iKieaMuKYZBdMTFwAsami Yui folder:!ok9VTKrB!bBYDSoCZIibW2O5BmWWeVgKotone folder:!CQ8iRYSD!fc_Fi0sCXUkzEArthzF4_wA Voice's Transsexual Series:!LFREESSB!xx9V7KY8fR1igY07-ICZLA"M stuff" folder:!nUZSyY6I!Cq8Xm4jXJxF78EG24SXo1wVoice Anon's folder 2:!nkclxBKT!WilJc5CnjNnJ6dUt_5Fq7ANikomidori folder:!s5ATnIhQ!crhCKNX1Ke6iOmKGPZrVWwEarl Gray folder:!NklgmKLB!iFN6bHciEDT6rjHUJaftIwPatchouli folder:!fBgimDZC!yknVd0FJFvzrwGGT2AKzPADinnitus' folder:!Z1BTSbLY!KlQgElWpYYp7DC8tdCN71gajiaib suara stuff:!B8EWgTDb!TynW353c_1Xpm-FaBWj7_A
first for ayaka-onee
Are there femdom r18 h-audio with girl_on_top sex, butt_on_face licking, foot_licking and/or urinating_in_mouth? Pick related.
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTThere have been several occasions where someone has asked for a work, that has been publicly available in one of the resources listed in the OP.Specifically, the sixth one is constantly ignored. It even has a usage guide written in simple English, if you're technologically illiterate.Do you think it's there because it's some kind of a meme? An inside joke to laugh at people?>But I don't know how to use it!Stop listening to voice porn for a while and go educate yourself.
>>4405287When I first got here the lists are a little overwhelming. I think it would help if there are better descriptions of each, like what each source has to offer, how updated, new, old, and all that shit.
>>4405360The bot does not really have a theme, other than it has (at least) an MP3 version of all of the Momoiro Code works, with a delay on new releases. It has an inbuilt search feature, so it's quick to search through.You do have a point though.
>>4405360>I think it would help if there are better descriptions of each, like what each source has to offer, how updated, new, old, and all that shitWhy don't you do it, then? Someone has to.
Anyone tried the audio in OPs pic?
New Tomimi video
>>4405385If only there was some h audio database you know where you can sort by tags or something. Like VNDB but for h audio. Ooowee would be nice.
>tfw wanting to buy voice works but all your money is tied up on betfair that hinges on trump winning
>>4405454Consider that money gone
>>4405454Why would you do that... 4chan became terrible at politics when stormfront got in...They only guessed Obama right.
>>4405426If only it had standardized tags and not the mess it currently does.
there's no RJ186206??
why the fuck is RJ186548 4GB
>>44058442_FLAC_96k_24bit - Folder - 3.61GBI'll upload it sometime tonight.
>>4405854imma succ you
Which circle/uploader/series has the best 3D mic quality? Natsuki's is pretty up there, but I'm wanting a change of pace.
>>4405888Tomimi and AaronPoint
RJ186548:!HkAyUbLB!2U_1Wi0_fpK_IqrZqNm1S2Z7G6kyXUrrtzzJ7bnTihU - mp3 onlyRJ186548:!i5wgUAYK!LDKlIqMERalltUC0I548bBzt7ztSWv-4hnrvK_yFOW4 - flac only
>>4405924you're cool
>>4405287My only issue with this is actually finding things can be extremely difficult. A couple threads back I asked for an assortment of four or so works and was responded with "Go find them" and flat out told most of them are on A-S and that I need to just keep looking. But LITERALLY looking on A-S and searching for their name in English, Japanese, work number, all brought up nothing.So either I was just being trolled or the sorting system is garbage for some works(because I sure as shit found everything else on A-S with the work number).Also, I noticed in some of the MEGA folders that some items don't have their RJ number, just the typed Japanese name. Makes it a bit harder to figure out what something is right away.
>>4405924Thank you anon^^
>>4405924nice, thanks. appreciate the share
Still hunting around for:RJ163167RJ184606RJ152560RJ185556If anyone knows if they are already uploaded, a link would be appreciated as I can't seem to find any. If not, I'll wait until someone decides to up any of them.
Can someone provide a link to the 2 voice review websites?
This may be off topic by a bit but where do I look for non-h that has some plot or drama, something like a short audio book if they even exist. Most of the non-h I find are mostly hijinks in bed.
>>4405924Thank you
>>4406202 reviews
Any other binaural works that have you get on all fours like a dog?
>>4406332RJ171286RJ159849Not binaural (IIRC), but RJ071111In relation to the third one, I'd be pleased if someone has suggestions for dog play, like collars/tails and such.Alternatively search for these in DLsite:四つん這い四つんばい
>>4406347Thanks didn't realize there was a tag for it.
Do you lay in bed and listen to these ear cleanings? i just cant get comfortable with headphones on.
>>4406385It's not strictly a tag, but those are the words used in the descriptions.>>4406481Always. I use IEMs, so they're not really an issue physically.
>>4406481While it's not optimal, you could try earbuds, and lying on your back. If you have IEM style buds it might help/work better.RJ185496:!uoRjQBhY!vsbcBwxOQtKG80NxFdzsWm4I_iPHsCOls-AyqBday-g
>>4406481SleepPhones user here. Sound is pretty quiet, but they're comfortable as hell.
