We all know about the recent fuckery surrounding /r/wikileaks.
Now, I think the sub is a lot cleaner and more focused than it has been, BUT I've also noticed a complete suppression of discussion in general, especially when it comes to discussion about the sub itself.
I've noticed a couple (new) mods that have been absolutely abusing their powers lately, and there are way too many coincidences flying around for my liking.
Not trying to turn this into /r/conspiracy, so I'll just get down to the facts.
I replied to a mod's snarky comment: http://m.imgur.com/rSekzG5
The comment WAS up, and then was taken down. I'm convinced that I was shadowbanned, they deny it, but whatever. They put the post back up.
Here's the conversation I had with the mods, one of whom is constantly antagonizing the sub's users: http://m.imgur.com/8uo4E2L
So, they mute me and I can't contact the mods for three days, because the one mod just can't take criticism.
Whatever, so I go to make a post on the sub about the mod policy: https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiLeaks/comments/59uuvp/so_its_been_about_a_week_since_the_mod_kerfluffle/
And (surprise, surprise) the post does not show up on the sub. And guess who's been muted and can't message the mods to ask why?
The place is a total shell of its former self. Another one bites the dust.