@mike_pence Looks like you don't really know how investigations work.... surprise, surprise.
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@JOANGELQUIDNUNC@mike_pence Looks like you don't know how FOIA works. They were emails from her work as SoS. ALL are public record. - その他の返信を表示
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@JOANGELQUIDNUNC Psycho? When confronted with a rebuttal? People like you are the problem. You attack when you're wrong. Nasty woman. - その他の返信を表示
@geekaybe Filthy, actually. However... I think "your friends" are the REAL problem. Want Proof? -->http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/08/04/us/politics/donald-trump-supporters.html … - その他の返信を表示
@JOANGELQUIDNUNC -Sigh- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh81tPvsjGg … Again, it's the Hillary payroll that causes this. Sorry about your feelings Nov 8th. OUT -
@geekaybe Wait... do you REALLY have dyslexia or are you making fun of a condition, like when your candidate made fun of that reporter? - その他の返信を表示
@JOANGELQUIDNUNC I really have it, but thanks for assuming I'm just a bad person. Thanks for making fun of MY disability you hypocrite. - さらに表示
@mike_pence No, actually, they don't. That's not a right that people have. Just like DJT's tax returns. - その他の返信を表示
@NotMattShaw@mike_pence Government work product belongs to us, dipshit. Personal tax returns do not. - その他の返信を表示
@Citizen_USA1@mike_pence Oh? Is that what's contained in those emails? The ones that weren't from HRC? You know this? - その他の返信を表示
@NotMattShaw@mike_pence You must not be thinking of the same emails. The FBI Director, James Comey, found#HillaryEmails (from Hillary) - その他の返信を表示
@Citizen_USA1@mike_pence The emails that Comey just referenced are from "a device". Subsequent reports say they're not from HRC. - その他の返信を表示
@mike_pence Tax returns, asshat. - その他の返信を表示
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@mike_pence - We call on Donald@realDonaldTrump to release his taxes. Americans have the right to know before Election Day. - その他の返信を表示
@millertodda@mike_pence@realDonaldTrump lol what"smoking gun" could you find that's worse that what we already have on Hillarypic.twitter.com/NJspwl2cev - その他の返信を表示
@fatbaby1337 - Where did anyone mention "smoking gun?" I would like reassurance that hasnt done business with restricted nations or enemies -
@millertodda hrc takes Saudi money and sells Russia uranium and youre still concerned about Trump's taxes LMAO get it togetherpic.twitter.com/UX5sfVBHWF -
@fatbaby1337 - really, you want to go down this route? He has trials coming up for sex with minor, Trump U, etc. - その他の返信を表示
@millertodda if those cases had ANY merit the corrupt mdia wouldv ran the stories into the ground but wve heard nthing so Ill hold my breath - その他の返信を表示
@fatbaby1337 - fair enough. I will wait until they are in court, just like anything against HRC.