>>4406510tfw ive had 3 pairs of them and theyve all broken within a few months
Let's settle this.
does anyone else fap to these or is it just me?
>>4406557A large portion of these are porn in audio form.What do you think people do with them? Use as ringtones?
>>4406557what kind of question is that?
>>4406567>>4406568I'm new to hvoice and i always saw these threads and thought these were just Japanese asmr with scratching noises and whispering. going to try out my fleshlight and give them a listen.
>>4406545Depends on which way they are designed to be usedB is the superior design though
It's my turn i guessRJ186300 -!hEQgFRxD!g5KGY42DKCYbraXrCMTeTL0xzsEkaj6y4eayn5hZDtY
>>4406609But it was already up somewhere. Thank you still.
>>4406567>2013>not using loli VA as a ringtone>not having a laff at neckbeards who instantly check their pockets to see if they accidentially put it on playback without headphones
>>4406618It's my 2nd fuck up then.
>>4406545Depending on construction, one of the weakest points in headphone construction is where the wire meets the bud assembly. The over-ear design increases stress on the wire, both by defying gravity's natural pull and increasing the opportunity for friction damage from the ears themselves.This usually results in "sound in one ear" as inside the wire casing a break, bend, or striping occurs as the wire is contorted to an unnatural angle.Additionally and especially for long term use, areas of contact with the body should be minimized as unavoidable bodily effluvia clings to the device necessitating more frequent cleaning and maintenance.Summation:Straight down earphones FTW.
>>4406326Thank you anon~
>>4406495Many thanks~
>>4406609Thank you~
>>4406326Too much noodle slurping for my tastes and the ear cleaning didn't sound centered but that might be on my end. Thanks for the upload.
>>4406545All else being equal (i.e., earbuds specifically designed for the style), right is superior because it mitigates cable transduction.
>>4406792Yeah, I hate when my cables get sick
>>4406796The right term is microphonics, apparently.
So do you guys just put these on your phone and listen or what? I use my xbox and speakers.
>>4406809you aren't listening to them properly unless your neighbours are asking you to turn it down
>>4406813i pump up the volume. i always wonder if they hear anything.
I really wish massage was an actual tag. Maybe I'm stupid but it only ever seems to be in descriptions, if they even put it in.
>>4406911I'm pretty sure it's not a dlsite tag, but it usually gets tagged on hvdb.
>>4405959>>4405903Is there a mega link to a collection of their stuff? As far as I looked, there were only baidu's with terribly low download speeds or files that surpass the limit.
Take mp3 version of someone rj179846 and RJ183422. I provide the RJ180194 and RJ186793
>>4407121Pretty sure most of their works are available in mega form
>>4406557You're a stupid fuck and frankly I hope you severely injure yourself within the next month
>>4407208its definitely momocodemaybe RJ133662
>>4406569>fleshlight>not using a superior Japanese hole
Does anyone know what the most recent momoiro code blog post is about? I'm still curious as to who the next work will be on.
RJ165036mega link was dead.So I searched and find it.Then I downloaded it.But it was RJ135368 not RJ165036. I felt so depressed.If there are kind person Please upload RJ165036 and forgive my begging.
>>4407297New girl?
I fucking hate baidu so much. It just keeps stalling on the download and I really don't want to sign up just to download RJ148366.
>>4407316jdownloader bypasses the signuphavent tried it on baidu myself, but it should work
Ayaka stream.
>>4406745I've had my $50 earbuds with over-ear detachable hooks for like 6 years now and they work as well as ever, and I notoriously break headphone cables
>>4407408>not using 499$ Custom IEM
>>4405924>RJ186548is this lewd ? i just wanna relax with hot onee-san some time.
>play Violated Hero 3>Seimei's CV is god tier.>Look up her voice work>never use Seimei voice in any other workJUST FUKING END ME
>>4407464I don't want to get tangled up in 500 dollars worth of stuff while sleeping
>>4407233R-20, Lilith Uterus, Virgin Age: Admission
>>4407492What are you talking about? 椎那天 has been in loads of stuff and she does the same voice almost every time.
RJ148796RJ163167RJ184606RJ152560RJ185556Could someone upload any of these to MEGA please?
>>4407492sheeeit nigga is she smonkin dat cums? dank
>>4407589>not lolincoexcuse me
>>4407646heh, from what i see RJ118920 and RJ184047 are probably only one that she use femdom seductive tone. everything else i tried sound pretty normal or submissive. link me m8. my dick want her.
Anyone know where to find RJ082289 and RJ085106?They're not in any of the folders in the pastebin or in A-S, not even in the RJ08 baidu folder. Not even in HVDB doesn't have them listed either.
>KONO MONOGATARI WA, FICTION DESUDo I really need to be informed all the damn time?
>>4407824Did it hurt your feelings?
>>4407822I think you missed that part of the OP:>Where do I search for h-audio?>1) Google, mostly.
>>4407822Might seem a little insane (especially if you're a manchild), but you could always buy them and support the circles you enjoy, instead of asking for handout.
>>4407865Yes silly goyim, put all your money into voice works!
