MGTOW LIFE: discussions covering many different aspects of MGTOW life

This Is The Hardest Thing I've Ever Done In My Life

We’ve all heard the expression “this is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life”. Which is a well used saying that crosses nations borders around the world, and which is used to denote an act by the person saying it that they have indeed just done something so brutal, but which was also personally self-sacrificing, and that despite the high personal cost to themselves; this person did it anyway because it just had to be done. The expression does invoke a sense of allegiance, respect and awe of the one who just had the courage to go through with such hardship upon themselves for a return of something of even higher value than their own self preservation or the harm to another. But… what does this expression mean when we hear it from a woman? And is it a rather easily translated code phrase for very specific acts?

“This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life”, and despite the personal cost, I still did it.

Men everywhere are waking up to what this phrase really means in so many instances when it comes from so many a woman’s mouth, and which can generally have a few possible and easily identifiable real meanings.

  1. She just came back from a court where she falsely accused her husband of domestic abuse as a means of attaining the best possible divorce settlement, child custody, asset split, child support, alimony etc.
  2. She just came back from having a procedure at a woman’s clinic.
  3. She just falsely accused a man of assault or some other form of harassment

Men are now seeing that these scenarios are generally the only times when they hear the expression “this is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life” be spoken by a woman in so many cases. Whereby she has just caused incredible harm and loss to others, via her own specific and planned actions which she had thought through very carefully, and then went through with the act, fully knowing the cost of suffering she has just brought upon innocent others for her own personal reward.

Or that if these above listed possible scenarios do not describe the possible act she has done, then it will almost always be some other act which also causes as much devastation to others at her own hands.

Now whenever so many men hear the expression “this is the hardest thing I’ve ever done” be spoken of by a woman, it so often gets their guards up immediately, to investigate just what this woman has done who has spoken these now infamous code words. They ask themselves first, what has this woman done, and who has she harmed? As in these modern times of the internet and of men once more so freely speaking to each other about their similar experiences, this cat is well and truly out of the bag!

No matter who the man is, whether it be her boss, brother, husband, boyfriend, father: every man hearing this now so creepy expression, will so often see these words as a code for a woman causing deliberate harm or loss to another. Usually a man.

And to complete this little play, so often there will be the standard accompaniment of tears, shaking, sombreness, self pity, counselling, the “I don’t have a choice” line, and finally the show of the strength of resoluteness to do what must be done despite the personal cost to herself; because its just the right thing to do. Yes, it seems this script is so old and so well worn by so many women all over the world, that every man now understands the code for what it is the moment he sees the first act of the play begin.

The Power Of This Expression

The whys of the popularity of this excuse are also very easy to see for most men now.

Quite simply, the woman’s incantation of these magical words are in fact a total removal of all accountability of the act of harm she has just done to another person whom she was supposed to be loyal to and protective of, whom she is now deliberately harming for her own personal gain. Which nowadays may not just be harm, but indeed can now so often be a total brutality and often savagery of another person such as in the worst divorces.

Whatever it was, it most always involved a member of her own family, though sometimes not, she thought about what she was going to do, decided to do it, and then she went through with it. And the magical incantation of “this is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life” is the spell which is supposed to absolve her of all that she has done wrong and of the cruelty she just willingly inflicted on another.

These magic words make her the victim and not the perpetrator, they bring her pity and not scorn, they bring her support and not judgement for her cruelty, they turn an act of harm against innocents into an act of self sacrifice and bravery for her. So many men now say that this incantation has incredible power to remove all accountability from any woman from any act she does, no matter the brutality on the one she harmed, that it gives her the power to do even greater harm in the future, the confidence that what she did was indeed a very noble act on her behalf.

After all, she had no choice, and it was the hardest thing she has ever had to do in her life.

And within the manosphere now, this secret code has long since been cracked wide open for what so many now say it is, which is a woman’s CODE PHRASE that she is admitting for all to hear around her that she has just undertaken an act of brutality, usually against her own innocent husband, for personal gain, and now she wants her free pass, encouragement to do it again, support, and a warm cuddle from all those around her that she indeed “did the right thing”.

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MGTOW Panic is an unsafe space on the web to learn about men going their own way.
The purpose is to explore and discuss the growing MGTOW movement around the world.
With a conservative viewpoint on MGTOW philosophy about current misandrist societies,
and the risks men face in their relationships with women at home, in education and at work.