I'm no expert, but you might want to include this in a letter 11 days before an election that could decide the fate of the republic.
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@jonfavs Hey, hey, hey.....whoa there, with the crazy talk
@jonfavs This whole experience today has been a lesson in bedwetting (great show last night, BTW) -
@katespencer so jealous you were there -
@zachlinder i asked a question about the silent majority and cackled a lot. heaven. -
@katespencer i asked the 538 guys a utah question and gasped a lot at their show on monday. twinzies.
@jonfavs Seems like MAYBE this could have been three more sentences in the letter released. -
@jonfavs I'M SO CONFUSED -
@jonfavs thank you for using the DEFCON system correctly - View other replies
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@jonfavs@daviottenheimer but don't let the truth get in the way of a good story, right? trump just announced re-investigation at a rally -
@jonfavs Wiener know that this is a wild goose chase - View other replies
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@jonfavs I appreciate the correct DEFCON usage. -
@jonfavs thank you for knowing that defcon 1 is the worst and not defcon 5 - View other replies
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