>>4407826It kills my immersion.
>>4407767Cool, which ones can you up?
>>4407896I'm pretty sure he's being sarcastic
RJ176066:!AsIHEYoD!MvWlC4fdi40-YZ-6kGaKzgplz upload again
Anyone tried RJ186396 yet?
>>4407904あなた達のアジア人には英語が読めないと推測しているから私達は翻訳サイトや本で日本語で書きます。下手な文で読み辛いのでごめんなさい。日本が好きだから言語を上手く使いこなすように努力をする。なぜならplz,anyone have,ayaka stream、これらは単純な文章で住人の偽装をしている。最近はみんなが不快になっている。そうならば君達は何故翻訳サイトを使って英語を書かないのか?私達は交換や話題を望んでいる。君達は何か私達に既にアップロードしている以外で提供できるのか?何度も会議の場を作ったが君達は持っていますか?綾香流れを何度も書いていた。だから私達は別のサイトで交換している。私達は作品について語りたい、4chanで提供する人には提供する人が持っていないのをお礼をしたいが最近はない。その作品は別のサイトで既にアップロードしている。君達はgoogleを使って検索をしたのか?全てが削除している時にそれについて書いた場合私達はそれを確認してアップロードをする。しかし検索で削除をしていないのがあった。だから君達は検索をしてないことが分かった。だから私達は不快を持っている。君達も私達に提供をしてほしい、作品について語ってほしい。翻訳の下手な英語で文章も私達はちゃんと見る。日本語や単純の文章は乞食と読み辛いのでなるべく書かないでほしい
>>4407902Oh. I was just hoping someone would up these to mega. I can't seem to find them anywhere, even though I got told they're floating around somewhere, and mega's just much more convenient.
Someone linked PPOMO in Discord and her channel is actually pretty nice (compared to your average youtube ASMR money grab)
>>4407937all right. If was uncomfortable, I'm sorry.For this work, but was looking for in google search, was not found just in the broken links.I think probably not those that can be provided from here.
>>4407946thx anon gooooood :)i'll jiz it ッExtinguish this link Once the download of the file is complete. Even me something gift to us of providers XD!akUx1TpQ!NhwWQiJPVXjl72ivhfe7rlgBYLMoOO_fYWBeSgKFbt0
>>4407993sorry, rj186793
>>4407937Why you write so loooooong Japanese? Just stop harassing me. Get out here.
>>4408105he angry to jap boys.
Excuse me.When is the next invitation of HVDB?
How do you handle not getting cum all over your タイムローター?
>>4408128You keep your cum in. site distribute fake files and pop up dangerous ads. Be careful boys
>>4408219ok thx good guy.
>>4407993>less than 10 hours, already downdamn they're killing links fasterwell, still, thanks for sharing
>>4407297Thank fuck this post came out. I can't read moon runes so I was honestly lead to believe that Suzushiro had gone under a huge change out of nowhere.>>4407304I hope it is. She looks extremely cute and I'd like to see her in one of the cover arts or whatever it'd be called.
I'm sorry, because I am a Japanese, English is not How can know, I tried to to English Google translation. I'll try two post to try.Please say when I wrong.Several other, I would like to have something that has not yet been posted on this site.RJ173755:!CEYlmQwY!Mo5K-isQNuBugTIwrWA97daVsn3VtoWMycnOv1hMqIkRJ183951:!bNAl1J6C!dIeWD3E5U4Y8DOvUZ2P4mmn0foC9WdlDNJzYvsTL2RIenjoy
>>4408262your english is shit but don't worry about it i like you anywayThanks for RJ173755 I really wanted this one
>>4408240Ok,Also trying to re-upload tomorrow. I busy with work, come occasionally back to 4ch I one day heard the PSVR and the voice work is finished.Welcome also Japanese have seen here. I like to talk about but difficult to see the Japanese are. But writing in Japanese, too beggar, report'd pardonッanyone have?ayaka stream! plzzzzzz!!!! rofl
>>4408262Thank you, do not have to worry too much,have fun. It is now busy to have focused on VR and the presidential election. By the way you are what you want RJ is?
I have the thing which I want to upload, but do not understand a way. What can I do it?
>>44082881. You go to https://mega.nz2. Register account3. Upload the file4. thanks for the share
>>4408292thx,and should I watch HVDB whether it is not fogged?
>>4408294I don't understand your question, sorry.I'm not registered on HVDB so I can't help you anyway, maybe someone else can help you.>>4408262holy shit this looks real good thanks for the share>tfw no online friend to talk to regularly; ;
>>4408262RJ183951 は素晴らし、本当にありがとう。
List what I want....RJ183386RJ163572RJ181391RJ150333It is good even any oneThank you everyoneHere is something for you...RJ186394:!qEZlDAJA!wirZGz9eU0_uej20Ox27I_K9fEx_lgQZGh7-T3k1zO0
How can I enroll in HVDB?Because I want to contribute it in various, I want to register.
>>4408355This has been asked many times. You get an invite from a member of HVDB. You can do so by going to Discord and saying hello to people there. If you're lucky you might be invited. I think the owner of the site held an open registration few days ago but it's over now. Check back the thread every now and then. >>4408262>RJ173755So sweet. Reminds me of staying up late on the phone with her during high school. Now it's all memories. i want to die ; ;
>>4408376Thank you for having you answer carefully.and where is Discord?
