ロンドン記者レポ スカパラ@AX


Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra 17/11 Shibuya Ax 



雨は激しかった。東京の気温は急降下した。町は傘と厚いジャケットとスカーフと手袋の人でいっぱいだった。外は本当に人がいられる場所ではなかった!人たちは渋谷のかわりに人でいっぱいのShibuya Axにくることを選んだそうだった。だが、それはただ寒さを避けるためだけではなく、しめっぽい寒さと雨からずっと離れた場所でツートンのサンシャインが射すダンシングタイムと会うためだった。これはTokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra(日本のファンたちの中ではスカパラと呼ばれる)のShibuya Axでの二日間のライブの中で二番目の舞台だった。


照明が暗くなり、ジェームズ∙ボンドのスタイルのフィルムと共にイントロが始まった。バンドのメンバーたちはまるで各々の登場人物のように登場した。それはすごくカッコよくて、スカバンドに対してそれ以上望むことがなかった!Kin-Ichiはステージの上に歩き上がって小さなドラム∙ソロでショーを始めた。いったいこの世のどのバンドがこういうオプーニングが出来るのだろう。ただ僕は目の前のこのバンドの太っ腹な自信感を認めるしかなかった。タイミングよ く、8人のメンバー全員があざやかなピンクのスーツを着てその後を続けた。どうすればピンクのスーツを着てもカッコよくなれるのか?ただ僕の頭の中にはピンクのスーツがほしいという強烈な欲望しかなかった。


スカパラは“Like Jazz on Fire”でライブを始め、ステージ下の観客は‘そのダンシング’を始めた。僕にその安全性について、ほんの少し疑心と心配をさせた‘そのダンシング’。 2階ではバウンスが始まり、皆が飛び込んだり飛び出したりして、すべてがめちゃくちゃになり、一階の僕らがつぶされるまではあまり時間がかからなかった・・・。


とにかくメンバーたちはそれぞれの実力をはっきり発揮した;Kin-Ichiのドラム∙ソロ;Nargo (Trumpet) & Masahiko (Trombone)のピアニカ∙バトル。あなたはどこかでピアニカで対決する二人のミュージシャンを見たことがあるのか?ぜったいそうだとは思わない。;Hajime (Percussion)はまるで体に火がついたような熱情的にボンゴを打った、銅鑼もあった。;スーツのズボンをスキューバダイビングのスーツよりもっとタイトに縮めて着たTakashi (Guitar)はロック∙アンド∙ロールを加えたスカを演奏し;Yuichi’s (Keys)の足はスピーディー∙ゴンザレスの足よりもっと早く踊った;ずっと後ろを守っていたTsuyoshi (Bass)はJaco Pastoriusよりクールであって;Atsushi (Baritone Sax)は観客の皆を盛り上がるようにさせ、Gamo (Tenor Sax)は実に隠していたMadnessを燃やした!







All I want for Christmas is a pink suit and a trombone
The rain was lashing down and the temperature in Tokyo had dropped rapidly, the umbrellas out, the jackets, scarfs and gloves on. Outside was not the place to be! Instead the people had made their way to Shibuya and forced themselves into a packed out Shibuya Ax. Not to get away from the cold however, no no, away from the depressing cold and rain came the sunshine in the form of two-tone and dancing. Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra (or Ska Para to their Japanese fans) had made their way to Shibuya Ax for the second time in as many days and they came with a purpose, to have a bloody good time!!



The lights went out and the introduction began, with a James Bond style film, the band members were shown up as cast members. Was a very cool way of doing it, nothing less from a Ska Band! Kin-Ichi walked onto stage and opened the show with a little drum solo, what band does that?! Rate them so much for having the confidence to start off like that. Nicely followed by the other 8 members all dressed in the coolest pink suits. How do you make a pink suit cool? All I knew was I wanted one, badly!


Opening with “Like Jazz on Fire” the crowd below began the dancing, so much so I became slightly concerned for the safety, the second floor began bouncing too, with everyone up there jumping up and down, it wouldn’t be long till the whole thing collapsed and we crushed those below…


Each member had his own thing going on; Kin-Ichi’s drum solo; Nargo (Trumpet) & Masahiko (Trombone) with their Melodica battle, have you ever seen two musicians battle on a Melodica? I didn’t think so. Hajime (Percussion) playing the bongos like they were on fire and a gong; Takashi (Guitar) giving that extra bit of rock n roll with his modified suit trousers tighter than a wetsuit; Yuichi’s (Keys) legs moving faster than Speedy Gonzales; Tsuyoshi (Bass) standing at the back looking cooler than Jaco Pastorius; Atsushi (Baritone Sax) keeping the audience on their toes and Gamo (Tenor Sax) keeping the madness alive!


It was a mouth watering set, and the fans were eating up every moment, skanking away to every song; the smell of sweat filling the room and it just didn’t matter. Ska Para get 10/10 for every category: music, tightness, length, rock n roll, fan enjoyment, band enjoyment, comedy elements, originality, old school and just being the coolest band! (if my maths is correct they just got 100/100) and just to be safe that they get 100, if you don’t agree with me, Ska Para get a few extra points too. After half the audience had left, the lighting staff had begun packing up and things had finally come to an end, Ska Para run back on for a second encore to a panicked crew and an audience with half a coat already on running back in, to give a final explosion of sunshine! Sadly it had to come to an end, and out the audience went back into the rain, however this time happier than ever and dancing all the way home!

2009-11-24 11:42:40