Catherine Byrne, the military mom in the pic, is my new favorite American hero.
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she didn't back down
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@EricBoehlert Military moms don't back down.
@EricBoehlert Fascism, that's what happens to people who blindly support a demagogue. Nothing else matters but their daddy winning - その他の返信を表示
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@EricBoehlert Imagine how her son will feel when he sees/hears about this, as he risks his life away from home right bow. This is very sad. - その他の返信を表示
@glomad67@EricBoehlert She came to act political and the scrutiny comes with it. Regardless of who she is, even the mother of Christ. - その他の返信を表示
@OliverWest100@EricBoehlert Ridiculous stmt. She asked legitimate question. Regardless, her son's in harm's way & she lives that every day. -
@glomad67@EricBoehlert She talked negative, demonstrated at a political rally of his fans, booing is in every order. She doesn't get a pass - その他の返信を表示
@OliverWest100@EricBoehlert Your comment represents everything that's wrong with the Trump campaign/supporters. How sad for you. -
@glomad67@EricBoehlert Don't feign moral outrage. Anyone who disses one's candidate at a supporter's rally rightfully gets booed - その他の返信を表示
@glomad67@EricBoehlert Because she is a military mom doesn't give her shelter to go around politically demonstrating without repercussions - その他の返信を表示
@OliverWest100@EricBoehlert Asking question about disrespect of other families who have kids in combat/have sacrificed is "demonstrating"? - その他の返信を表示
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@EricBoehlert out of control minions of Trump, why would that ignorant man scream at a woman anyway, they're just hateful. - その他の返信を表示
@sophagazelle@EricBoehlert She came to a political rally to demonstrate. Even if she was mother of Christ, scrutiny comes with territory - その他の返信を表示
@OliverWest100@EricBoehlert that was pretty childish to boo her, whether protesting or not
@EricBoehlert populism -
@EricBoehlert Patriotism for Republicans was always contingent on the maintenance of a certain racial hierarchy in the United States. - その他の返信を表示
@EricBoehlert Trump can campaign on the notion that America isn't great because his base puts white supremacy before love of country. - その他の返信を表示
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