>>4407408What kind? I've been looking for some durable headphones since I've had my last ones long enough to where they stopped making them 5+ years ago.
>>4408376Where is Discord of HVDB members?I don't know Discord.
>>4408396I use soundmagic pl-50, I think they were recommended in some /g/ informational chart at the time
>>4408326Thank you!
>>4408262Don;t know if I should I listen to this, looks like the type of scenario that makes me want to kill myself.
>>4408510Why? Those are cute as fuck
There will be another time when Skygazer will open.
>>4408510This. I just listened to both and it's one of those really sweet sweet things. Just cried at the sixth track of the second work. Knowing that I'll never make love with a girl and hold her in my arms during the afterglow making small whispery talks makes me depressed as fuck. I'm so fucking weak.But as far as the work itself is concerned, it's really great holy shit. I wonder why I've discovered their circle just now. They should deserve a few more hundred downloads desu.
>>4408540Unix epoch
RJ186793:!mgdWADqL!NhwWQiJPVXjl72ivhfe7rlgBYLMoOO_fYWBeSgKFbt0Until the work is finished,enjoyNew of Michikusaya and Ayaka are expecting someone has come to upload (ideal for capacity as mp3 is small if it is)By the way,this has someone?
any one have RJ185450?
Excuse me.Do you know the Discord server name of HVDB?I searched it but i cant find.
>>4408946The link is in the OP.
Oh,sorry.I overlooked it.
Because the cord becomes the broken link, it is meaningless.
>>4408789Good job on figuring out the time of the next invite.
>>4408634Just hire an escort anon
>>4409056you must read >>4407937.
>>4408868Please re-upload RJ186793
Still having trouble finding these four(I found one of the five, down to four):RJ163167RJ184606RJ152560RJ185556Could any kind folk please up these to MEGA for me?
Anyone have any ejaculation management works that last a week or less? Preferably not as intense as pic related where I have to eat like a dog.
Are there any more Voices like this one? I'm a sucker for those kuudere type voices but for the life of me, I can't find anymore
>>4409632RJ115637Haven't tried though.
>>4409460You do realize it's possible they haven't been uploaded right? You've been asking for over a week now, why don't you just buy them yourself?Nobody is going to buy them for you.
Anybody got a MEGA link for RJ164504? Or any link in general that isn't rapidgator?
>>4409460>RJ185556Why would a succubus clean someone's ears?
>>4409763Anyone else not liking that art?
>>4409632>intenseEach day was 12 minutes of re-used intro and outro, plus 8 minutes of actual content. Not what I'd call intense.
Fuck me this voice stuff is great, where has this been all my life? I have so much to look forward to. But looking at all the megas and shit I feel kinda lost... Does anyone have a some favorite older sister kind of voice off the top of your heads that they could recommend?
>>4409729If I could at the moment I wouldn't be asking. I've been told before that they HAVE been uploaded, just not to MEGA and I can't seem to find them. Though I think that was just me being trolled.At this point the only thing I can do is keep occasionally asking. Not like I'm the only person asking for stuff around here.
>>4409806>If I could at the moment I wouldn't be askingYou can't spend 8 dollars?
>>4409837Thanks, man! I'll check it out.
RJ163572 was found !!anyone have RJ183386 ?
>>4409846RJ183386 is like the third result on google, it's on AS.
RJ175325 is already uploaded?
> 桃色CODE site> cover> InokoIt's been a while.
Recommendations for lewd breathing like RJ151514?
>>4410030Wasn't Inoko a new char though? Can't remember her either, and I thought I had heard into all of them.
>>4410083Yes, she's new. Maybe he meant in relation to the latest release.
>>4410083>>4410105or he might have meant it's been a while since there's been a new character introduced.I myself have been listening to momoiro code so much I've been wanting for a change of pace with new charas and whatnot. Can't wait for it to come out.
Any good threesome work suggestions?
FriendsDo not succumb to the circle of self-made knoBecause you do not have as long as possible to be punished legally you who do not live in Japan
Uploaded the newest work from Ayaka.!mtlz1DxJ!IJagNikBiwqWwAKOXkpvUu7vRmZZOZyCKdK5UcIBJpU
>>4409794Almost anything by this circle: RJ109862 is cute and relaxing
chobit preview is working on firefox again if anyone stopped bothering trying.!
What's the one thing that you hear that instantly makes you lose?>Continued blowjob during ejaculation with no signs of slowing down>Paizuri>Nursing handjobs>Yandere women raping the MC. Even better if they're threatening them.>Lolidom or a shota being dominated by an older woman.
Whats something interesting on this site
>>4410352thx,anonRJ186793:!akUx1TpQ!NhwWQiJPVXjl72ivhfe7rlgBYLMoOO_fYWBeSgKFbt0RJ186866:!nxkH1LqT!NiheegfYGCq4MxlNBuAcbPtQiwho2cZB6A8sC7uAidsIt is available for download only a few hours
Voice Anon again. I got some more stuff to dump again. Nearly all of it is not, but there is some Non-H too. Including the new Project E.L.C. However I'll be gone for a while and will be cut of from the internet for a few a month or more.Just check the MEGA over time. Most of it should be uploaded by the morning. Enjoy your weekend and stay comfy. Oh and a good Halloween too.
