/r/GoodEconomics: The mission of GE is to serve as a repository for good economics comments from Reddit. Comments providing an in depth economic analysis, extensive sources from the literature, or even just detailed, intuitive and logically consistent answers to economic questions.
Subreddit Rules
This subreddit should enable sharing and discussing economic research and news from the perspective of economists. Academic work and summaries are welcome.
Posts which are tenuously related to economics or light on economic analysis or from perspectives other than those of economists should be shared with more appropriate subreddits and will be removed. This will keep /r/economics distinct from the many related subreddits.
Please post links to the original source, no blogspam, and do not submit editorialized headlines. No memes.
Personal attacks and harassment will not be tolerated. Please report personal attacks, racism, misogyny, or harassment you see or experience. We will remove these comments and take other appropriate measures.
All images, charts, and/or videos, including original content, must be submitted with a source and summary (tl;dr).
Top-level comments consisting of mere jokes, nakedly political comments, circlejerking, or otherwise non-substantive contributions without reference to the article, economics, or the thread at hand will be removed.
Want to learn more? Suggested readings - books, blogs, and macroeconomics reading list (courtesy of /u/Integralds)
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Informal polling in January, 2015 indicates readers of the subreddit fall into these Schools of Thought.
We have two active bots in this sub, which seek to provide relevant content from various RSS feeds. Related discussion.
/u/Shares_RSS shares economic news from Reuters and Fivethirtyeight feeds.
/u/Central_bank_bot shares working papers and academic research from NBER, German Bundesbank, Bank of Canada, Banque Nationale Suisse, CEPS, and the National Bank of Belgium feeds.
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