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submitted by chris3995mTotally not here to shill for Clinton
Trump once pretended to give a school 1 mil, but only gave them $200! How mean is that?
Don't get me wrong, I don't like Hillary that much. But there is seriously no reason to vote for Trump. All his policies are garbage. Even his greatest "reason" that he would self-fund is no longer true, so there is no reason whatsoever.
A lot of his supporters on the_donald talk about anti-SJW talking points, and I think that the SJWs "enabled" them to support Trump.
all 20 comments
[–]shazbottled [score hidden]  (4 children)
That is what would make it so funny.
[–]Yesofcoursenaturally [score hidden]  (9 children)
But there is seriously no reason to vote for Trump.
SJW opposition alone is a reason to vote for him. On the subject of PC language/thought policing, a President Trump would be a re-alignment of the stars over America, spelling out the message "Knock it the fuck off, SJWs".
[–]chris3995mTotally not here to shill for Clinton[S] [score hidden]  (8 children)
Trump and his followers are very heavy on censorship also (No Dissenters or SJWs is a rule from the_donald subreddit.) In addition to the wall, immigration restrictions, ect.
[–]GammaKingTriggered by the letter 'f'[M] [score hidden]  (5 children)
You definitely didn't come here to push an agenda...
Nonetheless trying to imply that subreddit rules translate into political policy is just absurd.
[–]soullessgeth [score hidden]  (4 children)
this guy is a major ctr shill
[–]GammaKingTriggered by the letter 'f' [score hidden]  (3 children)
I wouldn't be too keen to dismiss all stupidity as "CTR". If you're going to pay someone you'd expect their talking points to at least make sense.
[–]soullessgeth [score hidden]  (2 children)
there is no reason to support hillary unless you are a financier cuck.
so...their points cannot exactly make sense by definition
[–]GammaKingTriggered by the letter 'f' [score hidden]  (1 child)
I think that's a bit naive to say. Plenty of people support Hillary for all sorts of reasons.
[–]soullessgeth [score hidden]  (0 children)
yes...there is no objective reason to...
[–]Yesofcoursenaturally [score hidden]  (0 children)
Trump and his followers are very heavy on censorship also (No Dissenters or SJWs is a rule from the_donald subreddit.)
It's a subreddit that doesn't want to be infiltrated and swamped by literal paid shills for Hillary, on a website that is notoriously left-leaning. That's not much censorship, and they advocate tearing down thought policing on campuses, etc.
In addition to the wall, immigration restrictions, ect.
'You believe nations have borders that makes you an SJW'. C'mon.
[–]n0rdicVi-kin | Pronouns: Hann, Honum, Hans [score hidden]  (0 children)
The wall and immigration restrictions are not censorship by the definition of the word. The main issue with illegals is that they are not protected under our laws (easy to exploit), and they are not vetted in any way (potential for terrorism and the like). The wall is more of an attempt to stop mass illegal immigration and start an effort to fix our immigration laws so that more people can enter legally.
Hillary wants to open the borders and try and eliminate voter ID laws (discrimination guys!) So that Dems will win every election because there is no way they would vote for red in fear of getting kicked out.
[–]soullessgeth [score hidden]  (0 children)
please go back CTR you shill, jesus

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Comments, continued...

[–]LogicChick [score hidden]  (0 children)
Sometimes when things are rotten and your only choice is no choice at all people would rather tear it down and start over. I think that's what's happening all over world.
[–]DesireBlueSky [score hidden]  (0 children)
It doesn't help that SJW's are more than happy to demonize anyone who even so much as thinks about Trump's policies beyond "OMG HE'S HITLER". I'm not a fan of Trump at all, but it's bizarre how the more aggressive detractors don't seem to realize that they drive people to Trump.
[–]GammaKingTriggered by the letter 'f' [score hidden]  (0 children)
Here's my stance: Both are pretty bad candidates. No matter who you choose is going to result in 4 years of bad policy. However, Clinton winning would be a massive affirmation of all the underhanded, corrupt and in some cases outright illegal practices being used to achieve that. Trump represents an opportunity to make it clear to politicians that the current status quo with the political elite is over. While people disagree with him on policy, it's pretty clear that Trump is the candidate with people's best interests at heart, rather than those of big money and business.
[–]soullessgeth [score hidden]  (0 children)
hillary is a sjw shill bot...her only reason for existence is her vagina.
trump is the best viable alternative
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