>>4410559Forgot to mention that it should be about 10 works in all. I believe some were already uploaded though.
>>4410437>What's the one thing that you hear that instantly makes you lose?"lustful" inhaling and exhaling - best served with the occasional kiss, ear-lick and sweet or dirty pillow talkstrongly implied impregnation - if it is not a safe day, it just becomes that much better - though best is, if she implies enthusiasm about you coming inside of her, or even forces itWhat also makes me instantly loose, are good massaging sounds. Though the thing I loose then, would be my tension.
I want to This file RJ185155
>>4410575Then buy it.
>>4410437paipan, t-back. Both are extremely rare though.
>>4410575Woah. Y'know what? You get that file. Or, rather, you could have already gotten it hours ago. Because you are fucking stupid.>>4410352>>4410352Thanks. As expected of the circle, it is some high quality stuff.
>>4410352>1.65GB>muh 48kHz/24bitcan some richfags confirm if there are actual differences between these flacs/wavs and mp3s??
>>4410656Yes there is.
>>4410030The art doesn't feel or look too much like its going to be 18+ but then again the Seri one was almost 18+ if it weren't for that fuckin spider. And also it's only like half her head. Either way I'm gonna buy it as soon as it's released whether or not it's lewd.
I'm kind of new to the community and have finally found these threads recently but I'd like a second opinion on downloading vs streaming(from play.dlsite). Does it sound better if it were downloaded? I stream from my phone usually and if downloading it is a better option in order to fully enjoy it Id follow up immediately.
>>4410559Looks like it all uploaded.RJ187122 27.3 MB!F0YSRTSI!IBu0R0kK8AacTANFD-lyhB8_Uq_OzWM2v8bY7zd-HZMRJ187174 157.6 MB!VpQEmYab!UoSzHpPLuI4NHNqFyfNP8YGaUUK1uHrlwNqz6FRA5NMRJ186685 352.6 MB!VkpH2I6D!9a4PFl5DrQeA8KlY478RYLUhXL_ZSDzi_57wDkzcqLQRJ186137 252.2 MB!R8wjlJAa!1jlQ0Ymkovc8po2CX9ycv5yoYd3CerLmJTq6_Mso0egRJ184167 98.9 MB!okwghbLB!o7JuagLL6YmTj1HHgBebhoMlwBFB8Qh_Gi7-XB_SCmI>>4410656I can definitely tell the difference even if I'm not using my high quality headphones. If I am it's like night and day. But that also depends on what's happening too. If it's just a voice, the difference isn't that dramatic. If there are a bunch of sound effects, especially background noise, then it's very obvious. Like there are small details that you either won't hear or sound slightly distorted.
>>4410803Thanks as always.
>>4410803RJ163167 149.4 MB!d9JFFThK!qk8-Yp2rjCs7R2PsHwbsKcScZ2OOukdbRoUb1BzgEU8RJ186137 252.2 MB!8tAxjBQI!1jlQ0Ymkovc8po2CX9ycv5yoYd3CerLmJTq6_Mso0egRJ184606 972.0 MB!8pxDjTSZ!bIevaC_t11n3DH5Ufnyg_HyCr7b3enCuFGseRbAOeisRJ134742 81.8 MB!c4Q1kJBS!yOkacK5lGGrrlIJU64H6ksd-9u_FmeVVZQ0weQk5H4MRJ187173 161.6 MB!gw5mEZgL!ApWH_BjZ0w84vq2crBUEOKHVJDJ1glP1--8KgG6-KOsRJ186811 81.5 MB!osAQFCjR!errCRU4fmH9LiulRCcVJPvJjBX9-1irz23BoXcHMdu4And that's everything.>>4410801For me, DLsite keeps randomly stopping its stream on my phone so audio just cuts off at random which is irritating. I would say download it and listen to it with high quality headphones. If you're going to sleep then get something cheap so you can roll around with them and not worry about crushing them.>>4410808You are welcome. It's more of the fact that I'll be leaving for a while and want to take something with me. But the thanks is always appreciated.
>>4410811>I'll be leaving for a whileA while?
>>4410812Just like a month and a half. Military life. Comfy audio will keep me sane.
>>4410352>that pictureAre you sure this is ayaka?
>>4410814Good luck and keep safe out there Voice Anon. Don't get killed!
