Search CMV
A subreddit for people who have an opinion on something but accept that they may be wrong or want help changing their view.
Submission Rules
Explain the reasoning behind your view, not just what that view is (500+ characters required). ▾ |
Note: if your view is about a "double standard", please see the guidelines here. [More] |
You must personally hold the view and be open to it changing. ▾ |
A post cannot be - neutral; made on behalf of others; for playing devil's advocate; or to "soapbox". Posts by throwaway accounts must be approved through modmail. [More] |
Submission titles must adequately sum up your view and include "CMV:" at the beginning. ▾ |
Posts with misleading/overly-simplistic titles may be removed. [More] |
No "meta posts". Please post to /r/ideasforcmv instead. ▾ |
Feasible suggestions that gain traction there may be implemented or posted to CMV for further discussion by the mods. [More] |
Only post if you are willing to have a conversation with those who reply to you, and are available to start doing so within 3 hours of posting. ▾ |
If you haven't replied during this time, your post will be removed. [More] |
Comment Rules
Direct responses to a CMV post must challenge at least one aspect of OP’s stated view (however minor), or ask a clarifying question. ▾ |
Arguments in favor of the view OP is willing to change must be restricted to replies to other comments. [More] |
Don't be rude or hostile to other users. ▾ |
Your comment will be removed even if the rest of it is solid. 'They started it' is not an excuse. You should report it, not retaliate. [More] |
Refrain from accusing OP or anyone else of being unwilling to change their view. ▾ |
If you are unsure whether someone is genuine, ask clarifying questions (see: socratic method). If you think they are still exhibiting poor behaviour, please message us. [More] |
If you have acknowledged/hinted that your view has changed in some way, please award a delta. ▾ |
You must also include an explanation of this change along with the delta. [More] |
No low effort comments. ▾ |
Comments that are only jokes or "written upvotes", for example. Humor and affirmations of agreement can be contained within more substantial comments. [More] |
The Delta System
As per comment rule 4 above, please award a delta if your view has been changed in any way.
How to award a delta:
Reply to the user(s) who changed your view with ∆ included in your comment, which can be achieved through one of the following:
Copy/paste - ∆
∆ (Unicode - remember the semi-colon! - Windows, Mac, Linux, and Smartphones)
Option/Alt+J (Mac)
Ctrl+Shift+u2206 (Linux)
!delta (for mobile users, but please use ∆ if you can)
/u/DeltaBot will maintain delta counts in user flair, wiki pages for each user's delta history, and deltaboards. A delta wiki page can be found at /r/changemyview/wiki/user/___,
filling in the blank with a username.
For more info: Delta System Explained.
DeltaBot code on GitHub.
Are you familiar with Node.js? If so, we'd appreciate you having a look at the current issues.
Further discussion over at /r/DeltaBot.
Please message the mods if you suspect misuse/abuse of the delta.
Monthly Deltaboard
Fresh Topic Friday
A lot of subreddits face the problem of balancing a new user's desire to read fresh content with a regular user's desire to do the same. The problem being that fresh to newcomers is not fresh to long time readers.
Every Friday, posts will be manually approved by moderators.
Any post made on FTF may not be highly similar to a post made in the past month.
A more detailed explanation of Fresh Topic Friday.
Wiki and Mod Standards
We have a fairly extensive wiki that stores lots of useful information, such as full explanations of our rules and guidelines, archives (e.g. popular topics), and some general information about the subreddit. Please have a look!
For anyone interested in how we moderate this subreddit, we have our approach laid out over at our mod standards page.
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