>>4410352>>4410803>>4410811I FUCKING LOVE FRIDAYSmany thanks
>>4410825Many thanks too
Can anyone reupload RJ186866 plz?during downloading its removed
>>4410656Unless the MP3 are encoded in some shitty quality, no.> Claims both published and anecdotal are regularly made for audibly superior sound quality for two-channel audio encoded with longer word lengths and/or at higher sampling rates than the 16-bit/44.1-kHz CD standard. The authors report on a series of double-blind tests comparing the analog output of high-resolution players playing high-resolution recordings with the same signal passed through a 16-bit/44.1-kHz “bottleneck.” The tests were conducted for over a year using different systems and a variety of subjects. The systems included expensive professional monitors and one high-end system with electrostatic loudspeakers and expensive components and cables. The subjects included professional recording engineers, students in a university recording program, and dedicated audiophiles. The test results show that the CD-quality A/D/A loop was undetectable at normal-to-loud listening levels, by any of the subjects, on any of the playback systems. The noise of the CD-quality loop was audible only at very elevated levels.Literally buyer's remorse and placebo. trainwreck is finally out. 2 hour recording of a VA having yuri sex with an actual prostitute, and the VA masturbating to the audio again after the fact.Details here.
>>4410837True, but lossless is better in the long run. Those mp3s sound great now, but let them sit for a few years and deterioration will kick in. My 2008 library of 320kbps mp3s has degraded to 64kbps, and it's getting worse every day.
>>4410847>not posting the original copypastaeh
>>4410837>The noise of the CD-quality loop was audible only at very elevated levels.This matters.
>>4410856>grasping at strawsCome back when the people making these audios actually record then in an environment that doesn't have noise in the first place. And no, filtering it out later does not count.
>>4410856If you listen to these at "very elevated levels" then you probably already have hearing problems.
RJ172364 plz!
>>4410837I need my audio to be future-proof for when we can get augmented ears with superhuman hearing capacityAnd for when you can wire the audio straight into your brain bypassing the physical world entirely.Hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC.
>>4410841If you're actually doing something in the physical world why not record a video of it as well
>>4410841>VA having yuri sex with an actual prostitute, and the VA masturbating to the audio again after the fact.That's what they want you to know.
RJ186993 has already uploaded? Not someone with my upload file the exchange?
Here is a friday present for all!!zktXUThS!3XvO4SR5dhJf275I5X8-uuPT9uLbdjDar0-zXhkfnqgBtw,has anyone RJ158487 because I can't find it
I know some people in these threads request loli works, but are there any shota works? I'm just curious.Anyway, does anyone have any loli ear-licking recommendations? I need to expand on those.
>>4410352>>4410803>>4410811Thank you both of you. Stay safe on your military duty, voice anon.
>>4410880She wrote a series of blog posts on how it happened. She even revealed the 風俗 girl by name (with picture) and posted the shop she works at.
Can anyone recommend anything similar to RJ174528? Trying to look up netori and WRM tags but nothing quite like it so far
Damn this one looks cute
>>4411013Looks cool.
>>4410803>>RJ186137 252.2 MB>!R8wjlJAa!1jlQ0Ymkovc8po2CX9ycv5yoYd3CerLmJTq6_Mso0egHoly shit, that was amazing. Thanks a lot friend.
>>4410452can someone please reupload RJ186793?
>>4410803>>4410811Thanks Voice Anon! Please be safe out there and stay comfy!
>>4410963The grail of loli ear licking: shota, try this series. It's traps/otokonoko. Haven't listened to it myself.
>>4410811>RJ186811 >she describes her body in the first audioThey really know how to get me going.Anyone know any other audios with that in it?
>>4411205Noel's first work from VL
>>4411210Noel? and I assume vl means voice lover, right?
Does anyone have RJ064704? Appreciate it.
>>4410352>grabs a condom>"this is too small for the customer!"nigga what kind of tiny ass condoms are you keeping around
>>4411234they are just making the nips feel a little bit better for their size shh
>>4410803Muh dick, this 藍月なくる girl could probably imitate Yukana's Nanasaki voice.
>>4410452RJ186866 reupload please~ what did i just listen?
Mega link folder of Michikusaya is already?
anyone can upload RJ180228
>>4410837>what is future-proofingIn the future, when audio compression improves dramatically, I will be able to re-encode my entire music and voice library and fit it onto a chip the size of my thumb.Good luck re-encoding your MP3s though, enjoy the artifacts.
hello!! have it already been posted???RJ132124: it hasn't,I'll post
>>4411566>>4404925Nicomidori folder.
WowI've just been scavenging Youtube for months now, I didn't even know this thread was a thingThe world has just become much bigger
>>4411610Update: the world might be too big, I've got no idea where to start
>>4411545>In the future, when audio compression improves dramaticallyBy the means of magic I assume? Or when you get a quantum computer at home?In the future, storage space is going to be cheaper than it is now, so why would I give a fuck? And this is a fact, not wishful thinking.!!!!
>>4411610Proceed with caution.
>>4411621Thanks.Hate to be that guy, but any other recommends similar to that?>>4411628It's worth the risk
>>4411632Similar in what way?
>>4411633Sister or vanilla, preferably longer works
>>4411572Thanks.RJ165992:!3dhSXJRQ!cIFmmsqoT9myVqf1eyDfYDvhL-p8iKr3c1bpdSpu130RJ173576:!zMoxzDbC!a_znG68q1bmr44tDKdaXWI2Q_XqjdjMXNugfaHhTPE0andRJ147718: been posted? I bought.
>>4411665My nipples said something......"Thank you!"
Hey guys, there was one I remember listening to a while ago where it was both rewards, I think two different girls, saying the same word over and over in different ways. I can't remember if it read lewd or not, and i think the one I was listening to was a version without the background sound MAYBE. Any ideas?
>>4411187Thanks. I'll look for that one in the archives.
>>4411665RJ147718 is in the pastebin
>>4411187>>4411811I unfortunately couldn't find it myself in the pastebin. Have you listened to it; if so, would you care to upload the work yourself? Also, I listened to the first few seconds of each of the first parts of the 3 works that I randomly clicked on, and the VA sounds great, except for her most recent, so 2/3. I'm glad you brought light to that artist.
>>4411811>>4411827Read the OP and PSA in order.
>>4411570>15 hours ago>no thanksgrrrrthanks >:(
>>4410947Voice anon uploaded it but it got removed, you probably should ask him to reupload>>4411570>>4411665many thanks!!!
>>4410803>RJ187122 27.3 MBIt's 40 fucking minutes long but it's down to 27.3 MB and the quality isn't that bad. I commend this circle
>>4410947Here, I reuploaded a local copy.
Still looking for thisRJ152560All I can find is a Rapidgator premium link.
>>4412315>Still looking for this>RJ152560>All I can find is a Rapidgator premium link.those rapidgator premium links are usually all fake anyways
>>4411628Contains: Taste.
>>4412182Thank you so much!
Are there any works that uses accents? Like Kansai accent, or Hiroshima accent?
>>4412564hiroshimaVL0117 - Amaeta Rou - Saki kansai RJ151142 RJ174376
>>4412564RJ169217Amaetarou series (afaik):
Can anyone recommend any works silimar to PTRS016_引きこもり少女の長い一日。(ソロクエストモード)[RJ183594] and PTRS017_愛娘に癒してもらうお話? Or better yet, is there some sort of "PTRS" circle of similar works or something?
>>4412416I know but I was hoping. It's the last one left that I can't find now.
>>4410452this is killing me,anonpls reupload RJ186866
Which things immediately get you rock hard in a voice work?>forceful deep throat
>>4412535watch what kind of images you post guys because shit like this will get you banned tentacles futa and loli are NOT allowed on H
still no more ball busting or beat you up voice works on here. such is life.I suppose to be somewhat less of a begging faggot that doesn't contribute anything what sort of stuff do you guys wish was uploaded more often? you have my answer.
Anyone has some good loli domination suggestions.My particular gripe with assertive girls work, is that once they put it in they just squeal and turn into frail girls every fucking time.I'm looking for some work that don't break the character like that and still feel like they're in control and got the situation.Also please nothing too crazy psycho, just moderate domSomething like pic related, not the work itself but just the feel of this picture, if you know what I mean.It's kind of hard to describe, but I would really appreciate it.Thanks.also censored it because I think loli are not okay here
>>4413222>still no more ball bustingAre there any at all?I don't think I've seen any uploaded.
>when Trump wins I'll have $5,000 to buy voice works withFeels good man.
any works with CG sets?like RJ125676
Could someone kindly reupload RJ181918 again?
>>4413391>any works with CG sets?Might want to try RJ130598 / other works from that circle. Each of their works is ~2-4 hours or so, and the ero content has a couple of cg each.>>4413343>when Trump winspol is leaking, I see ;)
Ayaka stream.
>>4413623Calm down time traveler.
>>4413625Sorry, testing some things.
Here it comes
>>4413649The thumbnail looks kawaii AF. Is it a non-h or dirty work?
>>4413649Trying to quickly upload
Somehow i managed to unpack it without mojibake, thx to LEso here we go: RJ143415 -!AQZAVRoD!jy2mQQnAd1LUppRfLySfBJFnU2_VhnueL3dsSIG7DjY
>>44129911kHz single tone audio censorshipI just can't contain myself.Seriously, fuck whoever does this. What, you're using an eroge seiyuu and she can't say DICK?
>>4413710Thank you
>>4413745But anon, that's lewd.
I made a userscript that shows information about a work when you hover over an RJ code. It also makes them clickable.Here's the Github repo desu:
>>4413336none at all, sadly.
>>4413895Anon. You're the best.
>>4413469that cg looks pretty bad
>tfw voice stuff made you really good at counting in Japanese but now you cum whenever someone says zero
>>4413745Maybe she's underage? new B-bishop's work released.
Best blowjob only work? Not loli please.
>>4413895This is great. Thanks senpai
Thanks anon, much appreciated.
>>4413895glad to see you got it up and running on chrome now, thanks man this makes things so much easier
any works with NO blowjobs?
にこみどり has a new voice work coming out the end of this work where a priestess has to purify a possessed cock. I've really enjoyed all their past stuff and the demo for this one is really good.
Any problem happened but I can not connect to the ftp server?
Anywhere I can find the whole seriesfrom MIYUKI-voice and ajaib suara circles: "" and "" ?
>>4413895thanks dude this is awesome
>>4413710Disappointed by this, the reverb and filter they used to make it sound like inside a bathroom is really, really crappy and takes all the life out of it.>>4413895This seems to actually work and not give me any issues like all the other scripts did, thanks!
I want you to upload RJ137910,RJ167766 to Mega. After me the upload I will upload RJ186993
>>4414340>TradingKindly fuck off.
>>4414341Personally I would rather suggest that >>4414340 fucks off due to almost demanding the upload. Also 2:1 (downloadee to uploadee) ratio.
Not sure if this is the right thread, but does anyone remember the "loli gets lost looking for toy section" vocaroo sound? I still fap to it sometimes. Are there any more like that?
>>4414351He's not demanding, he's japanese and his english isn't great. That anon's been uploading good stuff, and maybe from his own pocket considering i'm not seeing it get uploaded anywhere else, so cut him some slack. he's contributing more than you are.
>>4414291Is it just me or the art is a little weird this time?
>>4414449looks very nice, but >loli
>>4414520>loliYes please. I'll see if that work's archived later.
>>4414499Does the creator do all the work when it comes to art for do they commission someone from pixiv or something? Either way I like the new art.
>>4414499I don't see how it's any different from usual.>>4414571I'm under the impression he does it all by himself.
>>4414418Wow, we even have nip apologists here.
>>4414340>>4414341>>4414351>>4414418>>4414811Since I happen to have both of those, I can upload to mega. Check back later tonight. (like in 4 hours)
>>4414234>a priestess has to purify a possessed cockStrange.
>>4413895This doesn't work at all for me on GNU+Linux, even after disabling 4chan x.Are you doing anything that wouldn't work on a somewhat old version of firefox?
>>4414948Okay, both RJ137910 and RJ167766 are up in what I'll call the "Megami Soft" folder. Also in the folder for now is RJ184331 (uploaded in a previous thread). I'll get around to uploading the rest of Megami Soft's stuff at a later time.
>>4414418Wut? are you writing to me? It was judged as japanese who? You'd better not write proudly if there is no decent evidence. If you just write the bitches and are not replacing anything, get the fuck out of here
>>4415173Good job being a complete fucktard to the only guy trying to say that you might not be one.
>>4415150thxRJ171616:!vtdTXKQK!4IVJgA7nUmzQCRdH6T5-1aIg0dVWwhmfvRJIizDOMnIRJ186993:!L9lRDBhY!AV6Y8Moo6B39f9jXRUCvO-pDXI3mhyhHgE5zBgolQMYI because seems Japanese file is turn off immediately. You have to import this fileIt stops RJ187174,RJ184817,RJ187180 but also was scheduled to upload ayaka work just came out. but only sold at DMM
RJ101078 plz
>>4415195dead link...
anyone here?
>>4415195Could you reupload please?
When searching on dlsite is there a way to filter things that do and don't have sound effectsI dunno about you guys but if I'm listening to my handjob tracks I prefer the sound effects instead of a "shiko shiko"
Are there voice works with the script text file included?
anyone know where i can find the latest cure nurse from die brust?
Is there any peptalk/cheering works? I enjoy healing, but they always put me to sleep.
>>4415726thanks but the links are down. guess i'll just have to wait.
>>4415849baidu link alive
>>4412991Any recommendations on that?
What is the best milf audio?
>>4409632Finished this and seconding more of this
>>4412991Kissing. Especially when the girl gets really turned on from it.>>4413745I always found it comedic.>>4413336>>4414007RJ186811
>>4415973>RJ186811I didn't realize this one had ball busting in it, it doesn't say that in the description or anything about it in the tags.
sasayakian folder plz
looking for the new b`bishop work RJ187180
Where do I find these?RJ180876RJ164667RJ163470
>>4416327Got you covered famalam
New thread?
Japanese hentai voice thread.同人音声エロボイス専用Vol.47 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net is the Japanese here.
>>4416447That's not a voice thread. That's just a thread reacting to our thread.
>>4416447>頼む頼むからもうニコニコ動画から来た子供達はもう4chに書き込まないでくれこれ以上状況を悪化させないでくれ頼むからSo those shitty engrish were written by underaged Japanese.
>>4416342are you serious?
To 4chan people.Please do not download it illegally.Please do not violate a copyright. fuck you guys.From Japanese fans
>>4416601From 4chan peoplekyslolpirates win, copyfags go sucks
>>4416601Lmao at these japs.First he asks us "please" to not dl illegal shitThen tells us to fuck ourselves.Go fuck yourselves you small dicked fucks, at least we dont go fucking begging to your chinese audio thread to beg for shit like you guys do with google translate, fucking hypocrite bitch.
To everyone looking at this board.I think really pleased to have me interested in Japan of voice work.We are really annoying to some of the Japanese who rampage here and 4chan.They are either in vandalism, or would be malicious seller. I think sad.Love of voice work is the same for any country of human beings.We also will continue fighting thoroughly and vandalism.From Japanese fan(I'm sorry in clumsy translation)
>>4416736Hello Japanese fan.We of this board are not of buy malicious seller. As of knowledge we are of not buy at all. I think annoyed of Japanese who vandalism and love voice work really.I think happy you come onto this board. You are of welcome.You are of good English write. I think happy.
>>4416601kys nip
>>4416907You're supposed to be over 18 to browse this site, you know.
>>4416327bump. where can I find these?
can anyone recommend paizuri audio, preferably not with loli voice? thx
>>4416983RJ150391I'm not really sure what criteria you'd use to decide if paizuri oriented audio work is good though, kind of hard to present it in different ways.